Darlie's injuries

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And her *advertiser censored* weren't ruptured or bruised. There's no way that someone could pin her on the couch and inflict only arm bruises while cutting her.
Darlie Kee has said that the boys fighting could not have caused those bruises because they were only 40 lb small children. I'm here to tell you as an ER nurse that a fighting kid is a powerhouse! I had bruised ribs from a 17 month old (sickly yet) kicking me while TWO other nurses helped hold her down as I started an IV line. And again, this kid was SICK!

Well she'd say anything anyway. There's no doubt Devon kicked out. He has a cut from the knife on his upper thigh, just below his buttock. How did Devon get this stab wound there if he didn't kick lift his legs?
The bruises did not show up whilst she was in hospital. None of the medical staff saw any bruises on that arm and it was checked before she left the hospital. The bruises did not show up until the police photos on June 10th. Darlie was released on June 8th. I too have often wondered if Darin caught her at it and that's where the bruises came from.

That was my very first thought on that neck slice, that Darin inflicted it, but once I learned the blood evidence, I quickly changed that believe. I believe she did, I believe she stood at the kitchen sink and inflicted those wounds....blood on the floor in front of the sink, satellite blood as if some stood there bleeding and not moving around much. Had Darin inflicted that wound, I don't think there would have been blood cleaned up from the sink, counter and taps. Just my opinion though.

Yes Darlie very easily could have inflicted that wound on herself...her adrenaline was so high she didn't feel anything until she went a little deep, flinched, hence the wound to the shoulder. Diane Downs, Charles Stuart, Susan Eubank, Jeff MacDonald...all inflicted wounds on themselves in order to make it look as they were victims as well.

It's a tough nut to crack. Because I know the blood evidence, I am quite sure Darlie committed this crime and Darin had nothing to do with it. Darlie's ever changing stories and her consciousness of guilt, Darin's statement remained consistant as to his movements. Darin was photographed naked at the hospital that night and he had not one scratch one him.

Yeah well Darin is lying. And it was the new house, not the old house on Bond Street that was allegedly being set up for a burglary.

It took his father in law Robbie Kee two years to remember that Darin spoke to him about having the house burgled. Then Darin admits it six years after the crime and just in time for the Habeas writ!!!!!! Darin was investigated, there is no evidence he was asking around for someone to burgle his house, no phone calls, no emails, no nothing. Amnesia must run in that family. There was no insurance scam.

I completely agree he was starting to get suspicious hence the visit to the old house. Darin talked too much before the trial and then when he testified he had to lie. He told the CPS worker Darlie was depressed, fed up with the kids, fed up with keeping the house clean. Darlie was an immaculate housekeeper who was nigh on fanatic about it by the time of the murders. She no longer allowed the children in the house with their friends.

Why would he do that? He should be describing a woman who was stable and had no problems...but the subconscious takes over and out comes the truth.

Who knows because he's a doofus? Darin tried to steer the cops into thinking Darlie was the intended target. His stupid statements about her being beautiful and her big breasts, he can see why someone targeted them. Both of them are as shallow as can be. Darin thinking he was targeted because he had the prettiest wife in the neighbourhood and the nicest house. No mention of the children at all. Absolutely nothing taken from the house.Why didn't the so called burglar grab some of that gold jewellery that was lying right out there for the taking, or Darlie's wallet with cash in it which was right beside the jewellery. Both of them thought they could just bs their way through this an be believed. Only my opinion though.

Judging by what Darlie is saying to him on the 911 call, I believe Darin was suspicious then. "I promise Darin", I didn't do anything Darin and "someone just walked in here and intentionally did it Darin" very angrily. Darlie is very angry on the 911 call.

Of course she could have inflicted those bruises on herself. You'd do anything to make it look as if you're not involved. She had no head injury, no facial injury,no broken bones, no weapon pattern, nothing. So she's not holding her arms up to ward off blows.

I want to know how you could bruise your arm like that and not sustain any other injuries. Only Darlie knows and she's not talking.

Just my opinion though, nothing more.

I agree with you now that I just finished listening to some of the youtube video of the 911 call, where Darlie says "I promise", etc.

Also, if she could slash her own throat with a knife, she could also self inflict cuts on her hand and bruises on her arm, imo. I can just bump my shin or arm on the edge of a table and bruise as I'm an easy bruiser. She probably is as well, and knew it. So maybe she just banged her arm against the edge of the kitchen counter a few times. jmo
What exactly interested Darin in the screens of the old house? I remember reading about it in the transcripts but both the Prosecutor's questions and Darin's answers were very cryptic

From what I remember, this alleged planned burglary on their new house wasn't the first time he had planned something like this, although now I'm reading that this second claim was just a lie to throw off the investigation.

The first time a planned burglary occurred was at their old house, in which the screens were slashed by the "burglars" that he had paid off for the insurance money. It is my understanding that this one actually happened. It appears to me, he was thinking about it, and wondering if this was where Darlie got the idea to slash the screen. jmo
I agree with you now that I just finished listening to some of the youtube video of the 911 call, where Darlie says "I promise", etc.

Also, if she could slash her own throat with a knife, she could also self inflict cuts on her hand and bruises on her arm, imo. I can just bump my shin or arm on the edge of a table and bruise as I'm an easy bruiser. She probably is as well, and knew it. So maybe she just banged her arm against the edge of the kitchen counter a few times. jmo

I bruise very easily as well.
From what I remember, this alleged planned burglary on their new house wasn't the first time he had planned something like this, although now I'm reading that this second claim was just a lie to throw off the investigation.

The first time a planned burglary occurred was at their old house, in which the screens were slashed by the "burglars" that he had paid off for the insurance money. It is my understanding that this one actually happened. It appears to me, he was thinking about it, and wondering if this was where Darlie got the idea to slash the screen. jmo

None of that ever happened. I don't know where you heard that but it's not true. It was his car, he was heard to say "I wouldn't care if someone stole it" because it was in the shop all the time for costly repairs.

All of these so called insurance scams were investigated. They could find no evidence whatsoever Darin ever planned a burglary. And once again, Robbie Kee is the first to mention this alleged insurance scam two years after the murders. He only "remembered" then.

Had there been a previous insurance scam I believe the investigators would have sussed that out pretty quickly as Darin was the first suspect in this crime.

Darin is trying to protect Darlie so he tows the party line and continues to claim he believes she is innocent.
None of that ever happened. I don't know where you heard that but it's not true. It was his car, he was heard to say "I wouldn't care if someone stole it" because it was in the shop all the time for costly repairs.

All of these so called insurance scams were investigated. They could find no evidence whatsoever Darin ever planned a burglary. And once again, Robbie Kee is the first to mention this alleged insurance scam two years after the murders. He only "remembered" then.

Had there been a previous insurance scam I believe the investigators would have sussed that out pretty quickly as Darin was the first suspect in this crime.

Darin is trying to protect Darlie so he tows the party line and continues to claim he believes she is innocent.

I read the information that their previous house had been burglarized as part of an insurance scam set up by Darin several years ago, which was the explanation for why Darin drove back to the old house and was sitting outside looking at it. I wish I could remember where I read it, one of the books I thought but don't know which one. You know this case much better than I do though, so I'm sure it's as you say it was just a scheme to throw off the investigation.
I bruise very easily as well.

Actually, are we positive that Devon didn't cause the bruises by fighting back, since he was stabbed while lying on his back? I could have sworn the photos shown of Darlie with the bruising were taken when she was in the hospital. Gosh, I've got to go back and review, I've forgotten so much.
Actually, are we positive that Devon didn't cause the bruises by fighting back, since he was stabbed while lying on his back? I could have sworn the photos shown of Darlie with the bruising were taken when she was in the hospital. Gosh, I've got to go back and review, I've forgotten so much.

Not on the arm that was later photographed by the police on June 10th. You do not see any bruises forming on that arm in the hospital nor are they supported by any medical testimony and her arm was checked before she was released on June 8th.

You can see bruises forming on her left arm at the elbow where she has the shunt in in the hospital photographs.

I have the book that has the crime scene photos in it and although he tries very very hard to make you think you see bruises there, you don't.

That arm bruise is either blunt force trauma or it's a bleed from her neck and arm surgery. I know the doctors claim it's blunt force trauma but where are the broken bones? Where is the weapon pattern? How did she hold her arms up over her head to acquire that bruise yet not one injury to her head or her face.

Why are there no knife wounds to her palms, fingers and the underside of her arms if she's defending herself. Why would an intruder go from deep, sharp force injury on the boys and then just slice the skin on Darlie's neck and arm?This is just common sense to me. Her story does not make sense it doesn't ring true.
I read the information that their previous house had been burglarized as part of an insurance scam set up by Darin several years ago, which was the explanation for why Darin drove back to the old house and was sitting outside looking at it. I wish I could remember where I read it, one of the books I thought but don't know which one. You know this case much better than I do though, so I'm sure it's as you say it was just a scheme to throw off the investigation.

Then there should be a police report and an insurance pay out. Surely Rowlett cops are not that stupid they didn't check this out.

He did go back to the old house and he talked to the resident there. It's in his trial testimony.
i have a few questions as i am just starting to read up on this case. first, if darlie was laying on the couch was her left side facing out or her right side? also, was the laceration on her neck cut from left to right or right to left? the reason i ask is because the bruise was in/on her armpit or underarm area. and if a perpetrator was hovering over her, could he have put his left knee into her armpit to de-mobilize her arm, while stabilizing himself with his right foot on the floor. theoretically, this person could have sat down on darlie's stomach, limiting their choice of target spots. but, for that to work, he'd almost have to have lacerated her throat from right to left. otherwise he'd have probably cut himself on the leg. has this theory already been hashed out?
Entre, to get a reply to this one you may have to directly address people that believe there was an intruder in the first place? They are on here, just maybe not on this thread. Im not trying to dismiss you by any means, I just cant try to think about where someones knee was if I believe that person doesnt exist at all....I hope that makes sense and good luck:)
Other people who saw Darlie in the hospital say they saw bruising beginning to form. I'm not relying on just Mama Darlie, Darin or the nurses . It does take days sometimes for deep bruising to appear. Since the stab wound to the arm went pretty deep and into bone that kind of injury does take days to appear as the body moves the blood from the wound to the surface to promote healing. Regardless of when they appeared the initial injuries were sustained that night. I don't see Darlie needing to further injure herself. Also when could she have done it as family and friends surrounded her and she had very little if any time alone. Since everyone around her was also fearful the sounds she would have had to have made when bruising herself would have aroused the attention of whom ever was with her. You can't hit your arm hard enough to do that and do it soundlessly. The wounds on her fingers are testified to as being defense wounds. I don't think she found it necessary to further her injuries. If you look closely you can actually see some of the bruising starting to appear on her body in that shot of her lying in hospital bed. IMO all her injuries where sustained the night of the murders. The bruising appeared as it normally would.
i have a few questions as i am just starting to read up on this case. first, if darlie was laying on the couch was her left side facing out or her right side? also, was the laceration on her neck cut from left to right or right to left? the reason i ask is because the bruise was in/on her armpit or underarm area. and if a perpetrator was hovering over her, could he have put his left knee into her armpit to de-mobilize her arm, while stabilizing himself with his right foot on the floor. theoretically, this person could have sat down on darlie's stomach, limiting their choice of target spots. but, for that to work, he'd almost have to have lacerated her throat from right to left. otherwise he'd have probably cut himself on the leg. has this theory already been hashed out?

The bruising in the armpit area is much lighter in color than the area closer to the wound. The bruising is caused by the healing action of the human body. In order to heal the body removes the damaged cells away from the wounded area. These cells are moved toward the surface where they get carried away to be flushed from the body by the kidneys and other organs. The fact that the bruises travel up to her armpit does not indicate she was pinned at the armpit. Especially since the bruising is very light. The closer the area of actual damage the darker the bruise is , there is more concentration of dead cells being moved away from the wound in those area. Kind of like an earthquake and an epicenter. The more severe the building damage is the closer that area was to the center of the quake. The darker the color of bruising the closer it is to the actual wound.
I have always wondered where Darlie got the cuts on her hands from. The cuts look like they were from her grabbing the knife which I don't understand unless one of the boys had control of the knife at some point and she tried to grab it back from them.

Hi Jennifer- do you mean these cuts?

Because to me they look a lot like slipping injuries that people get when they wield a knife. A sort of 'step' effect of cuts happens down their fingers.

Theres an example in a science blog here if you scroll, with photos:


(I hope its OK to post links)
Re the bruising, I know it is very difficult to date bruises from my own body. I smacked myself on the corner of a bed a while back. The area was sore but then nothing until about 4 days later when it went black. I actually think the bruises are neither here nor there. They don’t point to innocence or guilt to me. Also some of them are definitely from the IV I would have thought. (sorry if I’m repeating anything already said, its been a long day!)
I would like to say something about the bruises: I saw the evidence photos that were not shown in court where there were terrible bruises all over her arms. However in the silly string video, I did not see those bruises. Wasn't that video taken only 10 days after the murders?

I know everyone heals at different rates, but I know when I had a horrible bruise that took up nearly my entire outer thigh that I received from a fall, it did not go away in 10 days. It was still black and purple 2 weeks later and turned yellow almost a month later.
I would like to say something about the bruises: I saw the evidence photos that were not shown in court where there were terrible bruises all over her arms. However in the silly string video, I did not see those bruises. Wasn't that video taken only 10 days after the murders?

I know everyone heals at different rates, but I know when I had a horrible bruise that took up nearly my entire outer thigh that I received from a fall, it did not go away in 10 days. It was still black and purple 2 weeks later and turned yellow almost a month later.

I just had a thought: Is there any possibility that the bruises on her arms weren't really bruises? I mean, there are various ways to fake bruising, so I'm just wondering now if LE or a doctor or anyone, checked the bruises to know they weren't' fake.
I just had a thought: Is there any possibility that the bruises on her arms weren't really bruises? I mean, there are various ways to fake bruising, so I'm just wondering now if LE or a doctor or anyone, checked the bruises to know they weren't' fake.

Hi Neesaki

What do you mean by fake? Not sure I understand?
I would like to say something about the bruises: I saw the evidence photos that were not shown in court where there were terrible bruises all over her arms. However in the silly string video, I did not see those bruises. Wasn't that video taken only 10 days after the murders?

I know everyone heals at different rates, but I know when I had a horrible bruise that took up nearly my entire outer thigh that I received from a fall, it did not go away in 10 days. It was still black and purple 2 weeks later and turned yellow almost a month later.

They were shown in court, it's right in the trial transcript, they were discussed at length with the medical team in front of the jury and then the jury was handed the photos of the bruised arm.

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