Custody Document: "To Determine Paternity & Parental Relief"

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*snipped & bolded by me*

I was also :waitasec: at those figures.

Whoever doesn't have custody of the kids pays child support regardless if it is a man or woman. I don't know about Florida but in most states child support is around one third of your monthly pay. If Crystal wasn't making any money she could have gone back into court and asked that the child support be lowered.
That whole thing just stinks to high heaven. He knew how to manipulate the system. He claims she's the drug user, but she says he is, and sells drugs too. He's violent...we've heard first hand how violent he is towards Misty. I find it hard to believe him.

It's really difficult for a woman to leave an abuser. I think she must have been petrified of him...and with good reason.

She says he sold prescription drugs too that weren't prescribed to him. His drug connections could have something to do with Haleigh's disappearance. Too bad we don't know where he was getting his drugs. Someone there in that area must know.

We actually have no proof of anything. We don't know if Ron or Crystal use drugs. We know that they used to but we have no proof that either of them still do. It's hard to believe either one without proof. We also don't know if he used to beat Crystal. I could have said the same thing about my ex...especially if we were fighting over the kids. It wouldn't have been true but I could have said anything I wanted to.

The only time we have seen Ron blow up was when he came home from work to find that Haleigh was missing. Why not give the guy a break just once? I can understand that he was scared out of his mind and his anxiety level was sky high. He got upset with the 911 operator and with Misty. If I put myself in his shoes I might have reacted the same way. I don't normally swear but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't have under the same circumstances. It also doesn't mean that he is a abuser on a daily basis. We don't know that he abused Crystal. We only have her word for it. I keep reminding myself that these two were battling over the kids and no doubt didn't have a good word to say to each other or about each other. Although I haven't heard that Ron is running Crystal down. I haven't heard him say that she barely saw the kids or that he took a paternity test. Ron did hold his temper when Geraldo was right in his face accusing him of everything under the sun. You should give him credit for that much. I would have wanted to slap Geraldo flat. But Ron must have been smart enough to know that Geraldo was baiting him and he maintained.

Ron is also not the one that took the little boy onto national TV and put his face out there for everyone to see putting him at risk. She didn't give a thought to his safety. Maybe she didn't need to be worried about his safety...espcially if she knows where Haleigh is.
Originally Posted by SeriouslySearching
Published: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 6:01 a.m.
Last Modified: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 10:32 p.m.

With no evidence of Haleigh Ann-Marie Cummings near her residence in Satsuma, there is no longer any reason to believe the child wandered away, said Putnam County Sheriff’s Office Major Gary Bowling Wednesday afternoon.


A young child like Haleigh would be afraid of walking down a dark hall by herself, Bowling told reporters. And, without any history indicating she might have wandered away, the likelihood of an abduction has become increasingly likely. Officers also said they had no reports of a custody issue between the child’s father and mother. (Bolded and colored red by me)

It would appear the Griffis/Sheffields had not come out with this information yet. Hmmm...Interesting.
Originally Posted by player
I am just going to reply 1 time to everyone. WE ARE LOOKING to FIND HALIEGH. That being said I will attempt to let you know what I have observed being the direct nextdoor neighbor of Ron and Misty until they moved directly in back of me 11/1/2008. Ron moved into the house in June/2008. Here is my statement. Everyother Saturday at 6PM Ron would take the children to McDonalds in Palatka (appx 14 miles) to meet with Crystal. They would then remeet on Sunday at 6PM. The children were well dressed and clean EVERYDAY. One Sunday they were returned with old clothes on. Ron had sent them with new clothes. Just a little neighborily info. By the by the new clothes were not given back to the best of my knowledge. Just a petty little thing, but Ron was a good father and a better parent than some of you WANT to believe.

Oddly enough, the neighbors surrounding the home in which I grew up would all maintain that they "knew" my family, and that my father was a good father, and my mother a wonderful woman. In reality, my father was (and is) a sociopathic monster and my mother, while a loving and good woman, completely destroyed by alcoholism--to the point that she could not care for herself, let alone her family. (You would not believe the anger and hatred my siblings and I received for openly stating this when she was dying---not to harm her, but so that her physicians would be prepared to properly care for her when she withdrew from alcohol; these "close" friends and family---who knew nothing of what went on in our house---severed ties with us, rather than accept what was the real truth. And my mother? She died as a result of the denial of others. My sibs and I survived the santimony spurred by our desire to protect her well-being; she did not.)

Please, do not believe you know anything about what really goes on in the homes of others.

If you do, you will surely assume that my children--who are well-loved, well cared-for, well provided-for, and lack nothing they require and little of what they desire--are abused. Because gosh darn it, they can look pretty grubby by the end of a day. (Ironically, growing up in a house of dysfunction, we were, by all appearances, perfect. Why? Because appearances were prized above everything else. If we looked good, no one would ask questions.)
Because she was actually "served" by a process server with the petition. The notification of the hearing was mailed. Says so in the document.

If the server went to the right address in order to serve her then the court had her right address. She would have gotten anything mailed.
And who is paying for the little boy Jxxxxx--referred to as Ron's son per Misty. How much is "owed" to this little boy. I would like to know the answer to this.

I would guess that the monthly child support is for both of Ron and Crystal's kids....RJ and Haleigh. He doesn't have any kids with Misty. They have only been together a few months.
Originally Posted by SeriouslySearching
Published: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 6:01 a.m.
Last Modified: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 10:32 p.m.

With no evidence of Haleigh Ann-Marie Cummings near her residence in Satsuma, there is no longer any reason to believe the child wandered away, said Putnam County Sheriff’s Office Major Gary Bowling Wednesday afternoon.


A young child like Haleigh would be afraid of walking down a dark hall by herself, Bowling told reporters. And, without any history indicating she might have wandered away, the likelihood of an abduction has become increasingly likely. Officers also said they had no reports of a custody issue between the child’s father and mother. (Bolded and colored red by me)

It would appear the Griffis/Sheffields had not come out with this information yet. Hmmm...Interesting.
Bold mine.

I'm not sure I understand. Is it their responsibility to report and/or respond for our benefit?

Or might it be more appropriate for them to channel their energies in other ways, as so often been derisively noted?
Bold mine.

I'm not sure I understand. Is it their responsibility to report and/or respond for our benefit?

Or might it be more appropriate for them to channel their energies in other ways, as so often been derisively noted?

Well channeling your energy would be good:) As far as channeling energy goes it would of been better to channel on HC and not a battle ground:) IMO
Bold mine.

I'm not sure I understand. Is it their responsibility to report and/or respond for our benefit?

Or might it be more appropriate for them to channel their energies in other ways, as so often been derisively noted?
I was simply making note of the fact this came from LE after Haleigh had been missing a day or so. LE also stated in the same article they had talked to the families which meant this was not brought to their attention yet it was brought out on national television instead. I would say it was their responsibility to report it to LE initially since there was an ongoing issue with the Contempt charge coming out that day.
I'm thinking the statements about the custody battle or lack thereof, could simply be a matter of interpretation. As Crystal did not appear to be fighting for the kids and Ron was not anxious for her to take them, it could be interpreted that there was no battle. There were no current court papers, no one had filed for a review haering and if there was no outward animosity regarding the kids could be interpreted as not being a custody battle. For a battle, somebody has to be fighting.
I'm thinking the statements about the custody battle or lack thereof, could simply be a matter of interpretation. As Crystal did not appear to be fighting for the kids and Ron was not anxious for her to take them, it could be interpreted that there was no battle. There were no current court papers, no one had filed for a review haering and if there was no outward animosity regarding the kids could be interpreted as not being a custody battle. For a battle, somebody has to be fighting.
There were court papers tho. Crystal was aware she was being taken back to court on the Contempt charge for not paying her child support. The charge showed up on the court docket the day Haleigh went mssing. (It has been postponed for now because of the disappearance.)
IIRC, they both had one. My understanding is that he called one on her for drug abuse, and he ended up getting one for leaving the scene of an accident where injuries were involved. He had his children present with him at the time. I don't know if he was actually involved in the accident, but I'm inclined to believe he was, because DCF gets involved with testing for drug consuption. He states he was not under the influence of drugs said he had doc to prove it, but does not to my memory give a reason as to why he left the scene.

Having said that, he was NOT on vacation. He took his children and left Crystal, and went to the State of Texas where he said he had a job, which could have caused him to go into Mexico. I thought that was all BS, and he was following through on a threat that if she left him she would leave without her children. After he left with the kids, she moved in with her mom. He was gone for three months. In August Crystal attempted to call him on several ocassions, and he would not respond. He finally shows up in September and lets her have the kids on the condition that she quit her job. Once that's accomplished he takes the kids back. He said she rarely contacted her kids, but I suspect he didn't let her see them. Furthermore, the judge acknowledges that she didn't know of the court hearing which is why he accepts that they have another one in late Dec.
On the date of the court hearing in late Dec. JR had a dr. appointment made no doubt by RC. During the hearing he uses this against her. She had to choose between the dr. app. or the child custody hearing. She knew the later was most important. But the fact is HE set her up. Even though she admits that she missed doctors appointments over the span of a year iirc, not 6 months. It may have even been 2 years, but it was at least a year. She was pregnant, and caring for an infant under six months old. The appointments could have been made in the afternoon, but I expect he had something to do with that as well. He was as responsible to get Haleigh to the dr as she was when they were together.
He took the kids out of state for three months, do you think he missed any dr appointments in that time span?
I personally see all the signs of a controlling abusive bully who uses every advantage to get what he wants.I also believe he was assisted by his mother in knowing how to make it look good for him and bad for her. However she wasn't there during the hearing. The judge knew her occupation almost before he knew the name of the kids. gmab. Crystal's mother was present, and supportive.
That's how I see it based on what I've read in the docs.
Crystal is made out to look like a drug abuseing child neglecting lazy bones.
RC, who apparently just got the job he had, since insurance wasn't available for three months, claimed that his prior criminal history shouldn't be heard.
I'm sorry, from personal history, I know how it works.
They say they will kill you, or that you'll never see your kids again. They make you look crazy after driving you into a breakdown. and in the end your kids won't like you. Crystal did the best she could with a situation she knew she wasn't going to win, ever. Even now she won't get Jr, though it is obvious that RC was breaking the law living in a relationship with his 16/17 year old girlfriend, and leaving the kids in her care according to Misty herself 24/7. It does bother me that still in this day and age that some women blame the victim. None of these people are perfect, no doubt. but in my opinion RC is a manipulative aggressive bully, and a drug dealer, and like someone else we aren't suppose to mention, never has to take responsiblity for his choices, who has a mother who puts herself out there better than the other, but still enables him to get away with anything. jmo

Yosande thank you for keeping it real. You don't gain this kind of insight w/out a whole lotta history.

Oddly enough, the neighbors surrounding the home in which I grew up would all maintain that they "knew" my family, and that my father was a good father, and my mother a wonderful woman. In reality, my father was (and is) a sociopathic monster and my mother, while a loving and good woman, completely destroyed by alcoholism--to the point that she could not care for herself, let alone her family. (You would not believe the anger and hatred my siblings and I received for openly stating this when she was dying---not to harm her, but so that her physicians would be prepared to properly care for her when she withdrew from alcohol; these "close" friends and family---who knew nothing of what went on in our house---severed ties with us, rather than accept what was the real truth. And my mother? She died as a result of the denial of others. My sibs and I survived the santimony spurred by our desire to protect her well-being; she did not.)

Please, do not believe you know anything about what really goes on in the homes of others.

If you do, you will surely assume that my children--who are well-loved, well cared-for, well provided-for, and lack nothing they require and little of what they desire--are abused. Because gosh darn it, they can look pretty grubby by the end of a day. (Ironically, growing up in a house of dysfunction, we were, by all appearances, perfect. Why? Because appearances were prized above everything else. If we looked good, no one would ask questions.)

TY for sharing BB, that is often true. Yet in this case apparently they couldn't keep up those appearances. Former neighbor AmandaK reports overhearing frequent yelling, screaming, and verbal abusiveness by dad toward mom while they were living together. JMO

The first thing that jumps out at me concerning this petition is the address of RC. I tried to look up that Shoreline address, where he says he lives with his mother. It doesn't exist! It is not in Satsuma as he stated; but in Palatki. Now why was this done?

Second, Crystal did respond and did oppose the procedures in her September serving. From my understanding, during September and December 2005, she moved. She claims to not have received the order to appear. Can not confirm this but it does sound correct since she had already provided a written response of denial.

Third, the fact that she did not talk much on the phone to a sixteen month old and her infant brother should not be a reason to grant custody due to not much communication. It was affirmed she had visited them the week prior.

In my opinion, the judge was swayed by the fact that RC stated he was living with his mother who works within the sheriff's department.
continued: I did not mean to imply because she worked in the department, RC was awarded custody but due to her meaningful employment was the reason the judge ruled in favor of RC.
Just in case anyone want to read the documents again, they are here:

Thank you PattyG...what an eye opener!

The first thing I did was track down the address RC gave the court.....does not exist!!!!

*** Shoreline, Satsuma such address in Satsuma. Shoreline Dr does but it is in exists Palatki. I do not see this was a simple error. It may have been to deceive. Was he living with his mother in Palatki or was he living with someone else in Satsuma? This could have made his request invalid. From my understanding, all facts of residency are to be exact....particularly when it involves where these children are actually living.

The other part that irks me is RC listed little phone contact with children. Wasn't JR and infant and Haleigh 1 or so? Exactly how much phone conversation could a mother do?

Crystal filed a response immediately...any copy of the results? No one addresses the Satsuma residence of error in either document.:waitasec:
I'm curious, with the papers Crystal said she did not receive, are people saying the court served her, or that Ron did?
Thank you PattyG...what an eye opener!

The first thing I did was track down the address RC gave the court.....does not exist!!!!

*** Shoreline, Satsuma such address in Satsuma. Shoreline Dr does but it is in exists Palatki. I do not see this was a simple error. It may have been to deceive. Was he living with his mother in Palatki or was he living with someone else in Satsuma? This could have made his request invalid. From my understanding, all facts of residency are to be exact....particularly when it involves where these children are actually living.

The other part that irks me is RC listed little phone contact with children. Wasn't JR and infant and Haleigh 1 or so? Exactly how much phone conversation could a mother do?

Crystal filed a response immediately...any copy of the results? No one addresses the Satsuma residence of error in either document.:waitasec:

Somewhere in the same document, Crystal or her Mom say that they've been unable to contact RC. He says, "My phone number hasn't changed" or something to that effect. Then one of the women (Crystal or Marie) says, "You don't answer your phone." (not exact quote)

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