Darlie's injuries

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You forgot to mention that Damon and Devon were "daddy's boys". If he didn't want Darlie to have them, it's unlikely he would resort to having them murdered by strangers a couple of hours later.

Exactly when did he arrange all this? Before or after his fight with Darlie?
You forgot to mention that Damon and Devon were "daddy's boys". If he didn't want Darlie to have them, it's unlikely he would resort to having them murdered by strangers a couple of hours later.

Exactly when did he arrange all this? Before or after his fight with Darlie?

By having those two killed because they either knew enough about the dirt (the jag or worse) that would ruin him in his business and prevent him from having custody anyway if interviewed by CPS or police. He feared what Darlie could do to him thru them. He had resigned himself that he was going to lose them anyway. Funny you should use the expression Daddy's Boys as the most used phrase not in reference to them but in general for sons I've heard is Mama's Boys.

I have 2 sons too 20 months apart. My boys at ages 5 and 7 were close to their dad but still closer to me. The age where they separate themselves more from Mama and begin to identify more with Daddy had not been reached yet. I think this occurs closer to puberty. A son will always be protective of their mother (their entire life) and if they had witnessed some kind of physical violence they would rally around Darlie despite their closeness to Darin.Remember I said this plan was irrational and made in a time when rage and hate at Darlie was stronger than his bond with them. I could cop out an explanation of who the heck knows what goes on in a mans head but the answer is another man. If he knew he would not as a child put up with whatever this dirty little secret is in regards to his mother how could he expect his own sons to do so. No they posed too big a risk for him. Why would Darlie give up the comfort of a bed for the couch (forget the excuses she gave) because she had to keep her witnesses away from him so he couldn't work on them and turn them against her.
They both engaged in some bizarre behavior the silly string party and the tatoos.
If my theory is correct then the tatoos are Darin's way of permantly "possessing" the boys something he couldn't achieve during their lifetime but that he really preferred over killing them.
The Party was Darlie's way of continuing to nurture them and spoil them and make them and herself the center of attention, they same type of behavior she engaged in during their lifetime.
The mind of the killer knows they did it and will leave behind clues in the behavior of that person. In order to kill them the killer would have to view them more as objects or possesions than true parental love. Once the ties had been cut off in their mind either when they decided to kill or after they actually did it the mind would still know they did it. Behavior towards the relationship father/son or mother/son would change. Could Darlie be so cunning as to know this and continue to exhibit the same kind of needs to nurture and make a dramatic scene in regards to her sons after she knew she did it. It seems like to me anyway that she would withdraw from the relationship not try and continue it into the grave. The old movie star "I just want to be left alone" attitude would have gained her far more sympathy and more attention than the way she actually behaved. If her motivations were for attention for herself would she had made the event even more tragic for herself in order to meet those very needs for attention. Fainting or breaking down into uncontrollable fits of grief especially in public like at the party and the trial. Her lack of copious tears at those times doesn't fit in with someone trying to fool us all and gain attention for herself too . Every action a human being makes in life is to fufill a need. She reached out at the funeral and after to others including me, trying to comfort them as well. Her behavior while bizarre just doesn't seem to jive with these motivations. Darin's does how ever. He was upset at the right time, he made "heroic gestures of rescue" just not to the right child. He acts grief stricken at the right time. Why would you continue to try and save an obviously dead child when the one still living needed your help too. He did gain public sympathy and even does to this day. IMO this might also explain why he still defends her and even went so far as to live with Mama Darlie he had to keep the pro-Darlie camp close enough to himself to throw off suspicion of him being involved. Also if any info came to light that he knew might make him look bad he would be clued in. The person he discussed his robbery plan with before the murders was Mama Darlie's husband. To me everything he has done since the murders now screams I did it. The tatoos, being apart from Drake when one would think a strong attachment would make him cling to him even more-so in the time right after custody was taken from Darlie. It may be a woman thing too but it seems to me regardless of your sex that a person would cling to the survivor -Drake and have a desperate need to be around them, protect them, use them as a comfort tool not send them off to Lubbock to live with grandma while you stay behind to cover your own a@@. Which need is greater here cling to the only child left or cover your own butt.

In cultures that ignore or condone child murders like the ancient Chinese daughter is drowned cause she is 1st born I do believe it was the responsibility of the father not the mother to do the deed. Many years of this practice proved it was much harder to break the bond of parentage between mother and child than father and child. The practice went on for hundreds of years and I think over time it was made the duty of the father for a reason. Some really truly mentally unstable mothers have killed their children but they seem easier to diagnose as mentally ill or really deranged and depraved a lot of evidence to support this is on this very site, Andrea Yates, Susan Smith etc. Darlie would have to be an absolute cunning genius to not be diagnosed with some kind of disorder IMO if guilty.I did know her and genius is not a word I would have used to describe her.
You also forgot to mention exactly how Darlie got her injuries.

Perhaps you could start another thread to post your lengthy theory of how Darin Did It. This thread is about Darlie's bruises and other injuries
Correct me if I'm wrong. In order for a human being to take the life of another in a premeditated way a displacement of attachment must occur first. This is not true in cases of manslaughter. Even if a husband catching his wife in bed with another man what is known as a passion killing, the wife is no longer viewed as a wife but as an OBJECT. An object that has betrayed you. Stranger on stranger killings too fit this displacement process too the displacement is viewed by the killer towards all of society or society in general.
Who, between Darlie and Darin shows evidence of displacement, frankly both of them do.
Remember what I said about all actions we make as humans are to fulfill some need. t
The two motivating factors people have are the need to feel valued or important or they are sexual in nature.
Who had a greater need that could not have been satisfied with the boys being alive?
Once again both of them.
Since Darin has admitted to in sworn statements that he had planned on having the house burglarized (most likely planned to occur while they were in Pennsylvania) he has revealed an important clue here IMO.
Since both have admitted to having fought that night finally it is obvious they conspired together to at least lie.
What need is fulfilled by this lie for Darlie is the need to present to the public the perfect family image in her mind perfect families don't fight.
What need does lying about fighting fulfill for Darin? Bingo it makes him look less guilty.
If Darlie did it out of a cunning need for attention and a need to hurt Darin fighting with him only helps her in the long run as it pulls suspician away from her and on to him. After all her need to kill the boys would be because she believes they are responsible for her unhappiness and it would hurt Darin. I see a displacement of her parental role enough to use the boys as pawns but she would need them alive to accomplish this goal. Why kill them now when your needs for extra attention are about to be met by the trip to Pennsylvania where they (the boys) would and she would have attention and love lavished on her. I think she knew about the burglary plan and somehow didn't want to cooperate but couldn't convince Darin to give up the idea. Could that be what they fought about that night and why they couldn't reveal to the police that they had fought. Is this why Darlie's story changes so many times she is still trying to hide not her guilt but the fight itself and her possible involvement in what she knows she is guilty of doing- being an accessory to an insurance scam.
The time of who revealed what first plays an important role here.
Who first admitted to the fight Darlie or Darin as each one claims they are the one who asked for the separation. If Darlie broke down first Darin's only choice would have been to say he asked for the separation and also admit to his involvement in an insurance scam.The fact that he finally revealed it makes me think he is more cunning. Darlie didn't reveal the scam, only the fight, he did. He also had 1 living witness besides Darlie- Mr. Kee. Yall may not know this but the Kees had some marital problems while Darin was living with them. Could Darin have helped bring about enough conflict between them still trying to cover his butt and alienate Mr. Kee, - the old infiltrate, divide , and conquer. Paying back any monies he gained from it too to avoid the insurance company from pursuing it further. Darin's admissions and Darlie's admissions are what still bothers me.Am I so off base to think this way meaning am I just another crazy Darlie supporter?
I respect the opinions of others here so don't be afraid to tell me to to hades if you think I'm wrong.
One of the boys had stab wounds on his buttocks. If he was laying on his back kicking and fighting, that just may well have caused the bruises on Darlie.
One of the boys had stab wounds on his buttocks. If he was laying on his back kicking and fighting, that just may well have caused the bruises on Darlie.

I always thought that the injury under her chin was made by one of the boys.
If I may be a bit nosey....how well did you know her, and, how would you describe her?

It is on one of the threads here.
It is because I did know her from early childhood that I would say she is normal and so is her mother.
I am not (normal that is). I hunt, I fish, camp and can survive just about any wilderness situation.
I have always been a funny (ha ha) kinda of nut case.

I have been married almost 30 years (Sept. of this year to the same man ) I have raised 3 children. Daughter- married and trying to have children (she has fertility issues). I adore my son in law.

Oldest son married and graduating in May with a 4 year degree he took 6 years to complete.I adore my daughter in law.
Youngest child child joined Army at age 17 (Reserves Mr R.and myself signed for him to join, ) he has been to Afghanistan and back and has now been honorably discharged having completed his 6 year contract.
He is unmarried and has been a TDCJ employee since age 18.
My kids are OK considering, with a few exceptions................................

If you see a short blonde driver who cannot drive GET OUT OF HER WAY if it my daughter she will most likely have a wreck- she has totaled 5 cars before the age of 21. Be concerned for your own safety.

If you are into gaming of any kind, Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer, Halo, Mythos, etc you have probably met or know my oldest son, he has a biting sense of humor. He actually had all his groomsmen pose as Ninja warriors using black T-shirts tied a certain way and using real swords in his wedding photos, They rescue his bride in the photos during a mock sword fight, we drew the line at fake blood.

I am very cautious of people who know my youngest son, you either played football, were in the Army, or hopefully not an escapee from the unit for the Crimnally Insane.

As you can see I have perfectly demonstrated my "mental disorder" It cannot be cured I am a Smart A$$, which IMO is better than being a "Dumb Bu##.

No one can claim to know someone so well that the idea they might be guilty of a crime like this is absurd.
I USED to think so but I now no longer do.

I saw nothing in Darlie's mental makeup that would lead me to believe she could do this. I'd like to point out that prison psychologist who regularly work with disturbed minds have not diagnosed her with any mental disorders.

The fact that Darin and Darlie both conspired to lie about fighting that night I find very upsetting and it shattered my total trust of BOTH OF THEM.
The fact that Darin had pulled an insurance scam PROVES he has engaged in illegal and shady dealings.
I didn't know Darin as well as I knew as I knew Darlie. He seems to be a very nice man but so have quite a few killers like Ted Bundy or several of the 100's of women serial killers thru out time.
Ted relied upon his charms and even fooled true crime writer Ann Rule when she worked with him.
Darlie is not a cunning genius and while she is not the brightest person I have known she is far from being the dumbest I have known or met.
No one is without fault and many of Darlie's faults were blown way out of proportion because this case did not fit anything like it before or since.
I try to NOT use my past experiences with her as judgement anymore (with exception to motives).
I've been looking for links of self-inflicted bruises so that we can see what others have done to themselves in the past. In the case I'm about to share with you, the woman claims to have been abducted by "aliens" from another planet, which I think is bogus; however, the bruises on her body were real and self-inflicted. Here's the link:


If anyone else has more time and would like to conduct their own research and PLEASE share your results with us!!!
I've been looking for links of self-inflicted bruises so that we can see what others have done to themselves in the past. In the case I'm about to share with you, the woman claims to have been abducted by "aliens" from another planet, which I think is bogus; however, the bruises on her body were real and self-inflicted. Here's the link:


If anyone else has more time and would like to conduct their own research and PLEASE share your results with us!!!

Those are some nasty bruises - they had to hurt, and I agree they are self inflicted - or assisted/self inflicted.
I was watching the Leeza Gibbons interview with the Family and a Juror and the Juror said they believed darlies bruises were from devon Kicking Darlie as she was stabbing him. Is that what most believe? I am just curious, talking about her bruises on her arms.
I was watching the Leeza Gibbons interview with the Family and a Juror and the Juror said they believed darlies bruises were from devon Kicking Darlie as she was stabbing him. Is that what most believe? I am just curious, talking about her bruises on her arms.

Hey Michelle, I just got back into this crime 2 weeks ago. I was re-reading Hush Little Babies and went to the justice for darlie website just yesterday. I'm sure some of the bruises are from Devon fighting. I was looking at the pictures of her bruises and I don't understand how she would have gotten the bruising on the top of her hands? It looks like something huge fell on top of both her hands. How does that kind of bruising come from fighting off an attack? Her bruising is pretty extensive, no denying that, no matter when or how she got them. I will say this, whenever I diet (and it's not always the proper, nutiential way) I tend to bruise alot worse. This may explain why she bruised so heavily. Wasn't she taking diet pills and losing some baby weight?

These are just some random thoughts

Hey Michelle, I just got back into this crime 2 weeks ago. I was re-reading Hush Little Babies and went to the justice for darlie website just yesterday. I'm sure some of the bruises are from Devon fighting. I was looking at the pictures of her bruises and I don't understand how she would have gotten the bruising on the top of her hands? It looks like something huge fell on top of both her hands. How does that kind of bruising come from fighting off an attack? Her bruising is pretty extensive, no denying that, no matter when or how she got them. I will say this, whenever I diet (and it's not always the proper, nutiential way) I tend to bruise alot worse. This may explain why she bruised so heavily. Wasn't she taking diet pills and losing some baby weight?

These are just some random thoughts

Hi detective. Yes her bruising is bad and I did hear she was taking diet pills. She hit herself hard or something hit her hard because the bruising is pretty bad. JMO I am not expert of course.
I was thinking of something when I remembered the location and colour of bruises on the arms.

Let me think this through: Darlie "claims" that the bruises were caused by a "hand to hand" fight with the ahem, intruder. A fight to the death as she put it.

But to get bruises like that in the manner she claims, she would literally have to do "kung fu" fighting. That is you block "arm" blows with the front of your arms.

You know like the movies we have all seen, where the "karate" or kung fu" master block blow after blow from their opponent by blocking all of the blows with their front arms. Does anyone believe that Darlie and this "mystery" stranger "fought" in the style of karate and kung fu, with Darlie having no training. You cannot block a punch with an arm, especially a womens arm.

The bruises are too uniform and from trauma. As in, something and someone "caused" the bruises by trauma of a surface. Such as closing a door over many times over an area. Also the progression is all wrong. I cannot remember if the bruises were visible at the "party" at the graves. Maybe someone can direct me to where I may find that out. The bruising seems to me to be fabricated or as some think, caused by the children as she was killing them, putting up their legs to attempt to stop her.

All I know is that I have never believed anything that Darlie has said and never will.
Cyberlaw, I was actually laughing out loud at your "kung fu" description. I kept thinking of that song "Everybody was Kung Fu fighting".
I do agree with you though her bruises look like they were slammed against something but they go up to her armpit if I remember correctly and I cant think of how closing them in a door or slamming them would cause that? Also if they are from the boys kicking wouldnt they be spread out more? These bruises are like all one clump up her arm???

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