Still Missing CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #61

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Scary thing is though -- legal integrity being what it is, and JS's especially -- IMscaredO if JS "goes there" anyway -- pressing PG on the sweatshirt and introducing in any sort of way the one from the box -- the judge could be forced to call a mistrial, no?

Sanctions, sure.

But the damage would be done.

Lead defense counsel opening the door for the State to call him as a witness --

The whole trial would combust.

The Judge is solid though. He's not going to let that happen.

Legal integrity and “esteemed defence counsel” in the same sentence? Nah! Never and Not Happening!

Jon Schoenhorn today on national tv by virtue of sitting on evidence in a murder trial for over a year that had his clients DNA and hair on it and not properly turning it over to law enforcement, unmasked himself as probably one of the most corrupt attorneys in the Nutmeg State of Corrupticut!

It’s almost a side note in this whole disgusting story but it is to be noted is that after sitting on the evidence for over a year and not properly turning it over to law enforcement, “esteemed defence counsel” proceeded to threaten the State with the unusable evidence to say he would use it to exonerate his client.

Can you imagine being Atty Manning or McMannis and having to deal with the likes of “Esteemed Defence Counsel” now for 4 years and knowing that even when he signs a stipulation or document that his signature cannot be trusted because he will try to horse trade out of it at the first opportunity as if it weren’t signed and properly executed in the first place! He and his behaviour imo is why this trial has taken 4 years to hit the Courtroom. The judicial cost of time and money involved in this case due to him is imo simply incalculable.

Did anything happen to him or any of the other attorneys for doing any of this? Nah, Never and Not Happening!

Then as if there was any doubt as to who he is as a professional and human being after the issue of sitting on the case evidence, he then proceeded to try to “horse trade” himself out of a prior stipulation agreement signed by him with the State on the matter with even more lies and simply showed himself to be a horses A S S as Judge R was not buying what he was trying to sell!

Thing to remember also though is not one of the prior attorneys involved with the box of evidence which contained the hoodie with MT hair and her DNA on the tools behaved ethically or with integrity either! This includes attorney bowman, attorney Pattis and the female atty who later became a Judge!

Welcome to Corrupticut folks where evidence can be made to disappear courtesy of your attorney! This happens because there is no professional oversight in CT and folks like KM continue to practice up until they are accused of conspiracy to commit murder (his accusation of violent sexual battery against his now ex wife didn’t meet the standard for license suspension)!

Why did the hoodie under discussion have MT hair on it?

Why did the tools in the box have MT DNA on them? A safe guess would be that she wasn’t out doing home repairs or gardening or fixing a car! Did anything in the box have the DNA of JF on it? We will never know.

We will never know because the chain of custody was broken by a series of corrupt attorneys and no consequences were imposed or suggested by any of the multiple Judges or States Attorneys that have touched this tragic case!

Stunning stuff, but nobody involved batted an eyelash and it was business as usual at every stage of the box of evidence!

Today’s display in Court was imo sickening. It made me sick because how can justice stand a chance against corruption amongst the professionals who are charged to protect and defend it? Answer is it cannot!

The Victim in this case, JF and her family imo deserved better than what she got in this case from a whole series of corrupt defence attorneys and I applaud the States determination in fighting against the corruption and their decision to pursue this case to the end, no matter what the outcome.

All I can say though is that anyone attempting to do business with Jon Schoenhorn and his ilk in the State of Corrupticut better, “watch their wallet” or it will be picked out of their pocket!

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Legal integrity and “esteemed defence counsel” in the same sentence? Nah! Never and Not Happening!

Jon Schoenhorn today on national tv by virtue of sitting on evidence in a murder trial for over a year that had his clients DNA and hair on it and not properly turning it over to law enforcement, unmasked himself as probably one of the most corrupt attorneys in the Nutmeg State of Corrupticut!

It’s almost a side note in this whole disgusting story but it is to be noted is that after sitting on the evidence for over a year and not properly turning it over to law enforcement, “esteemed defence counsel” proceeded to threaten the State with the unusable evidence to say he would use it to exonerate his client.

Can you imagine being Atty Manning or McMannis and having to deal with the likes of “Esteemed Defence Counsel” now for 4 years and knowing that even when he signs a stipulation or document that his signature cannot be trusted because he will try to horse trade out of it at the first opportunity as if it weren’t signed and properly executed in the first place! He and his behaviour imo is why this trial has taken 4 years to hit the Courtroom. The judicial cost of time and money involved in this case due to him is imo simply incalculable.

Did anything happen to him or any of the other attorneys for doing any of this? Nah, Never and Not Happening!

Then as if there was any doubt as to who he is as a professional and human being after the issue of sitting on the case evidence, he then proceeded to try to “horse trade” himself out of a prior stipulation agreement signed by him with the State on the matter with even more lies and simply showed himself to be a horses A S S as Judge R was not buying what he was trying to sell!

Thing to remember also though is not one of the prior attorneys involved with the box of evidence which contained the hoodie with MT hair and her DNA on the tools behaved ethically or with integrity either! This includes attorney bowman, attorney Pattis and the female atty who later became a Judge!

Welcome to Corrupticut folks where evidence can be made to disappear courtesy of your attorney! This happens because there is no professional oversight in CT and folks like KM continue to practice up until they are accused of conspiracy to commit murder (his accusation of violent sexual battery against his now ex wife didn’t meet the standard for license suspension)!

Why did the hoodie under discussion have MT hair on it?

Why did the tools in the box have MT DNA on them? A safe guess would be that she wasn’t out doing home repairs or gardening or fixing a car! Did anything in the box have the DNA of JF on it? We will never know.

We will never know because the chain of custody was broken by a series of corrupt attorneys and no consequences were imposed or suggested by any of the multiple Judges or States Attorneys that have touched this tragic case!

Stunning stuff, but nobody involved batted an eyelash and it was business as usual at every stage of the box of evidence!

Today’s display in Court was imo sickening. It made me sick because how can justice stand a chance against corruption amongst the professionals who are charged to protect and defend it? Answer is it cannot!

The Victim in this case, JF and her family imo deserved better than what she got in this case from a whole series of corrupt defence attorneys and I applaud the States determination in fighting against the corruption and their decision to pursue this case to the end, no matter what the outcome.

All I can say though is that anyone attempting to do business with Jon Schoenhorn and his ilk in the State of Corrupticut better, “watch their wallet” or it will be picked out of their pocket!

This is an awesome response to what happened today! And also sickening...
Wish I knew, I'm sure @Megnut or @afitzy have some well thought out ideas though.

My first impression was she found it in the mudroom where PG left it and tried to somehow frame him, but being Michi and not that into science and stuff, she did not wear gloves or shave her head. MOO only.

Sadly we will never know because today in Court we witnessed a complete breakdown of the CT legal system as it’s supposed to function and by professionals who are supposedly “officers of the court”.

Nobody in Court today seemed to care about it and even Judge R seemed nonplussed about the entire situation too imo. Stunning twilight zone kind of day on the justice front imo but sadly just another day in a courtroom in Corrupticut!

But, make no mistake that all the attorneys involved were all tainted by the corruption and imo that includes Judge R.

So many ideas on the hoodie but no answers.

But what is tripping me up is the MT hair on it. But perhaps the hoodie served multiple purposes? I don’t think we heard today if it tested positive for FD DNA or blood.

I’d always thought that FD wore the hoodie driving the Tacoma to possibly look like PG and then continued to wear it for the infamous ride on the French bike down weed street in NC. This all could have been part of FD and MT Plan B to frame PG for the murder of JF. Place him in NC on the murder date and then let the circumstantial evidence against him that they put in place just stack up while they sit back and fan the flames with inflammatory and accusatory statements against him!

Who can't remember MT repeating in her alibi script that while she didn't think PG was involved but she "wouldn't hold her hands to the fire" or some such nonsense statement from her to cast doubt and no doubt waste 100s of hrs of LE time investigating an innocent man imo. Right, just point the red arrow at PG and sit back and have a Starbuck latte while LE tortures an innocent man and his family by investigating him.

MT by virtue of casting doubt on PG absolutely roped her in on the planning and conspiracy aspect of this tragic case imo. Telling thing about MT testimony about PG was that she did it without batting an eye and stunningly cold in doing it as well.

PG eventually knew about the role of MT in that she tried to blame him as well and I applaud his restraint in what he choose to repeat today about her as no doubt he has much worse that could be repeated. But his choice of what to repeat was brilliant imo as it showed clearly what is at the core of the MT being and that is NOTHING. No morals, No ethics, No empathy, No decency, No ability to understand right or wrong and No Boundaries. IMO there is a virtual absence of anything good and decent.

After hearing PG repeat the anger laden MT statements made about JF, I wondered about MT Parents and what it would have been like to have a child such as MT and I think it becomes easier to see why they sent her away at a young age for interventional therapy. IDK if MT is a sociopath (certainly seems like a narcissist as a minimum imo) or as its known today, Antisocial Personality Disorder, but she certainly seems to tick the boxes on the DSM 5 so far based on much that has been demonstrated by her in this case. Does this matter much? I think it does because it made it easy for MT to glide through as an accomplice and feel zero remorse and do whatever FD felt was necessary to accomplish their task of murdering JF. In hearing what we heard today in court about MT and also see JF fight hard in Family Court to keep her children away from MT and her daughter, I firmly believe that the pure and simple mothering instinct in JF knew that to keep her children safe she needed to keep them away from MT and her daughter and she fought hard in Family Court to make sure this happened. JF fighting hard in Family Court on this issue no doubt enraged BOTH FD and MT! No doubt also to me at least was that MT made FD life HELL on the issue of her having to leave 4JX when the Dulos children arrived for visitation and I'm sure she beat that conversation topic drum LOUD and CLEAR to the point where FD simply exploded with rage and desire for revenge at JF and how he wanted his easy and cushy life with MT back.

Remember also that MT and FD had zero hesitation skirting Family Court rules to use MT daughter to communicate with the Dulos children when there was the brief period where the standing court order in error just barred MT from contact with the Dulos children and didn't bar her daughter (it was later adjusted to include MT daughter). So, think about what all was going on here and the infliction of psychological damage on young children and it was done with zero remorse and care by FD and MT. FD (and MT) had lost unsupervised custody for pressuring to the point of mental health damage the Dulos children to lie to their mother about MT and her daughter. FD and MT then turned around and used MT daughter to communication around the court order with the Dulos children.

But, back to the hoodie....sorry for the brief tour of Family Court issues but I think understanding what kind of people FD and MT were and how they did use innocent children is quite important to understanding that there is nothing that FD and MT wouldn't do. There were no boundaries to their behaviour imo if they would use innocent children to accomplish their goal of torturing and tormenting and ultimately murdering JF. Both MT and FD were filled with anger, rage and burning hate towards JF and used the thing she cared for the most (her children) to do it. Its for this reason that I find watching the FD interviews the other day where he was saying he missed his children and was so angry that he hadn't seen them in 6 months etc. stomach turning.

But, could MT have worn the hoodie too when she went to Home Depot to get the gear for the murder to also pretend she was PG getting supplies? We’re not there yet so will have to wait and see if it showed up on camera or seen by an eye witness.

Or, did MT just pick the bucket up and her hair fell onto the hoodie and she also picked up the tools either to use them or replace them after they had been used for something no doubt horrific?

FD and MT clearly seemed to have PG as their Plan B to frame, extort or threaten to support their story possibly too.

But what they didn’t count on was finding someone that understood the difference between right and wrong and could smell rats when he saw them.

PGs instincts honestly were better or certainly faster than LE as he quickly knew something was terribly wrong with all that was happening to him and even if he didn’t immediately understand what was going on, he didn’t trust either FD or MT. He also correctly imo recoiled with the evil statements uttered by MT about someone who PG liked and respected who was JF.

The one thing that is becoming a bit clearer in my mind as this evidence pile grows and after hearing first hand from PG is that FD wasn’t someone to get his hands dirty doing anything and he saw his job as planning. We then see the perfect partner in crime for FD in MT who is a self admitted organizer and list maker and who by all accounts follows FD orders impeccably. We also got more confirmation that neither FD nor MT cared at all the JF was missing.

The other thing about today and PG testimony was the absolute confirmation of MT hate and anger towards JF. I now believe that the 4/20 Family Court ruling where MT and her daughter were barred from the Dulos children might have been the tipping point in the case and the point where the couple justified in their sick minds that murder was their only option to obtain everything to which they wanted and and to which they felt absolutely entitled.

Sorry I don’t have any clear answer on the hoodie and sadly for the victim, JF we will never know.

PS Just a brief side rant on the continued lack of preparation of “esteemed defence counsel” when he was throwing smoke today in court about the bike ride clip and how choosing Weed Street for the ride made no sense etc. If he had taken the time to drive the routes he would understand why Weed Street was chosen imo. The same way as if he had taken the time to drive from Lapham to Talmadge Hill station he would realise that a bloody and no doubt battered JF couldn’t easily walk from Lapham to the station. Note I’m saying this even though I believe Victim JF didn't leave her Welles garage alive. Just pure laziness on his part imo.
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Maybe whomever is in the gallery reading this can slip the prosecution a note tomorrow! You are right. The State needs to hammer this to the jury and as often as possible.
Exactly, those appalling statements from Michelle Troconis clearly show that she speaks and comprehends English just fine.
I still can't figure out if JS is really that obtuse or if, as I suspect, he is just virtually throwing spaghetti to see what sticks. He has to be humiliated to constantly be schooled by the Judge, right? But he keeps misinterpreting law over and over and comes back the next day to try again.

Aren't the Troconis clan wondering if he has brain cells or if he got his law license at Sears & Roebuck?
That isn’t fair to Sears & Roebuck! Yet I agree with all else. :) MOO
Wow! Michelle Troconis may have fooled her family but I doubt she can fool the jurors.

Her family blindly believes her but the truth is the truth. The truth is what an innocent person shared when his attorney said you don’t have to talk and he did anyway because he had nothing to hide unlike Michelle Troconis when FD’s lawyer advised not to take the police’s calls and she didn’t because she has a lot to hide. She lied and lied and lied again and that’s the truth. The jury will follow the truth. Moo

MT should buckle up as this ride is about to get bumpy. Always moo
Like good grief js is a blooming idiot. Today it came to me if js was a song he would be you talk to much by run DMC.but my gosh so corrupt how is he not sanctioned. I hope that they can get some justice for jfd and her family. Jmoo
What’s the theory on the tools and hoodie? Were the tools used to do horrible things to poor Jennifer? Can’t figure out the hoodie, I thought that’s what FD wore on his bike outing (that was sarcasm).

The idea of tools is too much to consider for there are only awfully ugly implications.

A chill ran through me when, from the witness stand, PG tells about FD about shaving his head, "You trying to look as handsome as me?" PG had no idea it was true in that Fotis was attempting to look like anyone but himself. PG trusts people to behave and when they don't, he still holds out hope that they are good people and not capable of murder.

One of my favorites, about writing the timeline, he asked Dulos, "What am I going to do if police come over and ask me? Pull out the paper and read it to them?"

I'll leave this here for the sake of posterity.
I still can't figure out if JS is really that obtuse or if, as I suspect, he is just virtually throwing spaghetti to see what sticks. He has to be humiliated to constantly be schooled by the Judge, right? But he keeps misinterpreting law over and over and comes back the next day to try again.

Aren't the Troconis clan wondering if he has brain cells or if he got his law license at Sears & Roebuck?
I struggled with the issue you raise about "Esteemed Defence Counsel" for a good while. After sucking it up and reading a good number of his motions (very very very painful but I did it for this case!) I've come to see that attorney's like him exist in CT because there isn't a functioning system that I can see to police their activities or make sure that what they write in motions is actually factually true or even that the law they claim is factually represented to the Court.

There are rules and codes of conduct in place but no functioning body that I can see to ensure that people follow the rules of the profession of law in CT. Attorney's don't turn in other attorney's that I can see and Judges don't report misbehaviour either. Just writing this leaves a sinking feeling in my stomach as to me at least it seems like oftentimes "Esteemed Defence Counsel" corrupts the law or interpretation of the law to suit his purposes at the time. He counts on Judge's not having research attorney's or crew of paralegals to check his work and overburdened Judges cannot spend all the time they probably want to check the work of attorney's either. Think of being Judge R and coming into Court on a Monday morning and being hit with 10 Motions from Defence Counsel which imo were designed to delay and waste time. Differences of opinion I think are par for the course in law and debate is constant and part of the process but what "Esteemed Defence Counsel" seems to do is something far worse and insidious and at a basic level oftentimes just wrong as imo its done with an absence of basic integrity. And yet he is still practicing.

At one point in time he had to know the finer points of the law because he passed the CT Bar and was admitted to practice. So, I think he does understand certainly the basics of the law. But, what I'm absolutely convinced now is that who he has become as a practitioner over time is someone who is simply willing to do, write and say whatever might stick to the wall to accomplish what he wants to do for his client and I believe this to be dangerous to the system.

When I first heard about the withholding of evidence story ages ago I simply didn't believe it could happen and that it was perpetrated by a total of at least 4 attorney's (one of whom is now a sitting CT Judge no less) in the case of the hoodie, bucket and box that we know of!

Attorney's holding evidence in a law office knowing that LE getting a warrant would be virtually impossible is a well known tactic used by narco and mafia lawyers. Naively and with my simple mind I didn't think this would happen in CT, but it did and nobody seemed to care much. We saw Atty Pattis pass the box to Atty Bowman who passed the box to Atty Schoenhorn and at no time along the way did case evidence pass to LE. But, it was the disgustingly cynical move of Atty Schoenhorn to insert the note into the box when he passed it off to the now sitting CT Judge and then attempt to hide behind 'attorney client privilege' in his arguments to the Court which got me to the point of believing there isn't hope for the CT Judicial System. None at all. Its just broken.

So, we see what I'm now calling "lazy law" with the throwing spaghetti against the wall in Court and seeing what sticks and then when that fails then start shouting about the Constitutional rights of his client etc. and then go for the multi year appeal up through the legal chain with more of the spaghetti routine on rinse and repeat. I think I can see where Judges dealing with this over the course of many years simply just give up and become angry that they have to deal with unprepared, lazy or corrupt practitioners and take the path of least resistance and do nothing. Nothing changes ever.

So many times the sheer laziness is maddening to watch as even objections aren't made in a thoughtful way as we have seen Judge R having to reframe objections constantly which imo is ridiculous. But, its the "testimony cross" from "Esteemed Defence Counsel" that has been all over this trial and which hasn't been stopped by Judge R is what has me particularly angry as this creates an unsafe and unprofessional environment for witnesses and makes jury understanding of facts more difficult. In addition, there have been countless times we have seen "Esteemed Defence Counsel" treat witnesses with disrespect and a lack of courtesy and with no admonishment by the Judge. If the bullying behaviour is obvious to us as watchers then why can't it been seen by the Court? The lack of clear questions to the witness which is the main characteristic of "Testimony Cross" increases chances of misunderstanding and error greatly imo and I believe its being done to try and create an evidence disaster and yet another call for mistrial. Judge R no doubt sees it and is watching it but hasn't clamped down on it all to any great extent imo.

On the issue of the Troconis clan being somehow displeased with "Esteemed Defence Counsel" in this case. I believe this to be quite far from what I guess their view of the situation to be. I believe the Troconis Crew is absolutely satisfied with the performance of "Esteemed Defence Counsel" because he aligns with their expectations and certainly values every step of the way! The goal so far as I can tell it was to keep MT out of jail for as long as possible so she can keep custody of her daughter through high school (daughter is now 17 I think) and no longer a minor. "Esteemed Defence Counsel" did this and delayed the case for nearly 4 years. None of the evidence we are seeing is remotely new. Nope, its been around and this case could have gone to trial years ago. But, this wasn't allowed to happen which is why seeing "Esteemed Defence Counsel" stand up in Court today and blame the State for delaying the process was a Twilight Zone Moment. Also, remember Mama Troconis setting up her Medicare Fraud mental health clinc scam in FL as a legal office to keep Federal Agents from being able to take her records! I think with the Troconis Crew and "Esteemed Defence Counsel" it the perfect marriage of "like finding like" and I will leave it at that!

Like good grief js is a blooming idiot. Today it came to me if js was a song he would be you talk to much by run DMC.but my gosh so corrupt how is he not sanctioned. I hope that they can get some justice for jfd and her family. Jmoo
Brilliant observation and and a PERFECT SONG that could just be the title track for this Trial too.

Enjoy, its a GOOD ONE! Absolute Classic! Love it.

Brilliant observation and and a PERFECT SONG that could just be the title track for this Trial too.

Enjoy, its a GOOD ONE! Absolute Classic! Love it.

Wanted to reply to my OP as I totally forgot that Run DMC had done an absolutely brilliant video COMPLETE WITH a wonderful scene of "THREE CARD MONTE" to open the video! Watch your wallets in this trial!


Behind and finally watching today... I hate to judge people under stress, but JS is NOT doing well emotionally or psychologically. He's drowning, he's so in over his head. I don't think it's just PG today. This is a man not sleeping enough and probably dealing with some other specific issues falling apart in front of us.
Interesting that no mention of the MIRA search (yet?). Since we have had 2 rounds of evidence collection and DNA results already (JD house/garage and Albany dump), I guess we can't rule out another, especially if they are going as close to chronological order as possible.
I'm waiting to hear SOMETHING about that search, anything! Checking the Internet, the search ended around 6/25/19. We're definitely in early-mid June at this point in the investigation, so they're mid MIRA search... Hopefully and evidence they found is relevant to MT as well.
Following court, Gumienny attorney Lindy Urso said his client has "mixed emotions."

"He's a very private person," Urso said. "He's not happy at all about being thrust into the spotlight with the cameras. By the same token, he's anxious and happy to know that the circus is just about over."

He said he was hoping Gumienny would be done testifying after a day of anticipated cross-examination Wednesday.

Thank you for posting this news article about the trial. I was hyper-focused on the witness today. When the day ended, it felt like stuff was missing from his story. GP worked for FD for years and became a project manager. He was around Dulos and MT often. It's possible that he knows more than what he's shared simply because he wasn't asked the right questions.

Apparently the Prosecutor was also hyper-focused on the witness because he may have failed to realize the jury struggled to hear GP.

"During his testimony, the soft-spoken Gumienny has swiveled back and forth in his chair on the witness stand. At points, members of the jury have moved their chairs closer to better hear him."

FD did many things that were odd yet GP didn't question him about them. IE:

"Gumienny about a trip he took with Fotis Dulos to bring his Tacoma to a house on Mountain Spring Road in Farmington owned by The Fore Group. He said he didn't know why Dulos asked for the vehicle to be moved there.
"I thought it might be he was upset that oil was leaking in his garage," Gumienny said. "I don’t know. I didn’t ask."

PG told Dulos not to drive the Tacoma because it leaked oil, power steering fluid and the check engine light was on.

"Nevertheless, Gumienny would find Starbucks cups in it indicating Fotis Dulos had used it, despite Gumienny telling him not to."

Where was Fotis or MT going in PG's Tacoma truck besides Starbucks? Why would they drive a truck with problems?
I'm waiting to hear SOMETHING about that search, anything! Checking the Internet, the search ended around 6/25/19. We're definitely in early-mid June at this point in the investigation, so they're mid MIRA search... Hopefully and evidence they found is relevant to MT as well.
My guess is that whatever they found might be handled by ME or medical testimony. We also haven't heard anything on the evidence item that many believe to be tooth and jaw fragment. Will just have to wait for identification.

On MIRA specifically I remember getting two conflicting messages from "Baghdad Bob" Officer Foley at the time. I remember him saying nothing was found and also saying it was worth it. So, who knows what was found. They worked so hard there under awful conditions that I pray they found something.

In thinking it over this evening, I wonder if the wrench (from the box) was used to put on/take off the altered license plates on the Tacoma, if so, and only MT's DNA was on it (and not FD's), she certainly did (literally) have a hand in JFD's murder. Maybe she thought she needed the hammer to get the original plates off, can't think what other use a hammer would have been to her and then dumped into the pail with the wrench and the hoody on top.

That there was another (unknown) DNA profile on her hair (found on the hoody) I find extremely interesting, it wasn't FD's DNA, so who touched her hair strand?

It certainly looks like PG was being set up all along, I wonder if that actually was his hoody that somehow 'went missing' from one of the Fore properties before JFD's death.

The more we see in this trial, the more questions that arise.
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