Darlie Routier on Death Row

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Dani_T said:
Hmmm... think I have been away from the case for too long! I'm not entirely sure now what the findings were on that print (and don't have time at the moment to trawl through it all to find it!). I'm dont think anything was entirely conclusive though... could be wrong... oh who knows! I'll have to check it out later :)
We are counting on ya, Dani! I have never gotten into the prints on the door much. I need your brain to help me thru it. :waitasec:
Jeana (DP) said:
I think that puddle has dried Goody. I haven't kept up with the docs, so I'm not sure. I'm finding it hard to give a chit these days. I'd rather they just set the date and be done with it, but I'm playing along . . . :D
But you are our resident atty....how will we function without your expertise????

BTW, speaking of attys, what happens when an atty gets a felony? Is he or she disbarred automatically? Temporarily? Permanently?

What if the atty gets the felony before taking the bar? Can he still take the bar, be licensed? Or does he lose all the benefit from his years of study?
Goody, do you have a past that you haven't told us about?? I've always said you need to become a trial attorney, but I never thought you'd seriously do it.

An attorney has a duty to notify of a conviction of anything more serious than a traffic ticket Goody. There would be an immediate suspension and then disciplinary proceedings would proceed from there. I don't think that someone who served prision time for a felony would be allowed to obtain a license, but as soon as I say it can never happen, someone would come behind me and tell a story of somone they know that it happened to, so I guess never say never is a good policy. You could use your years of study in other ways and not be a licensed attorney.
Jeana (DP) said:
Goody, do you have a past that you haven't told us about?? I've always said you need to become a trial attorney, but I never thought you'd seriously do it.

An attorney has a duty to notify of a conviction of anything more serious than a traffic ticket Goody. There would be an immediate suspension and then disciplinary proceedings would proceed from there. I don't think that someone who served prision time for a felony would be allowed to obtain a license, but as soon as I say it can never happen, someone would come behind me and tell a story of somone they know that it happened to, so I guess never say never is a good policy. You could use your years of study in other ways and not be a licensed attorney.
hahahahahhhahah. No, Jeana, I do not have a criminal record of any kind, not even a misdemeanor. In fact, I have only received one traffic ticket my whole entire life and that was for turning on a yellow light. I think the cop that gave it to me was 18! I felt like boxing his ears. I did back into a Mercedes one time but that was as much her fault as mine so neither one of us got a ticket. hahahahahahhahah.

I was just wondering if someone who did have a past could straighten out their life and later become a licensed atty. You hear so many people who have been thru the system say they are going to become attys, I just wondered. Not all wrongful convictions are taken off one's record. And so many young people today are getting cracked for drugs before they straighten up and fly right. It seems a shame that someone could be held back by such things.

Goody, we may need to change your name here to ZaZa!!! LOL Sometimes records can be expunged so that these childhood records that you mentioned won't follow them around. Its hard to even get in the military these days if you have the smallest infraction on your record. There are ways of having those records sealed, etc., and don't forget the committee can review the entire matter and may find that it wasn't bad enough to stop someone from pursuing a career. There are too many variables to say with any degree of certainty "yes or no." The important thing is to be truthful.
Jeana (DP) said:
Goody, we may need to change your name here to ZaZa!!! LOL Sometimes records can be expunged so that these childhood records that you mentioned won't follow them around. Its hard to even get in the military these days if you have the smallest infraction on your record. There are ways of having those records sealed, etc., and don't forget the committee can review the entire matter and may find that it wasn't bad enough to stop someone from pursuing a career. There are too many variables to say with any degree of certainty "yes or no." The important thing is to be truthful.
Okay. Just wondering,
BIOGRAPHY CH Jul 12 09:00pm
Series/Documentary, 60 Mins.

"Mother on Death Row"
A housewife is convicted of murdering her two young children.

Original Airdate: July 12, 2006.

Future Airings:
beesy said:
BIOGRAPHY CH Jul 12 09:00pm
Series/Documentary, 60 Mins.

"Mother on Death Row"
A housewife is convicted of murdering her two young children.

Original Airdate: July 12, 2006.

Future Airings:

Hmmm yeah it's that tired old Aande program that's been around for a while.
Here it is again:

152 - Mother On Death Row

Wednesday, July 19 11:00am ET
Wednesday, July 19 5:00pm ET

Darlie Routier is on death row for the murder of her two sons--but is she guilty? We examine the controversial case of the Texas woman convicted of killing two of her children, 6-year-old Devon and 5-year-old Damon. We hear from a juror who now thinks that Darlie is innocent, the lead prosecutor and defense attorney in the case, and Darlie and her husband.
cami said:
Hmmm yeah it's that tired old Aande program that's been around for a while.
Here it is again:

152 - Mother On Death Row

Wednesday, July 19 11:00am ET
Wednesday, July 19 5:00pm ET

Darlie Routier is on death row for the murder of her two sons--but is she guilty? We examine the controversial case of the Texas woman convicted of killing two of her children, 6-year-old Devon and 5-year-old Damon. We hear from a juror who now thinks that Darlie is innocent, the lead prosecutor and defense attorney in the case, and Darlie and her husband.
Oh, sorry, I thought there might be some folks who hadn't seen it.
beesy said:
Oh, sorry, I thought there might be some folks who hadn't seen it.

Oh no need to apologize. I am just letting you know that this is not a new program, it's an old American Justice program and it will be re-aired on aande next week on American Justice. So, if posters miss it tonight they can watch it next week on AJ. I don't get the Bio channel but I will tape it next week from the AJ program in case anyone wants a tape.
cami said:
Oh no need to apologize. I am just letting you know that this is not a new program, it's an old American Justice program and it will be re-aired on aande next week on American Justice. So, if posters miss it tonight they can watch it next week on AJ. I don't get the Bio channel but I will tape it next week from the AJ program in case anyone wants a tape.
worth watching.
Jimthecarpetguy said:
worth watching.

Well it is but of course aande being arts and entertainment they don't check the facts so there are a few things that are factually incorrect. Check out the discussion board tomorrow and read the posts.
Well I am really on the fence with this case -I keep going back and forth. When she describes what happened to her that night to her supporter on video -when she was describing how she felt when she awoke-"it was like um kind of a numb feeling ..." I got the distinct impression that she was thinking in her head 'now what can I say or rather how can I say this so it sounds believable' just her tone was strange. Also the silly string-I watched this twice last night-I didn't think it was such a big deal about the party and string and all but if you look at Darrin's body language and face during the time she and her sister were squirting the string and laughing and chewing gum, he looked very uncomfortable and I couldn't tell if he was embarrased at how she was acting or if he just thought it was strange. Her discussions with the reporter or rather her interjections from her husband at the grave site were odd too, she kept looking at him for affermation of what she was saying like ' you believe me right?' kind of look. I also noticed that when she would talk into the cameras she was so soft spoken and sweet but when she didn't know she was being filmed directly, she was noticeable a different person-like it was an act. Very strange feelings I got from all of that. See what you pick up from it and let me know.
Kitty5001 said:
Well I am really on the fence with this case -I keep going back and forth. When she describes what happened to her that night to her supporter on video -when she was describing how she felt when she awoke-"it was like um kind of a numb feeling ..." I got the distinct impression that she was thinking in her head 'now what can I say or rather how can I say this so it sounds believable' just her tone was strange. Also the silly string-I watched this twice last night-I didn't think it was such a big deal about the party and string and all but if you look at Darrin's body language and face during the time she and her sister were squirting the string and laughing and chewing gum, he looked very uncomfortable and I couldn't tell if he was embarrased at how she was acting or if he just thought it was strange. Her discussions with the reporter or rather her interjections from her husband at the grave site were odd too, she kept looking at him for affermation of what she was saying like ' you believe me right?' kind of look. I also noticed that when she would talk into the cameras she was so soft spoken and sweet but when she didn't know she was being filmed directly, she was noticeable a different person-like it was an act. Very strange feelings I got from all of that. See what you pick up from it and let me know.

Most of us in the area where the murders happened saw that on television before she was arrested, before any of this forum began. That was the very first time we saw her and my reactions were exactly as you described above.
Kitty5001 said:
Well I am really on the fence with this case -I keep going back and forth. When she describes what happened to her that night to her supporter on video -when she was describing how she felt when she awoke-"it was like um kind of a numb feeling ..." I got the distinct impression that she was thinking in her head 'now what can I say or rather how can I say this so it sounds believable' just her tone was strange. Also the silly string-I watched this twice last night-I didn't think it was such a big deal about the party and string and all but if you look at Darrin's body language and face during the time she and her sister were squirting the string and laughing and chewing gum, he looked very uncomfortable and I couldn't tell if he was embarrased at how she was acting or if he just thought it was strange. Her discussions with the reporter or rather her interjections from her husband at the grave site were odd too, she kept looking at him for affermation of what she was saying like ' you believe me right?' kind of look. I also noticed that when she would talk into the cameras she was so soft spoken and sweet but when she didn't know she was being filmed directly, she was noticeable a different person-like it was an act. Very strange feelings I got from all of that. See what you pick up from it and let me know.
I get the same funky feelings. I can't put my finger on what is wrong, but it doesn't "feel" right to me either.
I caught something when I was watching (yet again) the 'Mother On Death Row' program about Darlie on A&E. When the clip at the graveside interview is shown and Darlie is standing with Darin and gives her dissertation about how "Devon and Damon are up in heaven,.. and they wouldn't want us to be sad,... though our hearts are breaking....", she makes a statement to the effect of "we'll have to live with it..." and Darin pipes in "I think what we'll have to live with is what we saw ..." she goes on and looks up at Darin and whines/tries to sound like she's about to break down, (paraphrased) "we tried [to help our babies] but we couldn't..." - and Darin stands there looking at her (I wish the camera had been right on his face but he's looking at Darlie so you only see a profile), and he makes no attempt whatsoever to reach out and hold her or console her - and (IMO) as soon as she realized he was not going to try to hug or comfort her, she composes herself. (Note also Darin standing back with his hands in his pockets, looking at the ground, singing Happy Birthday as the silly string flies - he does look very embarrassed/ashamed during that portion of the tape.)

Edited - I watched it again(!) at dinnertime tonight (my husband is so sick of hearing her voice) and made it a point to take down more accurately what was being said during the portion of the interview I reference above - and I have made corrections accordingly.
sharkeyes said:
I caught something when I was watching (yet again) the 'Mother On Death Row' program about Darlie on A&E. When the clip at the graveside interview is shown and Darlie is standing with Darin and gives her dissertation about how "Devon and Damon are up in heaven,.. and they wouldn't want us to be sad,... though our hearts are breaking....", she makes a statement to the effect of "we'll have to live with it..." and Darin quickly overtalks her and steps on the last couple words and states "live with, we'll have to live with what we saw that night..." she goes on and looks up at Darin and whines/tries to sound like she's about to break down, (paraphrased) "we tried [to help our babies] but we couldn't..." - and Darin stands there looking at her (I wish the camera had been right on his face but he's looking at Darlie so you only see a profile), and he makes no attempt whatsoever to reach out and hold her or console her - and (IMO) as soon as she realized he was not going to try to hug or comfort her, she composes herself.
I think this interview is WAY worse than the silly string party itself. I wonder if the jury saw this when they saw the silly string party. No ones ever said they did.

Here's what I transcribed:

"If you knew Devon and Damon, you would know they were up in heaven, and they're up there having the biggest birthday party that we could ever imagine, and they wouldn't want us to be down here being sad even though are hearts are breaking."

"I didn't feel anything because I was in shock. But I wasn't thinking about me. All I was thinking about was trying to save the babies. I mean, Darin and I tried to save the babies, but it was too late, the babies were gone. But we tried, we tried, and we have to live with that forever."

Darin, interrupting, "unintelligible, we have to live with what we saw in their eyes."

Darlie, "Nobody, nobody can ever imagine."

Re: the investigation
Darin, "They're taking absolutely no, unintelligible, all, you know, all expense. I mean, they're, they're doing the most and the best job that they possibly can and ...

Darlie, interrupting "They're going to find this person."

Darin, "They are going to find this person."
justice2 said:
I think this interview is WAY worse than the silly string party itself. I wonder if the jury saw this when they saw the silly string party. No ones ever said they did.

Here's what I transcribed:

"If you knew Devon and Damon, you would know they were up in heaven, and they're up there having the biggest birthday party that we could ever imagine, and they wouldn't want us to be down here being sad even though are hearts are breaking."

"I didn't feel anything because I was in shock. But I wasn't thinking about me. All I was thinking about was trying to save the babies. I mean, Darin and I tried to save the babies, but it was too late, the babies were gone. But we tried, we tried, and we have to live with that forever."

Darin, interrupting, "unintelligible, we have to live with what we saw in their eyes."

Darlie, "Nobody, nobody can ever imagine."

Re: the investigation
Darin, "They're taking absolutely no, unintelligible, all, you know, all expense. I mean, they're, they're doing the most and the best job that they possibly can and ...

Darlie, interrupting "They're going to find this person."

Darin, "They are going to find this person."
Excellent verbatim transcription! Do you do this for a living? I'm still engrossed in the 911 tape - I know I've read that Darin can supposedly be heard coming down the stairs....I'm not hearing it.
sharkeyes said:
Excellent verbatim transcription! Do you do this for a living? I'm still engrossed in the 911 tape - I know I've read that Darin can supposedly be heard coming down the stairs....I'm not hearing it.
Nope, just took forever, replaying and replaying. Did it many months ago and forgot I hadn't finished the part where Darin is so hard to understand.

Yeah, I've been working on the 911 tape, but it is really hard and taking forever. I hear Darin in places where no one shows him and not in the places where they do show him, so I'm not going to be any help at that right now.

Actually coming down the stairs, the sound of his feet? Hmm. If you find out at what minute"second, I'll try to listen to it. Where the stairs carpet or hardwood? Seems like carpet; try to watch for that.
sharkeyes said:
I caught something when I was watching (yet again) the 'Mother On Death Row' program about Darlie on A&E. When the clip at the graveside interview is shown and Darlie is standing with Darin and gives her dissertation about how "Devon and Damon are up in heaven,.. and they wouldn't want us to be sad,... though our hearts are breaking....", she makes a statement to the effect of "we'll have to live with it..." and Darin pipes in "I think what we'll have to live with is what we saw ..." she goes on and looks up at Darin and whines/tries to sound like she's about to break down, (paraphrased) "we tried [to help our babies] but we couldn't..." - and Darin stands there looking at her (I wish the camera had been right on his face but he's looking at Darlie so you only see a profile), and he makes no attempt whatsoever to reach out and hold her or console her - and (IMO) as soon as she realized he was not going to try to hug or comfort her, she composes herself. (Note also Darin standing back with his hands in his pockets, looking at the ground, singing Happy Birthday as the silly string flies - he does look very embarrassed/ashamed during that portion of the tape.)

Edited - I watched it again(!) at dinnertime tonight (my husband is so sick of hearing her voice) and made it a point to take down more accurately what was being said during the portion of the interview I reference above - and I have made corrections accordingly.

I too watched it once again, gosh I think I can recite it verbatim...ahahah Anyway, I noticed Darin's comfort level the very first time I watched it, that is what has always lead me to believe he did not commit the murders.

I too watched their interview again and the looks that passed between them!! Darlie really looks at Darin slyly I thought...making sure he is on board and is not going to spill the beans.

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