Darlie's injuries

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Thinkoflaura said:
Maybe 10, maybe as many as 20. One needle injury to small blood vessels can cause a 6 inch area of bleeding. I know because, as I said, it happened to me. Maybe she or Darin knew to put a tourniquet above the area to be stuck too. I am NOT talking about a quick jab in and out but leaving the needle in, pulling back on the plunger, maybe even putting pressure on the area to cause the bleeding into the skin to be worse. Again, she most likely did know the old ear piercing trick of putting an ice cube over where she was going to pierce the skin to numb it up, and Darin may have helped her too.
Well, Darin claims to have taken first aid for 7 years, so I would not be surprised to learn that he knew. Also, Darlie was not examined by medical people after she got out of the hospital, so it could have slipped by undetected. I am not sure cops would be able to detect puncture wounds from a needle just by looking at them.
I got my blood taken just recently by the most unskilled nurse ever, she stuck me like 3 times and dug that needle around till I had tears in my eyes. The bruise on the inside of my arm developed 2 days later and was about 4 inches long and 2 inches wide. So I can agree with the fact that perhaps some of the bruises may have been caused by needles, but not the majority of them.
Desilu said:
I got my blood taken just recently by the most unskilled nurse ever, she stuck me like 3 times and dug that needle around till I had tears in my eyes. The bruise on the inside of my arm developed 2 days later and was about 4 inches long and 2 inches wide. So I can agree with the fact that perhaps some of the bruises may have been caused by needles, but not the majority of them.
Actually that probably makes the most sense. That the bruises showed up after she got home from needles used in the hospital, (though mine always show up while I am still there), and she just took advantage of the their presence and maybe added a little something to them. The only thing I am sure of is that a man did not give them to her in the course of beating her or trying to stab her. Ask any violent crime victim and they will tell you they had bruises all over in unexpected places. It makes no sense that only her arms were bruised.
txsvicki said:
I don't normally post on this forum, but do read. There's no way Darlie could have been struggling with someone with the inside of her arms available to be hurt. A couch isn't wide enough for an intruder to be sitting on her with his legs on the inside of her arms, and there aren't any bruises on Darlie's large chest or face which would also have been scraped and pinned down. The bruises on the back of the wrists also look too much alike. The explanations for the bruises really don't even make much sense.
Plus the couch has no stab punctures in it where he might have missed Darlie and hit the couch. We are supposed to believe that she didn't get more wounds because she was fighting him off and at the same time believe when he missed her, he didn't hit the couch. Total BS.
I've always thought the bruises were the result of Darin sitting on her with her arms pinned under his legs. There is a pattern of some sort that could be material of his pants. I don't think it was that night, but I think that's where they came from. Compression bruises.
Jeana (DP) said:
I've always thought the bruises were the result of Darin sitting on her with her arms pinned under his legs. There is a pattern of some sort that could be material of his pants. I don't think it was that night, but I think that's where they came from. Compression bruises.
Which pictures are you seeing the patterns in, MTJD or can I see it in the pictures at justicefordarlie.net or elsewhere. I've thought about the compression thing too, just don't have good enough pictures.
Jeana (DP) said:
I've always thought the bruises were the result of Darin sitting on her with her arms pinned under his legs. There is a pattern of some sort that could be material of his pants. I don't think it was that night, but I think that's where they came from. Compression bruises.
Yes. A long time ago at GAC someone suggested they were signs of being bound and someone else asked if they had tied her down at the hospital. Of course they didn't, but I recently visited someone in the hospital who did have to be restrained and the restraints are at the elbow joint, not the wrists. They are wrapped in such a way that the patient can barely even struggle against them. About all they can do is raise their head and shoulders a little. They only do it to patients who might hurt themselves or others,and nothing about Darlie's behavior suggests that ever was a problem at the hospital.

So I think your suggestion is more than a little plausible. It is very possible that they had a big fight after she was released, whether he was involved or not. Whoever came up with the idea to kill the kids or stage the crime scene to cover it up would certainly have heard a lot of "I should have never listened to you" as things became apparent they were under suspicion and could spend the rest of their lives in prisonn, maybe even get the death penalty. Talk about drama. Those early days must have been pure hell in more ways than one.

That is before the little celebration in the front yard just hours before Darlie was arrested. It must have been earthshattering to be riding that high only to be sent crashing down into the worst nightmare, all within a matter of hours.
justice2 said:
Which pictures are you seeing the patterns in, MTJD or can I see it in the pictures at justicefordarlie.net or elsewhere. I've thought about the compression thing too, just don't have good enough pictures.

Yes, in the book. Do you have a copy? If so, I'll try to find the page numbers for you.
I have a hard time believing that Darli's arms were injured before or during her hospital stay. I think it had to of happed AFTER she was released. 20 years ago I was assaulted and the attacker glanced his first off/onto my cheek. When the police were called shortly afterwards they didn't believe I'd been struck but within 2 hours of the attack, when I was at the hospital, the bruising began to show. I overheard one of the officers tell the other, "I guess she really was hit."

So if my bruise showed up within two hours of a glancing blow I don't believe Darli's arms wouldn't have shown any signs of bruising during her hospital stay.
Marie said:
I have a hard time believing that Darli's arms were injured before or during her hospital stay. I think it had to of happed AFTER she was released. 20 years ago I was assaulted and the attacker glanced his first off/onto my cheek. When the police were called shortly afterwards they didn't believe I'd been struck but within 2 hours of the attack, when I was at the hospital, the bruising began to show. I overheard one of the officers tell the other, "I guess she really was hit."

So if my bruise showed up within two hours of a glancing blow I don't believe Darli's arms wouldn't have shown any signs of bruising during her hospital stay.
Exactly, Marie. The nurses should have seen the bruises and they should be referenced in their notes even if they didn't remember seeing them when they testified. You can see her photos in the hospital. Her arms do not look bruised to me. Hard to think EVERY medical person, nurse and doctor alike, would have no recall at all of seeing any bruises on her arms if they actually existed. Thanks for the comparisons, too.
I have one question (atleast for now) and it may have been addressed before and if that's the case.. I apologize. Does Darlie ever explain how she got those bruises? In her written statement at the police station, she says she woke up and the "intruder" was in the entry way of the kitchen and he took off running and she chase "him." If that's the case, then when did she have such a violent struggle to cause such horrible bruising?

Thanks in advance.
detectivewannabe said:
I have one question (atleast for now) and it may have been addressed before and if that's the case.. I apologize. Does Darlie ever explain how she got those bruises? In her written statement at the police station, she says she woke up and the "intruder" was in the entry way of the kitchen and he took off running and she chase "him." If that's the case, then when did she have such a violent struggle to cause such horrible bruising?

Thanks in advance.

She never does. In fact, she never says anything about "fighting" anyone as most people believe. She claims she said she was "frightening." :confused: :confused: Smarter people than I have tried to figure that one out and couldn't! LOL

She does ellude to the fact that she believes that she was attacked while she was sleeping and has just "blocked" it all out of her mind because its just too much to deal with. She claims she's got "traumatic amnesia." Problem is, she has none of the true symptoms.
Jeana (DP) said:
She never does. In fact, she never says anything about "fighting" anyone as most people believe. She claims she said she was "frightening." :confused: :confused: Smarter people than I have tried to figure that one out and couldn't! LOL

She does ellude to the fact that she believes that she was attacked while she was sleeping and has just "blocked" it all out of her mind because its just too much to deal with. She claims she's got "traumatic amnesia." Problem is, she has none of the true symptoms.

The bruises sure look like she smacked her arm on a flat surface (maybe a counter in the kitchen?). It's funny how her stories changed about the description of the intruder from knowing he wore a collarless t-shirt with no buttons down the front, a black cap with the bill pointed forward, and wearing blue jeans to she can't remember much of anything.

Maybe she had a plan A which included a struggle on the couch, but she realized after being questioned that she didn't set the plan up right so she went to the more vague "I don't remember"?
Jeana (DP) said:
I think the bruises were too uniform to have been caused by needles.

Hey, Jeana! Just a thought...Darlie didn't have any needles in her right arm. All the IVs were administered through her left wrist and elbow (you'll have to take my word for it, unless you want to go through all the nurses' testimony, LOL!)

The bruises from the IVs in her left arm were already turning yellow when she was photographed on 6/10. The bruises on her right arm, where there were no IVs, no needles, were purple and blue. Fresh bruises, 24-48 hours old.

I really wish people would read all the threads before they pose a question about the bruises. This question has been asked a million times, and very rarely does a poster take the time to read the old threads, which would make it very clear that Darlie's bruises were not the result of blunt trauma on 6/6/96.

Sorry for venting. I just believe that if someone wants to debate Darlie's bruises on a message board, they should take the time to read the posts that pertain to the subject (and I'm not talking about Archives; there are hundreds of posts about Darlie's bruises on the current message board).

Goodbye and Goodnight.
Mary456 said:
I really wish people would read all the threads before they pose a question about the bruises. This question has been asked a million times, and very rarely does a poster take the time to read the old threads, which would make it very clear that Darlie's bruises were not the result of blunt trauma on 6/6/96.

Sorry for venting. I just believe that if someone wants to debate Darlie's bruises on a message board, they should take the time to read the posts that pertain to the subject (and I'm not talking about Archives; there are hundreds of posts about Darlie's bruises on the current message board).

Goodbye and Goodnight.
Hi Mary,

No disrespect intended, but if all we have to do is read the old posts, what's the point of posting at all? This case has been hashed and rehashed so many times, there's probably no topic that hasn't been tossed around quite a bit.

The point of a discussion board is to discuss. If those who haven't participated in the older discussions want to have another go at the bruise question, I don't think that should be a problem. And, while I would love to spend hours reading old posts, I barely have time to make new ones.


JimPence said:
Hi Mary,

No disrespect intended, but if all we have to do is read the old posts, what's the point of posting at all? This case has been hashed and rehashed so many times, there's probably no topic that hasn't been tossed around quite a bit.

The point of a discussion board is to discuss. If those who haven't participated in the older discussions want to have another go at the bruise question, I don't think that should be a problem. And, while I would love to spend hours reading old posts, I barely have time to make new ones.



I think reading the current posts before you express an opinion - or ignoring previous posts as though you've never read them - is being lazy. Before I ever post an opinion, I read ALL the previous posts to provide some continuity in the craziness that defines a message board.

That's just my way. I read them all before I feel justified in responding to any message. I'm not one to jump in before I know the facts.

I simply wish that others would give me the same consideration.
I don't think anyone expressed an opinion about the bruises in this thread. Speculation, ideas, possibilities and questions are all I've seen.

Good for you that you don't jump in before knowing facts. Good for others who like to discuss and learn. Go ahead and do things your way, but also give consideration to letting others do things their way. There is no right way for everyone.

"Lazy" ? That's a really rude statement, and comes across as condescending and judgemental.

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