DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #11

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I think of Richard Jewell.

"Jewell's case is considered an example of the damage that can be done by reporting based on unreliable or incomplete information."



I think of him too. And the lawsuits that followed would make me HOPE that the mistakes made, would not repeated.

But who knows.

If W-1 is innocent, he is absolutely being given the Richard Jewell treatment. But no lawyer has spoken up on his behalf. LE says..."no comment." He has been in headlines for days and his picture plastered everywhere. But no pushback where it might count to stop the deluge.

I believe all of us are here to advocate for the four victims. The information that we have as FACT is very small. There is some sort of media campaign going on in regard to W-1's involvement.

The lies that W-1 has told are odd. These were easy questions, the most obvious questions by LE. "When were you contacted." "Where did you leave the money."

No one was asking him trick questions like..."What color are the drapes in the windows across the street from the garage?"

These questions are so obvious, he should have had no trouble answering. But instead, he "lied."

And LE uses the word "lied."

Why does he have the Mosler registration?

He is very unlucky to say the least.

If the rules here were only to discuss what is in court docs, I'm sure we would all comply. But those are not the rules here. He has created suspicion around himself and the media cannot be blamed for his lies or mistakes.

We are all here, first and foremost to advocate for the victims. His own actions, mistakes, "lies" have made him a permissible topic.

If the media is savaging him irresponsibly, like Richard Jewell, he may soon have all the money he needs for his racing career.
I want to know how SS got to work on Wednesday morning. Did W-1 pick him up as usual? What car were they using that day? Did W-1 drive him home from the Dojo?Did he drop him in the driveway or the front of the house? Where did W-1 have his car parked that day? Did SS take the key from W-1 to whatever car they were in or did W-1 have a routine about where to leave SS's car keys?

What calls and texts did W-1 receive that afternoon? Any that came from AS phone?

Did SS talk to AS himself or was the "come home" message...a text? Or did someone relay that message..."I got a text from Mrs S looking for you...she wants me to find you and drive you home now. She wants to go out."

Does the Charging Doc quote 6PM as the start of the crime because DW is charged ONLY with SS murder at this time and that is when the ordeal began for HIM?

The violence horrifies and puzzles me, because it seems so personal. I know that DW has a history of threatening violence and pushing women around. I know he threatened a child once. But a threat and hours and hours of inflicting torture...it just seems like the kind of intense hatred that doesn't work unless he was on drugs or continually drunk over those long hours. Something seems so personal about this crime. Being fired years and years ago, somehow does not work for me. And who could hate that child so much? Hate the Father, maybe. But PS? But what do I know? Maybe DW is a sadist. Maybe he was just an unreliable person to be used as the "inside man."

If W-1 is involved, then I'm assuming a crime was planned where he thought he would not be suspected. If SS knew at any point that W-1 was involved, SS and family would have to die. Although, I am of the opinion that W-1 is involved, I think this was meant to be a property crime, and some members of the "Team" went rogue. Why do I think W-1 would not hurt the family? I ask myself that question. Because he doesn't seem the type? Neither did darling Scott Peterson, the "wonderful husband" Sharon Rocha vouched for. So what do I know of him either? None of us can do anything but guess about any of these people.

W-1 did not believe, IMO, as one of the key players around the family, that he could actually keep any one of the cars. But the Mosler registration figures in here somehow IMO. Even as a "souvenir" as many perps like to keep. But I think they had plans for some of the cars as a means to acquire more money. I like the chop shop theory.

Finally, I keep thinking of that big safe in the garage.....W-1 must have seen that big safe often. I wonder if he assumed that there was a lot of money or valuables kept in a rich man's BIG safe in the garage. Maybe the original plan was for the "insiders" to tie up the family, get SS to open that safe, take the valuables and make off with a car or two. Strip them. Divide the proceeds.

But maybe there was nothing but papers in the safe. The inside guys decide they are not walking away from this with a stolen car or two. They have heard from W-1 that this family is LOADED. They improvise. They text W-1 using SS phone to go get money the next day. They sit around all night..order pizza..and wait. But the flurry of phone calls only comes up with $40,000.

W-1 is pretty happy when he texts the money picture. He doesn't see it as a risk because he has the cover story, verified by the accountant, that he was told to do this. When he gets to the house, he finds things have escalated. Too late now.

The inside guys are frustrated, they have cut on the family and their child to try to extort more information, more money, and now it's a bigger crime. W-1 drops off the money and is told they have to kill them all. At this point, W-1's only goal is to get himself an alibi.

What car did he drive over to deliver the money in? Did he change to his own car after the drop? Did he take his own car back to the Dojo at that point? I think the last phone call is a signal. It's done.

I think this was a case of a crime that seemed like easy money. But getting money after all wasn't easy. In the end, the Porsche was burned because 4 people were dead and the Perps knew that unlike a property crime, LE would be on this like white on rice.

Just my latest opinion, based on next to nothing as we wait for actual facts.

Idk...IMO it just doesn't take any "insiders" to kick in the door to a home with luxury cars in the driveway and take two terrified women hostage along with a ten year old then when the rich husband arrives to demand money. Any knowledge needed could be gained by watching the house for a few days and when sure only women are there he moves in.
I suspect he thought there would be a safe with cash and jewels and when the take wasn't big enough for him the plan B he comes up with is going to the bank the next day. IMO if this was a well planned thing the conspirators would have begun earlier in the day, not when the bank was closed
Can anyone help me out with something I have a vague memory of? Was it reported that SS spoke with his sister in Florida during the time he was being held? If he did, did he call her, or was it the other way around? I've been thinking about this and if he did call her, I wonder why? Was he desperately trying to somehow prove to DW that he didn't have or couldn't easily access whatever it may have been that DW wanted? Perhaps if he did call her, he tried to make it like a very nonchalant kind of call and slipped it in the conversation somehow, for DW to hear?? IDK? Maybe they never talked at all, but I have this vague memory from many threads ago that I read he communicated with his sister and she said he sounded ok, like he always does, or something to that effect??

That's a good question! IDK I'm curious why DDW would allow SS to speak W/her?
IMO he may feel he has a better chance not admitting to anything. DW has no chance at all getting out of jail if he admits to the murders of 4 people. jmo

With the DNA on the pizza, blood on his shoes, and money orders and cash found on him, I think he already knows he ain't going anywhere. Why be the only one going down for this crime? If JW is involved, DW is going to call him out, imo.
That's a good question! IDK I'm curious why DDW would allow SS to speak W/her?

I can think of 2 possible reasons. One, he may have hoped she was calling with $ for him. And two, he probably did not want her to be alarmed, and come over and check or send someone to check on him if he didn't answer.
With the DNA on the pizza, blood on his shoes, and money orders and cash found on him, I think he already knows he ain't going anywhere. Why be the only one going down for this crime? If JW is involved, DW is going to call him out, imo.

DW doesn't seem like he's the sharpest tack on the board but I think he understands that if he confesses any glimmer of hope of him getting off is over. He's not going to admit to anything because if he confesses he is staying in jail, it's not like he's going to get a deal if he tells on JW. Only time i see him telling about JW is when he is found guilty and is sentenced to life in prison because then he has no chance of getting out and nothing to lose. Currently his defender is saying he is innocent. JMO
Idk...IMO it just doesn't take any "insiders" to kick in the door to a home with luxury cars in the driveway and take two terrified women hostage along with a ten year old then when the rich husband arrives to demand money. Any knowledge needed could be gained by watching the house for a few days and when sure only women are there he moves in.
I suspect he thought there would be a safe with cash and jewels and when the take wasn't big enough for him the plan B he comes up with is going to the bank the next day. IMO if this was a well planned thing the conspirators would have begun earlier in the day, not when the bank was closed

I think you're right in the fact that the home invasion could be pulled off without outside conspirators. What puzzles me is the timing? How would DW know when to make the move....? Who was in the house? and of course the security system?

I wonder if a security systems DVR could be hacked? And/if they could see where occupants were in the home? IDK just an idea?
Here's a thought I have and only a speculation, no proof at all. I question why this family was torchered so badly. DW has a long criminal history with burglary and robbery. There is a possibility that he stole, robbed, burglarized one of SS's businesses in the past and was sent to jail or prison for it. In his mind it is then SS's fault that he did time and this was revenge for it. I think Vera was killed because he was not going to leave any witnesses.
Again, I am just speculating. No proof.

From what was reported about his criminal history, it does not include stealing from any SS businesses.
I think you're right in the fact that the home invasion could be pulled off without outside conspirators. What puzzles me is the timing? How would DW know when to make the move....? Who was in the house? and of course the security system?

I wonder if a security systems DVR could be hacked? And/if they could see where occupants were in the home? IDK just an idea?

From latest revelations by NG, security system was never really on. Which means DW wouldn't need any inside knowledge on how to disable it.
I think you're right in the fact that the home invasion could be pulled off without outside conspirators. What puzzles me is the timing? How would DW know when to make the move....? Who was in the house? and of course the security system?

I wonder if a security systems DVR could be hacked? And/if they could see where occupants were in the home? IDK just an idea?

I don't think DW is the type to do much pre-planning. Hence the 1000 dollar cab ride to NYC ...:facepalm:

I think he had been fantasizing about hitting that house for awhile, and for some reason, Wednesday was the day he decided to barge in. He may have known that SS worked out of the home during most weekdays, but not much more was known. But DW is a big strong scary criminal. He was not that worried about 2 women and a little boy.
If he went into the house and handed the $ to DW, why would DW just sit in :jail: and let JW run around free? Wouldn't he want to share the blame?

Yeah... I don't think DDW has any code of honor!! He probably has been advised by
his lawyer not to say anything. And of course his lawyer is stating his innocence. At this
Point (I'm not a lawyer so IDK) maybe only a plea deal can get him to fess up. And
If no plea, maybe life in prison W/no possibility of Parole might get him to spill the beans!
Idk...IMO it just doesn't take any "insiders" to kick in the door to a home with luxury cars in the driveway and take two terrified women hostage along with a ten year old then when the rich husband arrives to demand money. Any knowledge needed could be gained by watching the house for a few days and when sure only women are there he moves in.
I suspect he thought there would be a safe with cash and jewels and when the take wasn't big enough for him the plan B he comes up with is going to the bank the next day. IMO if this was a well planned thing the conspirators would have begun earlier in the day, not when the bank was closed

Could absolutely have gone down this way. Or it could have happened with insider info, as I suspect. Only time will tell.

In the meantime, round and round, we go. All theories are interesting and worthy...but we cannot rule out much at this moment.
From latest revelations by NG, security system was never really on. Which means DW wouldn't need any inside knowledge on how to disable it.

Yeah but.... How would he know that?
Yeah... I don't think DDW has any code of honor!! He probably has been advised by
his lawyer not to say anything. And of course his lawyer is stating his innocence. At this
Point (I'm not a lawyer so IDK) maybe only a plea deal can get him to fess up. And
If no plea, maybe life in prison W/no possibility of Parole might get him to spill the beans!

I don't see him getting a plea deal. DC has no death penalty. If they had death penalty, they could offer to take it off the table. But without death penalty, what plea deal could possibly work for the heinous crime he is accused of? Surely they are not going to offer him a possibility of parole.
With the DNA on the pizza, blood on his shoes, and money orders and cash found on him, I think he already knows he ain't going anywhere. Why be the only one going down for this crime? If JW is involved, DW is going to call him out, imo.

His lawyer will tell him not to do this. IMO, only way DW is admitting anything and implicating others is if prosecutors offer him a deal. Can't see a deal being offered here.
I don't think DW is the type to do much pre-planning. Hence the 1000 dollar cab ride to NYC ...:facepalm:

I think he had been fantasizing about hitting that house for awhile, and for some reason, Wednesday was the day he decided to barge in. He may have known that SS worked out of the home during most weekdays, but not much more was known. But DW is a big strong scary criminal. He was not that worried about 2 women and a little boy.

IIRC, VF came to and from work via bus. He may have thought based on previous days that she would already be gone and it would just be AS in the house.

And yes, his previous employment at AIW would have SS on his radar. A successful CEO with fancy cars and vacation homes, a beautiful wife who if he held bound and at knifepoint would give him money
His lawyer will tell him not to this. IMO, only way DW is admitting anything and implicating others is if prosecutors offer him a deal. Can't see a deal being offered here.

It's too bad there is no death penalty.
Yeah but.... How would he know that?

I know it's crazy but IMO lots of people with alarms only set them at night. False sense of security in a nice neighborhood, kids/pets going in and out etc.
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