Dan Abrams ABC to Interview Lisa's parents 10/17/2011 & Today Show

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Was your sister recovered. Feel free not to answer that if it is a too personal question. tia

Yes, she was, three days after her disappearance. She had been killed - the two men involved are in jail for the rest of their lives.
The fact is....I have no idea what happened on the evening in question (and from what I can tell, neither does DB). I am sorta leaning toward....loving mother wants to cuddle with her baby, but she is drunk, passes out and smothers poor lil Lisa. From there, though, I have no idea....
I can see both sides of wanting and not wanting your other child interviewed more than once.
I'm sure it is hard on them to talk about, however, I would think it would be harder on them to deal with years of wondering where their sister is and what happened to her if she isn't found.
Personally, IMO I think DB is hiding some details and she doesn't want the boys to spill the beans.
IMO, these children should be taken to the police station and they will get a guardian to protect them as well, but they should be taken and questioned. None of us like to see our children hurt or upset, but think about this for one minute please, if your child saw something lets just say at a neighbors house, and the police wanted to question them, would you hold them back from that? If they were a potential witness would you stop them from catching lets say a kidnapper or a baby killer? If you look at it from that point of view, you would let your kids be questioned I believe, I know I would (IE, they had a description of a vehicle or a person that pulled another child off the street etc.). BUT if we were guilty of something, then thats a different story, you dont want those kids questioned. They might have the smallest clue that opens a HUGE door. I dont think they are going to be able to stop LE from questioning them at this point. Those kids will be court ordered to answer questions. As they should. (please note, I have nothing against those kids, they are innocent and my heart breaks for them but the law is the law and they can be questioned and its the only way we, well the police are going to get some answers). Sometimes to do the right thing, we have to do something that places another in an unfortunate circumstance. This is a necessary evil in my book.

Maybe not at the police station ...MOO But, I read that Lisa said that the boys say they DID hear things that night ? It was on the msn news feed online .. She didn't elaborate, and said trhat she doesn't want them re-interviewed. Moo

I'm not sure about her drinking regularly..kids look too clean and well cared for. House also looked too clean...MOO
First time posting, but I've been addicted to this case since the first interview I saw with DB and JI with our local news. I'm continually hopping on and off the fence. I so want to give the parents the benefit of the doubt, but it's been hard.

Just to throw out a little perspective regarding the kids getting interviewed: my family went through a similar scenario - my older sister was abducted from in front of our house. I heard a scream, dog barking, and a car drive away and looked out my window but didn't see anything and thought that it was a girl outside playing with their dog (I was in elementary school, this made sense to me). Granted, asking me questions wouldn't have helped much other then to give an exact time of her disappearance and to let them know she wasn't a runaway, but I was never asked any questions by LE. I don't know if they assumed I didn't know anything or if my parents refused to let them interview me. As far as I know, my parents still don't know what I heard that day.

That said, I think these kids should be interviewed. As a sibling of someone who was taken I would have liked to have known that I did everything in my power to help my sister.

Welcome Darla Jean!!:seeya: How horrific for you and family!! I'm so sorry it didn't have a good resolution!

Welcome all new members!! I see you lurkers and guests out there!! Come on and join in-ya know you want to!!!:fence:
But, look at the Elizabeth Smart case where months later, the little sister all of a sudden remembers Emmanuel. Little sister was interviewed before by LE because she was sleeping with Elizabeth. She couldn't recall this information until months later when something happened to make her remember.

Interviewing Elisabeth's sister repeatedly would not necessarily have brought that memory to light any quicker. In fact, the process of being repeatedly questioned may have confused her enough to bury the information altogether. Elisabeth Smart's parents did exactly the right thing by allowing their daughter to be interviewed once, and then leave her alone and see what she can remember in her own time.

When LE interviews children they don't scream at them and bang their fists on tables...FGSake...they have experts who talk to the children and know what and how to ask. Your child is missing. Your other child might remember something either now or in a week! I would have no problem letting them interview my other children UNLESS I had something to hide.

LE doesn't need to scream and bang fists in order to confuse or traumatise a child witness. The process of being asked the same questions over and over by an authority figure is enough to produce tainted testimony from a child.

These children have already been interviewed by LE once, and that is enough. If they remember something in a week, all well and good, then their parents can do the same as Elisabeth Smart's parents and alert LE that their child has remembered something. There is no reason to be badgering the children with repeated questions when they've already told all they can remember for the moment.
10/17/2011 Dan Abrams GMA Interview
Abrams: …”I started by asking Deborah how she learned she’d apparently failed a lie detector test.”
Deborah: “He said, you failed. And I said, failed what? What question did I fail? And he said, you failed the one where you know where your daughter’s at. And I said, that’s not possible. I don’t know where she’s at. And I just proceeded to come unglued. That’s not possible, freakin out, tellin them no, and he looked in my face and he said, I met bad mothers like you. And proceeded to say, probably, something along the lines of, I need to tell the truth or…It’s hard to hear that, but, if it means I have to go through all this to get her back, I don’t care.
Abrams: “Would you take another lie detector test?”
Deborah: “Yeah. Why not?”
Abrams: “Do you think it’s possible that they’re going to arrest you?”
Deborah: “I don’t know. They’d be wrong.
Abrams: “A lot of people have been asking whether you were drinking, a lot, that night and whether that might explain something here?”
Deborah: “Doesn’t explain anything, because I had nothing to do with anything.
Abrams: “Were you drinking a lot that night?”
Deborah: “I was drinking, but it has nothing to do with my daughter’s disappearance.”
Abrams: “You said that what you have been told has been lies. What do you mean by that?”
Deborah: “During interrogation, they found this. They showed me burnt clothes. They showed me a f, Doppler thing with pings from a, that my cell phones, and I’m, I’m led to believe at this point, that none of that was real. I hope the burnt clothes weren’t real.
Abrams: “So, as time passes, and you feel like you’re cooperating and communicating with them, you’re getting, what, fed up with the fact that they’re continuing to…”
Deborah: “Yeah.”
Abrams: “…focus on you?”
Deborah: “Because I know I have absolutely nothing to do with my daughter’s disappearance. You know, and I still understand it, they’re doing their job, but they’re not, it’s not personal, but it, it doesn’t make me feel any better about it.
Abrams: “In your most private moments, have you for a second, ever thought, maybe there was an accident? Maybe something happened?”
Jeremy: “No.”
Abrams: “Maybe she tried to cover it up afterwards?”
Jeremy :”No. There, I mean, there, the first time I even thought that was when the, the people, or the, uh, police had started asking us about it, and, uh, it’s just, uh, it’s not possible.
Abrams: “How did you realize that Lisa was gone?”
Jeremy: “I, I had come home, and, uh, Deborah had woke, woken up when I got there, and uh, and we talked for a couple minutes, and then, uh, I asked her, you know, what’s going on. And she said what do you mean? And that’s when I told her, you know, the lights, the door, the window, and uh, she kinda jumped up outta bed, like something was wrong, and that was when I, I kinda realized that something might be wrong.
Abrams: “So when you first came home, you didn’t immediately realize that Lisa was gone?”
Jeremy: “No.”
Abrams: “Has this put a strain on your relationship as a couple?”
Jeremy: “It’s actually kinda done the opposite. We, um, we’ve spent a l, you know, every waking moment together since this happened. Um, it’s act, it’s actually made us a lot closer.”
Abrams: “Are you hopeful that Liss’s going to be found?”
Deborah: “Oh, we’re gonna find her. I have no doubt in my mind, we’re gonna find her.”
Abrams: “How are you so certain?”
Deborah: “I just know. Because there’s still a God.”

(It helps me absorb it better to transcribe as I listen. I pick up on the words that people almost said, and things like that. I would also like to point out that despite Jeremy's claim that they are now stronger than ever, in a previous article:
"We need her. We have to have her. She's our link that ties everybody together," Irwin said.
http://www.myfoxphilly.com/dpp/news...l-in-Search-of-Missing-Missouri-Baby_93744685 )

Can I just say how much I ADORE all of our transcribers? Honestly, the time you guys take to do this for all of us is such a gift. THANK YOU! :blowkiss:
I'm beginning to wonder, because JI didn't appear too concerned about DB's wine intake, if he isn't prone to drink as much himself... Both were very nonchalant about it. mo
Maybe I have missed something so correct me if I am wrong, but I thought she said she didn't want the media interviewing them, not the police. I would think that interviewing everyone in the house would be the first thing done in a case like this. Likewise the neighbor, brother, and anyone else that may have first hand information about that day and night. jmo

I don't know of any time that the media interviewed the boys. It was about LE interviewing them.
Like I said: 1 or two glasses of wine is plenty for "adult time" - adult coversation, a little relaxation - anything more is "getting plastered time".

Getting drunk is not adult time. That's not what adults do when in charge of small children. That's a rationalization of risky behaviour.

Yeah, in my book "adult time" is a long hot shower and a NAP! LOL
I'd relay that information to LE, or his child psychologist could.

LE still wouldn't need to interview my child more than once. Just because it's not LE personally extracting the information, it doesn't mean they wouldn't get it; they just wouldn't have personal access to my 5 year old.

I'm fortunate enough to not give a toss how that would make me look to Joe and Jane Public, or even LE.

Would you give a toss as to where your missing baby is?
Yes, she was, three days after her disappearance. She had been killed - the two men involved are in jail for the rest of their lives.

Oh my. So sorry. I just can't imagine.That is good they are out of society and can't do anymore harm to anyone. Thank you.
But, look at the Elizabeth Smart case where months later, the little sister all of a sudden remembers Emmanuel. Little sister was interviewed before by LE because she was sleeping with Elizabeth. She couldn't recall this information until months later when something happened to make her remember.

When LE interviews children they don't scream at them and bang their fists on tables...FGSake...they have experts who talk to the children and know what and how to ask. Your child is missing. Your other child might remember something either now or in a week! I would have no problem letting them interview my other children UNLESS I had something to hide.

Yes...and since the facts keep changing from the mother, I'm sure there are things that weren't asked the first time.

The older child was supposedly sleeping alone in his room next to Lisa's room. The younger one supposedly was in the bedroom with Mom with the fan on high so might not have heard anything. I would imagine LE already know when and how he got there but the 8yr old could be the key here. If there was an abductor. He should be re-interviewed at least by a counsellor IMO.
Add - Kidnapper walks by, hears baby crying, looks in window sees no one with baby, grabs baby, walks down the street soothing baby.

I could never buy that scene. I would have called the police before I walked into someones house.
Maybe the 5 yr old heard something and tried to wake his mom up but she was out. That would cause a lot of guilt on mom's part. Something she would not want to keep bringing up - especially if the son has told LE something like that scenerio.
IMHO, deb is reminding me of Elizabeth Johnson...who is still sitting in jail proclaiming her baby is alive and well. Who said she gave her baby to strangers, but told her ex that she killed him.

I get the same vibes from these 2 women and it scares me. Yes, I believe Deborah has something to do with Lisa's sudden disappearance.



I so hope you are right....I just don't think so.
I don't know why I keep thinking it. Let me see if I can explain.

The child goes missing. Can she walk? I doubt it. The father claims he was at work. Okay, fine. The mother is passed out. (I still want to know how much wine was consumed that night and by whom?)

They have searched all over the place for remains of Lisa. None to be found which is why I think Lisa was sold.

Additionally, I'd be checking their bank accounts. Wonder if that's been done. JMO.

One more question I have. So, the Mom claims she put Lisa to bed at 6:45 p.m., then checks on her at 10:30 p.m.? Something isn't ringing true.
DB should offer to be hypnotized since her memory is clearly foggy. Does hypnotism work to restore drunken blackouts?
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