Darlie Supporters and Darin Routier

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RobertStJames said:
At first glance, your automatic response to this crime would be what?

Well, since you asked. :rolleyes:

Being the mother of three children myself, my first response is why on earth didn't she have any of their blood on them????? Why didn't she try and comfort her children who she KNEW were bleeding to death in front of her??? How could she just STAND THERE after being told numerous times to HELP THEM??

And don't try and tell me she was in "shock" either because her emotions haven't gotten any better in all these years. She cries for herself - she never cried for those boys.
Jeana (DP) said:
Well, since you asked. :rolleyes:

Being the mother of three children myself, my first response is why on earth didn't she have any of their blood on them????? Why didn't she try and comfort her children who she KNEW were bleeding to death in front of her??? How could she just STAND THERE after being told numerous times to HELP THEM??

And don't try and tell me she was in "shock" either because her emotions haven't gotten any better in all these years. She cries for herself - she never cried for those boys.

Being told by whom? No police officer would say anything like that. Darin, you mean? Strange, I don't hear him saying anything like that on the 911 call. The dispatcher, then? But she doesn't say that either.

Who was telling Darlie to help the boys? Why wasn't someone helping Darlie, with blood pouring out of her neck?

RobertStJames said:
Being told by whom? No police officer would say anything like that. Darin, you mean? Strange, I don't hear him saying anything like that on the 911 call. The dispatcher, then? But she doesn't say that either.

Who was telling Darlie to help the boys? Why wasn't someone helping Darlie, with blood pouring out of her neck?


Bull. The cop told her to help the kids. She stood there HELPING herself. There was no blood pouring out of her neck. She was NEVER in any danger of losing much blood from that scratch.
Jeana (DP) said:
Bull. The cop told her to help the kids. She stood there HELPING herself. There was no blood pouring out of her neck. She was NEVER in any danger of losing much blood from that scratch.

Then how did Darlie's blood get all over the kitchen (you know, "cleaned up") all over the carpet, dripping in the utility room, dripping on Darin's Reeboks...

RobertStJames said:
Then how did Darlie's blood get all over the kitchen (you know, "cleaned up") all over the carpet, dripping in the utility room, dripping on Darin's Reeboks...


I didn't say she didn't bleed. However, if she had blood "pouring" out of her neck, I doubt the paramedics would just pass her by, don't you? by the way, Why did she clean up that blood????? I think that was her undoing - don't you? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Jeana (DP) said:
I didn't say she didn't bleed. However, if she had blood "pouring" out of her neck, I doubt the paramedics would just pass her by, don't you? by the way, Why did she clean up that blood????? I think that was her undoing - don't you? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

She didn't clean up anything. She was running water in the sink to wet down those towels, just as she said she was, and she *was* helping take care of her sons. She didn't cut herself over the sink, like the absurd theories suggest. And she didn't get blood all over herself like Darin with his completely bogus "CPR/mouth to mouth" story which, despite the audible breathing of Damon, Darin chose to perform on Devon, who was quite obviously already dead.

Nobody had to ask her to help, but I bet they *did* ask her just where the hell her husband had gone in such a big hurry. You want suspicious behavior? Try Darin's fleeing the scene, not unsubstantiated and manifestly untrue stories that Darlie did not try to help her sons, even though she herself was badly injured.

Jeana (DP) said:
Wrong once again. But I don't care too mcuh. She's where she belongs.

I'm more interested in seeing *all* the case, not just what the DA put on, since of course that was presented in such a way to convince a jury of her guilt. Which they succeeded in doing, although I think if she'd stayed off the stand, and her lawyer had presented evidence pointing away from Darlie, she would have been acquitted. Given that he'd been hired by the only other alternative suspect, it's not surprise such evidence was not presented.

I want to see:
a) an analysis of the blood on Darin Routier's jeans
b) a detailed forensic accounting of Testinec
c) testimony from Dana Stahl
d) testimony from the Neals that doesn't deal with "black car" nonsense
and instead focuses just what Darin Routier was doing over there.

e) And I want to know, why, when his wife is serious injured and his two kids dead, Darin Routier is spending the better part of 30mins going back and forth between his house and the Neals. And no, "getting help" doesn't cut it because the paramedics are *already there*:

Q. The paramedics came in, and they are
2 in a hurry?
3 A. Everybody is in a hurry.
4 Q. A lot of people there?
5 A. But it seemed like everybody was
6 moving in slow motion.
7 Q. Did you have occasion to go across the
8 street to the Neal's house?
9 A. Yes, sir, I did.
10 Q. What was your purpose in going to the
11 Neal's house?
12 A. To get help.

This is the kind of stuff I want to know about, not wound theories, and not psychology, but actual case fact.

I haven't read anything about Darin being away for the better part of 30 minutes... can you tell me where you found this info?
RobertStJames said:
Sure. If you want to bend over backwards and exclude the shoe and the sock (both with victim's blood on them).
Are you serious? Surely you can't be?

You think it is bending over backward to say that if Darin had worn the sock with those shoes it would have been reasonable to expect that a fibre from the shoes might transfer to the sock?

I never said you could exclude the sock and the shoe from the crimescene. I said you could exclude them from being linked to the crime scene in that respect (ie. your theory that Darin was wearing the shoes with the socks during the commission of the crime). Obviously the shoe and sock are tied to the crime because they have blood on them. But they are not necessarily tied to the crime together.

So whilst we are on your theory of Darin having worn the socks and the shoes could you explain:
1) Why suddenly one of the socks ended up in the alley? Did he decide just to take his shoes and socks off out there for some reason? Then dump one sock? What happened to the other sock? Did he put the shoes back on or did he just carry them back to the house? And why was he wearing them in the first place??

2) How did the blood end up on the sock?

Darin should have at least on cut on his knee. Unless he managed to tear his pants there and not touch skin.
Rubbish. I have torn clothing plenty of time without a single scratch to myself.

Affadavit for what? The absence of any description of Darin's body during a lengthy interview at the hospital? There should be notes from the detectives who talked to him. Where are they?

Blood 'spatter' from a throat is caused when a major artery is cut. Darlie's wasn't. If she was lying down or leaning backwards and someone ran a greta big butcher's knife along her throat in such a way to make a shallow cut (which it was) then I'm not sure where you think this blood 'spatter' (which should actually be 'spray' from a servered artery) would have come from.

I'm quoting the Habeus Corpus. Since I can't find any analysis of Darin's jeans, that's all I have to go by.
Of course that is all you have to go by- because you are happy to blithely accept what the defense has to say without looking at what the transcripts say regarding the evidence. Although perhaps you should be a little careful in what you claim (ie. that the staining on the jeans was not consistent with Darin giving the boys CPR since the Writ clearly says that at least some of it was consistent with contact staining).

Oh and then we have the normal defense trick (which they have used a few times now) of referring to an affidavit to back up their claims in the writ and then when you go a look at the affidavit- hey presto! Not there! In this instance we have them telling us to go look at Labers affidavit to see that Darin's wounds had blood spatter on them. Of course nowhere in his affidavit does Laber mention anything about the type of blood staining on Darin's jeans.

So I'll ask again - where do you have evidence from the experts who have examined Darlie's wound and the jeans to back up your claim that
1) there is blood spatter on the jeans
2) that Darlie's throat wound would have spattered blood anywhere rather than seeping and oozing blood from the shallow cut?

Unless you have something to back up Darin's extremely dubious story of his mouth to mouth/CPR of Devon turning the kid into a blood-spewing fountain, I'm going to continue to regard this story as extremely suspect, and then question why it is that Darin runs across the street for "help" at the exact moment help (in the form of a police officer) arrives.
Why is it extremely dubious that a child who had his lung punctured in 2 places and his pulmonary artery severed would end up pushing blood up from his punctured lungs through his wounds if someone tried to give him CPR by breathing into his mouth? Seems like elementary physics to me.

Also Darin ran out of the house as Waddell arrived. He didn't leave when Waddell walked in the door. Waddell met him out the front and brought him back in with him. If my kids were lying on the floor seemingly dead and there was nothing I knew how to do for them and I knew my good friend across the street was a nurse then I'd be going out the front door too.

You're misreading the description. Darin claims that Darlie was *right there on top of Devon* when all the blood was sparying around that got on Darin. How did so much blood only manage to get on one of *two* people who were right there *during the CPR*?
I'm not misreading anything. Darin says the blood spattered on his face, not all over him. Secondly, Darlie never mentions being there when Devon was being given CPR- that is entirely Darin's story and there is nothing on the 911 call which indicates she was doing that. I might be wrong but from memory I don't remember her calling Devon's name at all on the call- only Damons. And thirdly you have a good point as a result of this- where WAS all the blood that should have been on Darlie if she was right over top of Devon? It's not there is it? Only a couple of little spots. Where did all the blood that should have been on her hands if she was closing his chest cavity go?

Bites both ways this one.

Two bleeding victims went right past those shoes but only Darlie's blood on them. Blood that just happens to get on one of the Reeboks which are, inexplicably by any explanation (except the obvious one) are by the door.
Yes, one cradled in the arms of a paramedic. We've already said that it is clear that whoever deposited the blood on the shoes was standing still or very close to it. You're so keen on the blood trail how about explaining how the blood got there if that person was Darin.

It's like nobody around here has ever seen a pair of sneakers laced up loosely so they can be slipped on. Fits with the whole "Gangsta" thing that Darin was obviously a big fan of, unless you think his two extremely young sons decided to become gangster rap fans on their own.
Not that it matters because the point is pretty silly anyway - but what evidence do you have that darin was into the 'gangsta' thing? Is this just more pure speculation or are you actually going to back it up with something beyond 'his kids like 'Gangsta's Paradise'?

Darlie and the boys were right there in the murder room, two sleeping on their floor. Where are *their* hairs? Why is it, of all people, Darin's hair that shows up on that knife?
Because it did.

Go look up cases where the perp's hair gets tangled in the weapon used.
Show me one and I will read it in depth.

I'm also pretty sure that you are over exaggerating the length of Darin's hair at the time but don't have time to go back and look for the silly string video to confirm. Will check later. And also, again do you have evidence that it was a head hair?

I still regard that notion of him viciously stabbing his family and someone getting the knife tangled in his hair as absurd. So if you can find me any other cases where it has happened I'd love to see them.

Wanna know where else hair was found, again Darin's? In that black hat in the utility room.
Gee Whiz. That blows the case wide open then.

BTW- can you point me where you read that?

I don't accept your logic.
Well we seem to be at an impasse there since the feeling is mutual.

Given Darlie's early description of fighting with the assailant on the couch, the first part should be obvious. There was never any knife in the utility room, nor did Darlie's first account say where she found the knife. You can misinterpret her statement all you please, but the known facts of the case show the knife was on the floor in the Roman Room, no matter what Darlie later said.
Oh my goodness. Are you kidding me??? You think we are misinterpreting her statement???

"I got halfway through the kitchen and turned back around to run and turn on the light. I ran back towards the utility room and realised there was a big white handled knife lying on the floor... I ran back through the kitchen and realised the entire living area had blood all over everything

Are you actually trying to say that Darlie ran halfway through the kitchen, turned back around to turn the lights on went back towards the U-room through the kitchen, saw a knife lying in the living room through the eyes in the back of her head, went back to the living room to pick it up, went back to the U-room and looked over to see the U-room garage door shutting, then went back through the kitchen to the living room again???

You're kidding yourself. Sorry. No way to be nice and polite about that. The knife was in the utility room. And that is one of the things she sticks to across the years

IN HER OWN WORDS- I took a couple of steps and remembered lights were off went back and turned lights on, I started to walk through kitchen and noticed blood on my nightgown, about to my chest, halfway across the kitchen I saw knife laying on utility room floor, instinctively I went over and picked up knife, doesn't seem like there was much blood on the knife, I went back through the kitchen and put knife on kitchen bar

TESTIMONY- 9 A. I got into the kitchen, and I got to
10 where the island is, there is an island in the middle of
11 the kitchen. I got to where the island was, and it was
12 at that moment that I realized that I had blood on me.
13 And I kept going, walking a little
14 bit, and I saw a knife laying in the utility room. The
15 knife wasn't completely the whole way in the utility
16 room, it was just like, a little bit into the doorway of
17 the utility room.
18 It was an instinct -- I picked up the
19 knife, it was an instinct to pick up the knife. I didn't
20 think about it. It was just an instinct. I picked up
21 the knife, I brought the knife back to the kitchen
22 counter, and set it up on the kitchen counter.
23 At that time, I started to walk into
24 the living room

You're sounding a lot like Jeff you know... "no matter what Darlie said later I know what really happened and she was wrong". Jeff even pulled that one on Darlie herself. Perhaps you are Jeff after all- just playing a bit ignorant to lull us into a false sense of security. Or then again perhaps the obvious fact that Darlie continues to claim the knife was in the U-room is one of the major sticking points for people who want to believe she is innocent.

It would be useful to look at Waddell's statement, and anything the neighbors are known to have said, and see if Darin was wearing any shoes when he sprinted past the police and across the street.
here you go-

8 Q. All right. And as you came up here to
9 this location, Officer, is that when you saw the
10 individual that you now know to be Darin Routier?
11 A. Yes, sir.
12 Q. Can you please point where he was when
13 you first saw him?
14 A. He was coming out of the front door,
15 across the yard.
16 Q. All right. Do you recall how he was
17 dressed that morning?
18 A. He was wearing blue jeans, no shirt,
19 no shoes.

25 And Darin was crying, and he had tears
1 running down his face.
2 Q. Was he loud?
3 A. Very loud. He was screaming.
4 Q. How was he dressed?
5 A. He had on a pair of blue jeans, no
6 shirt and he was barefoot.

Now, since you are such a big proponent for the blood evidence pointing right back at Darin could you please explain how
a) there was no blood to indicate a knife had ever been thrown down in the U-room
b) Why the knife imprint that is in the living room was made by someone who was actively bleeding enough that blood was running down their arm and cumilating on the tip of the knife?
People can argue this case over and over again and the only thing it points to IMO is Darlie's guilt. Darin didn't hate his children Darlie hated them. JMO though.
RobertStJames said:
Where was she when this was happening? Because unless she was right near the stairs (or heard him, of course) then how does she really know where he came from?


Well, you're the one who posted (message 33) that Darlie didn't mention seeing Darin come down the steps in her original statement.

I was simply pointing out that what you said is untrue. Darlie's original statement was "he (Darin) ran down the stairs and into the room where the boys were".
Dani, (or anyone who could help me with this one)

In your last post on this thread you wrote something about the knife imprint on the carpet being from someone who was bleeding so badly the blood was running down their arm and dripping off the end of the knife. Did I get that right?

Was that blood (knife imprint) tested?

Was both Darlie's and Damon's blood found on the blade of the knife, but not Devon's?

Do you think there was another knife that was not found? If not, what is your theory about Devon's blood not being on the knife?

Was the blood on the door from the house to the garage identified?

Sorry for questions I'm sure y'all have walked others through many times.
Hey there,

I don't post here a lot but I do know this case pretty well so I thought I would tell you what I know. :-)

Yes, you have it correct that the imprint of the knife on the floor strongly suggests that whomever was holding it was bleeding very badly down their arm. I didn't read anything that mentioned the blood on the carpet being tested but, it is my understanding that there were only 4 swabs of blood taken from the knife. I also want to say (my memory is a bit vague in some areas because it was 4 years ago that I read the transcripts) that the mixture of the blood made it difficult to find Devon's DNA, which could suggest he was stabbed first. Also it was found that Devon's wounds were consistent with that same knife.

Also, from what I remember the blood found on the door to the garage belonged to Darlie.

RobertStJames, I'm just curious. You are going on and on about Darin's jeans. What makes you so certain about the blood splatters on them? Have you seen pictures? Have you read this somewhere? What makes you so certain his jeans had blood splatters consistent with Darlie's cut on her throat?
LOl, Oh no RSJ is not Jefe but he/she did hang out at C&J at the same time you and I did with Jeffieboy.
accordn2me said:
Dani, (or anyone who could help me with this one)

In your last post on this thread you wrote something about the knife imprint on the carpet being from someone who was bleeding so badly the blood was running down their arm and dripping off the end of the knife. Did I get that right?

Was that blood (knife imprint) tested?

Was both Darlie's and Damon's blood found on the blade of the knife, but not Devon's?

Do you think there was another knife that was not found? If not, what is your theory about Devon's blood not being on the knife?

Was the blood on the door from the house to the garage identified?

Sorry for questions I'm sure y'all have walked others through many times.
Jaxie has already responded to most of these so I won't go over them again. But just on the note of another knife- no apart from the butchers knife (murder weapon) and bread knife (to cut the screen) I don't believe there was another knife involved. As Jaxie mentioned not all the blood on the knife was tested so it is possible some of Devon's blood was on it. But there are a couple of other possibilities too:

If Devon was attacked first which is likely then his blood could have easily been removed (or most of it anyway) in the subsequent use of the knife on both Damon and Darlie.

Also, it is possible that Darlie washed the knife after attacking the boys and then used it on herself and also on Damon who she realised wasn't dead. My theory is that she wasn't intending to cut her neck at all until she realised she was backed into a corner and didn't have much of a choice (I can explain what I mean at more length later if you are interested).

Hope that helps,

PS. One other thing- we need to remember that the state held back evidence in the event that she needed to be retried for Devon's murder. So it is very possible that more things were tested than we know about (for example if they needed to retrial her for Devon then it would make sense to keep back evidence that his blood was on the knife).
RobertStJames said:
Blood *spatter* has been reported in two places on Darin's jeans. Not consistent at all with CPR. Very consistent with a throat slash.

Let me see. You think Darin sneaked up on Darlie as she slept and slashed her throat and blood spurted up and out at him but didn't get on the couch?

Then I guess he attacked the boys with deep plunging wounds while Darlie continued to sleep with her one little slash, less than an inch deep that hit nothing at all significant....no vocal cords, no wind pipe, not even that dastardly artery supporters keep harping on.

Then she sees Darin going out via the garage, out the window, I guess. Remember the screen was cut from the outside, not the inside, so when did he do that? And why would he choose to climb out a garage window when he could have just gone out the front door or slipped out the patio door in the family room? And why would he go thru the back yard knowing that darned motion detector was out there? Sure he would have known what path to take, but he also knew that stepping off the path could set it off, so why risk it when there was a much safer alternative right at his fingertips?

Then how did he get back upstairs to fool Darlie? Remember she thinks he is sleeping thru all this.

Why doesn't she recognize his walk? Not many wives would miss that. Shoot, I can recognize Elvis' walk on TV and I have never even met the man.

And after all the rest I am not even going into, how do you explain the hynosis she had done a couple years after the murders in which she claims to remember fighting with two intruders on the couch and goes into a bit of detail describing that, claiming that one is black and the other a small framed, dark skinned man? (How much you want to bet that he is supposed to be Hispanic?)

I think you are just grasping at anything you can to hold onto your belief that she is innocent. Bad investigative approach. You are supposed to follow the evidence, not try to fit the evidence to a preconceived conclusion. You can argue almost anything to create unanswered questions if you do the latter. That is why objective investigator's follow the evidence and let it lead them to the suspect.

The blood on Darin's pants may or may not be significant, depending on many things. It doesn't relieve Darlie of responsibility though. The only thing that can do that is a reasonable explanation for how the children's blood got on her shirt where it did.

BTW, only four drops of blood on her shirt is quite a bit. People have been convicted of murder with only one drop of blood pointing at them. It is where those droplets were and how they got there that points at her.

Darin might very well be involved in these murders, but so was Darlie, sad to say.
RobertStJames said:
Where was she when this was happening? Because unless she was right near the stairs (or heard him, of course) then how does she really know where he came from?

Darlie was standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Darin to come down. When he did, she showed him her cut neck which he does not remember. Then she went for the phone in the kitchen and he rushed past her to get to Devon,w whom he thought was the only child injured. He didn't see Damon even though he could have had to step over Damon to get to Devon. Darin thought the glass coffee table, which was overturned had hurt Devon. Darlie never went near Devon to see what happened to him, so it was never clear to me why she was screaming Devon, Devon, Devon! She supposedly saw Damon's injuries though and just ignored them. Makes no sense. Anyway, Darlie definitely saw her husband come down the stairs according to her's and his statements.
RobertStJames said:
Who was telling Darlie to help the boys? Why wasn't someone helping Darlie, with blood pouring out of her neck?

Darlie's blood was not spurting out. It was seeping down her chest and much of it was absorbed by her shirt. The rest ran down her body to her feet, hence the bloody footprints.

That is for starters. My question back to you is why wasn't Darlie helping the kids? She had a rag up to her own wound. She could have very easily have sat down next to Damon and held the little guy in her arms until help arrived. Instead she stayed in the kitchen on a portable phone and when police arrived, she sat her butt down on the floor several feet from the boy. What is up with that?
RobertStJames said:
Then how did Darlie's blood get all over the kitchen (you know, "cleaned up") all over the carpet, dripping in the utility room, dripping on Darin's Reeboks...

Most of the blood you are talking about came from her arm wound, not her neck wound.
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