Darlie Supporters and Darin Routier

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Feb 24,2000

HUNTSVILLE, Texas (CNN) -- Despite her pleas that she was a battered spouse who killed in self defense, 62-year-old Betty Lou Beets was executed Thursday night by the state of Texas.
Beets, who was convicted of murdering her fifth husband in 1983 to collect his life insurance and pension, was put to death by lethal injection at 6:18 p.m. CST at a state prison known as The Walls Unit in Huntsville, Texas.

She did not make a final statement.

A reporter who witnessed the execution said Beets "seemed to die peacefully" with almost a smile on her face, dressed in prison whites and with the chaplain by her side.

Goody said:
Very simply. When Darin did finally make it over to the Neals, neither one of them asked him if he was alright.

If I remember correctly, Karen & her son stood behind Terry when he answered the door. Karen & her son didn't speak, but Terry asked Darin, "What's the matter?" Darin was screaming, tears running down his face, and he said, "Help, I need your help. Someone just murdered my children. Oh my God, help me." Karen then went upstairs to get into her clothes, so we don't know what was said while she was gone, because Terry didn't testify.

By all accounts, Darin went to get Karen because she was a nurse. Doesn't sound like something he'd do if he was involved in the murders. Come to think of it, why didn't Darlie run across the street to get Karen?!

Goody said:
Neither mentions seeing any blood on Darin to police.

Did the police question the Neals about how much blood Darin had on him? I don't remember that. I'm pretty sure Karen was never questioned about it on the stand, though.

[/color][/QUOTE]I don't think Darin had much blood on him at all. Even Waddell only reports seeing it on his hands. [/color][/QUOTE]

You may be right, Goody, but it might be nothing more than Darin's habit of exaggerating. Like when he claimed on Leeza's show that Darlie was bruised all the way into her breast area (lie), or when he agreed that the knife went all the way through Devon & pierced the carpet (another lie).

Most of his lies were after the fact, designed to protect Darlie. But his immediate reactions after running downstairs - thinking Devon had been cut by the overturned coffee table, summoning Karen, a nurse - are consistent with a father encountering a blood bath & trying to get help to save his sons.

Btw, you're not out to get Darin, are ya? Ahahahaaa!
By Mary456
By all accounts, Darin went to get Karen because she was a nurse. Doesn't sound like something he'd do if he was involved in the murders. Come to think of it, why didn't Darlie run across the street to get Karen?!
We know why. I still think she called 911 before she wanted to and was still setting up things while on the phone and that Darin was helping her. Remember she even says "he's helping me.." on the tape. If you listen to it believing she's guilty, then "helping me" has a much more sinister ring to it, doesn't it? So if she and Darin were scrambling around wiping up blood, etc, neither one wanted Karen there. Why did he even bother to get Karen after the paramedics arrived? To have the support and comfort of good friends? No, because she was a nurse. Doesn't add up. I think they had to think of something to explain Darin being outside. Getting Karen was an easy answer.

You may be right, Goody, but it might be nothing more than Darin's habit of exaggerating. Like when he claimed on Leeza's show that Darlie was bruised all the way into her breast area (lie), or when he agreed that the knife went all the way through Devon & pierced the carpet (another lie).
In testimony and interviews when you exaggerate about a murder, it's flat out lying. Telling tall tales is no excuse.

Most of his lies were after the fact, designed to protect Darlie. But his immediate reactions after running downstairs - thinking Devon had been cut by the overturned coffee table, summoning Karen, a nurse - are consistent with a father encountering a blood bath & trying to get help to save his sons.
Good point, especially the worry about the coffee table. He didn't try to save his sons though. He claims he gave CPR to Devin who was obviously dead. Fixed gaze, not breathing, good clues there. He left Damon alone, choking on his own blood! That just tears me up. Yes, what a horrible choice to have to make, if that's even true, but he made the wrong one. Why? They didn't want Damon to live.
Btw, you're not out to get Darin, are ya? Ahahahaaa
I used to think it was Goody who the had the crush on Darin! Is it you now? LOL
beesy said:
We know why. I still think she called 911 before she wanted to and was still setting up things while on the phone and that Darin was helping her.

I agree that she might have staged some things while on the phone (the lampshade, the coffee table), but I don't think Darin helped her. There's simply no evidence to indicate that he was involved in the stabbing deaths of his sons. No bloody footprints, no fingerprints, no nothing.

beesy said:
So if she and Darin were scrambling around wiping up blood, etc, neither one wanted Karen there. Why did he even bother to get Karen after the paramedics arrived?

Darin ran across the street for Karen before the paramedics were in the house.

beesy said:
I think they had to think of something to explain Darin being outside. Getting Karen was an easy answer.?

Well, both Gorsuch and Waddell identified Darin as the man who ran out the front door and met Waddell by the fountain, and then they both went in the house. This was before Darin left the house again to get Karen.

beesy said:
He didn't try to save his sons though. He claims he gave CPR to Devin who was obviously dead. Fixed gaze, not breathing, good clues there. He left Damon alone, choking on his own blood!

I see it in a different light, much less sinister than you do. If Darin was reacting to Darlie's screams of "Devon! Devon! Devon!", it's not surprising that his eyes would immediately go to where he saw Devon asleep when he (Darin) went to bed. In the chaos, I can understand why he didn't even see Damon until a few minutes later.

beesy said:
I used to think it was Goody who the had the crush on Darin! Is it you now? LOL

Naw, we both despise Darin, but for different reasons. Goody thinks Darin participated in the stabbings and/or the physical coverup. I believe that Darin was involved only in a verbal coverup of the crime.
Mary456 said:
If I remember correctly, Karen & her son stood behind Terry when he answered the door. Karen & her son didn't speak, but Terry asked Darin, "What's the matter?" Darin was screaming, tears running down his face, and he said, "Help, I need your help. Someone just murdered my children. Oh my God, help me." Karen then went upstairs to get into her clothes, so we don't know what was said while she was gone, because Terry didn't testify. !
Okay, you are right about the tears, according to Karen, but she is given an open question to describe everything about him that she saw and she does not say a word about the blood he supposedly had on him. You would think that if a friend shows up on your doorstep in the middle of the night with blood on him that it would be engraved in your memory forever, esp if you are a nurse. So if she saw it, why didn't she mention it? Just because none of the attys thought to question her specifically on it should not mean that she gets a pass on this.

Q. How was Darin acting at that time?

21 A. He was very excitable. He was in a

22 state of shock, in my opinion he was very excited.

23 "Help, I need your help. Someone just murdered my

24 children. Oh, my God. Help me."

25 And Darin was crying, and he had tears

Sandra M. Halsey, CSR, Official Court Reporter


1 running down his face.

2 Q. Was he loud?

3 A. Very loud. He was screaming.

4 Q. How was he dressed?

5 A. He had on a pair of blue jeans, no

6 shirt and he was barefoot.

7 Q. Okay. What, if anything, happened

8 next?

9 A. I told Darin -- I had on my nightgown,

10 and my husband (sic) and I said, "Let me run upstairs and

11 get dressed." And I ran upstairs and Terry and Darin and

12 my son, Nick stayed by the front door.

13 I went directly to the top of the

14 steps, took off my nightgown, put on a T-shirt and my

15 shorts, ran directly down the steps, you know, within a

16 few seconds, and we ran directly across the street.

Mary456 said:
By all accounts, Darin went to get Karen because she was a nurse. Doesn't sound like something he'd do if he was involved in the murders. Come to think of it, why didn't Darlie run across the street to get Karen?!!
He isn't able to get Karen until AFTER paramedics arrive. By then Karen is no longer needed. Why does he go anyway?

Mary456 said:
Did the police question the Neals about how much blood Darin had on him? I don't remember that. I'm pretty sure Karen was never questioned about it on the stand, though.?
No she wasn't, but she was asked to decribe how he looked when she first saw him. She described his clothing, even his barefeet, his tears, his words, but not a word about blood spatter. SHE'S A NURSE, MARY, and everything stands out in her mind EXCEPT the blood.

Mary456 said:
I don't think Darin had much blood on him at all. Even Waddell only reports seeing it on his hands. [/color][/QUOTE]You may be right, Goody, but it might be nothing more than Darin's habit of exaggerating. Like when he claimed on Leeza's show that Darlie was bruised all the way into her breast area (lie), or when he agreed that the knife went all the way through Devon & pierced the carpet (another lie). [/QUOTE]
If Darin did what he claims he did on Devon's body, he should have been covered with quite a bit blood spatter...unless, of course, Devon was long dead. In that case, Darin had to know a whole lot more than he claims and did a whole lot more than just lie for Darlie.

Mary456 said:
Most of his lies were after the fact, designed to protect Darlie. But his immediate reactions after running downstairs - thinking Devon had been cut by the overturned coffee table, summoning Karen, a nurse - are consistent with a father encountering a blood bath & trying to get help to save his sons.
Until we know exactly what transpired that night, and maybe in the preceeding month, we can't know for sure what all Darin lied about. He was more upset than Darlie, but he sure bounced back fast. Sorry but even my son says he has to be involved. If he weren't he would have dumped her a long time ago. His loyalty is sealed because of what she can tell, not because he loves her. At least not in my opinion. Just analyze Darin. You can't do it without walking away with a bad taste in your mouth. We don't know all there is to know about Darin yet.

Mary456 said:
Btw, you're not out to get Darin, are ya? Ahahahaaa!
O, shoot, no. Like I have any power. hahahahahhaha! He just has a mystery in his hands that I am itching to solve. LOL!
beesy said:
Good point, especially the worry about the coffee table. He didn't try to save his sons though. He claims he gave CPR to Devin who was obviously dead. Fixed gaze, not breathing, good clues there. He left Damon alone, choking on his own blood! That just tears me up. Yes, what a horrible choice to have to make, if that's even true, but he made the wrong one. Why? They didn't want Damon to live.

I totally agree with you on this, Beesy. What other reason could there be? He should have known in ten seconds that Devon was beyond help, Mr. training in First Aid for 7 years!

beesy said:
I used to think it was Goody who the had the crush on Darin! Is it you now? LOL
Better watch it, Bees. I once asked a poster if she was sleeping with him over her objections to my theories, and all heck broke loose. You'd have thought I tried to pop a wheely in the supermarket! hahahahahaha!
Mary456 said:
Darin ran across the street for Karen before the paramedics were in the house..
Paramedic Kolbye says”

A. I walked through the front door

3 through an entryway and into a living area, a living/den

4 area, I suppose you would call it.

5 Q. Okay. Let me just show you State's

6 Exhibit No. 10, which is a floor plan of the house. Are

7 you familiar with the layout of the house?

8 A. Yes, I am.

9 Q. This being the front door right here?

10 A. Yes, sir.

11 Q. When you talk about the family room,

12 are you talking about the family room labeled on the

13 diagram there?

14 A. That is correct.
Kolbye places Darin in the middle of the family room near Devon.
Q. Okay. How about the other male that

3 you saw in the room? Where was he?

4 A. He was in the -- I suppose you call it

5 the middle of the living area.

6 Q. All right. Middle of the room then.

7 Right?

8 A. That's correct.

9 Q. He's not over with Officer Waddell and

10 the female?

11 A. No, he's not.

Paramedic Koshak says:

Q. Okay. Could you tell us, where was

18 the defendant's husband when you first saw him?

19 A. Walking towards me and my partner from

20 the child that was near the center of the room, or

21 thereabouts.

22 Q. Okay. The other child that's on the

23 other side of the room?

24 A. Yes, sir.

25 Q. And the defendant's husband is walking

Sandra M. Halsey, CSR, Official Court Reporter


1 from the direction of that child over to where your

2 partner is working on the other child; is that right?

3 A. Yes, sir.

4 Q. Okay. Well, Paramedic Kolbye had the

5 one child he was working on, so what did you do?

6 A. I proceeded around him, he -- my

7 passage was blocked, and continued around past Officer

8 Waddell and Mrs. Routier to the second child.

9 Q. Okay. And, again, just looking at

10 State's Exhibit No. 10, let me just ask you: I'm

11 pointing to an area that says "second child." Does that

12 look like an accurate representation of where this second

13 child was right over here at this "X"?

14 A. Yes, sir.

15 Q. And do I understand you to say that

16 the defendant's husband was walking from that direction
17 toward the direction where your partner was working on

18 the other child?

19 A. That's correct.

20 Q. Okay. And, then did you take a direct

21 route from where you were over to this second child, or

22 did you have to go around to avoid Mr. Routier?

23 A. I had to go around to avoid Mr. Routier


Mary456 said:
Well, both Gorsuch and Waddell identified Darin as the man who ran out the front door and met Waddell by the fountain, and then they both went in the house. This was before Darin left the house again to get Karen..

Mary456 said:
I see it in a different light, much less sinister than you do. If Darin was reacting to Darlie's screams of "Devon! Devon! Devon!", it's not surprising that his eyes would immediately go to where he saw Devon asleep when he (Darin) went to bed. In the chaos, I can understand why he didn't even see Damon until a few minutes later. .
It is possible,but there are other things about Darin that are not all that believable.

BTW, Mary, I noticed in researching the paramedics' testimonies that they put Damon behind the sofa. Doesn't that put him close to that bloody fingerprint on the table that is also behind the sofa?
Mary456 said:
Darin ran across the street for Karen before the paramedics were in the house.
No, everybody places Darin in the house when paramedics enter. With the medics handling things, Darin claims he ran over to the Neals then. Karen agrees with this, based on what was going on once she got to the house.

Well, both Gorsuch and Waddell identified Darin as the man who ran out the front door and met Waddell by the fountain, and then they both went in the house. This was before Darin left the house again to get Karen.
I'm not sure they positively say they saw him run out the front door. He just seems to appear.

I see it in a different light, much less sinister than you do. If Darin was reacting to Darlie's screams of "Devon! Devon! Devon!", it's not surprising that his eyes would immediately go to where he saw Devon asleep when he (Darin) went to bed. In the chaos, I can understand why he didn't even see Damon until a few minutes later.
Sometimes he says he woke up to her screaming "Devon" and sometimes to glass breaking. The breaking glass is the reason he sites for thinking Devon has been cut by that dang coffee table. Can anybody tell me why they had glass tables in a family room?
Goody said:
[/color]Better watch it, Bees. I once asked a poster if she was sleeping with him over her objections to my theories, and all heck broke loose. You'd have thought I tried to pop a wheely in the supermarket! hahahahahaha!
Great I'm being disciplined again. Jeez old people :rolleyes:
Goody said:

First off, you're right about Darin getting Karen after the paramedics arrived. My mistake.

BTW, Mary, I noticed in researching the paramedics' testimonies that they put Damon behind the sofa. Doesn't that put him close to that bloody fingerprint on the table that is also behind the sofa? [/QUOTE]

The pics in MTJD don't really place Damon behind the sofa or near the sofa table. He's on the other side of the entranceway into the family room (although distances are deceiving). The blood that was identified near the sofa table was Darlie's, though...which lends more credence to the theory that it was her bloody fingerprint on the glass.
Mary456 said:
The blood that was identified near the sofa table was Darlie's, though...which lends more credence to the theory that it was her bloody fingerprint on the glass.
I thought the blood in the smudge of the bloody print was Darlie's. Didn;t they test that?
Goody said:
I thought the blood in the smudge of the bloody print was Darlie's. Didn;t they test that?

Yes, it was Darlie's blood. What I meant to say was that some of the blood drops on the floor, in front of the sofa table, were Darlie's also.

That's why it's logical to conclude that the bloody partial print belongs to you-know-who ;)
Mary456 said:
Yes, it was Darlie's blood. What I meant to say was that some of the blood drops on the floor, in front of the sofa table, were Darlie's also.

That's why it's logical to conclude that the bloody partial print belongs to you-know-who ;)
Agreed. Also, the fact that her ring finger has the same whorl pattern as the bloody print is another big red flag saying it is probably her print....not some midget intruder with big muscles and little fingers.
Mary456 said:
and those glass tables went so well with the white carpets :crazy:
Esp with a houseful of young boys who might fall into them and seriously injure themselves.
Goody said:
Agreed. Also, the fact that her ring finger has the same whorl pattern as the bloody print is another big red flag saying it is probably her print....not some midget intruder with big muscles and little fingers.
Did Darlie mention hearing any singing? If so, maybe it was those crazed Umpa Lumpas...:crazy:
beesy said:
Did Darlie mention hearing any singing? If so, maybe it was those crazed Umpa Lumpas...:crazy:
What is an Umpa Lumpa?
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