Darlie Supporters and Darin Routier

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Fritzy's Mom said:
Yeah, you're right...I would like to read them, but from what I've seen on this board, most of them are pretty hard to come by (especially MTJD)....
The ones I couldn't get from Amazon, I bought on ebay, used copies. The only reason you might want to get MTJD would be for the crime scene photos, but I think the police video in "Invisible Intruder" and other forensic shows on the subject are much better. The photos do help but it helped more to see the scene in lifesize images. Don't even bother with what the author, Christopher Brown, had to say. His writing is very poor and he tends to twist facts to support his argument. He gets really bizarre. The other three books are not perfect, but you get a view of the case from three different people who did go to the trial. And each has something to contribute that the others did not. All of them are more factual and more down to earth than Brown's.

Fritzy's Mom said:
No matter what is in the books, though, testimony at trial re: Darlie's character was just not, IMO, damaging enough to support the prosection's theory of why she did it. I know, I know - the prosecution doesn't have to prove motive - but Greg Davis described Darlie as a pretty ugly person in his opening remarks ("cold," "materialistic," "self-centered," etc.), so I think the jury had a duty to ask itself whether or not he provided evidence to support his statements...

Greg Davis suggested a motive, so as far as I'm concerned, it was fair territory for the jury to consider.
I agree with you. I didn't think the state nailed the motive either, but the jury didn't need motive to determine if she commited the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.
RobertStJames said:
No. Go read his testimony again before you start telling me to get my facts straight. I've pointed this out to you before. Darin was already *outside* the house when Waddell arrived. That's why Waddell "stopped" him in the front yard. But Darin obviously did not stop, did he? He kept going to get "help." Waddell would hardly have to stop him if he were merely walking over there. He was *running*.

You need to study this case again. You've clearly locked into a rut and are unable to consider anything other than the severely flawed information commonly available to the casual researcher.

There is absolutely NO testimony that has Darin leaving Waddel behind in the front yard. After Darin met Waddell in the front yard, he took him immediately into the house, where Waddell told him to tend to Devon. Darin did not leave again until after the paramedics arrived. He went after the Neals at that point. I think there was a time when Waddell was going to let him go earlier but Walling arrived then and things changed. I realize there are some conflicting statements that confuses things but Darin can't be at the Neals and inside the house to pass the paramedic on his way out at the same time.

O, and Dani knows this case like the back of her hand. She is very sharp and sticks to the facts.
RobertStJames said:
However, as I said before, until she drops the nonsense about an intruder, her appeals will go nowhere. Eventually, her death sentence will be commuted to LWOP as Texas has not executed a woman since the Civil War and they aren't going to start now.

So what was Karla Faye Tucker? :waitasec: Chopped liver????

On February 3rd of 1998, the State of Texas executed Karla Faye Tucker Brown for her part in 2 extremely brutal murders committed in 1983.
Mary456 said:
Actually, Texas has executed two women in the last seven years: Karla Tucker in 1998 and Betty Beets in 2000. Also, Texas doesn't have LWOP.
Oops. I forgot about Beets. Was she the one who killed her disabled son for insurance money?
husband? I certainly could be wrong.

FWIW: I think the TX legislature just passed the LWOP.
RobertStJames said:
From Darin Routier himself, who later tried to claim it was for a "truck loan" which is laughable too.

I still don't know where you're getting this (care to share?) but it certainly isn't from his testimony. Darin told Okie Williams the $5000 was for a vacation. He testified that they had a trip planned to PA on June 14th, although the airplane tickets were not yet paid for. Darlie confirmed this trip in her testimony, as well as a July trip to Cancun with her friend, Mercedes.

Darlie and Darin were caught in their lies again. They testified about all their trips/vacations/activities coming up, hoping the jury would believe that a mother wouldn't kill her kids when the family had all these fun times planned. Well, they forgot one small tidbit: that loan was denied, which meant that all those fun times weren't going to happen. And that loan was denied two days before Darlie killed her sons. Was it a piece of the puzzle that adds up to motive? Yes, I think so.
RobertStJames said:
His hair is on the knife. Of course, around here you'll be assured that must have just jumped on there because Darin's hair is just all over the house. There was a black hat in the utility room, his hair again, and squares with Darlie's initial statement as does the jeans, long hair, tall description.

Robert- when/if you read this please respond.

You've said a number of times now that Darin's hair was found on the butcher's knife. I was hoping you could post the part of the transcript where you got this from because I can't find it Doesn't mean it isn't there... but I'm having trouble locating it. Do you know whose testimony it was in.

Also, could you please do the same regarding his hair on the black cap because this is what I found in the transcripts (regarding the cap):

17 Q. What did you see and recover there?
18 A. There were two head hairs that were
19 microscopically similar to Devon Routier.
20 Q. Okay. So, two head hairs and you

21 compared them to the known head hair of Devon Routier; is
22 that right?
23 A. Yes, sir.
24 Q. And they were microscopically
25 consistent with being that of Devon Routier; is that
Sandra M. Halsey, CSR, Official Court Reporter
txsvicki said:
Also, Texas doesn't have LWOP.

Yep, Frances Newton is next. She's scheduled for September. She was scheduled for last December but she got a stay. She too killed her children but she killed her husband as well.
RobertStJames said:
Oh come on. Those are Darin's shoes. Fibers from the shoes were found *on that sock*! Blood, both boys, and DNA from Darlie, probably saliva. And how do you know Darin didn't have any cuts? He was interviewed at length at the hospital. Probably photographed there. We don't have any of that information.

Blood *spatter* has been reported in two places on Darin's jeans. Not consistent at all with CPR. Very consistent with a throat slash. And we don't know whose blood that is. I wouldn't be surprised if no small part of it is Darlie's. And how did the jeans get ripped? Fixing that fence that there's no evidence Darin ever worked on?


Darin's Reeboks
Darin's Sock
Darin's Jeans
Darin's face, hands, stomach, knee

I don't believe all this got on him just giving CPR to someone who
was already dead.

OK, RstJ

I've been giving your theory a lot of thought. Here is something about the blood that you don't mention in your case against Darin:


14 Q. Once you were in the bathroom, did you
15 get cleaned up?
16 A. Yes, sir, I did. I washed all of the
17 blood off of my face, off of my hands and off of my
18 mouth, and I had this real iron -- real dry taste in my
19 mouth.
20 Q. Okay. And you got a towel or a
21 washcloth?
22 A. Yeah, I got a towel and I washed it
23 off, and I even had some on my back, and on my shoulder,
24 and on my chest.
25 Q. Okay. In your hair?
1 A. In my hair. On my glasses, and on my
2 face.
accordn2me said:
OK, RstJ

I've been giving your theory a lot of thought. Here is something about the blood that you don't mention in your case against Darin:


14 Q. Once you were in the bathroom, did you
15 get cleaned up?
16 A. Yes, sir, I did. I washed all of the
17 blood off of my face, off of my hands and off of my
18 mouth, and I had this real iron -- real dry taste in my
19 mouth.
20 Q. Okay. And you got a towel or a
21 washcloth?
22 A. Yeah, I got a towel and I washed it
23 off, and I even had some on my back, and on my shoulder,
24 and on my chest.
25 Q. Okay. In your hair?
1 A. In my hair. On my glasses, and on my
2 face.
That is an interesting point, A2M. Esp the part about the shoulder and back. Sounds a bit like the spatter/cast off on Darlie's shirt. Only one thing wrong with it. If your best friend's husband pounded on your door at 3:00 a.m. and drug yourself out of a sound sleep to answer the knocking only to find him on your porch covered with all this blood he claims was on him, what would your first reaction be? Maybe...O, my God, are you hurt? Where is Darlie? The kids? Or do you not notice the blood and just wait for him to tell you what he wants so late at night?
Goody said:
That is an interesting point, A2M. Esp the part about the shoulder and back. Sounds a bit like the spatter/cast off on Darlie's shirt. Only one thing wrong with it. If your best friend's husband pounded on your door at 3:00 a.m. and drug yourself out of a sound sleep to answer the knocking only to find him on your porch covered with all this blood he claims was on him, what would your first reaction be? Maybe...O, my God, are you hurt? Where is Darlie? The kids? Or do you not notice the blood and just wait for him to tell you what he wants so late at night?
:confused: Whoever has the secret decoder ring, please explain this.
You speak with a lot of authority but you have some of your own facts wrong. Texas has put two women to death in recent years... the most famous of which is Carla Faye Tucker.

IMO, Darlie displays all the symptoms of a classic sociopath, which makes her ripe for killing her two children and then being able to gleefully dance around with silly string at their gravesites. Darlie was totally caught up with money and what it could buy her. When the money started running out, I think Darlie started losing her grip on reality. I think Darin married Darlie because she was the first "hottie" that ever looked twice at him but I think Darlie stuck with Darin because he provided her the money and lifestyle she had always wanted. However, when that lifestyle began running dry, Darlie was left with a nerd of a husband who could no longer offer her anything of value. She could divorce Darin if necessary but the only way she could rid herself of two rambunctious boys was to kill them.
HeartofTexas said:
You speak with a lot of authority but you have some of your own facts wrong. Texas has put two women to death in recent years... the most famous of which is Carla Faye Tucker.
It's Karla Faye, not Carla Faye. She was executed in 1998 for her part in 2 pickaxe murders. Have you read the book, Crossed Over about Karla Faye? It's a very good read.
As far as TX putting to death another woman in recent years, my research shows that no woman has been put to death in TX since the 1800's, until Tucker in 1998.
"On the 2nd of November 1984 Margie Velma Barfield became the first to die by lethal injection at Raleigh Central Prison in North Carolina for the murder of four people including that of her own mother." Source:
This means that Tucker Brown was the 1st woman in TX to be executed since the 1800's and in the US since 1984. Barfield was executed in NC.
accordn2me said:
:confused: Whoever has the secret decoder ring, please explain this.
I don't think Jeana has ordered that ring yet. Or maybe she did and it's wherever your book is. I think Goody is saying that there isn't any testimony about the Neals freaking out in reaction to Darin's knocking. In other words, I don't think Goody believes Darin's testimony about all the blood on him, especially the "cast off" on his back.
Thanks for the clarification VB.

Here's another interesting thing I found while reading the bond hearing testimony. This is D. Parks cross of Linch, Vol. 5:

8 Q. Did you see any indication from the
9 blood evidence that you saw out there that day, that
10 anyone had run through the house while they were bleeding?
11 A. I'm sorry?
12 Q. Did you see any indication of anyone
13 having run through the house while they were bleeding?
14 A. The only drop that I saw with any
15 velocity, was on a wall heading toward the front door,
16 lower portion of the wall, to the right, as you are going
17 out the front door.

If anyone has the diagram of colored dots showing whose blood was where, does it show whose blood this was?

Also, whose blood was on the front door? I would guess if Darin opened the door first, to go get Karen, it should be Devon's blood on the front door. I find it very interesting if no blood was on the lock. Did the person opening the door know it was unlocked already?
Beesy, yes, but Betty Lou Beets was executed here in Texas in 2000:

Betty Beets

Betty Lou Beets, 62, was executed by lethal injection on 24 February 2000 in Huntsville, Texas, for murdering her husband for money.

Thanks for the correction on spelling Karla Faye's name... I'll work harder on my spelling in the future.
accordn2me said:
OK, RstJ

I've been giving your theory a lot of thought. Here is something about the blood that you don't mention in your case against Darin:


14 Q. Once you were in the bathroom, did you
15 get cleaned up?
16 A. Yes, sir, I did. I washed all of the
17 blood off of my face, off of my hands and off of my
18 mouth, and I had this real iron -- real dry taste in my
19 mouth.
20 Q. Okay. And you got a towel or a
21 washcloth?
22 A. Yeah, I got a towel and I washed it
23 off, and I even had some on my back, and on my shoulder,
24 and on my chest.
25 Q. Okay. In your hair?
1 A. In my hair. On my glasses, and on my
2 face.
Another thought: why would Darin have blood on his back? Shoulder maybe, if he put he put his hand up there, but why his back? Does he say why blood was on his back? Seems an odd place for blood to be if he was only downstairs trying to revive Devon. And why would Darin say he had blood on his back? If it was there, why was it and how did it get there? If it wasn't, then he's lying. Weird
accordn2me said:
:confused: Whoever has the secret decoder ring, please explain this.
Very simply. When Darin did finally make it over to the Neals, neither one of them asked him if he was alright. Neither mentions seeing any blood on Darin to police. I would think that if your friend is on your porch covered with blood droplets .....as he describes, face, chest, hair, shoulders, and back.....that the Neals would gasp and want to know immediately if he had been hurt, was he alright? I don't think Darin had much blood on him at all. Even Waddell only reports seeing it on his hands. That tells me two things: That Devon was probably dead longer than we've been told and that Darin never tried to revive him before Waddell arrived and then either made only a feeble attempt at CPR or the blood had settled enough by then not to spray out of his chest in any great amount.
HeartofTexas said:
IMO, Darlie displays all the symptoms of a classic sociopath, which makes her ripe for killing her two children and then being able to gleefully dance around with silly string at their gravesites. Darlie was totally caught up with money and what it could buy her. When the money started running out, I think Darlie started losing her grip on reality. I think Darin married Darlie because she was the first "hottie" that ever looked twice at him but I think Darlie stuck with Darin because he provided her the money and lifestyle she had always wanted. However, when that lifestyle began running dry, Darlie was left with a nerd of a husband who could no longer offer her anything of value. She could divorce Darin if necessary but the only way she could rid herself of two rambunctious boys was to kill them.
Why do you think Darin is or was a nerd? I don't see him in that light at all. I see a guy who likes to party trying to put his best foot forward to perform for people who aren't into that scene at all. He uses country charm, albeit a bit corny at times, to carry him through the unchartered areas. I don't know many nerds who do cocaine, smoke pot, and wear their hair in a shoulder length mullet. I think Darin thought himself to be cool, and Darlie on his arm only made him look cooler.

As for why she killed the boys, I think the motive was probably more involved than you indicate. I think they were both "living large" as Darin put it shortly after the murders and lost sight of what was important, or what should have been important.
beesy said:
Another thought: why would Darin have blood on his back? Shoulder maybe, if he put he put his hand up there, but why his back? Does he say why blood was on his back? Seems an odd place for blood to be if he was only downstairs trying to revive Devon. And why would Darin say he had blood on his back? If it was there, why was it and how did it get there? If it wasn't, then he's lying. Weird
Darin claimed that he gave Devon CPR and when he blew into the boy's mouth, the blood spurted out of the holes in his chest. He tried to holding the wounds closed but it wasn't working, so he tried to reverse the CPR and blew into the holes, but the blood spurted out of Devon's mouth then.

Why he might lie about it is fairly obvious. If he didn't put much effort into CPR, he would want to make it look as if he had. By the time of the trial, it was easy to say the blood existed when maybe it didn't simply because there was no record that it did. Darin was not afraid to pit his word against another's, even police. He got caught in several lies at the trial.
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