Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #43

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Yes, GF needs to hire PM to look after the property, change the locks, and put up cameras. The squatters will squat as long as they have access. Shameless bunch!

These folk have no decency.
Just go to the nearest motel/hotel and don't squat as FD has been doing.
What a load of losers, greedy to the last dollar.
I just found out that NP claimed Jennifer received medical services on July 7, more than 6 weeks after she disappeared. Did you all sleuth that? Where would he come up with that specific date. I’m sure there’s nothing to that, because I’ve never heard that floated.

people did ask how he got her billing information
IMO, I think this was a stunt that backfired. FD sent the GF out (just like he had MT do) and the GF returned a tad too late. Also, there’s something about FD note that doesn’t sit right. May just be me but it sort of looks like it was written by a female and I find it really odd that it’s dated (as if it was going to be used).

Anyways, I’ve been a member here for years but I mostly read so not sure if this is allowed - here’s a pic of something written by FD. Compared, what’s your opinion? Do you think the note was written by him?

I, too, believe his prank went too far. But it’s all good. He needed to be injected lethally for his crimes. He spared CT the cost of 30 years in prison.
Compare various letters. Capital A, between both docs. His “w” are very curly, between both docs. “I” is consistent. Handwriting will change a little over time, but generally the same slant, pressure of pen on paper. What does he capitalize with a printed letter as opposed to written letter. Spelling and grammar are clear. No errors that I saw. Probably same writer. But it takes an expert to detect a fraudulent document. But some examples are so blatantly different, anyone can tell it’s not the same person. I’ve looked for fraud in medical records years ago. Employees hiding evidence of malpractice before computers recorded everything. You can become quite adept at ferreting out hand written additions by another person, interspersed within the original document.
And I agree, some handwriting is clearly feminine as opposed to a draftsman, blue line. So continue to review both documents. Closely. Letter by letter. Word by word. Paragraph by paragraph. If you still feel that this was forged, LE certainly needs to be notified. But, I bet they have already verified his handwriting.
Sorry end to a sorry man.
IMO, I think this was a stunt that backfired. FD sent the GF out (just like he had MT do) and the GF returned a tad too late. Also, there’s something about FD note that doesn’t sit right. May just be me but it sort of looks like it was written by a female and I find it really odd that it’s dated (as if it was going to be used).

Anyways, I’ve been a member here for years but I mostly read so not sure if this is allowed - here’s a pic of something written by FD. Compared, what’s your opinion? Do you think the note was written by him?

Second time I’ve deleted this post!!!!bc it’s a dbl post!
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I do have to wonder what all FD shared with NP and any strategizing they may have done re: the Trashbin odyssey of stupidity
Or did FD put NP on the spot with the suicide note? Is NP sitting at home French braiding his hair right now going “Sure let me pull a airtight explanation out of my rear as soon as I get my hair exactly how I want it! Even though their is this pesky gag order I will just leak some explanation as some random person to the HC, but I must first detangle my locks of love as my hair is my very favorite priority!”

Who is leaking everything to the HArtford Courant?

If the note published by the HC is real, it's hard to know what to make of the Fd "note" other than it was a reflection of the reality as created or understood at the time he decided to kill himself IMO.

Frankly after reading that note a couple of times I have to say that Fd simply seemed disconnected from reality and for that reason I find the note deeply disturbing. Denial and/or delusion of present life situation simply seemed IMO to have overcome Fd and crowded out any ability to cope with his legal situation/s and he seemed unable to acknowledge JFd or anything that he might have had to do with what happened to the mother of his children to say nothing of the falling house of cards financial situation. YIKES!

It seemed like the mask had been ripped off of Fd and he simply couldn't handle it and he certainly couldn't face the prospect of court and being judged by a jury and held accountable. Easy way out is to blame his accusers and proclaim the innocence of all involved. I do wonder if this mode was enabled by Atty. P. and if so then this IMO is absolutely shameful too. Fd didn't want to face any accountability for anything. Fd couldn't even acknowledge the charges made against him or even identify the victim, JFd. In his mind he was the victim. All I can say is, if true then WOW!

I'd be fascinated to hear from Anne Curry here about what she saw with Fd in his last days. My guess is that she would say he seemed "fine" and "fighting" and I guess perhaps this is a testament to the acting abilities and compartmentalisation skills that Fd might have had. IDK.

But, something caused Fd to flip the switch and stop fighting IMO. Could he no longer put everything he had done into a neat little box in his brain and deny it existed? It seems instead though that he simply exploded with anger and blame of his situation on others and killed himself in a fit of anger and the ultimate temper tantrum. IDK, its hard to conceptualise this happening but maybe the only thing Fd could feel at the end was anger and there was never any way with the way he was wired to take responsibility for anything regarding JFd, his financial situation, the way he have lived and most of all his children? IDK.

There was no catharsis or acknowledgment of any involvement and this is chilling as the note was simply about Fd as an eternal victim being held responsible for a situation that he didn't have the courage to even name using words. All I can say is WOW!

As I kept reading the note I kept waiting for some acknowledgement of the victim, if not simply for his children, but it never came. I find this chilling and I do wonder if Fd simply became unhinged to the point where he was unable to even mention JFd by name and what happened to her? He showed his hatred both for himself and his victim by virtue of this lack of acknowledgement I think.

Clearly there is anger and frustration in the note too but it also seemed IMO delusional and more than a little out of touch with what was swirling around in the life of Fd when he chose to end it too.

Atty. P. said today in one of his many ongoing 'exclusive interviews' that he knew his client 'well'. All I can say is YIKES! Good thing Atty. P. is under the presumed care of a psychologist and isn't one himself as his client seemed absolutely unable to grasp the situation in which he found himself and this is truly frightening as if this is true, how was Fd in a position to participate in his defense as he demonstrated no ability to be present and acknowledge the serious charges made against him? Did Atty. P. know that the ongoing Fd lying just might have been because he was unable to deal with any aspect of the situation he found himself? Frightening if true.

I don't know enough about the psychology of criminals or narcopaths to know whether what we saw in the note is simply how these folks are wired in their brains? But IMO to be able to write off and disconnect something as significant as murdering another human is quite telling as is the lying on the bond application to stay out of jail or conning someone he identified as his 'best friend' to cover half his bond. But I also think its telling that the note doesn't discuss really the specific charges. It was all wrapped up neatly by Fd by saying he had nothing to do with anything, but the anything wasn't described. This leads me to believe that he unloaded the 'anything' being referred to possibly to a place in his head that he simply couldn't even acknowledge it, much the same way he couldn't name the victim. Sad, but also highly disturbing IMO if true. Again, did Atty. P. not see this when talking to Fd as he no doubt spent a lot of time doing?

Money always fascinates me in terms of watching how people choose to spend it when given a choice. We suspect that a good deal of money made its way to Pattisville for services rendered. We know that he hired a PI and other legal professionals, but did he think for a second to perhaps make sure to seek professional psychological guidance and support for his client? It's impossible to know if this support might have worked with Fd and I'm sure those that have lived and escaped from similar narcopaths might argue that they are incapable of change. IDK, but Fd prided himself on 'winning' and 'fighting' and yet here in his final act he acknowledged simply 'giving up'! Was it the mask being pulled off that he simply couldn't deal with and so suicide was the only option as going through a trial would have not been endurable and ditto for a lifetime in prison? IDK.

Do narcopaths or folks wired like Fd simply end it all when the mask is finally ripped off and they are cornered and heading to jail for the rest of their lives? Fd looked to be facing a life in financial ruin and legal shambles and Atty. P. as someone who 'knew him well' thought he was ok? IDK, simply seems a pat answer by yet another person like Fd who is unable to take responsibility for personal choices along the long and ugly route this case took.

Its a disturbing note too I think as it simply seems disconnected from the reality of the case that LE meticulously put together through 3 AWs to trace the path of Fd and MT's activities related to the disappearance/murder of JFd. We all saw Fd looking a little bit 'out of it' for his last appearance before Judge White and I do wonder if this is where the beginning of the end for him started?

He had to have known then that the bond wouldn't hold up to scrutiny and he was on borrowed time and he was heading back to jail. No doubt he might have lied or stretched the truth to Atty. P. about the bond (this IMO is a generous interpretation as I believe Atty. P. and Atty Smith knew the bond application to be a total sham and did their classic 'catch me if you can' with it to the State. But in this case they lost and were all discovered IMO). I am angry that the sham aspect of bond wasn't resolved in advance of Fd death and that any involvement of Atty. P. and Pattisville was fully disclosed and ditto for Anne Curry. Now, I'm not inclined to believe that much will be done to punish any of the involved parties but if it is found that Anne Curry, Fd or Pattisville knowingly put forward a bond based on fraudulent information and collateral I believe that this should be punished harshly by the State.

Fd seems to be pushing the case for a 'conspiracy against him' and arguing his total innocence. Based on what LE has presented in Aw1-3 against Fd, IMO this simply seems implausible.

The "note" simply seems like a 1 page summary of Fd blaming LE for all the issues that he found himself facing on 1/28/20 and claiming victimhood. Perhaps this is as close to an admission as you will see from a person that has no ability to take personal responsibility for anything, given that he was looking at losing his freedom and going back to jail ?

Fd claims that he "...refuses to spend one hour more in jail for something he had NOTHING to do with"?

Fd seemed unable to move beyond the 'alibi scripts' in his personal narrative yet we see Pattisville spouted the 'alibi scripts' for months even after AWs 1-3 were released. Why? Atty. P. never acknowledged the 'alibi scripts' publicly after they were discredited and I wonder why he accepted these lies from Fd? Didn't Pattisville recognise the pathological nature of the lying and make a connection possible disconnection from reality in other areas of his life? IDK. But Pattisville accepted the lies and kept on chatting to the Press. To me though the lying (both Fd and MT and KM) all seems connected and reflective on the psychology of the involved individuals and I'm surprised the legal professionals did nothing to deal with it or chose to exit the representation?

This ongoing lying from Fd IMO included false alibi's and a poorly concocted timeline for MT and Fd that fell apart completely under LE investigation. Yet, Atty. P. persisted. I wonder if Fd had the capacity to tell the truth about anything?

An early key component of the investigation was the connection of Fd/MT, Albany Avenue and Hartford CCTV TO bloody items belonging to the victim here, JFd.

IMO the case investigation started with 69/71 Welles but then expanded hugely with the addition of the Albany footage and the activities seen involving Fd and MT.

By attempting to 'explain away' Albany via some information that Atty. P. might have it seems like Fd is claiming that any/all information obtained by LE is simply a fabrication and so he was writing off Aw 1-3.

I wonder if there was ever a 'Come to Jesus' meeting with Fd by Atty. P. and Atty Smith? Or, were they willing to continue to represent a client that simply kept on lying to the world and to himself? At the end of the day I think we know the answer to this question and sadly yet again it simply seems to be about the $$$$$.

All I can say after thinking about this 'note' is that its disturbing at a very basic level and that I find it quite unfortunate that Fd via his legal team couldn't see a way forward and that nobody recognised much going on regarding his emotional state and well being. The disconnect IMO between having 'nothing' to do with 'anything' and the reality of AW1-3 is profound and IMO should have been investigated by the people surrounding Fd in his last days.

Fotis stated in his note that he wants it to be known that MT and KM had nothing to do with JF’s disappearance! Wow! Hmmmm, how do you know that, Fotis? What information do you have that you can make and prove that claim? If you state that then you obviously know what happened. Isn’t that so telling and highly suggestive? If he was so confident about the truth and what happened including Albany Ave. then why not shout it from the rooftops?!!! If Fotis was so adamant on not going to jail for another hour, why not cooperate with police and share why he and MT disposed of multiple bags with Jennifer’s bloody clothes, cleaning supplies etc. instead of killing yourself.

Think about it...its actually quite simple, if you are innocent (as claimed) then why not cooperate????????? They were ever so quick to share their alibis, why not any other pertinent information?

Why vandalize a memorial of your wife? Why not go to court and defend yourself if you’re so innocent? He already had Anna’s money so the bond would be swiftly settled so jail time would have been avoided. So WHY commit suicide? Well we know why.

Love for your children would mean that you would spend every waking moment to help the investigation of your FIVE children’s mother for their sake! If you’re innocent, why not cooperate? Why would you cross your arms and refuse to cooperate from day ONE and every day after since 24 May!!!!

To Norm and all of his family and supporters: please dish... Now that he’s dead, case closed...he voluntarily chose not to clear his own name so now we welcome your proof of his proclaimed innocence.

If he was wrongly accused as you assert.... Please bring it on... we are all EARS!

We are all waiting to hear your thoughts about the fictitious alibis, burner and phone antics, Albany disposal, car seat switch, cleaning of coffee from the Tacoma, license plates alterations, car wash, bicycle ride/disposal of French plate, and all dna/forensic/surveillance/discovery evidence etc.

What excuse do you think NP is gonna come up with about the bloody bags?
Many are saying that the money running out was the trigger to his "no more" move. I think it's a bit deeper than that. I think this guy has lived a "faux" life years, he was so worried about the truth coming out about him he couldn't handle it. He knew it was only a matter of time. All of the reports about him and questions about his actual real success sent him over the edge. His faux life was up. He was con caught in a corner.
Bingo! "His faux life was up. He was a con caught in the corner".

I think you have nailed Fd and the tragedy that was his life perfectly. He was toxic to everything he touched always.

Why didn't AC write a Bank of America check to Famous PI and have Famous PI write a personal check to the court? Famous PI balked at something and he is no dummy. Something AC did regarding the bail money put her on the receiving end of laundered funds that the Feds were tailing and Famous PI was NOT going to touch that with his personal bank account. Naive AC believed that her socialite credentials (gee would Ralph Lauren's daughter sit next to a nobody?) would save her personal checking account from scrutiny? It must be kinda obvi that AC is not trust fund baby, just a regular working stiff who would lose her meal ticket if she didn't cut the check for her best client. The fact that she got her start at CapGemini meant she had to work hard pleasing clients just like Fd because they both came from humble beginnings. Lots of folks live with Fd because they would be homeless and carless otherwise. MOO.
So agree with this and I do hope we get some answers from the State about the role of AC and the 'Famous PI' as it looks like both are clearly 'in' on Fd's 'last great con'.

Absolutely unbelievable. KM taught Fd well. I do wonder if AC has 'invested' whatever remains of the Fd cash and that is why the "Greek Family" is perhaps keeping her close and in eyesight?

The only thing that surprises me is reports his first divorce ended amicably and quickly. I know he married JD really quickly after it was final so he may of played nice to speed it up. His ex may of realized who he truly was and also wanted it to be over and didn’t argue. But it still surprises me...
Since the first wife had no children with threats of being whisked off to Greece, maybe being chased through the house just once was enough and she bailed. Lucky her.

“Life for a narcissist is a game of one-upmanship, a contest to be won by amassing more power than others, more money, more dehumanized sex with interchangeable — but always the best — “bodies/trophies,” and more fame and glory than anyone else, in his eyes at least. Other people are either pawns to use on his unstoppable power trip, trophies, and /or mirrors to his uniqueness and greatness, parts of his narcissistic ego supply. When they stop serving their function of feeding his insatiable ego, he will discard or destroy them.

Living in a reality of his own making, a narcissist is unconcerned with truth or objectivity. Honesty and consistency are for mere mortals or losers; he is not bound by them in any way. What is more, he will glibly manage to convince you that he is correct in whatever opinion he is voicing at the moment. Those who live with a narcissist are prone to fall for his reality distortions and may have difficulties after a while telling truth from fiction, even as it pertains to their own perceptions, feelings, and thoughts.”
The Unbearable Lightness of Being a Narcissist
@sleuth66, such a great article! Thanks for posting!!!

Quote from article above:

While a narcissist can mimic empathy and some semblance of concern over human ideals, he cannot mimic guilt, an emotion that is completely beyond his ability[BBM], even if only intellectual, to comprehend. It is partly a function of his grandiosity: he’s never guilty of or responsible for anything wrong because he has placed himself above humanity with its constraining social mores and silly emotional concerns[BBM]. But it also stems, and predominantly so, from his empathy deficit that makes him unable to experience the pain of others. And, as he is always justified in everything he does in his own eyes, the sheer notion of responsibility, much less its affective and more unsettling component of guilt (when responsibility is broken), is alien to him.[BBM]

We can see this inability to experience guilt in the narcissist’s ‘non-apology’ apologies in those unfortunate situations when he is forced to issue a statement of contrition for public consumption.[BBM] He may do so through the use of the impersonal “mistakes were made,” or that classic maneuver of responsibility disavowal via “If anyone was hurt by my words or actions I have committed, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize,” or some version thereof.

He may sometimes express superficial remorse for something (“Yeah, I shouldn’t have done it”), but the sentiment is shallow, fleeting, and upon closer inspection related to his regret over causing harm to himself (his reputation, etc.) and not to the harm he inflicted on another person.

The narcissist tends to be very sensitive to shame, which he perceives as humiliation: a blow to his ego (sense of self) and/or a threat to what he sees as his important status compared to others. This sensitivity is the reason why he tends to lash out at those who shame or appear to shame him in any way. His reactions to shame are grossly disproportionate to the “offense;” he will hold grudges and seek revenge sometimes till death, his own or his “offender’s,” whichever comes first. ").[BBM]

Shame is so difficult for a narcissist to tolerate because it arises from an exposure of some flaw of his to others. He has many serious shortcomings; but in his own eyes he is perfect and surpasses everyone else, as he will let you know time and again, directly and not. He must retain this grandiose delusion of superiority and perfection at all costs because this is all he has. His bigger than life persona hides an empty inner core, devoid of meaningful values and attachments. A prick of shame exposing any flaws in the narcissist’s façade has a potential of deflating it and effectively destroying him since there is nothing of substance to fall back on within his inner world.

The rage with which a narcissist reacts to shame or humiliation thus deflects attention from his inner emptiness. That rage is often a predominant emotion, particularly in a narcissist who feels chronically deprived of the admiration and perks he believes he deserves (and as his need for admiration and perks is bottomless, so then is his sense of deprivation). It does not take much to provoke it: a simple, neutral observation or a request can suddenly unleash it on an unsuspecting victim.[BBM]

The vehement defense against shame is also another reason why a narcissist never takes responsibility for his behavior.[BBM] Why should he anyway, when he’s perfect and does no wrong? Nothing is ever his fault, no matter how great a mess he creates. Responsibility is always projected outwards, onto others, as blame.[BBM] Admitting his culpability in anything could lead to shame and cracks in the false façade that defines his character — and his ego won’t allow that. It is a matter of life and death, ‘psychically’ speaking.[BBM]

The flip side of his shame intolerance is his desire to humiliate others. It comes as naturally to him as breathing. He derives pleasure from inflicting on others the kind of pain he himself wants to avoid at all costs. Humiliating other people is almost as satisfying as winning. It helps that the two often go together in the narcissist’s life. In fact, humiliating others is itself a win. And he likes to win.[BBM]
The only thing that surprises me is reports his first divorce ended amicably and quickly. I know he married JD really quickly after it was final so he may of played nice to speed it up. His ex may of realized who he truly was and also wanted it to be over and didn’t argue. But it still surprises me...
We don't know exactly how Fd qualified for citizenship in US and much speculation exists that it might have come from marriage 1.

The marriage might have been amicable because the main goal was the citizenship and that was accomplished. Fd had no interest in returning to Greece where he was effectively a Turkish Greek immigrant from the diaspora in a largely homogeneous Athens elite population (as he himself described in the bio he did for the Avon, CT journalists book).

So, his goal 1 was US citizenship. Marriage 1 might have ticked this goal off his list. Speculation though as we have never heard from wife 1.
What excuse do you think NP is gonna come up with about the bloody bags?
IMO there isn't one other than to point out that Fd was possibly simply 'cleaning up' for some unknown individual about whom nothing is known or that someone left him the bags to dispose of. All purely ridiculous IMO given the evidence presented in AW1-3.

Entire situation is ridiculous IMO and its why Atty. P. ought to simply pack up the tent, return the retainer (yea I know that is tough) and simply move on to the next dirtbag client or Anna Curry or Andreas etc.....

If the note published by the HC is real, it's hard to know what to make of the Fd "note" other than it was a reflection of the reality as created or understood at the time he decided to kill himself IMO.

Frankly after reading that note a couple of times I have to say that Fd simply seemed disconnected from reality and for that reason I find the note deeply disturbing. Denial and/or delusion of present life situation simply seemed IMO to have overcome Fd and crowded out any ability to cope with his legal situation/s and he seemed unable to acknowledge JFd or anything that he might have had to do with what happened to the mother of his children to say nothing of the falling house of cards financial situation. YIKES!

It seemed like the mask had been ripped off of Fd and he simply couldn't handle it and he certainly couldn't face the prospect of court and being judged by a jury and held accountable. Easy way out is to blame his accusers and proclaim the innocence of all involved. I do wonder if this mode was enabled by Atty. P. and if so then this IMO is absolutely shameful too. Fd didn't want to face any accountability for anything. Fd couldn't even acknowledge the charges made against him or even identify the victim, JFd. In his mind he was the victim. All I can say is, if true then WOW!

I'd be fascinated to hear from Anne Curry here about what she saw with Fd in his last days. My guess is that she would say he seemed "fine" and "fighting" and I guess perhaps this is a testament to the acting abilities and compartmentalisation skills that Fd might have had. IDK.

But, something caused Fd to flip the switch and stop fighting IMO. Could he no longer put everything he had done into a neat little box in his brain and deny it existed? It seems instead though that he simply exploded with anger and blame of his situation on others and killed himself in a fit of anger and the ultimate temper tantrum. IDK, its hard to conceptualise this happening but maybe the only thing Fd could feel at the end was anger and there was never any way with the way he was wired to take responsibility for anything regarding JFd, his financial situation, the way he have lived and most of all his children? IDK.

There was no catharsis or acknowledgment of any involvement and this is chilling as the note was simply about Fd as an eternal victim being held responsible for a situation that he didn't have the courage to even name using words. All I can say is WOW!

As I kept reading the note I kept waiting for some acknowledgement of the victim, if not simply for his children, but it never came. I find this chilling and I do wonder if Fd simply became unhinged to the point where he was unable to even mention JFd by name and what happened to her? He showed his hatred both for himself and his victim by virtue of this lack of acknowledgement I think.

Clearly there is anger and frustration in the note too but it also seemed IMO delusional and more than a little out of touch with what was swirling around in the life of Fd when he chose to end it too.

Atty. P. said today in one of his many ongoing 'exclusive interviews' that he knew his client 'well'. All I can say is YIKES! Good thing Atty. P. is under the presumed care of a psychologist and isn't one himself as his client seemed absolutely unable to grasp the situation in which he found himself and this is truly frightening as if this is true, how was Fd in a position to participate in his defense as he demonstrated no ability to be present and acknowledge the serious charges made against him? Did Atty. P. know that the ongoing Fd lying just might have been because he was unable to deal with any aspect of the situation he found himself? Frightening if true.

I don't know enough about the psychology of criminals or narcopaths to know whether what we saw in the note is simply how these folks are wired in their brains? But IMO to be able to write off and disconnect something as significant as murdering another human is quite telling as is the lying on the bond application to stay out of jail or conning someone he identified as his 'best friend' to cover half his bond. But I also think its telling that the note doesn't discuss really the specific charges. It was all wrapped up neatly by Fd by saying he had nothing to do with anything, but the anything wasn't described. This leads me to believe that he unloaded the 'anything' being referred to possibly to a place in his head that he simply couldn't even acknowledge it, much the same way he couldn't name the victim. Sad, but also highly disturbing IMO if true. Again, did Atty. P. not see this when talking to Fd as he no doubt spent a lot of time doing?

Money always fascinates me in terms of watching how people choose to spend it when given a choice. We suspect that a good deal of money made its way to Pattisville for services rendered. We know that he hired a PI and other legal professionals, but did he think for a second to perhaps make sure to seek professional psychological guidance and support for his client? It's impossible to know if this support might have worked with Fd and I'm sure those that have lived and escaped from similar narcopaths might argue that they are incapable of change. IDK, but Fd prided himself on 'winning' and 'fighting' and yet here in his final act he acknowledged simply 'giving up'! Was it the mask being pulled off that he simply couldn't deal with and so suicide was the only option as going through a trial would have not been endurable and ditto for a lifetime in prison? IDK.

Do narcopaths or folks wired like Fd simply end it all when the mask is finally ripped off and they are cornered and heading to jail for the rest of their lives? Fd looked to be facing a life in financial ruin and legal shambles and Atty. P. as someone who 'knew him well' thought he was ok? IDK, simply seems a pat answer by yet another person like Fd who is unable to take responsibility for personal choices along the long and ugly route this case took.

Its a disturbing note too I think as it simply seems disconnected from the reality of the case that LE meticulously put together through 3 AWs to trace the path of Fd and MT's activities related to the disappearance/murder of JFd. We all saw Fd looking a little bit 'out of it' for his last appearance before Judge White and I do wonder if this is where the beginning of the end for him started?

He had to have known then that the bond wouldn't hold up to scrutiny and he was on borrowed time and he was heading back to jail. No doubt he might have lied or stretched the truth to Atty. P. about the bond (this IMO is a generous interpretation as I believe Atty. P. and Atty Smith knew the bond application to be a total sham and did their classic 'catch me if you can' with it to the State. But in this case they lost and were all discovered IMO). I am angry that the sham aspect of bond wasn't resolved in advance of Fd death and that any involvement of Atty. P. and Pattisville was fully disclosed and ditto for Anne Curry. Now, I'm not inclined to believe that much will be done to punish any of the involved parties but if it is found that Anne Curry, Fd or Pattisville knowingly put forward a bond based on fraudulent information and collateral I believe that this should be punished harshly by the State.

Fd seems to be pushing the case for a 'conspiracy against him' and arguing his total innocence. Based on what LE has presented in Aw1-3 against Fd, IMO this simply seems implausible.

The "note" simply seems like a 1 page summary of Fd blaming LE for all the issues that he found himself facing on 1/28/20 and claiming victimhood. Perhaps this is as close to an admission as you will see from a person that has no ability to take personal responsibility for anything, given that he was looking at losing his freedom and going back to jail ?

Fd claims that he "...refuses to spend one hour more in jail for something he had NOTHING to do with"?

Fd seemed unable to move beyond the 'alibi scripts' in his personal narrative yet we see Pattisville spouted the 'alibi scripts' for months even after AWs 1-3 were released. Why? Atty. P. never acknowledged the 'alibi scripts' publicly after they were discredited and I wonder why he accepted these lies from Fd? Didn't Pattisville recognise the pathological nature of the lying and make a connection possible disconnection from reality in other areas of his life? IDK. But Pattisville accepted the lies and kept on chatting to the Press. To me though the lying (both Fd and MT and KM) all seems connected and reflective on the psychology of the involved individuals and I'm surprised the legal professionals did nothing to deal with it or chose to exit the representation?

This ongoing lying from Fd IMO included false alibi's and a poorly concocted timeline for MT and Fd that fell apart completely under LE investigation. Yet, Atty. P. persisted. I wonder if Fd had the capacity to tell the truth about anything?

An early key component of the investigation was the connection of Fd/MT, Albany Avenue and Hartford CCTV TO bloody items belonging to the victim here, JFd.

IMO the case investigation started with 69/71 Welles but then expanded hugely with the addition of the Albany footage and the activities seen involving Fd and MT.

By attempting to 'explain away' Albany via some information that Atty. P. might have it seems like Fd is claiming that any/all information obtained by LE is simply a fabrication and so he was writing off Aw 1-3.

I wonder if there was ever a 'Come to Jesus' meeting with Fd by Atty. P. and Atty Smith? Or, were they willing to continue to represent a client that simply kept on lying to the world and to himself? At the end of the day I think we know the answer to this question and sadly yet again it simply seems to be about the $$$$$.

All I can say after thinking about this 'note' is that its disturbing at a very basic level and that I find it quite unfortunate that Fd via his legal team couldn't see a way forward and that nobody recognised much going on regarding his emotional state and well being. The disconnect IMO between having 'nothing' to do with 'anything' and the reality of AW1-3 is profound and IMO should have been investigated by the people surrounding Fd in his last days.

At the risk of oversimplifying FD's slide downhill I would float the idea that alcohol mixed with some pharmaceuticals contributed to the growing depression.

Pattis probably convinced FD early on that he had the wherewithal to talk him out of this predicament.
"Look how I manipulated The Courant, Fotis. They're in my pocket!"

FD was surrounded only by people who reinforced that, people who wanted the party to keep going.

AW3 started to make it clear that a murder trial would come with so much blood popping up in all the wrong places.

The party boy's circle started to shrink, more limits were placed on his freedom and more alcohol/drugs were required to fill the time and the space in his head.

I'd love to see the liquor store bill.

At the risk of oversimplifying FD's slide downhill I would float the idea that alcohol mixed with some pharmaceuticals contributed to the growing depression.

Pattis probably convinced FD early on that he had the wherewithal to talk him out of this predicament.
"Look how I manipulated The Courant, Fotis. They're in my pocket!"

FD was surrounded only by people who reinforced that, people who wanted the party to keep going.

AW3 started to make it clear that a murder trial would come with so much blood popping up in all the wrong places.

The party boy's circle started to shrink, more limits were placed on his freedom and more alcohol/drugs were required to fill the time and the space in his head.

I'd love to see the liquor store bill.

We saw the liquor display prominently in the kitchen bar area of 4Jx.

Booze is a depressant so maybe it kicked the fight out of Fd?

IDK, I'm fixated on the delusion of his now famous "sorry, not sorry" suicide note.

Fd in that note essentially blamed the State for all of his issues. I went back to my Atty. P. list of quotes and the number of times Atty. P. attacked the State was IMO extreme and excessive and absolutely without basis. Fd latched onto this 'blame the State' for all my ills it seems rather than acknowledging the reality of his situation. Atty. P. it seems created a false reality where Fd could be comfortable for a period of time until there was no more money or assets for bail and jail became a reality.

I find the possible psychology of this all quite interesting if true. Fd had no ability or willingness to deal with reality and Atty. P. fed that inability with the easy out of blaming another (whether it was Gf with the 'mama warbucks' statement, JFd as the incapable drug addicted wife and the State for bringing an unfounded case).

Wonder greatly if what pushed Fd over was realising that Atty. P. was pushing a false narrative that had zero chances of winning in the end? Even if Fd couldn't acknowledge the contents of AW1-3 he knew and saw the information and given the fixation in winning simply knew with AW3 and possibly AW4 with another conspiracy to murder charge that there was no possible win here for him?

IDK but I'm having a tough time disconnecting Fd from Atty. P. and how one party fed the other. But I think in the end that Fd was smart enough (and certainly smarter than Atty. P.) to see that the line being peddled by 'Norm Barnum' would never fly with a jury given the growing mountain of evidence.

There could be several reasons for the disparity in the handwriting in the note. First, the more I write, my hand tires, so in a note that length, it is reasonable as the hand tired, he changed the style and pattern of the handwriting. The end of my note does not look the beginning.

The second reason being the turmoil going on in his mind. He had taken a major step in deciding to go through with the suicide - whether it was a prank for attention or a true “I’ve had enough”, so getting out of this life my way. No one will tell me what to do. He may also have been terrified as to what MT and KM would testify to. There were too many unknowns in his life at the moment, something FD was not accustomed to.

The Note. Very revealing of the dark inner thoughts of FD. IMO. It gave me chills while reading it. ME, me, me, he was so intent on telling us how badly he had been treated, what had been done to him unfairly. Again, putting the blame on anyone except himself.

The words to his children were cold, black, uncaring, mean! Ugh, he didn’t care for them, much less love them! How could a parent write these words to their children, their own flesh and blood? As an adult it came through clearly to me he didn’t give an iota about them. And these were his last words to them?

Sorry this is long. Reading that note raised the fury inside. His cold, callous, selfish, bitter persona reared its ugly head to show us who Fotis Dulos was.
My opinions only.
Hmmm ... I don't know ... carbon monoxide suicides don't usually strike me cries for help or statements/maneuvers. But anything's possible at this point, I suppose.

I will say that I was quite surprised FD chose that method over the more fail-safe hanging with a little bit of pharma/chemical backup. Much less chance of being interrupted/saved. Sorry if this is all super morbid, but so is this case, I guess.
Vanity prevented hanging. It's that simple.
Was a notepad from writing The Note found in the car?

As difficult as it is to write in a car, this note does not look to me like it was written in the car. If it was, there should be a notepad left.
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