Dairy Queen manager is arrested after 'bullying worker, 17, until he killed himself':

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Dairy Queen manager is arrested after 'bullying worker, 17, until he killed himself': Teen committed suicide after she made him clean the floor by hand and threw a burger at him

A Missouri jury ruled that a Dairy Queen manager be charged with involuntary manslaughter for her role in the suicide of a 17-year-old employee.

The Howard County coroner heard how Kenneth Suttner wrote several suicide notes to friends and family before he shot himself in the head in the early morning of December 21 outside his family's home.

The Howard County coroner sought an official inquest into his death and after the verdict was read Tuesday, a Howard County sheriff's deputy arrested Harley Branham, one of Suttner’s managers at the Dairy Queen where he worked, reported the Columbia Daily Tribune.

Kenneth Suttner was harassed viciously at school and work. The manager, Harley Branham, is now charged. It happened in Missouri where Megan Meier was bullied to suicide by Lori Drew.

One would suspect that Harley Branham and Lori Drew share common characteristics with each other. They have a lot of pent up resentment and self hatred issues.
Wow. Thats very mean of the manager. Hopefully they will be bullied in prison soon.
I take this kind of thing very personally and very much to heart. I hate bullies ... always have since elementary school. When I saw someone getting picked on, I intervened to stop it. I would sit next to the kid no one else would sit by, befriended the less fortunate, unpopular, nerdy, quiet kids. I stood up for them. In middle school I began to be bullied every day at school by a couple of jealous girls ... not because I was a social outcast, but because I was pretty and boys liked me. Those girls made my 7th grade year a nightmare...all because of something I had no control over, and they were jealous cows. So ... I learned to fight. And I won. And I was never picked on again. After that I was known not only for being pretty, but also for being a bad@$$.

I said all of that to say this: I hope this piece of crap woman gets what she has coming to her. How horrible that he had to suffer abuse at school AND work. It's not "kids being kids" ... it's little people and big people being a-holes. There is never any excuse or justification for it. Some people just plain suck.
I am thankful that the court system is finally taking these cases seriously. I was an abused child at home and I also was bullied at school when I was a child. So I had to endure both traumas at the same time. I never contemplated suicide most likely due to my religious beliefs but I did pray to God at times for Him to just let me go to sleep and never wake up. Thank God He had other plans for my life and my blessings have been many since that time in my life.

Unless someone goes through bullying they cant have a full understanding what the bullied person goes through and its something I wouldnt want anyone to endure.

My heart breaks for this young man who felt this was the only way his pain and suffering would go away. This young woman was beyond cruel and abusive to him and I have found that bullies get great satisfaction out of what they do to others. He wanted to fit in so badly that he took all of her abusive actions which were horrific. She meant to purposefully demean him in so many ways in front of others. She finally pushed him over the edge where he saw death as a relief that he desperately felt he needed. He just couldn't take it anymore.

I hope she is convicted and given the maximum sentence allowed. Bullying isnt just a thing to do .........it is dangerous and it is literally playing with other people's lives. The saying of 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me' (paraphrasing) happens to be one of the most incorrect statements ever said. Broken bones will heal with time but the damage inflicted emotionally is what hurts the most and many never overcome such damage and the results often can be just like this young man.

My prayers go out to his family. We must somehow get it across to these bullies just how dangerous their actions really are and all bullies should be held criminally responsible since it is a form of abuse.
This is just heartbreaking, things like this should never happen, that poor dear boy. :tears: I hope and pray the mean, cold hearted bully gets the longest sentence and serves every single day of it. No doubt then, she'll find out what it's like to get bullied.
This is just heartbreaking, things like this should never happen, that poor dear boy. :tears: I hope and pray the mean, cold hearted bully gets the longest sentence and serves every single day of it. No doubt then, she'll find out what it's like to get bullied.

One has to be cold as stone to do the things she did to this young man. Imo, bullying is a form of mental torture.
One has to be cold as stone to do the things she did to this young man. Imo, bullying is a form of mental torture.

I agree, it is torture. I've always hated bullies, and have always stuck up for the underdog even as a young child. I hated seeing people get their feelings hurt and never understood how people could be abusive or bully others. I grew up in an emotionally abusive family, which if nothing else may have helped me to develop empathy, idk, but I always felt like I was cut from a different mold. Not that I wouldn't have given just about anything for it to have been different.
I am COMPLETELY BLOWN AWAY by this Story.Bullying can happen ANYWHERE
BUT my "Grandparents" had a "Dairy" Farm about 5 Miles outside of "Fayette" from "71" to "95". I was born in "70" and spent my Summers there, often with my Cousin, 2 yrs older. I am an only child and she is the Youngest and ONLY Girl. When we went into "Town" we went to the Public Pool. And it was always packed! Walked around. Never had any trouble. Matter of fact, "Dairy Queen" was the only fast food Restaurant in the Town. In my Childhood Years the Population topped around 5,000. When my "Grandparents"" moved off the Farm, my "Aunt and Uncle" took over. And just Sold the Farm after my "Uncle" died 2 years ago from Mesothelioma. The Town is about half The Population it was. And barely ANYTHING WAS THE SAME! BUT "Dairy Queen" the "Bank" and the "Methodist College". Which is really is keeping the Town clinging to life. (It is a Music Major College). It is in the middle of NOWHERE!!! 3 HRS FROM ST.LOUIS & SAME TO KANSAS CITY. Closest bigger Town Is "Columbia". Where the U of MO is located. And it's not a quick trip. I have recently looked at Crime in "Fayette". And most current was a TERRIBLE LYNCHING! YES..THAT LONG AGO! I just wanted to share my Story about it's Carefree And happy days of Childhood Summers. Spent with Family, and many kinds of Animals. That made me have a heart for them and want to Be a Veterinarian. But all it takes is 1 bad person to make someone's life HELL ! AND TO THE POINT OF SUICIDE! Some people cannot fathom it. But a Daily Barrage of Humiliation, Verbal Abuse, will wear someone down. And of course they will at some point start to believe it. And are too embarrassed to tell anyone. And the Formative "Teen Yrs" are in "My" Opinion the toughest. So I am going to ask my " Aunt" if she knows these 2. AND HOPE THEY NAIL THE *advertiser censored*!!!!!
I was bullied a lot in school and recently at work until they fired me. One of my friends was also bullied for years at work until one day he stood up for himself and it didn't happen again. It seems to be quite common and it's actually something a lot of managers will do because they can get away with it. Luckily the USA has laws protecting people like this. She killed this boy and now she must face the consequences
My daughter started kindergarten this year. Before going to school, I had a talk with her about bullying and what to do if she's being bullied. I also let her know that she can be whatever she wants in life, but that I'll never accept or allow her to be a bully. This stuff just seriously sickens me.

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I'm sure that wasn't in the training Manual. She had her own. I feel like driving the 10 hours just to kick her *advertiser censored* and humiliate her. And get down in her face and ask...WAS IT GOOD FOR YOU!!!!????
I was bullied a lot in school and recently at work until they fired me. One of my friends was also bullied for years at work until one day he stood up for himself and it didn't happen again. It seems to be quite common and it's actually something a lot of managers will do because they can get away with it. Luckily the USA has laws protecting people like this. She killed this boy and now she must face the consequences
I was too because I was Native. My skin is a little darker, but I still bled red. This absolutely breaks my heart!
I am very sorry that Kenny took his own life because of a lifetime of bullying. I would never wish that on anyone. I just don't understand how a second-degree manslaughter charge would stick. How can you put someone away for 10 years just for being a mean person?

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