Darlie Kee

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
brynn said:
My niece worked at a daycare center in the Garland-Rowlett area about the time of the murders. Occasionally Darlie would leave her boys on a drop-in basis. My niece said Darlie was a drama queen, and that the boys cowered around her. She said that one time Darlie lost an earring in the center, and had everyone crawling around to find it (a piece of costume jewelry). My niece went on to say that she loved being the center of attention, and that it was most obvious.

My niece has no reason to lie. She was not surprised when the jury found Darlie guilty.
I read where the neighbors said they always saw Darin outside with the boys interacting with them, but never or hardly ever Darlie.

When I looked at the photos of Darlie gussied up in her finery, she was clearly trying to be someone she wasn't. IMO
mollymalone said:
I read where the neighbors said they always saw Darin outside with the boys interacting with them, but never or hardly ever Darlie.

When I looked at the photos of Darlie gussied up in her finery, she was clearly trying to be someone she wasn't. IMO
According to one author (Don Davis), neighbors said that Darlie would go garage saling in a thong bikini. The neighbors on Bond Street, I think. Can you imagine what a stir she must have caused? LOL!
Kelly Sons said:
...There have been so many cases of people being proven innocent after execution.
Oh, please! What an absolutely ridiculous statement to make...

Link please?
stlouischili said:
I just thought of something. Maybe Darin is not involved in the killing of the boys, but he knows Darlie did it and helped cover it up. Perhaps the reason that he helped cover for her and supports her is because Darlie has knowledge of other (unrelated or not), criminal activities Darin has been involved in, and she threatens to spill the beans about those if Darin doesn't tow the line.

What do you guys think?
If that's what's going on, then Darrin doesn't have too much to worry about anymore. Anything Darrin could have been involved with - drugs, insurance fraud, theft, etc. - would probably have run under the statute of limitations by now.

If Darrin is covering for Darlie, I think it's for one reason and one reason only - he's completely enamoured of her. Darrin definitely thought he "married up" and that Darlie was every man's dream girl...She must have really had an effect on him - he's stood by her for nine years. Wonder how long it'll last - she's not quite the same person anymore since the blonde hair, makeup and skimpy outfits are gone...
Kelly Sons said:
Her next appeal is actually January 25th. She is trying despretly to get the bloody fingerprint that was found at the scene tested. WHich it should have been done anyway. How is she on death row when there was a bloody fingerprint found that was determined not to b elong to anyone that lived there, visited there, police or emergency techs.
That is definetly resonable doubt. If they do not DNA test that blood something is stinking in TX.

I have always believed that husband had it done, except darlie did not die so of course that changed things. if husband did not support wife then maybe he felt they would look at him. Am I thee only one that thinks husband had it done???
Fritzy's Mom said:
If Darrin is covering for Darlie, I think it's for one reason and one reason only - he's completely enamoured of her. Darrin definitely thought he "married up" and that Darlie was every man's dream girl...She must have really had an effect on him - he's stood by her for nine years. Wonder how long it'll last - she's not quite the same person anymore since the blonde hair, makeup and skimpy outfits are gone...
I think you've hit the nail on the head there, FM.
But I think he really believes she's innocent. She has him totally wrapped.
speedlimitmama said:
I have always believed that husband had it done, except darlie did not die so of course that changed things. if husband did not support wife then maybe he felt they would look at him. Am I thee only one that thinks husband had it done???
You are probably not the only one, but the evidence really doesn't support an intruder...
IrishMist said:
I think you've hit the nail on the head there, FM.
But I think he really believes she's innocent. She has him totally wrapped.

I agree and I have said so in other threads. He thinks or thought Darlie was the big prize. He didn't want to lose her. He may have covered for her at the time hoping she wouldn't go to jail. Now he certainly isn't going to go back and tell the truth about everything (if he knows anything) because it will only make him look bad too.
speedlimitmama said:
I have always believed that husband had it done, except darlie did not die so of course that changed things. if husband did not support wife then maybe he felt they would look at him. Am I thee only one that thinks husband had it done???

I do not think Darin had anything to do with the murderers. I feel it was all Darlie. IMO if Darin knew anything it was 'after the fact'. I don't feel he would have participated in the murder of his sons.
speedlimitmama said:
I have always believed that husband had it done, except darlie did not die so of course that changed things. if husband did not support wife then maybe he felt they would look at him. Am I thee only one that thinks husband had it done???
No, actually, Robert St. James has all kinds of theories about Darrin...he definitely thinks he did it! Read through some of the "Darrin" threads...
Since Darlie's trial, we found out that the lead investigator's son (see testimony transcript) is now in prison for violent crimes. This investigator's son had taken others to see the Routier's fountain since he lived so close (2 blocks away), and he has admitted that he was driving a small black car the night of the murders and that he immediately went out and cut his hair so he would not look in any way like the described intruder. His father, the lead investigator, swayed the investigation away from the black car and his son, in spite of having collected evidence that didn't fit this crime. This investigator pushed on to incriminate my daughter even further.

Since the trial, we also found out that the surgeon who talked with me after saving my daughter was swayed by the prosecution because he feared he was going to lose his medical license from failing his medical boards twice. Another highly questionable thing is that the forensic pathologist who examined my sweet babies' bodies was not even licensed at the time of the examination because she could not pass the required boards.


So this is where all that talk about nurse's license being revoked came from. Hmm..... I guess we know who the "suspect" is. Or has this guy been tossed by now because they have Darin they can pitch as an alternative "suspect." I didn't realize that the cop's kid had any "violent" charges against him. Anybody know about this.
Goody said:
Since Darlie's trial, we found out that the lead investigator's son (see testimony transcript) is now in prison for violent crimes. This investigator's son had taken others to see the Routier's fountain since he lived so close (2 blocks away), and he has admitted that he was driving a small black car the night of the murders and that he immediately went out and cut his hair so he would not look in any way like the described intruder. His father, the lead investigator, swayed the investigation away from the black car and his son, in spite of having collected evidence that didn't fit this crime. This investigator pushed on to incriminate my daughter even further.

Since the trial, we also found out that the surgeon who talked with me after saving my daughter was swayed by the prosecution because he feared he was going to lose his medical license from failing his medical boards twice. Another highly questionable thing is that the forensic pathologist who examined my sweet babies' bodies was not even licensed at the time of the examination because she could not pass the required boards.


So this is where all that talk about nurse's license being revoked came from. Hmm..... I guess we know who the "suspect" is. Or has this guy been tossed by now because they have Darin they can pitch as an alternative "suspect." I didn't realize that the cop's kid had any "violent" charges against him. Anybody know about this.

I didn't read the link but don't you remember Jeff going on about the drive by shooting CP was involved in? Oh and about JP taking so loooong to show up at the CS even though he lived only two blocks away. Chad Patterson is nothing but a red herring for Kee to focus on. Can't blame her. She's trying to save Darlie. I am going to read the link now.

I've read it, it's an old article. I don't think Chad is their focus any longer. Darin is now.
Even if the dude is in prison now, what does that have to do with 1997 and the murders of the boys? I see no connection.
the forensic pathologist who examined my sweet babies' bodies was not even licensed at the time of the examination because she could not pass the required boards.
Okay I have to know about this one. That is the craziest thing I have ever heard.
cami said:
I didn't read the link but don't you remember Jeff going on about the drive by shooting CP was involved in? Oh and about JP taking so loooong to show up at the CS even though he lived only two blocks away. Chad Patterson is nothing but a red herring for Kee to focus on. Can't blame her. She's trying to save Darlie. I am going to read the link now.

I've read it, it's an old article. I don't think Chad is their focus any longer. Darin is now.
Sorry. I don't remember anything about a driveby shooting. I do recall him calling someone a rapist and that Det Patterson went to a school and jerked the flyers down about it. Turned out later (I read somewhere, can't recall where now) that the flyer was of Patterson's son. (No wonder he tore it down.) Anyway, I never did grasp why they thought it was a good idea to spread flyers all over town of a cop's kid, esp the detective who was investigating Darlie's case. Not a good way to win him over, that is for sure.

As for the boy's record, I understand their claims to be that he broke into homes and had some drug charges under his belt, but I swear I did not ever hear anything about a driveby. That is pretty serious. Poor Det Patterson. How disappointed he must be.

O, I know the article is not new. I just hadn't read it before. I just find it interesting that so far I haven't found one original Jeff theory yet. Every time I go out on a search, something pops up and I learn someone connected to the case threw it out there long before Jeff came along. Gotta give him credit though. He is apparently very good at researching.
Desilu said:
Okay I have to know about this one. That is the craziest thing I have ever heard.
It sounds off the wall, doesn't it? The only thing I can think of is that one of the MEs was in between licenses. She was probably covered by a grace period though. Besides, at worst it is just a technicality. Since they aren't disputing anything in the autopsy, there is no complaint about the quality of her work so what is the beef? Just looking for a vehicle to send Darlie home most likely. Guess we can't blame her for that.
Goody said:
Every time I go out on a search, something pops up and I learn someone connected to the case threw it out there long before Jeff came along. Gotta give him credit though. He is apparently very good at researching.

Jeff is good at everything, just ask him. Remember? The ego that ate Dallas? :D
Mary456 said:
Jeff is good at everything, just ask him. Remember? The ego that ate Dallas? :D
Actually, it was the ego that ate Houston, cause that is where he is from. Yep, that boy sure had one, didn't he? He said one time he was a better sound engineer than the state's expert who ran a recording studio. LOL!
Mary456 said:
Jeff is good at everything, just ask him. Remember? The ego that ate Dallas? :D

aaaaahahahahahah let me dumb it down for you Mary.

Gosh he was too much but he had the patience of Job that guy.
cami said:
aaaaahahahahahah let me dumb it down for you Mary.

Gosh he was too much but he had the patience of Job that guy.
It used to crack me up that he thought his mission in life was to make sure no one on the internet spread false information about Darlie's case and then he proceeded to inflict only HIS interpretations of the evidence as evidence. LOL! If you tried to use anyone else's interpretation, he would say, "I already told you....." or "How many times do I have to tell you?" He was hardest on Mary though, always calling her a liar. That used to just make my blood boil.

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