Darlie's injuries

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G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
What is my baby son doing sitting in Afghanistan right now willing to die for what?

They took your baby to fight in Afghanistan? I know the Armed Services are short these days, but this is ridiculous.

Contact Cindy Sheehan immediately!
OK MY BABY IS 21 and he joined when he was 17-reserves. I wonder if Cindy knows how many extremist she has given the final courage to go out and kill Americans. Every American who opens their mouths and objects to our presence over there is actually egging them on. Cindy should wear her own number on her T shirt "100 + killed because I encourage dispots, disorder and dementia. ":bang:

I've followed this case since day 1 before any of you got involved or the trial even happened. I talked to Darlie Lynn the day of the funeral, her mother and Darin.I had other mutual friends who were able to attend the funeral. I personnally know the family and the evidence as well as any of you. Please do not act like I am ignorant of the facts I have an open mind and none of the "hard" evidence that has been submitted as proof is unimpeachable. In fact a lot of what I have read here that some posters count as facts are not facts at all. No medical professional has stated that the bruises are not consistant with her injuries.
My husband got stabbed in the arm once by a friend while they were cutting up chickens for a bar-b-que. The bruise from that was really bad and got worse looking with time. It looked a lot like Darlie's does in the photos in the hospital at the end of the day. It happened around noon, By day 3 or 4 it looked even worse. Darlie however got professional help and my hubby wouldn't go get it stitched so I taped it up and used neosporin.
This needle prick stuff is complete falsehood. Baylor did have sheathed needles and all AIDS and infectious disease controls in place. This information can be confirmed thru public records and has been federally mandated long before 1996. My cousin also has worked at Baylor and he said they have been up to snuff long before 1996.Darlie was not alone for long periods of time. Her mother, husband and sisters were there before after and during her surgery. ICU at Baylor requires regular physical checking of the patient status. In MTJD you can look at the times entries in the nurses notes. Look at how often the just looked in on her. Sticking yourself with a needle deep enough to cause those kind of bruises- they are not sub -cutenous bruises ( that means just under the skin) They are deep muscle bruises. Those kind of bruises need time to develop. I don't think you are very "aware of the facts" A needle stick bruise would also show the punctures just like when you give blood. The puncture would be the darkest in color and the color would radiate out. Smaller sticks closer together would like a hickey (this term is still used I hope otherwise my age is hanging out) in a couple of days. Small little red spots would show up every place she stuck herself. The pictures show classic deep muscle bruising.
You will find my true name listed on the back of MTJD book as a supporter so I am fully aware of what is really the "smokescreen" here. I've watched it develop from the beginning.

Some of the nurses were put into a room before their testimony and "coached" as to the responses the prosecution expected. No no one came right out and told any of them just what to say. Suggestions were made as to the expectation of testimony as to the notes. Witnesses were told that when the notes were reviewed the person reading these notes came to this conclusion, wouldn't you agree, . Testifying differently than what they had interepted as the nurses notes might be considered perjury. They would never encourage perjury or putting any of these professional people in an uncomfortable position. It makes me laugh because I know how PSY-OPS work.

Jurors who served on the jury have repeatedly stated they convicted her based on the silly string tapes. They viewed it over 6 times.
A juror who helped to convict has changed their mind when they looked hard and long at all the facts.
The pieces do not fit together. This jigsaw puzzle is not complete. I bought a 1000 piece puzzle I'm not settling for only 448 lousy pieces.
You know that light of shining Truth I asked for.
Where is the 2nd knife? The autopsy report show 2 knives of different blade sizes were used. It is in the autopsy report. Where did you get the idea that FACT was false? The wound measurements and the sizes of blades are different.
Do you just choose to ignore that FACT. It was the medical examiner that came to the conclusion that 2 different knives were used.

The wounds are what convince me there were 2 perps. Different strengths of the perps is evidenced in these very wounds. One person was stonger than the other and mentally speaking the depths of the wounds show a lot more anger was taken out on the oldest boy. While the younger child had more wounds his were more shallow and show hesitation. A person tends to use the same amount of pressure when performing repetitive tasks. The oldest boy was killed with 2 wounds to the back. No glancing off bone 2 quick precisely placed stabs to his back. The youngest boy shows less force being used and that knife was used at a faster less precise speed (IMO) six wounds show more time and less depth says less force. Could the killer suddenly just wimp out in the middle, not usually crimes tend to escalate in intensity when multiple victims are involved.
Knifing someone is a much more personal crime , it takes more physical effort than shooting, poison, etc all the different ways a person could be killed.

Who do the bloody fingerprints belong to? Not the boys as the police experts testified without testing them. Someone put their hand on a bible and swore to tell the truth but without testing the prints they had enough faith in their own abilities that they could swear it was a print belonging to one of the boys. Exhumation has PROVEN that witness wrong. Did The boys get the best effort from that officer, looks like a big fat no to me. How can a person ignore a bloody fingerprint at a crime scene I want to know. Looks like 448 pieces to me.

It is obvious to experts like John Douglass, a highly reknowned FBI AGENT, that the Rowlett police did not correctly preserve the crime scene, did not collect evidence correctly and then even later released stuff like the couch back to the family.
I wouldn't travel on your bridge to Atlanta as it is so flimsy and faulted it collaspes under the weight of a 1st graders knowledge of science, biology, and human nature.
Truth is supposed to be established BEFORE a trial, the trial is supposed to be the presentation of truth-in order for justice to be served. That is why they investigate the crime BEFORE they charge someone. The compelling evidence Darlie was first arrested on was a blonde hair. A blonde hair that was later proven to belong to a police officer. I'm not saying they planted it or anything but once they had her in their sights they weren't about to let go. When one piece of evidence failed they looked for anything else they could find. Since no forensic test results would be available for awhile they collected their Silly String tapes and prepared to do character assaination.
Pit Bulls do the same thing once they have their jaws on you they don't let go.
Last time I checked we are supposed to be unbiased and fair when it comes to our justice system that is America land of the free and home of the brave. If it were my kids who were murdered I'd want the best investigation, the best investigators, and the best effort from my DA. If it were your kids wouldn't you want the very best too? I don't think those boys got the best efforts of the investigators. I don't think the DA cared much at all if Darlie was guilty or innocent just could he make a case and win it. Darlie made it easy for him she was just trashy enough, overdone and over the top. I told you I knew her and obviously well, Darlie was always like that though and no amount of gentle or polite advice to tone it down was ever taken.She didn't percieve it that way she saw it as trying to be the best she could be. She bought into that Barbie Doll image early on. She was also a Texan and well ladies, we have been known to be overly made up and the home of the BIG hairdo. :p Look at all the sensational stuff that gets said in these forums. If people weren't totally enthralled, disgusted, and enertained by this and other crimes it wouldn't have been so easy to get a conviction. The trial was a circus, The great blindfolded lady of justice never showed up. A killer walks amoung us and I still SLEEP WITH A LOADED GUN NEARBY. Maybe I'm wrong but having Darlie on death row doesn't make me feel any safer at night.:chicken:
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
It is obvious to experts like John Douglass, a highly reknowned FBI AGENT, that the Rowlett police did not correctly preserve the crime scene, did not collect evidence correctly and then even later released stuff like the couch back to the family.
First, welcome to the forum G.I. As I said way back somewhere in this thread (in one of my boring off topic moments ;)), the purpose of a discussion board is to discuss. I appreciate you sharing your unique perspective on this case with us.

Second, I'm curious about your reference to John Douglas. I've read many of his books and have a lot of respect for him. Granted, profiling is far from an exact science, but I think it has some merit. I know that Douglas weighed in on the JonBenet Ramsey case, but I'd never heard that he'd expressed an opinion on Darlie's case. If he has, I'd like to read it and see what he has to say.

Mama Darlie.
She will tell you what he said. I don't have a report just the info that he thought the police work was bad and that evidence of an intruder did exist in his opinion. He is top notch in my book and I have the highest respect for him. I would also like Dr Lee to look at the blood evidence. I wasn't kidding when I said the boys deserve the best. Dr. Lee is the best in the nation when it comes to blood splatter. I want good, no excellent, police work for my taxes folks I feel ripped off here.
duke said:
If you don't think two pages of chatter is off topic, what is? Look, my point is not to throw a wrench into your little clique or threaten your power structure. More people engaging in the forum makes it more interesting for everyone. People come here to discuss the case and aren't going to stay when there is no topic control.

Well, what can I tell you? I moderate my way. Most of the posters here have been around for years, so if I allow them to go a little off topic and interject some personal banter, then deal with it or leave.
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
My husband got stabbed in the arm once by a friend while they were cutting up chickens for a bar-b-que. The bruise from that was really bad and got worse looking with time. It looked a lot like Darlie's does in the photos in the hospital at the end of the day.

That's fine, but it doesn't explain the uniformity of the bruises on BOTH arms.

G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
Where is the 2nd knife? The autopsy report show 2 knives of different blade sizes were used. It is in the autopsy report. Where did you get the idea that FACT was false? The wound measurements and the sizes of blades are different.
Do you just choose to ignore that FACT. It was the medical examiner that came to the conclusion that 2 different knives were used.

NOT true. I'll re-read the reports, but you'll have to support this.

G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
A person tends to use the same amount of pressure when performing repetitive tasks. The oldest boy was killed with 2 wounds to the back. No glancing off bone 2 quick precisely placed stabs to his back. The youngest boy shows less force being used and that knife was used at a faster less precise speed (IMO) six wounds show more time and less depth says less force. Could the killer suddenly just wimp out in the middle, not usually crimes tend to escalate in intensity when multiple victims are involved.

Then how do you explain the complete difference in the wounds of the boys and Darlie?

G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
Jurors who served on the jury have repeatedly stated they convicted her based on the silly string tapes.

Source please?

G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
Who do the bloody fingerprints belong to?

I am not sure where you are coming from...but I have read interviews where they say that it was many things and the silly string was just another issue to consider. In fact, the things I have read say the blood evidence was the most convincing factor in causing her sentence.
2 perps 2 knives two different amount of force used. One stronger than the other.
This makes more sense than wimping out in the middle of the crime. This is my opinion from watching people work using different tools. My husband once had a student who he forbid to use channel locks cause he would scar up the outside of the nuts so bad loosening them they would have to be replaced before the next class could complete the tests. But this guy could take a compressor off quicker than anyone else- he tended to use the same amount of force regardless of the tools he was using. Your hand and arm strength is pretty much the same when doing repetive tasks.

Think the jurors name was Charles Sampson or samson. Im going to have to drag my book out of storage but he may have been the jury forman.

Barbara Davis crime writer changed her mind too. That surprised me when it happened.

I don't think a diabolical plot was hatched behind the closed doors of the DA's office or the Rowlett police station. They just did the best they could with the little resources available to them and they tried to find pat answers and quickly too. The pressure to solve the crime may have led more to the mistakes that were made.
Since all the blood evidence was not tested and still can not be explained, they is no way they could test everything we would still be waiting for results and the nightshirt was improperly stored when collected. That is why I want Dr Lee to look at the evidence. I want the best answers available from the best experts around. The boys deserve that much, Mama Darlie derserves that much and if Darlie is truly innocent she deserves that much too.
The bloody fingerprint does not belong to Darin or Darlie or one of the boys it has been compared to the prints taken at the time of her arrest, Darin's on file and the exhumation of the boys. The print does not belong to Darlie

Whatever bruised Darlie did it that night during the crime.If they are staged they were staged that night before the police were called. No needle pricks no slamming your arm in a door- don't be embarrased if you tried it I appauld your efforts to discover truth.
You're still just talking about "one" juror. He also claims to have not seen photographs that her own attorney says WERE introduced. I think he's not such a reliable person to be basing an appeal on.

As for Barbara Davis, we all know her history. She may be one of the nicest people on the face of the earth, but let's face it. She's got some serious credibility issues and many mental problems.

Finally, stabbing multiple victims is NOT easy. I have no problem believing that Darlie got tired during the attack(s). Doesn't mean two people simply because she got winded.

As for the print, everyone has already said that there are not enough points on the print for a 100% match, but that they belonged to a child or a small adult. I very seriously doubt that two small males broke into the house that night. Its impossible enough to believe that ONE intruder left no evidence, much less two.
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
The crime scene evidence doesn't fit the crime as painted by the prosecution. So a miscarriage of justice is not justice. I have researched this crime since it happened. I used to post here over 6 years ago until the level of hate rose to an intolerable level. I like the rules of this new websleuths because it won't allow the kind of vindictive downright nasty junk I've seen on the internet. There is site I saw recently so revolting to both Darlie and the DA that is borders on the insane. Truth doesn't need circumstancial evidence to support it. It shines so bright that no other explanation can be found.
Where is the second knife?
Who do the bloody fingerprints belong to?-not the boys as their exhumation proves. Experts testified without comparing them that they belonged to one of the boys. They failed to fingerprint the boys at autopsy so an exhumation has been done already. Like a jigsaw puzzle I feel we only got the edge pieces and a few pieces that stayed together in the box. I'm not willing to kill someone on the evidence that was presented at trial. I don't trust politics to not have played a part, Darlie was indeed her own worst enemy. I predicted Darlie would get into trouble with her behavior should something terrible or tragic ever happen to her. I warned her about what other people think does make a difference. I hate to admit it that I was right but my gut tells me there is still a rat out there. A big stinking ugly rat that I can smell and will track down. They don't call me G.I.Rattlesnake Jane without good cause. If you can convince me Darlie did it I'll volunteer to inject her myself. Use crime scene evidence and accepted forensic standards( I do know what they are). Don't tell me about chomping gum or silly string. Tie it all together with every piece of evidence recovered. If you wish at anytime that something was tested more thoughly or more experts were consulted then that is called having doubts. I have my doubts, they are based on the good work I've seen done in other cases. It could have been done better and like the Scott Peterson case we would all be sitting here waiting for the executuion date with no doubts and 100% certainity that we did catch, convict, and execute the right person. I have my doubts because in the litmus test this case stinks as big as the rat I'm still hunting down.

Does anybody remember the ole Rattlesnake Bar and Grill? We had to have a sidebar(excuse the pun) in the old days to diffuse the tensions.

Who said anything about chomping gum and SS tape? I believe my post referred to my knowledge of the fibre and blood evidence. The blood evidence that points directly to Darlie as the killer. There's no other explanation for the cast-off blood on the back of her nightshirt. I prefer forensics and science over emotion.

The bloody fingerprints belong to Darlie of course, who else?
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
Mama Darlie.
She will tell you what he said. I don't have a report just the info that he thought the police work was bad and that evidence of an intruder did exist in his opinion. He is top notch in my book and I have the highest respect for him. I would also like Dr Lee to look at the blood evidence. I wasn't kidding when I said the boys deserve the best. Dr. Lee is the best in the nation when it comes to blood splatter. I want good, no excellent, police work for my taxes folks I feel ripped off here.

aaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha mama darlie as the source aaahahahahahahaha. Oh BTW, Devon was stabbed twice in the chest not, the back as your previous post states.
Whether we want to believe it or not, Darlie Kee is privy to information that we're not. I think we need to allow this new poster to share with us information that she got DIRECTLY from Darlie Kee.

After all, what could it hurt?
Jeana (DP) said:
Well, what can I tell you? I moderate my way. Most of the posters here have been around for years, so if I allow them to go a little off topic and interject some personal banter, then deal with it or leave.

What can you tell me? Well, you could say "Yeah, you're right, this forum would be more interesting if there were more people(and more informed people) participating, I should keep posts on topic." Instead, you've basically said "I like having the same discussion with the same 10 stultified, overweight housewives. Why change?"

How pitiful, really.
duke said:
What can you tell me? Well, you could say "Yeah, you're right, this forum would be more interesting if there were more people(and more informed people) participating, I should keep posts on topic." Instead, you've basically said "I like having the same discussion with the same 10 stultified, overweight housewives. Why change?"

How pitiful, really.

First, the posters on the Routier forum, for the most part, are VERY informed about this case. If you feel we need more posters, please feel free to invite some of your friends to join us.

Next, while the posters may, from time-to-time stray off topic a bit, I think it adds to the enjoyability of this forum rather than distracts from it. However, if you disagree, please feel free to ignore those posts. If you feel that the "same discussion" is discussed over and over, please feel free to begin a new discussion.

Lastly, you have no idea what the posters look like or whether they're "housewives," or not. I don't know what forum you came from, but you should have known when you agreed to the Terms of Service for Websleuths when you joined this forum, that personal attacks of this kind will not be allowed.

So if you don't have anything of value to add to the discussion, I suggest you supress the urge to post your insults. Otherwise, I'll show you the door.
Jeana (DP) said:
Whether we want to believe it or not, Darlie Kee is privy to information that we're not. I think we need to allow this new poster to share with us information that she got DIRECTLY from Darlie Kee.

After all, what could it hurt?
I absolutely agree, Jeana! Just because most of us here are convinced of Darlie's guilt does not mean that we should ignore or cavalierly discard the input of someone who brings the opposing viewpoint. Particularly when that person has a viewpoint that is as distinctive as G.I.'s

I said it once and I'll say it again. Welcome G.I. I'm glad you're here and I want to hear what you have to say. I may not agree with you, but I respect you and your opinion.

duke said:
What can you tell me? Well, you could say "Yeah, you're right, this forum would be more interesting if there were more people(and more informed people) participating, I should keep posts on topic." Instead, you've basically said "I like having the same discussion with the same 10 stultified, overweight housewives. Why change?"

How pitiful, really.
Hey. I may be overweight and stultified, but I'm definitely not a housewife.

Seriously, though, I don't see what your problem is. If you don't find a post of particular interest, scroll past it. I do it all the time.

Jeana, I dang sure didn't read in your post what Duke read! You go!!!!!
Jeana (DP) said:
First, the posters on the Routier forum, for the most part, are VERY informed about this case. If you feel we need more posters, please feel free to invite some of your friends to join us.

Next, while the posters may, from time-to-time stray off topic a bit, I think it adds to the enjoyability of this forum rather than distracts from it. However, if you disagree, please feel free to ignore those posts. If you feel that the "same discussion" is discussed over and over, please feel free to begin a new discussion.

Lastly, you have no idea what the posters look like or whether they're "housewives," or not. I don't know what forum you came from, but you should have known when you agreed to the Terms of Service for Websleuths when you joined this forum, that personal attacks of this kind will not be allowed.

So if you don't have anything of value to add to the discussion, I suggest you supress the urge to post your insults. Otherwise, I'll show you the door.
I wonder how duke knows what I look like? Thank you Jeana for taking up for all of us.
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
Mama Darlie.
She will tell you what he said. I don't have a report just the info that he thought the police work was bad and that evidence of an intruder did exist in his opinion. He is top notch in my book and I have the highest respect for him. I would also like Dr Lee to look at the blood evidence. I wasn't kidding when I said the boys deserve the best. Dr. Lee is the best in the nation when it comes to blood splatter. I want good, no excellent, police work for my taxes folks I feel ripped off here.
Since you know Mama Darlie can you get the info for us. I know I don't particularly won't to contact her. But would be very intested in knowing.
JimPence said:
Hey. I may be overweight and stultified, but I'm definitely not a housewife.

Seriously, though, I don't see what your problem is. If you don't find a post of particular interest, scroll past it. I do it all the time.

You forgot to add that you are an author!:p

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