Darlie's injuries

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I have written 11 FACTS down and it seems you don't want to see that. What makes you an expert on FACTS when you won't look at all of it, just what suits what you believe. At least I am willing and HAVE looked at all facts good or bad and still am. I have read the rules and I know what I have seen as FACTS, it's just not what you want to hear. So therefore to you it isnt a fact, you might want to review the rules again too because I hear a lot of opinions from you as well and not facts. You get your facts from the transcripts, which you already know how I feel about that, and I get my facts from other sources of which I know how you feel about that.

See Missy, you haven't read my previous posts in regards to your 11 FACTS because I did respond with facts from the transcripts that you just ignored. AND WHAT MAKES YOU EXPERT ON FACTS WHEN YOU WON'T GO AND READ THE SUGGESTED INFO? Why must you continue to call me out on things that YOU ARE IN FACT DOING. Anyone who has read my posts know that I will read ANTHING in regards to Darlie. Oh how I am suppose to go and read your sources when you STILL REFUSE TO NAME YOUR SOURCES? HMMMMMM...................think about that one............... ...... now who is in the wrong? I tell you where I find my info. YOU say sources but still no link or reference what so ever to your so called FACTS. Listed below is my FACT that I stated in regards to the 911 call you can find this at www.justicefordarlie.net/transcripts/volumes/vol-05.php

"Ma'am, I can't understand you. You
2 are going to have to slow down and calm down and talk to
3 me."
4 (Inaudible.)
5 "What is going on."
6 "My babies were sleeping downstairs and
7 they are dead.
Oh, my God. Hold on, baby, hold on. Oh,
8 my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God."
9 (Inaudible.)


List your sources. I'm not afraid to list mine.................
I am not going to really get involved in this debate here, but I would like to add that you are going farther than even Darlie herself has by saying that the transcripts are useless. Darlie and her lawyers know what is there, they got to read everything, and said what is there is what happened and what was said in court.
You really can not dispute that.
You all say that "opinions are not facts", but you all have opinions about this, there are a lot of statements that are opinions and not facts. Niether one of us REALLY knows everything that happened, and if you feel like I am wasting your time, then I feel the same. I have written 11 FACTS down and it seems you don't want to see that. What makes you an expert on FACTS when you won't look at all of it, just what suits what you believe. At least I am willing and HAVE looked at all facts good or bad and still am. I have read the rules and I know what I have seen as FACTS, it's just not what you want to hear. So therefore to you it isnt a fact, you might want to review the rules again too because I hear a lot of opinions from you as well and not facts. You get your facts from the transcripts, which you already know how I feel about that, and I get my facts from other sources of which I know how you feel about that. Fact: the transcripts were messed with. Fact: not everyone cries the same way. My sister can produce NO tears, does that mean she doesn't really cry? What I don't think you realize is since we've been debating, I have been researching what you and others have been saying and I just don't see what you are seeing. When I read what you said about the 911 call, I went and listened to it again and got my printed transcripts of the 911 call out to see if I missed something and I just don't see what you are saying. I did give you FACTS from the call, not my opinions and FACTS from other sources, not my opinions.

Missi, how do you explain the distinct change of tone in Darlie's voice when she says "Darrin someone came in here and intenionally did this" or something to that effect. (sorry don't feel like looking up the exact quote right now)
There are NO tears at all in her voice. And the next second she's "crying" again.
What a complete fake.
Missy, anytime I post something that is of my opinion, I state that IMO....... and when I state as a fact, I tell you were this fact is found. SO huh? Where in my posts do you find that I am stating my opinions as facts?
You on the other hand stated for a fact that Darlie was crying hysterically through out the 911 cry. I said she was yelling and screaming, which is exactly what she was doing.

The transcripts are IN FACT A LEGAL RECORD OF THE ACTUAL TRIAL. There were only 2 volumes that Simmons would not certify due to the fact that she did not have the actual audio tapes to go by. And those two volumes were obviously not crucial to the trial because the transcripts were certified to be a True and Accurate account of the trial. Darlie and her lawyers agreed that the trial transcripts were accurate and that is why she is sitting on death row without a new freaking trial. Remember I suggested to you to read Judge Francis's Final ruling. Well obviously you haven't.

You can use the so-called error (corrected) transcripts as your excuse to dismiss anything I say but until you can PROVE to me that the actual events that we are all privy to through the reading of the transcripts is null and void (inaccurate and determined by a COURT OF LAW) quit telling me that my facts are wrong. IF YOU ARE REALLY IN SEARCH OF THE TRUTH STOP YOUR SARCASTIC REMARKS. I bet you don't post at other sites with the attitude you brought here. oh yea and that is IMHO.

So even if only 2 volumes of the transcripts were "missing" as long as you don't need them to suit your "opinions" or "facts" then thats ok then? Guess we didn't need those volumes. By the way the audio tapes that are so accurate according to you the 1st transcriber held on to them for a period of time and had to be made to give them back, so how do you know that nothing else was adjusted. I just watched a lengthy video with Darin and he really WAS there unlike you or me and the facts you are trying to state can be disputed by him. So I guess he wouldn't know what he was talking about either, right? How about the author Barbara Davis that was VERY adement about Darlie's guilt and then when she saw other evidence that disputed even what she was saying went back on national television to admit that she was wrong and that she felt darlie was innocent? I am sarcastic here at times because you are to me too and started that way from the beginning, IMHO. No I am not like that with others on other sites unless people are that way to me. I am actually a very nice person, but when I am supposed to JUST go on your word and that is it and everything I have tried to debate or tried to have you acknowledge as facts you totally tear it down and then critisize me for saying something to you about what I think is wrong from your facts or opinions or whatever word you would like to use this time. I have tried not to be sarcastic and that was never my intention, but did you ever think that maybe the info that you say are facts "could" be wrong too? I think that what darin has said holds a lot more weight then a lot of other evidence because like I said HE WAS THERE before the cops,during and after. Now I just waiting to see what you will tell me about why I shouldnt listen to that either. So sorry if you feel like I am coming across rudely, but I came here to inform others and to learn new things if there was anything else to learn, but the rudeness started with your responses first. I will respect your "opinions" or "facts" as long as you respect mine.
Darin was not present during the attacks - he was upstairs. He only knows what happened by what Darlie says happened. Yup - that's reliable information. :rolleyes:

And...do you really not see how he would have motivation to...I don't know....LIE??

And you have yet to give us any proof that what you say is FACT. Give us your source...so we can read it for ourselves. Until you can do that - it's simply your opinion.
just how long was she in shock? ok maybe i buy shock caused her to act off on the phone. i doubt shock made her stage the scene. maybe shock is why she didnt mind her dead son lying next to her in the hospital. shock dose not explain how her kids are cut to ribbons and she is so lightly injured she can party at their grave. shock might explain why she cant remember everything that night. it wont explain why she regains memorys that fit evidence as it is found.

eta. since this thread is about her wounds... shock will not explain how her hands and arms are not cut to shreds. they call them defensive wounds for a reason.

Unless you have experienced shock you wouldn't know how it effects your behavior or thinking, plus the one person that WAS there and witnessed how she was was her husband and I believe him when he says that she was. He has desputed what people have thought about darlie's behavior and has no reason to lie. He lost children too and I believe that if he thought for a second that she did do this he wouldnt have supported her at all. Not to mention over 200 other family members. I am glad to see that someone else has referred to darlie's wounds as
"defensive wounds" because I agree that they were too. I have seen all the pictures of the injuries and find it hard to believe IMHO that she did that to herself or staged anything. As far as her memory it is not uncommon to remember bits and pieces of a severe trauma, I mean for God sakes she was brutally attacked and 2 of her boys were severely stabbed and ended up dying. If that isnt trauma then I dont know what is. If you can have a straight head after that and act normal then more power to you.
See Missy, you haven't read my previous posts in regards to your 11 FACTS because I did respond with facts from the transcripts that you just ignored. AND WHAT MAKES YOU EXPERT ON FACTS WHEN YOU WON'T GO AND READ THE SUGGESTED INFO? Why must you continue to call me out on things that YOU ARE IN FACT DOING. Anyone who has read my posts know that I will read ANTHING in regards to Darlie. Oh how I am suppose to go and read your sources when you STILL REFUSE TO NAME YOUR SOURCES? HMMMMMM...................think about that one............... ...... now who is in the wrong? I tell you where I find my info. YOU say sources but still no link or reference what so ever to your so called FACTS. Listed below is my FACT that I stated in regards to the 911 call you can find this at www.justicefordarlie.net/transcripts/volumes/vol-05.php

"Ma'am, I can't understand you. You
2 are going to have to slow down and calm down and talk to
3 me."
4 (Inaudible.)
5 "What is going on."
6 "My babies were sleeping downstairs and
7 they are dead. Oh, my God. Hold on, baby, hold on. Oh,
8 my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God."
9 (Inaudible.)


List your sources. I'm not afraid to list mine.................

your transcript is different from what mine says about the 911 call and mine came www.fordarlieroutier.org/911call/transcript.html and it matches exactly what the recording says during the call word for word. I have also been on the site that you are talking about as well, crime library,a site called prisontalk, and a few others and if you want them too i would be glad to give them to you.
Unless you have experienced shock you wouldn't know how it effects your behavior or thinking, plus the one person that WAS there and witnessed how she was was her husband and I believe him when he says that she was. He has desputed what people have thought about darlie's behavior and has no reason to lie. He lost children too and I believe that if he thought for a second that she did do this he wouldnt have supported her at all. Not to mention over 200 other family members. I am glad to see that someone else has referred to darlie's wounds as
"defensive wounds" because I agree that they were too. I have seen all the pictures of the injuries and find it hard to believe IMHO that she did that to herself or staged anything. As far as her memory it is not uncommon to remember bits and pieces of a severe trauma, I mean for God sakes she was brutally attacked and 2 of her boys were severely stabbed and ended up dying. If that isnt trauma then I dont know what is. If you can have a straight head after that and act normal then more power to you.
when i was told my son had died i felt "shock" probably half the people on this site have felt it. i was first drawn here because of a story of a abused child. when my grandfather raped me i felt "shock" and that event draws me to sites where i can talk about other victims and their abuse. i would guess that many people on this site have been a victim of crime and are drawn here for the reason. i dont want pity and the i'm so sorry for what happened to you stuff. that is not the point of this post. shock used as a random term can describe some1 who was a victim of crime or won the lottery. it will not explain her behavior. shock as a medical term has symptoms. http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=5477
i would trust the emt over her husband as to if she had medical shock. as long as you choose to use the word in its non medical form u might as well say surprised.
I am not going to really get involved in this debate here, but I would like to add that you are going farther than even Darlie herself has by saying that the transcripts are useless. Darlie and her lawyers know what is there, they got to read everything, and said what is there is what happened and what was said in court.
You really can not dispute that.

I didn't say that they were useless, I said that they were tampered with and as far as the audiotapes that were supposed to be reconstructed the 1st transcriber held onto those tapes for awhile and there were numerous mistakes and Im not saying just typos, you dont know what could have been altered while those tapes were in someone elses hands that was trying to cover up what she did. I said that the credibility wasnt so great for them.
Unless you have experienced shock you wouldn't know how it effects your behavior or thinking, plus the one person that WAS there and witnessed how she was was her husband and I believe him when he says that she was. He has desputed what people have thought about darlie's behavior and has no reason to lie. He lost children too and I believe that if he thought for a second that she did do this he wouldnt have supported her at all. Not to mention over 200 other family members. I am glad to see that someone else has referred to darlie's wounds as
"defensive wounds" because I agree that they were too. I have seen all the pictures of the injuries and find it hard to believe IMHO that she did that to herself or staged anything. As far as her memory it is not uncommon to remember bits and pieces of a severe trauma, I mean for God sakes she was brutally attacked and 2 of her boys were severely stabbed and ended up dying. If that isnt trauma then I dont know what is. If you can have a straight head after that and act normal then more power to you.

Darrin has MANY reasons to lie...Darlie was his "trophy" wife, he didn't want her in jail. And he obviously couldn't raise a baby by himself because as far as I know he made no effort to get custody of Drake back.
Perhaps Darlie could implicate him if wasn't lying and backing her up. Isn't she trying to do that now anyway?
That's just a few of many reasons.
Missi, how do you explain the distinct change of tone in Darlie's voice when she says "Darrin someone came in here and intenionally did this" or something to that effect. (sorry don't feel like looking up the exact quote right now)
There are NO tears at all in her voice. And the next second she's "crying" again.
What a complete fake.

IMHO is that so wrong to have a major amount of mixed emotions between sadness, being hysterical,being angry,shock and any other emotion that she must have felt if that kind of a tragedy happened. Don't you think she had the right to be angry at whomever did this or be hysterical or very distraught. That seems normal to me for the type of situation this was, it was horrific. When she said the sentence about it being intentional IMHO it sounded to me like she was very angry and wouldnt you be?
I didn't say that they were useless, I said that they were tampered with and as far as the audiotapes that were supposed to be reconstructed the 1st transcriber held onto those tapes for awhile and there were numerous mistakes and Im not saying just typos, you dont know what could have been altered while those tapes were in someone elses hands that was trying to cover up what she did. I said that the credibility wasnt so great for them.
here is my problem with your therory. every1 has to be a liar but darlie and those that suport her. the first cop on the scene lied about how she acted and what he saw. the crime scene techs contamintated the scene and hid it. the nurse lied about what she saw with the brusies. the nurse lied about how she acted. the emt lied about if darlie was in shock. the court reporter lied in the transcripts. why??? why would every1 get together to frame a young mother and let a murder go free? people talk about how little a PD is paid but a DA is not given millions. do you really think that the DA wanted to let the "real" killer get away with murder so he could get a young mom? it just dont pass the smell test.
when i was told my son had died i felt "shock" probably half the people on this site have felt it. i was first drawn here because of a story of a abused child. when my grandfather raped me i felt "shock" and that event draws me to sites where i can talk about other victims and their abuse. i would guess that many people on this site have been a victim of crime and are drawn here for the reason. i dont want pity and the i'm so sorry for what happened to you stuff. that is not the point of this post. shock used as a random term can describe some1 who was a victim of crime or won the lottery. it will not explain her behavior. shock as a medical term has symptoms. http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=5477
i would trust the emt over her husband as to if she had medical shock. as long as you choose to use the word in its non medical form u might as well say surprised.

when I was referring to "shock" the definition I used was this: a sudden or violent disturbance in the mental or emotional faculties.....wouldnt that classify what was happening after a trauma like that with being brutally attacked and seeing her boys stabbed to death and see them dying, that definition would be a true definition dont you think?
Darrin has MANY reasons to lie...Darlie was his "trophy" wife, he didn't want her in jail. And he obviously couldn't raise a baby by himself because as far as I know he made no effort to get custody of Damnon back.
Perhaps Darlie could implicate him if wasn't lying and backing her up. Isn't she trying to do that now anyway?
That's just a few of many reasons.
if darlie killed their kids and he admitted it to his self it would be alot to live with. he left those kids with a mom that could so cruelly kill them. i am not sure i could live with the idea i left my kids alone with a murder. people lie to themselves all the time. moms look the other way when her husband slips into her little girls bedroom in the night because she does not want to know. to me this is a perfect reason for him to lie.
when I was referring to "shock" the definition I used was this: a sudden or violent disturbance in the mental or emotional faculties.....wouldnt that classify what was happening after a trauma like that with being brutally attacked and seeing her boys stabbed to death and see them dying, that definition would be a true definition dont you think?
suprise would mean the same thing but not imply a medical condition that can be proven she did not have.
Darrin has MANY reasons to lie...Darlie was his "trophy" wife, he didn't want her in jail. And he obviously couldn't raise a baby by himself because as far as I know he made no effort to get custody of Damnon back.
Perhaps Darlie could implicate him if wasn't lying and backing her up. Isn't she trying to do that now anyway?
That's just a few of many reasons.

as far as darin he was the only one there that saw her even before the cops even got there and would know dont you think. and even if Darlie was his "trophey wife" that doesnt make her a killer. The state took Drake away because he was supporting his wife and believed in her innocence, which is not wrong. Plus he wasnt stable either after, I mean he did lose 2 of his children too and his wife to jail, is he not allowed to look out for the best interest of his child and let him be with his grandparents while he got back on his feet? what is so wrong with that, he went through a trauma too.I think that is pretty selfless.
IMHO is that so wrong to have a major amount of mixed emotions between sadness, being hysterical,being angry,shock and any other emotion that she must have felt if that kind of a tragedy happened. Don't you think she had the right to be angry at whomever did this or be hysterical or very distraught. That seems normal to me for the type of situation this was, it was horrific. When she said the sentence about it being intentional IMHO it sounded to me like she was very angry and wouldnt you be?

:clap: Thank you for using the IMHO. That was all I was asking of you before. State it if it is an opinion.

Anyhow, yes I agree she sounded extremely pissed off and defensive when she said that . And yes, any person in the type of situation would most likely fly threw a range of emotions. However, when you listen to the entire call, IMO, her tone pretty much stays the same until that one sentence. She sounds defense to me, like as if Darin was questioning her account of the events and she had to defend herself. Makes you wonder what they talked about before they went to bed.
your transcript is different from what mine says about the 911 call and mine came www.fordarlieroutier.org/911call/transcript.html and it matches exactly what the recording says during the call word for word. I have also been on the site that you are talking about as well, crime library,a site called prisontalk, and a few others and if you want them too i would be glad to give them to you.

Have you noticed that the trial transcripts are NOT posted on that website. Honey, there are only one set of transcripts and they are located at the other PRO-DARLIE site called Justice for Darlie, you know the one I linked earlier.
here is my problem with your therory. every1 has to be a liar but darlie and those that suport her. the first cop on the scene lied about how she acted and what he saw. the crime scene techs contamintated the scene and hid it. the nurse lied about what she saw with the brusies. the nurse lied about how she acted. the emt lied about if darlie was in shock. the court reporter lied in the transcripts. why??? why would every1 get together to frame a young mother and let a murder go free? people talk about how little a PD is paid but a DA is not given millions. do you really think that the DA wanted to let the "real" killer get away with murder so he could get a young mom? it just dont pass the smell test.

Yes! And my favorite saying... Exactly!
when I was referring to "shock" the definition I used was this: a sudden or violent disturbance in the mental or emotional faculties.....wouldnt that classify what was happening after a trauma like that with being brutally attacked and seeing her boys stabbed to death and see them dying, that definition would be a true definition dont you think?

Darlie states she slept through the murders of her boys.

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