Darlie Routier on Death Row

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sharkeyes said:
Excellent verbatim transcription! Do you do this for a living? I'm still engrossed in the 911 tape - I know I've read that Darin can supposedly be heard coming down the stairs....I'm not hearing it.

Neither have I and I've never heard the dog that some say you can hear. I think that's Darlie squealing in her high pitched voice....like when she says "what, what what"
Yeah, I've never heard the dog either.

Darlie seems miffed at the 911 operator everytime she does that "What, what, what" thing.

And the "I'll just have to sit here forever", well that just makes me want to puk.

I've wondered if she started really feeling bad after leaning (or whatever she was doing) over Damon. Wouldn't that make her start bleeding more. Even if she was squatting down, that might make her feel worse.
I missed the A&E program, but have seen that clip of the interview. I do agree that this interview was at the least as bad as the Silly String episode, though I have only seen just a brief snippet of that. I would love to see the entire Silly String and interview that was on the original newscast. She is too composed to have been as distraught as others have said she was during the pre-party memorial ceremony. She does look peaked, but I do think that there was some amount of emotional stress going on, only not the type associated with grief. I used to think that she was in denial and her loss had not hit her yet, but once I saw this part of the interview, I knew it wasn't denial. As I watched this, I could see how every remark was made expecting a certain effect on people. I don't doubt she has done this all of her life. She is very good at saying the right thing, but she also has a tendency to react when someone does not respond in the way she expects of them. I didn't catch on to that about her interchange with Darin, but that does make sense. Everytime I think of that 911 call, I hear her dramatic tone change as she tries to either convince Darin that "someone just came in here and did this" or else make sure he is on the same page. I would love to know what Darin's true personality is like and how likely it is that someone who had a strong personality with a "hold" on him could manipulate him. For instance, the towel comment. She indicates she suddenly remembers she was throwing him towels and then he agrees. Is he really trying to help her create a cover story or does he really not remember the towels, but thinks since Darlie said so, it must have happened? I also wonder about the comment about hearing the glass breaking, which seems impossible for him to do. Did he hear Darlie telling the story about glass breaking and just assume that the glass was what had initially woken him? I just wonder what the guy is REALLY like. I am thinking that Darlie wore the pants in the family.
I lost a son in a car accident and there is no way I would have been after to go to his gravesite a week or so later and laughed and squirted silly string. For months I was not able to go to work as I could not stop crying. To lose a child is the most unbearable pain that we can go through. There are times when horrible things happen and you see the parents on television and you see the grief etched on their faces and in their voices and I feel their pain and I know how they feel. Darlie showed no grief or pain while having that birthday party at the gravesites and in my opinion this is not normal behavior for someone that just lost two little boys.
coastallady said:
I lost a son in a car accident and there is no way I would have been after to go to his gravesite a week or so later and laughed and squirted silly string. For months I was not able to go to work as I could not stop crying. To lose a child is the most unbearable pain that we can go through. There are times when horrible things happen and you see the parents on television and you see the grief etched on their faces and in their voices and I feel their pain and I know how they feel. Darlie showed no grief or pain while having that birthday party at the gravesites and in my opinion this is not normal behavior for someone that just lost two little boys.

Welcome to Websleuths Coastallady and please accept my condolences on the loss of your son. I think your post was right on target.
not only could I not squirt silly string, but there is no way I could have even been on camera.
Those shots of her chomping her gum and going on and on tell me one thing, she already knew who had hurt her babies. Most parents of murdered children will camp out for weeks at the police station trying to find out what in God's name happened.
My family and I were the victims of a violent home invasion. My life was in a complete stand still until i found out who did it and they were caught. I could not eat, sleep, would not let me children out of my sight and drove the police batty. This women wants me to believe that she was viciously attacked and watched her children gutted......but is then able to go on tv non chalantly and play and laugh. Where is her concern that the man who did this might be wanting to finish her and her remaining child off? Where is her concern for justice? It is a gut knawing feeling to have been violently offended without justice, you can't focus on anything but finding the offender. Where is that gut wrenching pain one would expect?
I don't see it, that's because she had no questions left un answered.She did not have to fear about the bad man still being out there because there wasn't one.:sick:
coastallady said:
I lost a son in a car accident and there is no way I would have been after to go to his gravesite a week or so later and laughed and squirted silly string. For months I was not able to go to work as I could not stop crying. To lose a child is the most unbearable pain that we can go through. There are times when horrible things happen and you see the parents on television and you see the grief etched on their faces and in their voices and I feel their pain and I know how they feel. Darlie showed no grief or pain while having that birthday party at the gravesites and in my opinion this is not normal behavior for someone that just lost two little boys.

I am so sorry for your loss. My brother lost a child and I cannot imagine him ever dancing around with silly string on the child's grave.

Different people handle grief in many ways, but there is a point at which all grief bears a common denominator. Dancing and laughing a few days after a child has died is not grief.
coastallady said:
I lost a son in a car accident and there is no way I would have been after to go to his gravesite a week or so later and laughed and squirted silly string. For months I was not able to go to work as I could not stop crying. To lose a child is the most unbearable pain that we can go through. There are times when horrible things happen and you see the parents on television and you see the grief etched on their faces and in their voices and I feel their pain and I know how they feel. Darlie showed no grief or pain while having that birthday party at the gravesites and in my opinion this is not normal behavior for someone that just lost two little boys.

Coastlady sorry for your loss. Welcome to WS. My brother too lost a child when she was only 2 years old. He and his wife couldn't even get out of bed let alone dance on the child's grave. And it never leaves you. We lost that baby over 25 years ago and at a recent funeral my sister in law was crying over her grave as we laid some flowers.
Thank all of you for your kind words concerning the lost of my son. Terry was 21 years old and the car accident happened in July 1990. Even though it has been 16 years there is not a day that goes by that I do not think of him. I will never be able to go to his gravesite and dance around his tombstone. There are some things that I wonder about concerning Darlie. It appeared that the home was quite large. I would think the boys would have a bedroom. As the boys were falling asleep why not send them to bed? Was the baby old enough to be put in a room with a baby moniter? I really think the excuse of the baby waking her up was her excuse for sleeping on the couch. It seems to me that the only way for her plan to work was to have a reason to sleep on the couch and to have the two boys in the same room If the boys room was near the master bedroom she would have taken the chance that the children might have screamed which would awaken Darin. By the way is he still convinced that Darlie is not guilty?
Coastallady, I'm very sorry for your loss.

My wife and I lost our first child when she was only a week old. We knew that she was going to die (severe birth defects), but even so it was a devastating time for both of us. I know that people handle grief differently, but I can't imagine any scenario in which we'd have been having a party and spraying silly string everywhere.

coastallady said:
Thank all of you for your kind words concerning the lost of my son. Terry was 21 years old and the car accident happened in July 1990. Even though it has been 16 years there is not a day that goes by that I do not think of him. I will never be able to go to his gravesite and dance around his tombstone. There are some things that I wonder about concerning Darlie. It appeared that the home was quite large. I would think the boys would have a bedroom. As the boys were falling asleep why not send them to bed? Was the baby old enough to be put in a room with a baby moniter? I really think the excuse of the baby waking her up was her excuse for sleeping on the couch. It seems to me that the only way for her plan to work was to have a reason to sleep on the couch and to have the two boys in the same room If the boys room was near the master bedroom she would have taken the chance that the children might have screamed which would awaken Darin. By the way is he still convinced that Darlie is not guilty?
Hi Coastallady,

I too am sorry to hear about your pain of losing a child.

The baby was, I believe, 6 months old at the time of the murders. My kids were in their cribs in their own rooms by that age. Of course, the room was close to mine and had a monitor in it...not that I needed it - LOL, I can hear my kids at the first whimper with my super sonic mommy ears.

The older boys had their own rooms, but (according to Darlie) they had stayed up watching TV in the den and fallen asleep in sleeping bags or blankets on the floor. She was on the couch. While, I personally - in such a scenario - would have sent my sons to their bedroom as they dozed off, I don't think it's so strange that young boys might crash out on sleeping bags like that.

I have read every book written on this case and spent a lot of time researching it. I can only conclude that Darlie killed her children, but I can't, for the life of me, come up with a motive that satisfies me. My sons are now 4 and 6. I believe this case will haunt me for the rest of my life.
When my two sons were small my house burned down. Someone said to me a few days after the fire something to the effect that it was good that I got the children out. I told them that I wouldn't have left without them. Most of us will fight to the end for our children and the though of ending their lifes does not enter our thoughts. I think it is hard for most of us to understand how a mother can do away with her children as it is something most of us would never consider. I have wondered if 3 kids were just more than Darlie could handle. I can't help but wonder if what she really wanted was to be rid of all three of the boys and just couldn't think of a way to make that happen. I think her motive was simply not wanting the responsibility of having children to take care of, just like Susan Smith which is a case that has haunted me.
coastallady said:
When my two sons were small my house burned down. Someone said to me a few days after the fire something to the effect that it was good that I got the children out. I told them that I wouldn't have left without them. Most of us will fight to the end for our children and the though of ending their lifes does not enter our thoughts. I think it is hard for most of us to understand how a mother can do away with her children as it is something most of us would never consider. I have wondered if 3 kids were just more than Darlie could handle. I can't help but wonder if what she really wanted was to be rid of all three of the boys and just couldn't think of a way to make that happen. I think her motive was simply not wanting the responsibility of having children to take care of, just like Susan Smith which is a case that has haunted me.
Thank goodness you and your young sons escaped. I understand what you are saying - if I couldn't get my boys out of a burning down house, I am afraid we would all go down together.

IT is hard to wrap your head around amother killing her child in any fashion and for any reason. In the Susan Smith case, I feel comfortable with the motive. I don't understand it or empathize with it, but I believe I know it - she wanted a new life with a new man and that possibility was more important to her than her children.

Part of me could accept the theory that Darlie wanted to be rid of her children. There is some evidence to support that. But it doesn't satisfy me entirely as a motive. There are plenty of people who said she was a good mother who loved her kids. And even if she wanted to get rid of them because it was just too much to handle, why do so in such a brutal manner?

Most mothers who want to get rid of their kids, don't stab them while they sleep (and I think Darla's boys were awake for at least some of the attack) unless they are blatantly psychotic. The manner of their murder just makes no sense to me - and that's how I get hung up on motive. There has to be more at play here, but I can't seem to put all the pieces together in my head.
I read where she was taking pills to lose weight. Many years ago I took diet pills for several months not that I needed to lose weight at that time (need to lose now) but the bottom line is they made me very depressed. I never though of doing away with the boys but I certainly though of doing away with me. I know someone that if they take valiam they go into a rage. Maybe with Darlie the pills had some kind of effect on her mind. Pressure built up with taking care of three kids, along with money problems a broken down car and boat. Maybe the kids were not asleep when the attack happen. Maybe they were still awake and started bickering with each other as kids will do and it was the final straw for Darlie. A fit of rage took over and she just totally lost it. I remember a few times when my two sons would push me to my limit and I would end up screaming like a crazy person for them to stop.
coastallady said:
I read where she was taking pills to lose weight. Many years ago I took diet pills for several months not that I needed to lose weight at that time (need to lose now) but the bottom line is they made me very depressed. I never though of doing away with the boys but I certainly though of doing away with me. I know someone that if they take valiam they go into a rage. Maybe with Darlie the pills had some kind of effect on her mind. Pressure built up with taking care of three kids, along with money problems a broken down car and boat. Maybe the kids were not asleep when the attack happen. Maybe they were still awake and started bickering with each other as kids will do and it was the final straw for Darlie. A fit of rage took over and she just totally lost it. I remember a few times when my two sons would push me to my limit and I would end up screaming like a crazy person for them to stop.
That's probably very close to the truth, coastallady. I am pushed to my limit by two young boys from time to time - my limit is screaming like a madwoman, too. And then I feel guilty for the rest of the day! :sick:

But I definitely understand how an immature parent or a parent with limited self control could get angry enough to hit or hurt a child. I have been angry enough to hit one of my sons, but that's a line I don't cross. I don't hit children. No matter how angry I get, I am always aware that violence against them is no solution.

It is easier for me to accept Darlie's actions as a crime of passion than as something calculated.
Has anyone here ever written to Darlie AND gotten a response? I do not know the rules for DR inmates....are they even allowed mail and to respond?
I have. I've been corresponding with Darlie for about six years.
Thanks for answering. I wrote her several months ago and never got a response. I am sure she gets alot of mail.

Do you believe in her innocence or guilt..if I may ask?
I believe in her innocence but I don't lump myself into the "Darlie camp" crowd. I'm not above changing my opinion.
Oh, and she was in Dallas for quite some time and was moved back to Gatesville in August. So depending on where you sent the letter, she may not have gotten it.

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