Darlie's injuries

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You can not tell ANYTHING from a bruise other then there has been some kind of trauma .All bruises have a life all on thier own not to mention the fact that every single person bruises differently its about fat,muscle,tendions,if your on medication its absurd that anyone can say weather they were self inflicted or not ..

Yeah it's just hard to believe those bruises were blunt force trauma when there's no other injuries, no broken bones, no head injuries,no facial injuries, no chest injuries so it's hard to reconcile what was used to injure the arm that badly and nowhere else.

Self-infliction cannot be ruled out as a cause.

This doesn't mean anything really, but I couldn't be notice that my husband has bruises on one arm that looked so much like Darlie's. He had a very long back surgery with lots of IV's and restraint while on the ventilator in SICU. Only on one side of the arm like hers. I still think hers were done in the hospital due to iv's or from knicking the bone and vessels with the knife.
This doesn't mean anything really, but I couldn't be notice that my husband has bruises on one arm that looked so much like Darlie's. He had a very long back surgery with lots of IV's and restraint while on the ventilator in SICU. Only on one side of the arm like hers. I still think hers were done in the hospital due to iv's or from knicking the bone and vessels with the knife.

Me too
SO the bruises weren't there at the hospital, but were definately there in police photographs at arrest much later. Darlie supporters claim those bruises are proof she fought off an intruder. The timing is all off right?
I think the person she 'fought off' was Darin , after the hospital and before arrest. He just may have beat her tail for killing the kids! Once reality set in, however briefly, after the funeral.....And I dont mean to fake evidence, I mean a real fight....


p.s. I know there are several bruise threads but they seem to be a few years old, I apologize if I'm repeating someone else's theory here
SO the bruises weren't there at the hospital, but were definately there in police photographs at arrest much later. Darlie supporters claim those bruises are proof she fought off an intruder. The timing is all off right?
I think the person she 'fought off' was Darin , after the hospital and before arrest. He just may have beat her tail for killing the kids! Once reality set in, however briefly, after the funeral.....And I dont mean to fake evidence, I mean a real fight....


p.s. I know there are several bruise threads but they seem to be a few years old, I apologize if I'm repeating someone else's theory here

Why would he beat her on only one arm though? and how did he miss her face or head? That's what I think about...even if he did do something to her after she was released. Maybe she was going to do herself in with some pills and he slammed her arm down trying to get them out of her hands. Who knows? all we can is speculate.
Only one arm? I didnt realize that...

I must speculate a little further. I take blood thinners and aspirin. I could get those bruises very easily and very quickly. Wonder if she had access to something like that, from either mother in law.
I have two theories:

1. A child kicking, punching and fighting for it's life could easily have made those bruises. I think she may have gotten them while trying to hold the boys down while she killed them. One of the boys may also have been beating on her while trying to help his brother.

2. My second theory is that she had a fight with Darrin that night and he pummeled her. The fight with Darrin could have been what pushed her over the edge into doing something to the boys which I think she had been fantasizing about for awhile.

In addition to any primary bruising, it would have been added to by the procedures she underwent in the hospital. She is fair skinned and could be a person who bruises easily like me. I'm still bruised - about the size of a silver dollar - from a blood draw I had a week ago.
She could have started on the bruising and the itty bitty cuts to her hands any time after Darin went to bed. I think that the massive bruise to the underside of her right arm was blood from the damaged tissues in the big arm stab seeping down to its lowest level whilst she was laying in the hospital bed.

Totally agree. I think that the bruising is a red herring for the most part.
I think the boys fought hard for their little lives. Ughgh. I hate her. So are the bruises on the knife wielding arm or the left arm.. Assuming she's right handed.

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I have always wondered where Darlie got the cuts on her hands from. The cuts look like they were from her grabbing the knife which I don't understand unless one of the boys had control of the knife at some point and she tried to grab it back from them.
One thing that I have wondered is if perhaps Darin heard the commotion and ran down and caught Darlie in the act, at the end of the attack on her boys. There was a struggle, he got control of the knife, then put it to her throat in an act of rage... couldn't blame him there. Then stopped himself before he actually put it in too deeply. This struggle between them could explain the bruising on her arms. Bruises can show up and worsen a day or two later, but I thought that the bruises were first witnessed when she was in the hospital, according to the photos? That's just what I remember, so please correct me if I'm wrong. TIA

Though I have stated my belief that Darlie inflicted the throat wound herself, I do still question if she could actually do that. I admit it, I am ambiguous. Why? I, personally, could not do such a thing to myself, so it's difficult for me to believe that any woman could. So imo, if she did do it, she would definitley have been in the midst of a total psychotic break, probably from the effects of the diet meds which I know personally can induce psychotic type behavior, including violent episodes and rage. Combined with possible postpartum depression/psychosis, and possibly complicated even further by longstanding personality disorders. Then there were all the other stressors in their lives at that time, financial, personal, etc. All complicating factors and entertwined. Again, jmo.

I know I am going in circles. And I have to admit that this case has had me going back and forth over the years, so over time my theories and beliefs have vacillated considerably. But for me now, I'm fairly sure at this point in time that Darlie is the guilty party as far as her son's deaths; still questions though as to the specifics.

I have had a long held interest in the fact that Darin admitted to driving by their old house that they had lived in previously and had paid someone to burglarize it for the insurance claims. The screens had been slashed. Like the one in their new house later. Why did he drive by there and stop outside, and look. He was pondering? He was suspecting? Was he questioning if Darlie did it? And did he see the slashed window screens as a clue, an indicator of Darlie's guilt ? So was he starting to connect the dots? Slashed window screens in their old house in a faked burglary; slashed window screen in new house in another faked burglary?

IDK, but to me it has just always been strange that Darin drove by their old house, and admitted at some point, (wasn't it to the police?) that he was thinking of the slashed window screens. Why would he do that?

Taking these options into consideration, I can't be sure if Darin knew for certain that Darlie did it at that point, maybe he was just doing some serious questioning and soul searching. If that is the case, then obviously my "he walked in on her" theory that I described above doesn't fly at all. Changes everything. So where did the bruises come from if that is the case? Did Devon fight her and cause the bruising? Possibly, imo. Could she have inflicted them on herself? Maybe, not as plausible though, imo. I think it was either Darin or Devon. Again, jmo. And again, just theories and so many questions that will probably never be answered. :twocents:
If Darlie could stab her sons she could cut herself.

I don't think she fought off Darin. Perhaps one of the children fought back or of course she may have had bruising from the iv and may have inflicted the rest herself.
Only one arm? I didnt realize that...

I must speculate a little further. I take blood thinners and aspirin. I could get those bruises very easily and very quickly. Wonder if she had access to something like that, from either mother in law.

Yes, the bruised arm looks more like a bleed after surgery but the docs say it's blunt force trauma. How do you apply bft on only one arm and with no broken bones?

Those bruises sure are a mystery.
I have two theories:

1. A child kicking, punching and fighting for it's life could easily have made those bruises. I think she may have gotten them while trying to hold the boys down while she killed them. One of the boys may also have been beating on her while trying to help his brother.

2. My second theory is that she had a fight with Darrin that night and he pummeled her. The fight with Darrin could have been what pushed her over the edge into doing something to the boys which I think she had been fantasizing about for awhile.

In addition to any primary bruising, it would have been added to by the procedures she underwent in the hospital. She is fair skinned and could be a person who bruises easily like me. I'm still bruised - about the size of a silver dollar - from a blood draw I had a week ago.

1. I would agree Vicky except that the boys were sound asleep when attacked. It was 2:00 in the morning after all. Devon did no more than a knee jerk reaction to the knife and kicked his legs out, that's obvious by the cut just below his bum. Devon died almost instantly. Damon did not, he crawled or dragged himself across that living room to the hallway. But Damon was stabbed in the back so I don't see how he would have kicked Darlie's arm.

2. No doubt in my mind these murders occurred because of something Darin did that night. They had a big fight, she allegedly asks for a separation. What if Darin told her to get the hoodad out and don't think you're taking my kids or get the hoodad out, you and those kids? We don't know cause Darin is not talking. I believe that night was the last straw in a long battle.

ITA about the bruising compared with blood letting. I bruise very easily as well and I have blood taken every three months because of my thyroid. However, my vein is right there popping out, LOL, they love it so they don't have to dig so I never get bruised unless the nurse doesn't know what she's doing. Now surgery that's a different story. I've left the hospital so bruised I look like I was in a fight, LOl
I have always wondered where Darlie got the cuts on her hands from. The cuts look like they were from her grabbing the knife which I don't understand unless one of the boys had control of the knife at some point and she tried to grab it back from them.

I think she got them from the window screen. She had to hold it to cut the straight part of the T.

Just my opinion though.
I think the boys fought hard for their little lives. Ughgh. I hate her. So are the bruises on the knife wielding arm or the left arm.. Assuming she's right handed.

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the bruised arm is the right arm. It was bruised to the armpit. The left arm had bruises from the ivs only. that arm also had the slice wound to it. What do you think about that bone being bruised in the arm from the slice wound....that could cause the bruising as well.
Taking these options into consideration, I can't be sure if Darin knew for certain that Darlie did it at that point, maybe he was just doing some serious questioning and soul searching. If that is the case, then obviously my "he walked in on her" theory that I described above doesn't fly at all. Changes everything. So where did the bruises come from if that is the case? Did Devon fight her and cause the bruising? Possibly, imo. Could she have inflicted them on herself? Maybe, not as plausible though, imo. I think it was either Darin or Devon. Again, jmo. And again, just theories and so many questions that will probably never be answered. :twocents:

One thing that I have wondered is if perhaps Darin heard the commotion and ran down and caught Darlie in the act, at the end of the attack on her boys. There was a struggle, he got control of the knife, then put it to her throat in an act of rage... couldn't blame him there. Then stopped himself before he actually put it in too deeply. This struggle between them could explain the bruising on her arms. Bruises can show up and worsen a day or two later, but I thought that the bruises were first witnessed when she was in the hospital, according to the photos? That's just what I remember, so please correct me if I'm wrong. TIA

The bruises did not show up whilst she was in hospital. None of the medical staff saw any bruises on that arm and it was checked before she left the hospital. The bruises did not show up until the police photos on June 10th. Darlie was released on June 8th. I too have often wondered if Darin caught her at it and that's where the bruises came from.

Though I have stated my belief that Darlie inflicted the throat wound herself, I do still question if she could actually do that. I admit it, I am ambiguous. Why? I, personally, could not do such a thing to myself, so it's difficult for me to believe that any woman could. So imo, if she did do it, she would definitley have been in the midst of a total psychotic break, probably from the effects of the diet meds which I know personally can induce psychotic type behavior, including violent episodes and rage. Combined with possible postpartum depression/psychosis, and possibly complicated even further by longstanding personality disorders. Then there were all the other stressors in their lives at that time, financial, personal, etc. All complicating factors and entertwined. Again, jmo.

That was my very first thought on that neck slice, that Darin inflicted it, but once I learned the blood evidence, I quickly changed that believe. I believe she did, I believe she stood at the kitchen sink and inflicted those wounds....blood on the floor in front of the sink, satellite blood as if some stood there bleeding and not moving around much. Had Darin inflicted that wound, I don't think there would have been blood cleaned up from the sink, counter and taps. Just my opinion though.

Yes Darlie very easily could have inflicted that wound on herself...her adrenaline was so high she didn't feel anything until she went a little deep, flinched, hence the wound to the shoulder. Diane Downs, Charles Stuart, Susan Eubank, Jeff MacDonald...all inflicted wounds on themselves in order to make it look as they were victims as well.

I know I am going in circles. And I have to admit that this case has had me going back and forth over the years, so over time my theories and beliefs have vacillated considerably. But for me now, I'm fairly sure at this point in time that Darlie is the guilty party as far as her son's deaths; still questions though as to the specifics.

It's a tough nut to crack. Because I know the blood evidence, I am quite sure Darlie committed this crime and Darin had nothing to do with it. Darlie's ever changing stories and her consciousness of guilt, Darin's statement remained consistant as to his movements. Darin was photographed naked at the hospital that night and he had not one scratch one him.

I have had a long held interest in the fact that Darin admitted to driving by their old house that they had lived in previously and had paid someone to burglarize it for the insurance claims. The screens had been slashed. Like the one in their new house later. Why did he drive by there and stop outside, and look. He was pondering? He was suspecting? Was he questioning if Darlie did it? And did he see the slashed window screens as a clue, an indicator of Darlie's guilt ? So was he starting to connect the dots? Slashed window screens in their old house in a faked burglary; slashed window screen in new house in another faked burglary?

Yeah well Darin is lying. And it was the new house, not the old house on Bond Street that was allegedly being set up for a burglary.

It took his father in law Robbie Kee two years to remember that Darin spoke to him about having the house burgled. Then Darin admits it six years after the crime and just in time for the Habeas writ!!!!!! Darin was investigated, there is no evidence he was asking around for someone to burgle his house, no phone calls, no emails, no nothing. Amnesia must run in that family. There was no insurance scam.

I completely agree he was starting to get suspicious hence the visit to the old house. Darin talked too much before the trial and then when he testified he had to lie. He told the CPS worker Darlie was depressed, fed up with the kids, fed up with keeping the house clean. Darlie was an immaculate housekeeper who was nigh on fanatic about it by the time of the murders. She no longer allowed the children in the house with their friends.

Why would he do that? He should be describing a woman who was stable and had no problems...but the subconscious takes over and out comes the truth.

IDK, but to me it has just always been strange that Darin drove by their old house, and admitted at some point, (wasn't it to the police?) that he was thinking of the slashed window screens. Why would he do that?

Who knows because he's a doofus? Darin tried to steer the cops into thinking Darlie was the intended target. His stupid statements about her being beautiful and her big breasts, he can see why someone targeted them. Both of them are as shallow as can be. Darin thinking he was targeted because he had the prettiest wife in the neighbourhood and the nicest house. No mention of the children at all. Absolutely nothing taken from the house.Why didn't the so called burglar grab some of that gold jewellery that was lying right out there for the taking, or Darlie's wallet with cash in it which was right beside the jewellery. Both of them thought they could just bs their way through this an be believed. Only my opinion though.

Taking these options into consideration, I can't be sure if Darin knew for certain that Darlie did it at that point, maybe he was just doing some serious questioning and soul searching. If that is the case, then obviously my "he walked in on her" theory that I described above doesn't fly at all. Changes everything. So where did the bruises come from if that is the case? Did Devon fight her and cause the bruising? Possibly, imo. Could she have inflicted them on herself? Maybe, not as plausible though, imo. I think it was either Darin or Devon. Again, jmo. And again, just theories and so many questions that will probably never be answered. :twocents:

Judging by what Darlie is saying to him on the 911 call, I believe Darin was suspicious then. "I promise Darin", I didn't do anything Darin and "someone just walked in here and intentionally did it Darin" very angrily. Darlie is very angry on the 911 call.

Of course she could have inflicted those bruises on herself. You'd do anything to make it look as if you're not involved. She had no head injury, no facial injury,no broken bones, no weapon pattern, nothing. So she's not holding her arms up to ward off blows.

I want to know how you could bruise your arm like that and not sustain any other injuries. Only Darlie knows and she's not talking.

Just my opinion though, nothing more.
What exactly interested Darin in the screens of the old house? I remember reading about it in the transcripts but both the Prosecutor's questions and Darin's answers were very cryptic
Darlie Kee has said that the boys fighting could not have caused those bruises because they were only 40 lb small children. I'm here to tell you as an ER nurse that a fighting kid is a powerhouse! I had bruised ribs from a 17 month old (sickly yet) kicking me while TWO other nurses helped hold her down as I started an IV line. And again, this kid was SICK!
Playing devil's advocate and supposing the bruises were defensive wounds I have to wonder how she would get them as her neck was sliced not stabbed. Her attacker would not have been stabbing at her and bruised her protective arms. It was a slice across her neck. No way she would have been bruised.

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