Darlie Kee

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Goody said:
Well, you have experience with her and I don't, so I can't really say for sure but I am thinking that she isn't just rattling on and saying whatever comes to her head. She is telling a specific thing that happened, probably thinking it won't be publicized and when it is, she is in trouble with people for telling it, so she just publicly denies saying it. I don't think that makes her a pathological liar. It makes her just covering her butt. That is something any one of us could do. Haven't you ever told someone something and said, "If you tell anyone I told you, I swear to God I will deny I ever said it."

Yeah I agree.
Ya'll may be right. Fortunately, I didn't have so much exposure to her that I know her. I feel sorry for her in that she didn't create this situation. I don't blame her for wanting to save Darlie's life. After all, looking at those pictures on that website of her on death row, she really doesn't look like she's having too bad of a time.

By the way, hello to all the "guests" reading our forum. Maybe one day you'll become members?
Goody love,
I agree with Jeana, you need to haul out your books and re-read this mess. It sounds like you are distancing yourself from it all. I think you even started a thread about Darlie's narcissism . I know we all go back and forth and change our minds about things, but you seem to have forgotten some very important details about Darlie's basic personality. I know you are a softie, but there is no way you can believe Darlie killed her boys and not believe many of the things we've all discussed about her. Your thread entitled "The Motive" is all about Darlie and her personality disorders. I don't think all of your Darlie info is fresh in your mind right now. As for Mama Darlie, I feel bad for her because Darlie caused this, but she could stop it. Every single one of them has bloody hands at this point
Goody said:
I feel so sorry for this woman. She has not done anything wrong but she is being punished as surely as if she had been there that night helping in the murder of her grandchildren. It is one of life's unfair backlashes that the families of the wrongdoers suffer thru no fault of their own. I think she is just doing what she has to do in an effort to save her daughter, but she seems to have lost a lot of steam. My guess is that she knows deep down that hope is gone.

As for calling people liars, I am thinking that stems from the many things the authorities get wrong in cases like this. There are always things misinterpreted or misconstued. They aren't central to the issues though but often terribly important to the players, esp if you feel it puts you or yours in an unfair, unkind light. Maybe even unjust light. I suspect she is referring to the state's overall view of Darlie...the selfishness, the materialism, the ostentatiousness , etc. She probably honestly sees Darlie as kind, gentle, generous, loving, etc. I am sure that is a side of Darlie as well. One that often gets overlooked due to the nature of the crime, but there appears to be some evidence that she was also selfish, materialistic, tempermental, etc at times. Mothers have a tendancy to overlook such flaws in their adult children if they don't see them very often. I think that is probably what is going on with DK. What people say about Darlie is contrary to her perception of her daughter, her overall experience with Darlie. I don't find DK's attitude unusual at all. In fact, I can even relate to her.

She's suffering the loss of her daughter that's true and her grandchildren but that's not punishment I don't think. She did after all tell the family that they might have to accept that Darlie is guilty didn't she? Well according to one of those books she did.

But I do agree with you that she knows deep down that hope is fading for Darlie and she's doing what she can to save her life. the boys are gone, they can't help them, I get that so they have to focus on the living.
Goody said:
Do you mean at the trial? I guess I haven't seen DK's ugly side. Is it documented anywhere or can you tell me specifics. I would like to know.

Jeez it was ugly enough on aande when she was over there insulting me and chewie and telling us off. I refused to fight with her and told her I respected her as a grandmother who lost her grandchildren but that I could not support her daughter's innocence as I believed the facts show that Darlie committed the crime.
Goody said:
Well, you have experience with her and I don't, so I can't really say for sure but I am thinking that she isn't just rattling on and saying whatever comes to her head. She is telling a specific thing that happened, probably thinking it won't be publicized and when it is, she is in trouble with people for telling it, so she just publicly denies saying it. I don't think that makes her a pathological liar. It makes her just covering her butt. That is something any one of us could do. Haven't you ever told someone something and said, "If you tell anyone I told you, I swear to God I will deny I ever said it."

I don't know what is behind Darlie's mental problems, though I do believe she had some. I just read Ann Rule's analyzation of Diane Downs. I was hoping to find some of Darlie in it but I have to say I really didn't see much of Darlie at all. Maybe a little in her need to be the center of attention, but that was promoted so much by Darin and the people around her, I am not sure where their need for her to be the center of attention ended and her need for it began. One of the things I find scarey about Darlie's case is that she doesn't appear to be a psychopath or sociopath or even histronic or narcissistic to any great degree. Maybe she was just sooooooo swayed and ruled by material wants that she would literally sell her soul to hold onto them. I don't know.

But back to Darlie Kee, I don't see her as a habitual liar. I think Darin expresses some of that and that Darlie demonstrated some expectation that she wouldn't be held accountable for what she said (the letters from jail) so she was a little loose with the truth, but I need more to see Darlie Kee in a similar light. Got anymore bad behavior on her part to support your view?

OMG Goody, I can't believe this of you. YOu are justifying, excusing Ms. Kee's behaviour with Jeana. She called Jeana a liar plain and simple. She did almost the same thing to me and chewie on aande as did her daughter Danelle. Get a grip Goody. I strongly doubt that DK was rattling on saying whatever came into her head. There's no justifying that whether she qualified it with "I'll deny this if you ever tell anyone"

no one here ever said DK was a pathological liar. That's quite a leap for you to make. She's lying to try and protect Darlie. I just fail to see how you can think you "know" Darlie and Darlie Kee so well that you can post like this.
Jeana (DP) said:
YOU???? "Digesting it more objectively"??? BWHAAAAAAAAAAAAA :D

Goody, I'm a HUGE hot head! LOl You do EVERYTHING more objectively than I do Goody. I think you're just a nicer person in general. :D
You are a sweetheart, Jeana, but I meant more objectively now than a few months ago or year ago, etc. when we were all knee deep in discussion on these issues, not that I am more objective than you.
Dani_T said:
Yeah I agree.
Thank goodness. :waitasec: I was beginning to think I was adrift in a sea of sharks. hahahaha.
cami said:
She's suffering the loss of her daughter that's true and her grandchildren but that's not punishment I don't think. She did after all tell the family that they might have to accept that Darlie is guilty didn't she? Well according to one of those books she did.

But I do agree with you that she knows deep down that hope is fading for Darlie and she's doing what she can to save her life. the boys are gone, they can't help them, I get that so they have to focus on the living.
No argument here.
cami said:
Jeez it was ugly enough on aande when she was over there insulting me and chewie and telling us off. I refused to fight with her and told her I respected her as a grandmother who lost her grandchildren but that I could not support her daughter's innocence as I believed the facts show that Darlie committed the crime.
Well, you know a lot of people jump all over Nomi at CTV, too but it is different when you are a victim with a loved one in prison for the crime of another loved one. People want to see Nomi's sister suffer for her crime, but Nomi sees her sister as a victim, too, which DK probably does as well...see Darlie as a victim of the system. It is easier for us uninvolved laypeople to kick back and come up with a formula....like crime+evidence=conviction. Now try to apply that formula to someone you love. It is suddenly not so easy, there are always mitigating factors one wants to apply to family members that they wouldn't want to be so generous with otherwise.

I don't know what happened at A&E. I missed it and I think it was all deleted by the time I came around. So you can't expect me to judge her by something I didn't see. Even if I had, I think I would still think she gets a special pass because if she were to do what you want her to, she would be putting the nails in Darlie's coffin. Or at the very least...the screws to her appeals. That is expecting way too much of someone I think. She is Darlie's mother. Let her be PO'd. Our hides are a lot thicker than hers right now.
cami said:
OMG Goody, I can't believe this of you. YOu are justifying, excusing Ms. Kee's behaviour with Jeana. She called Jeana a liar plain and simple. She did almost the same thing to me and chewie on aande as did her daughter Danelle. Get a grip Goody. I strongly doubt that DK was rattling on saying whatever came into her head.
You misread what I said. I said I did NOT think she was just rattling off lies off the top of her head, but rather lying about specific things in order to protect herself or Darlie. I don't find that outrageous at all. When the stakes are as high as theirs one might expect them to lie.

As for Jeana, I don't blame Jeana for being angry about being called a liar when she obviously wasn't, but that isn't enough to make me think ill of Darlie Kee. I still think she is a woman with a daughter on death row and she has little choice but to do what she is doing. That is not to say I approve of her strategies. If I were to really analyze them, I probably wouldn't. I just like kicking someone when they are down, and I don't know how much more down this poor woman can get. You can't expect her to LIKE the fact that the state is going to kill her daughter.

cami said:
no one here ever said DK was a pathological liar. That's quite a leap for you to make. She's lying to try and protect Darlie. I just fail to see how you can think you "know" Darlie and Darlie Kee so well that you can post like this.
I think the comment was about Darlie's pathological problems and how they may have been passed onto her from her mother and biological lines.

I don't think I know either Darlie or her mother, but you show me where the evidence is that shows you that you know them well enough to be certain Darlie is narcissistic and whatever it is you believe about DK. I reread Ann Rule's description and I still don't see Darlie in it. If anything she comes closer to fitting the histronic descriptions, but even those seem to be on the lesser end of it. It is easy to see Diane Downs in them because she had such a long history of events to use as a laundry list. Darlie has but a couple of things and some of them are normal in many respects for her age group. So is she histronic/narcissistic or was she just a young woman being a young woman. She wasn't promiscuous. She didn't spin tall tales about imagined successes in any grandiose style. If you have something I should consider that I've forgotten or missed along the way, bring it on and we will discuss it.

cami said:
There's no justifying that whether she qualified it with "I'll deny this if you ever tell anyone"

She didn't say it. I simply asked Jeana if she had never said it. I meant it only for emphasis, not an actual quote.
bkdianne said:
Goody said:
Jeana, I am ashamed of you!!! Goody borderline nuts?????

lmao...DP...you are in trouble now (hehe) :eek:
DP???? Heck, Goody is the one in trouble. Did you see the way Cami jumped my behind? :bang: Goody's been tarred and feathered. Hahahahahahahah.
Goody said:
DP???? Heck, Goody is the one in trouble. Did you see the way Cami jumped my behind? :bang: Goody's been tarred and feathered. Hahahahahahahah.
I jumped on your butt too girlfriend! Get knee-deep in it again if you have to. There's no room for objectivity on here! :hand:
beesy said:
I jumped on your butt too girlfriend! Get knee-deep in it again if you have to. There's no room for objectivity on here! :hand:
Not one single one of you has yet to present a list of traits or behaviors that make Darlie appear to be narcissistic. Without that, you folks got nuttin'!:croc:
accordn2me said:
If the ME didn't have a license, that could explain her extreme blunder of not fingerprinting the boys bagged hands. Did she even remember to scrape their nails?

I'd also like to have another ME give their opinion on Devon's injuries.
Why? What do you think the ME missed?

I don't think the ME didn't have a license. There was just some implication by the family about state boards and dates overlapping or underlapping or something. Baylor is a huge hospital and a teaching one as well, I think. I can't imagine that they would have an unlicensed doctor on their staff. Surely there is a grace period for doctors who are coming close to the end of one license and a renewal date, or for doctors moving from their training position to license, via state boards. This is just a technicality the family is latching onto, but I doubt if it has any real substance.
Jeana (DP) said:
No. I don't think she will.
She might not cough up much about herself...but I will bet the farm that she starts spewing crapola against ole Darin when the needle gets nearer. :D
beesy said:
Goody love,
I agree with Jeana, you need to haul out your books and re-read this mess. It sounds like you are distancing yourself from it all. I think you even started a thread about Darlie's narcissism . I know we all go back and forth and change our minds about things, but you seem to have forgotten some very important details about Darlie's basic personality. I know you are a softie, but there is no way you can believe Darlie killed her boys and not believe many of the things we've all discussed about her. Your thread entitled "The Motive" is all about Darlie and her personality disorders. I don't think all of your Darlie info is fresh in your mind right now. As for Mama Darlie, I feel bad for her because Darlie caused this, but she could stop it. Every single one of them has bloody hands at this point
Oh boy oh boy oh boy! I can't wait until the books get here that Cami is sending me! :cool:
Goody said:
Thank goodness. :waitasec: I was beginning to think I was adrift in a sea of sharks. hahahaha.
Hey...we love ole Goody....but...we are still a bunch of sharks! ;)

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