Daily News Conferences

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
O.J.'s lawyers used this tactic very successfully at his murder trial, planting seeds of doubt in the jurors' minds. The race card they played later and the "problems" with the glove were just icing on the cake.

I really hope this trial will not be televised! That could be the biggest circus ever seen in a courtroom. Can you imagine PG up there on the stand preaching to the world his insane "religious" mission?

The OJ Simpson glove debacle could have been seen through by anyone with a toddler. Have you ever tried to put a shoe or mittens on a toddler that didn't want them put on? Impossible. Also, leather that has gotten wet from liquid or blood will be stiff and need to be made pliable in order to put it back on again easily. Just my :twocents:.

In 1901, Garrido property was an orchard- walnut or orange. Anomaly vs. Target Area of Interest.

More than likely walnut. The area was very famous for walnuts in the late 1800's through the 1960's or so. In fact, a few miles over in Walnut Creek they had the "Walnut Festival" every year. In fact that is where my parents met.
More than likely walnut. The area was very famous for walnuts in the late 1800's through the 1960's or so. In fact, a few miles over in Walnut Creek they had the "Walnut Festival" every year. In fact that is where my parents met.

This area is not known for orange groves (those are more common to Southern California). That the house sits on "Walnut Avenue" might be a coincidence, but the area was once all agricultural and walnuts were a popular crop.
I may not be seeing this neutrally since I was the one who brought up the issue of the palmprint to the reporter who asked the question, but the answer by Orrey stunned me and it may be the news of the day. If the palmprint is definitely from Michaela's abductor and it does not match Garrido, then Garrido cannot be the abductor. The palmprint was touted about three months ago as the strongest piece of physical evidence for identifying the kidnapper. Since it did not match Garrido, I find it curious that Hayward PD would join in the expensive search and excavation. Perhaps, since so many have egg on thier face concerning Garrido's history, they have decided to damn the torpedos / full speed ahead - they might feel its better to do too much rather than too little. I have been pushing for LE and the media to look closely at Garrido as Michaela's kidnapper, but now I just don't know. I am really really confused. :waitasec:
They don't KNOW that the palmprint is from the abductor, all they know is that it is from an unknown person.
I may not be seeing this neutrally since I was the one who brought up the issue of the palmprint to the reporter who asked the question, but the answer by Orrey stunned me and it may be the news of the day. If the palmprint is definitely from Michaela's abductor and it does not match Garrido, then Garrido cannot be the abductor. The palmprint was touted about three months ago as the strongest piece of physical evidence for identifying the kidnapper. Since it did not match Garrido, I find it curious that Hayward PD would join in the expensive search and excavation. Perhaps, since so many have egg on thier face concerning Garrido's history, they have decided to damn the torpedos / full speed ahead - they might feel its better to do too much rather than too little. I have been pushing for LE and the media to look closely at Garrido as Michaela's kidnapper, but now I just don't know. I am really really confused. :waitasec:

I've been struggling with this, too. Did you watch Larry King last night? A couple of things brought up disturbed me that I can't make sense of.

Dr. Phil sat in for Larry and he made a strong point of saying that Jaycee could answer questions about Michaela and why wasn't she. Sharon Murch seemed uncomfortable with the direction Dr. Phil was headed. But when you think about it, no matter how much trauma Jaycee has experienced answering some questions about Michaela is important right now and she's apparently not doing it.

Michaela's mother made a plea to Michaela that was strange - no matter what she's done type plea. Makes me wonder what Phillip may have made these girls do for so many years. Maybe Michaela is with someone else in a situation similar to Jaycee's?



LT. CHRIS ORREY, HAYWARD, CA POLICE: We did locate another bone on the exterior of the Garrido property. It was in a different location than the bone located on that property earlier in the week. And it's too early to even begin to guess what kind of bone that might be, human or animal.


MCGRAW: Phillip Garrido and his wife, Nancy, were arrested August 26th and remain jailed on kidnapping and rape charges in connection with the '91 abduction of 11-year-old Jaycee Dugard. Now, Garrido allegedly fathered her two daughters. Investigators are now trying to determine if there's any connection between the Garridos and two other unsolved missing girl cases.

Joining us now is CNN's Dan Simon with the latest. He's in our San Francisco bureau. And Dan, this story just gets more compelling by the day.

DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's really been unbelievable since this all started in late August. And we can tell you today authorities were back out at the house. They've been there pretty much since this case began. And what they're looking for, as you mentioned, Dr. Phil -- they're looking to see if Philip and Nancy Garrido might be somehow linked to a pair of kidnappings that happened roughly 20 years ago.

And what they've been doing is they've been looking, basically, in the backyard of the house. They've had cadaver dogs there. They've come across, actually, several bones. At this point, they don't know if those bones are animal or human. But they've been sifting through the backyard. There's been so much debris back there, it's really been taking all this time just to get the whole place cleared out.

What we saw yesterday was quite compelling as well. The first time we've actually seen the inside of this house. And we've seen the backyard and the series of tents and sheds. Well, inside, it doesn't look any better. You're seeing dishes that haven't been washed, stacked up in the sink, discarded furniture, discarded appliances.

And this is the kind of life that Jaycee Dugard was exposed to for nearly 20 years.

MCGRAW: Let's look at the timing, Dan. I know you've been all over this case. We've watched you so closely as you've brought this information to us. We know that he gets out of jail. And at the time he gets out, we begin to see this pattern. Michaela Garecht in September of '88 is abducted. Ilene Misheloff in '89 gets abducted. And then Jaycee Dugard in '91.

Is the timing one of the big reasons that they're looking at this? Michaela was nine. Ilene was 13. Jaycee was 11. They happened in '88, '89, and '91.

SIMON: Absolutely. We know that he got off jail approximately in 1988 after serving 11 years of a 50-year prison sentence for committing a rape back in 1976. But you're right, the timing is a coincidence here. Well, maybe not. That's what authorities want to look at.

But in particular, as it relates to the Michaela Garecht case, police are really looking at that case closely, really for a couple of reasons. First of all, if you look at Jaycee Dugard, she was 11, and Michaela Garecht, she was nine. You put them side by side, they're almost identical. Both have blond hair, blue eyes. Very similar in appearance. Perhaps there is an MO there.

Secondly, you look at Philip Garrido and you look at the composite sketch of the subject back when that took place, some 20- years-ago, and police say there's a striking resemblance between Phillip Garrido and the composite sketch.

And finally, there was a witness to what happened back when Michaela Garecht was abducted. She said abducted near a supermarket. She has looked at this car that was taken off the Garrido property. And she says, you know, that looks a lot like the car that I remember my friend being taken away in.

So there's a lot to look at here. And of course, that's why cops are back out at the house.

MCGRAW: OK, Dan, I want you to stay with us if you can. When we come back, we're going to talk to the mother of one of the still- missing girls, and to the woman who witnessed the actual abduction when she was a child two decades ago. We'll talk to them when we come back.


MCGRAW: You're watching LARRY KING LIVE. I'm Dr. Phil McGraw, sitting in for Larry tonight. Sharon Murch is joining us. Her daughter, Michaela, was kidnapped in 1988. Sharon, as you've watched this unfold, is it eerily similar to what happened to your daughter?

SHARON MURCH, MOTHER OF KIDNAPPED DAUGHTER: Well, yes, there are a lot of similarities between Jaycee's kidnapping and Michaela's kidnapping. The cases have intersected in the investigations over the years because of those similarities. And when Jaycee was found alive, my first thought was, please, god, let Michaela be with her.

MCGRAW: And, of course, we know that she wasn't with her. Has there ever been an arrest or an active suspect in the case of Michaela?

MURCH: There have been a number of suspects. The police have investigating over 13,000 leads in the last 20 years. But there have never been any arrests.

MCGRAW: Do you still hold out hope that she's alive?

MURCH: I do still hold out hope that she's alive. One of the neighbors of the Garrido's several years ago reported that there were girls living in the backyard, and they reported that there were not three girls living in the backyard, but five girls. So that leaves two unaccounted for. And I'm believing that one of those could be Michaela.

MCGRAW: Katrina Rodriguez is joining us. She was with Michaela Garecht and witnessed her kidnapping. Katrina, this has got to bring an awful lot back to you when you hear about the way in which Jaycee was reportedly kidnapped.

KATRINA RODRIGUEZ, WITNESS TO KIDNAPPING: Yes, it sounds remarkably like Michaela's kidnapping. Broad daylight, shoved into a car. And with her kidnapping, I believe there was a witness too.

MCGRAW: Are you the one that provided the description to the police?


MCGRAW: And you remember the car. Tell us what you remember about the car that she was pulled into.

RODRIGUEZ: It was early '80s, maybe late '70s, kind of boxy, a sedan, and tan in color. And photos I've seen of the Garrido's car, they -- it looks like the same shape of car. I can't vouch for the color. It doesn't match my memory. But the shape of the car matches.

MCGRAW: People might wonder, of course, why would they have that car 30 years later. But I have to tell you, from a psychological perspective, when I see the photos from inside the house, it is highly suggestive that these people may be hoarders, that just can't turn loose of anything. They collect things that are obviously junk to someone else, but that they can't turn loose of.

If that's the case, if these pictures of the house do depict some type of unwillingness or inability to turn loose of things, it might explain why that car was still there, if, in fact, it is the same car. When you see -- Katrina, when you see pictures of Phillip Garrido, what do you think? Does it ring any bells with you?

RODRIGUEZ: I've seen some photos of him from the late '70s and early '80s, and I have to say that it looks a lot like my memory of the kidnapper, especially the eyes. But the shape of the face, length of it, kind of the placement of his eyes apart from each other, and everything just kind of seems to match up. And I haven't really gone on record as saying that very often.

MCGRAW: Well, yes, clearly, that's got to be a compelling image for you to see, because I know it was traumatic for you at the time as well. We're going to have Katrina tell us more about that fateful day and talk more to Sharon when we come back.


MCGRAW: I'm Dr. Phil, sitting in for Larry King tonight. Right now, we are talking about Jaycee Dugard's kidnapping and her release. Dan Simon is with us. Dan, you've been on top of this case from the beginning. What's the mood in the neighborhood up there?

SIMON: Well, I think people are pretty upset that the authorities didn't, you know, discover this case a lot sooner. We actually spoke to a neighbor. His girlfriend called the police some three years ago. She looked over the fence of their property, saw some tents, saw some children living in the backyard, picked up the phone, dialed 911.

Sheriff's office came out, talked to Phillip Garrido for a few minutes and then left. So I think when you walk through the streets of that neighborhood, people are angry, saying, why didn't police, you know, catch this guy a lot sooner?

MCGRAW: Dan, one of the things I wanted to ask you -- and I'm sure you've talked to law enforcement, both on and off the record. But I know next Thursday on my show, we're doing a story about the Wessen family that was in Fresno and wound up with very similar situation. The father that had daughters living in tents, had sex with daughters that yielded children. And when he was confronted by police, he killed every one that was home, shooting them all in the head.

Is this something that was averted? While law enforcement seemed to drop the ball on one hand, they were terribly alert on the other in recognizing that something was going on, to avoid what could have been a tragic outcome, like the one we're going to talk about on Thursday.

SIMON: Well, clearly Phillip Garrido, if the allegations are true, had an unbelievable ability to keep this secret for so many years. He had to meet with his parole officer a couple of times a month. We know that the children and Jaycee Dugard were visible with him at times. That backyard was there for many, many years. Apparently, only a few neighbors saw it.

So he had really an incredible ability to keep this double life from coming out.

MCGRAW: Well, Sharon, let me ask you, have you talked to Jaycee Dugard?

MURCH: No, I haven't.

MCGRAW: Because I would -- you know, I would think that it would be such a wonderful opportunity. Maybe they crossed paths in some ways. It's possible that Jaycee knew your daughter or saw your daughter or knows something about her. I'm sure you must just be really, really anxious to ask those questions.

MURCH: I think it is possible, but Jaycee was not Jaycee at the time that she lived with Phillip Garrido. She was Alyssa. So if she had crossed paths with Michaela, she may not have even known it.

MCGRAW: But if she could be shown some pictures, if she could, you know, talk with you, get some descriptions, some things that she might recognize, that would just be so helpful. And we just wish you so much goodwill with all of this, and hope that something comes up.

More with Katrina and Sharon after the break.



MCGRAW: We're here talking about the Jaycee Dugard case, really from a different angle, because there are two other disappearances that happened along that time, about that time. And so now there is real suspicion that he may have been involved in those disappearances. Maybe so, maybe not. But there are some similarities.

Sharon Murch, mother of one of the missing girls, Michaela Garecht, is with us, and Katrina Rodriguez, who was with Michaela at the time she was abducted. Katrina, let me start with you. Were you and Michaela the same age?

RODRIGUEZ: Yes, we were both in the fourth grade.

MCGRAW: OK. And tell us what happened that day. You were walking down the -- how did it happen? I know there were some scooters involved.

RODRIGUEZ: Yes. We rode scooters a couple blocks from our house to the local supermarket. And we went inside. We got some soda and some beef jerky and Laffy Taffy. And we started to leave the building. We walked to the edge of the parking lot, and then realized we had left the scooters. And we went back to the front door to look for where we had parked them.

And one of them was missing. Michaela was the first to notice where the other scooter was. And so she went to go pick it up. And as I stooped down to pick up the other scooter, I heard screaming. And I looked up and I saw a man shoving her into his car.

And he got in the car. He pulled out of the parking spot, out of the parking lot, and on to the road. And that's when I ran inside to tell a clerk. And she called 911. MCGRAW: So you knew right away this was all wrong. I mean you could -- you knew it was not -- that this was not supposed to be happening?

RODRIGUEZ: Yes. But it took a little while to register. I definitely wasn't expecting it, so I just stood frozen watching it until he had gotten out to the road. And then I ran in. But, yes, I definitely knew something was very wrong.

MCGRAW: What's been your reaction with all this coming out now with Jaycee Dugard?

RODRIGUEZ: I have got a lot of hope renewed. And then just there's renewed feelings of guilt and sadness that it was Michaela who was kidnapped. I mean, obviously I'm thankful for my life and what I've had and experienced. But I'm very sad that Michaela didn't.

MCGRAW: How has it affected you over the years that you saw such a traumatic thing?

RODRIGUEZ: I would say I'm a little more apt to take responsibility for things maybe that really aren't my fault. I'm a pretty over-protective mom, I'd say. And, yes, I -- I definitely have fears that people are going to come after me and my children.

MCGRAW: It's very understandable. Sharon, what is it that you want people in America, around the world, and certainly in that area to know about Michaela and about your hopes?

MURCH: I would like to address Michaela. I'm hoping that she's out there alive, and she's able to see me, and able to hear my voice. I just want to tell her that there's nothing that could have happened over the last 20 years that could have changed my feelings for her. There's nothing that could have happened over the last 20 years that we cannot heal. And I am just begging her to break free and come home.

If she's not willing to do it for herself, do it for me, please. Because going through this and wondering where my daughter is and what she might be experiencing or what she might have experienced is really hard. And I just really long to have the experience that Jaycee's mother has had of being reunited, and being able to hold her in my arms again. I just want her to come home.

MCGRAW: Sharon, we'll all pray for you. Thank you. And Katrina, thank you. We'll wrap it up after this.


MCGRAW: The question on everybody's mind is Philip Garrido involved in some of the other disappearances that we've been talking about tonight. Dan Simon, you've been in Antioch. You've been all over this. Experts that follow these things with pedophiles and sexual offenders tell us that the average sexual offender can have anywhere 100 to 400 victims throughout their lifetime. So the fact that Philip Garrido has been tied to one that we know of and a violent rape before leaves an awful lot of concern that there are other victims out there. What does law enforcement think about this?

SIMON: Dr. Phil, I've often heard you say the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. But in terms of what authorities are saying, the bottom line is they don't know if he's connected to these other cases. That's why they're spending so much time out at the house.

We can tell that you starting on Monday, police are going to be back out there looking at the soil. They're going to be digging it up. We know that a couple of cadaver dogs picked up a scent. They zeroed in on one particular area. They brought out magnetometers today and they confirmed that there is something unusual beneath the soil.

I think once they go in there and dig up that yard a little bit more, perhaps it might yield a few more answers. You mentioned that they didn't throw anything away, that they showed classic signs of being hoarders. When it comes to this particular case. that might be an asset. Because if you didn't throw anything away, there might be evidence in the house that might tie into some of these other crimes.

MCGRAW: Well, if they are hoarders, and it certainly looks like they're pack rats, then hopefully there will be clues in there, something that will tie back to some other cases. Because, as I say, there are a number of those that -- there is such a high number that these people usually victimize. It doesn't mean that they're violent with all of them. But they do have more than one victim typically. So maybe we'll learn something about that as we go along.

Dan, I'm sure you'll keep us posted on all that. You know, we've seen pictures tonight of the young girls. It's hard to age them in your mind. But if anybody knows anything about it, you know, please contact the authorities. Let us know.

I really enjoyed sitting in with Larry tonight. This isn't a fun topic, but it's one I know you're interested in. So I hope I see you next week on "Dr. Phil." We have the Dr. Phil family back after five years on Monday. We'll be looking at a very similar case to this on Wednesday.

So I hope to see you there. And thanks for the time that you spent with us here tonight. I know Larry will be back Monday. It will be great. So appreciate it."
Thanks for the Larry King transcript. A "must" read, I am sure. I wanted to get this thought down before it flits out of my mind. I saw a vid on KRON where Lt. Orrey was talking, and I thought that her demeanor was a bit odd when talking about whether Jaycee was being helpful in answering questions. She said something like "Jaycee is a victim in another case" . . . but really I thought that Orrey's demeanor was reticent or . . I can't put a finger on it. So, INTERESTING what Dr. Phil is saying!

To be sure, we don't want to be ghouls here, but perhaps we can't imagine, or don't want to imagine what Jaycee and her daughters were MADE TO DO (ie., made to do to other kids???) to keep them compliant. Maybe my imagination's getting away from me here, but the picture isn't "rosy" . . . let's not kid ourselves. K, gonna go back and read that transcript!!!
Thanks for the Larry King transcript. A "must" read, I am sure. I wanted to get this thought down before it flits out of my mind. I saw a vid on KRON where Lt. Orrey was talking, and I thought that her demeanor was a bit odd when talking about whether Jaycee was being helpful in answering questions. She said something like "Jaycee is a victim in another case" . . . but really I thought that Orrey's demeanor was reticent or . . I can't put a finger on it. So, INTERESTING what Dr. Phil is saying!

To be sure, we don't want to be ghouls here, but perhaps we can't imagine, or don't want to imagine what Jaycee and her daughters were MADE TO DO (ie., made to do to other kids???) to keep them compliant. Maybe my imagination's getting away from me here, but the picture isn't "rosy" . . . let's not kid ourselves. K, gonna go back and read that transcript!!!

I picked up on Lt. Orrey's body language, too. CNN doesn't have the video up yet, but I got the same feeling from Sharon's reaction.

It's possible she's still alive, but has done so many horrible things that she's afraid to come forward. In no way do I mean to accuse Jaycee, Michaela or any victim.
MURCH: I think it is possible, but Jaycee was not Jaycee at the time that she lived with Phillip Garrido. She was Alyssa. So if she had crossed paths with Michaela, she may not have even known it.

Whoa. That is a very, very strange statement.

What does Sharon Murch KNOW or, rather, what has she been told by law enforcement officials about Jaycee? Was Jaycee so traumatized that her personality "split", so to speak? Sounds like things are far, far, far from "normal" at the moment . . . sounds almost like deprogramming is needed.

Even, if, let's say, Michaela was there at the Garrido house and was introduced by another name, Michaela would still be "herself" . . . and would be recognizable from a photo, I would think.

MURCH: I would like to address Michaela. I'm hoping that she's out there alive, and she's able to see me, and able to hear my voice. I just want to tell her that there's nothing that could have happened over the last 20 years that could have changed my feelings for her. There's nothing that could have happened over the last 20 years that we cannot heal. And I am just begging her to break free and come home.

If she's not willing to do it for herself, do it for me, please. Because going through this and wondering where my daughter is and what she might be experiencing or what she might have experienced is really hard. And I just really long to have the experience that Jaycee's mother has had of being reunited, and being able to hold her in my arms again. I just want her to come home.

I agree. Sharon Murch's plea is odd. It sounds like something you'd say to a girl who ran away, rather than one who was kidnapped.

Judging from the passage on Sharon Murch's blog (which was noted here yesterday), and from this interview with Dr. Phil, I would guess that law enforcement has suggested to her that the girls were made to do . .. unspeakable . .. horrifying things.

Jaycee's recovery will be a long, hard road. Please pray right now as you are reading this that she will come to know in her heart and soul that nothing she did, nothing that happened to her, was ever, ever her fault, and that she will heal and realize the promise of her life.
I agree, MBK. I was awake all night trying to interpret this differently, but I can't.
I may not be seeing this neutrally since I was the one who brought up the issue of the palmprint to the reporter who asked the question, but the answer by Orrey stunned me and it may be the news of the day. If the palmprint is definitely from Michaela's abductor and it does not match Garrido, then Garrido cannot be the abductor. The palmprint was touted about three months ago as the strongest piece of physical evidence for identifying the kidnapper. Since it did not match Garrido, I find it curious that Hayward PD would join in the expensive search and excavation. Perhaps, since so many have egg on thier face concerning Garrido's history, they have decided to damn the torpedos / full speed ahead - they might feel its better to do too much rather than too little. I have been pushing for LE and the media to look closely at Garrido as Michaela's kidnapper, but now I just don't know. I am really really confused. :waitasec:

Not necessarily true. The print could have been on the bike from earlier in the day. Or we don't know what happened with the bike between the time the abductor set it aside and when investigators found it. Did some kid come along and decide to look at it? Was it left lying on the road and somebody else moved it out of the way? Did the person who found it accidently get his palmprint on it before he realized it might be related to Jaycee? Because the palmprint was there and unidentified it was a possibilty that it was related to the kidnapper. But because it doesn't match PG I don't think it rules him out.
This statement from Garrido's jailhouse interview is interesting.

Garrido in a telephone interview Wednesday calls his story a “heart warming”.

“What’s kept me busy the last several years is I’ve completely turned my life around. And you’re going to find the most powerful story coming from the witness, the victim - you wait. If you take this a step at a time, you’re going to fall over backwards and in the end, you’re going to find the most powerful heart-warming story.”

“Wait until you hear the story of what took place at this house. You are going to be completely impressed. It’s a disgusting thing that took place with me at the beginning. But I turned my life completely around and to be able to understand that, you have to start there.”

Maybe he has (brainwashed) supporters?
Whoa. That is a very, very strange statement.

What does Sharon Murch KNOW or, rather, what has she been told by law enforcement officials about Jaycee? Was Jaycee so traumatized that her personality "split", so to speak? Sounds like things are far, far, far from "normal" at the moment . . . sounds almost like deprogramming is needed.

Even, if, let's say, Michaela was there at the Garrido house and was introduced by another name, Michaela would still be "herself" . . . and would be recognizable from a photo, I would think.

I agree. Sharon Murch's plea is odd. It sounds like something you'd say to a girl who ran away, rather than one who was kidnapped.

Judging from the passage on Sharon Murch's blog (which was noted here yesterday), and from this interview with Dr. Phil, I would guess that law enforcement has suggested to her that the girls were made to do . .. unspeakable . .. horrifying things.

Jaycee's recovery will be a long, hard road. Please pray right now as you are reading this that she will come to know in her heart and soul that nothing she did, nothing that happened to her, was ever, ever her fault, and that she will heal and realize the promise of her life.

I don't know, I think it is more a normal progression of thought.

To a parent of a kidnapped child, Jaycee's being found was more than a miracle. It was a sign, a sign that maybe, just maybe their own child could still be alive. But if their child was alive after so long a time, why didn't they try to return home? If they had been forced to do things, they might feel too ashamed to return home. So if a hopeful mother got a chance to get that word out, I think she would make an effort to say that she wanted her child home no matter what they may have done.

Personally I think Jaycee is talking to LE and has been since soon after her recovery. But I think it is a slow process because she may be fragile and they don't want to destroy her in the process of getting the answers. They are also very aware that she is dealing with a lot of other issues at the same time that they are working with her. She is dealing with a new life, explanations to her children, reunions with her relatives. So they will try to take it at a comfortable pace for her.
MCGRAW: Katrina Rodriguez is joining us. She was with Michaela Garecht and witnessed her kidnapping. Katrina, this has got to bring an awful lot back to you when you hear about the way in which Jaycee was reportedly kidnapped.

KATRINA RODRIGUEZ, WITNESS TO KIDNAPPING: Yes, it sounds remarkably like Michaela's kidnapping. Broad daylight, shoved into a car. And with her kidnapping, I believe there was a witness too.

Katrina was interviewed earlier this week by one of the local stations, and at that time, the interviewer explained that she agreed to go on-air but didn't want her last name (and I think the city she was living in) revealed. She obviously has changed her mind since then. In the first interview, she mentioned the survivor's guilt she's held at these years. I can't imagine how difficult this must be for her as well as Michaela's mom.

I thought it was KRON, but I can't find the video. However, I came across this interview while searching for it:

Garecht Abduction Witness: Garrido Could Be the Kidnapper
Okay, Lt. Orrey ruled out the palm print did not come from PHILLIP Garrido. Is there any chance NANCY was with him that day, and the print is hers? Like if while the girls were in the store, she was the one who got out of the car, moved the scooter, then returned to the car, perhaps lying down on the back seat (with her frggin' stun gun?) waiting for Phil to put Michaela in the car?
I picked up on Lt. Orrey's body language, too. CNN doesn't have the video up yet, but I got the same feeling from Sharon's reaction.

It's possible she's still alive, but has done so many horrible things that she's afraid to come forward. In no way do I mean to accuse Jaycee, Michaela or any victim.

If there were multiple victims who's stay overlapped, I would think that it's possible that the older ones would have been co-opted into what was going on. Giving someone a guilty secret that they can be essentially blackmailed with is the most potent method there is for coercing someone to your will. If Garrido was doing that, it would provide a mechanism for keeping his activities going for a very long time without actually killing anyone.

I think that when everything comes out, that this is probably what Nancy is going to claim, that she was "controlled" enough to participate in a crime (the actually Jaycee kidnapping), and after that her guilty secret was enough to ensure her silence and compliance for ever more. If they start digging up fresh bodies in the back yard, I think it will be quite likely that Jaycee also has some sort of guilty secret as well, that would be the only way to explain her silence about something she would have known about. Which, by the way, is why I'm praying that the "hit" they have in the backyard is a false positive and that the bones found at the surface are ancient. If not, then......bad times.

Fresh bodies doesn't necessarily imply a crime btw, the deaths may have been from natural causes and just not reported because of the circumstances of the backyard situation.

Who knows who all else that scenario may have been used against. If it did play out like that and Garrido did have Michaela at some point, she may very well be alive out there somewhere, unable to come forward because of guilt.

As a side note, I remember reading that report from the neighbor who claimed that there were many girls/women there, but only 5 "core" ones. I tried looking for it yesterday but couldn't find it. Does anyone remember the source? I assume that is the one Michaela's mom was referring to. It would be interesting to see what the exact wording and context was.
I don't know, I think it is more a normal progression of thought.

To a parent of a kidnapped child, Jaycee's being found was more than a miracle. It was a sign, a sign that maybe, just maybe their own child could still be alive. But if their child was alive after so long a time, why didn't they try to return home? If they had been forced to do things, they might feel too ashamed to return home. So if a hopeful mother got a chance to get that word out, I think she would make an effort to say that she wanted her child home no matter what they may have done.

I see what you are saying. However, if Sharon Murch hasn't made such a similarly worded plea before, I would think that she might be influenced by something she had discussed with investigators recently. I don't know the sort of thing Sharon Murch had said publicly, hoping against hope to reach her daughter . . . whether she pleaded with her to come home, that she forgave her whatever she had done . .. . but as I say, if this is something new, it's related to something she's discussed with investigators in Jaycee's case.

Yes, from what has been said, Jaycee was asked questions by investigators about the other missing girls, and maybe she just honestly doesn't know anything, but I was struck by Lt. Orrey's demeanor answering the reporter in regards to whether Jaycee was being helpful. Wish I could find that video again!
Okay, Lt. Orrey ruled out the palm print did not come from PHILLIP Garrido. Is there any chance NANCY was with him that day, and the print is hers? Like if while the girls were in the store, she was the one who got out of the car, moved the scooter, then returned to the car, perhaps lying down on the back seat (with her frggin' stun gun?) waiting for Phil to put Michaela in the car?

I'm sure they would have checked Nancy's as well, since they have her in custody.

Maybe they need to check Mom's palm prints? Her story about the last 18 years sounded pretty suspect to me. She may very well have her own guilty secrets.

Edit: By Mom, I'm mean PG's mom, if that wasn't clear.
Okay, Lt. Orrey ruled out the palm print did not come from PHILLIP Garrido. Is there any chance NANCY was with him that day, and the print is hers? Like if while the girls were in the store, she was the one who got out of the car, moved the scooter, then returned to the car, perhaps lying down on the back seat (with her frggin' stun gun?) waiting for Phil to put Michaela in the car?
No, IIRC, Orrey also said the print was not Nancy's either...
Maybe they need to check Mom's palm prints? Her story about the last 18 years sounded pretty suspect to me. She may very well have her own guilty secrets.

Edit: By Mom, I'm mean PG's mom, if that wasn't clear.

OMG!!! As they say, WOW is MOM upside-down.

Interesting concept. Nobody would question the motives of an elderly lady moving a scooter . . . she could just act all dowdy and innocent. Shoot!

Maybe you've got something here.
The other thing that has struck me as odd about this case is that no current images of Jaycee, even blurred ones, have been released to re-assure the general public that she is indeed ok. And allmost no information outside of third party (mostly outdated) sources. Do they want people to continue thinking of her as an 11 year old child in the 90s for some reason?

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