DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #13

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It is my opinion that we're human beings and we can discuss and speculate and theorize here. Speculation/theorizing is part of investigation, speculation can lead to more facts. Facts by themselves can't do everything. (OJ, CA) Wint's DNA on the pizza crust doesn't prove he murdered anyone. That doesn't stop me from believing he killed them, but that fact alone isn't enough.

It can be argued that it's speculation that he murdered them based on its presence at the murder scene, documented reports of his violent nature, convictions of violence, etc. Speculation and theories can bring new light to investigations.

We wouldn't be doing this if there was a computer in which you put only the facts you have and it comes up with solutions.

I agree. Thank you for writing this!
She ordered by phone. Dominos didn't call her back.

I recall when the pizza delivery was made public we discussed the envelope being left on the porch. It was in one of the earlier threads SEVERAL days ago. I was hoping and posted at the time that the driver left the torn envelope on his seat or floorboard. I do believe one of the local stations mentioned cash in an envelope. But, I believe it was paid for with a credit card. My son's car looks like a rolling trash can:)
Think of this, a woman who identified herself as Amy S called Dominos. Was it the real Mrs S?

I doubt the family would be hungry due to a nausea feeling. How many pizzas were ordered. Dominos pizza is not that big.
I am with yepitsme on this. S.S. Was probably duped into cooperating with his killers.many people mistakenly do not fight immediately because they believe that if they give someone what they want they will survive or that they will have the chance to fight later, both are big mistakes.

Just to be clear, I think that he thought that by cooperating, DW would leave them alone but I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that if he wanted to send a message, he would have succeeded. That's all I am saying. I don't doubt for a minute that SS wanted to do both.
What about school for Little Philip on Thursday? My daughter's school would have called if she was a "no show!"

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You need to call the Lower School office by 8am to excuse your son from school that day. If you keep your son home and forget to call by 8am, the office admin assistant calls you to track down your son. AS was taking it day by day, after having hoped that Philip was ready to return earlier that week but then he had needed to continue resting at home. So this is a good question. Did STA call AS on Thursday morning, and if so, did DDW allow AS to speak with the school? I'm sure LE have contacted STA about this. There's so much LE are keeping under wraps for now.
I just think it's HIGHLY unlikely that one person would have been able to simultaneously control three grown adults (one of whom had formal training in martial arts) and a 10 year old in two separate rooms, while also having the ability to order a pizza, control SS and AS communications to various people, and coordinate receipt of the cash.

Honestly, I would be a little bit surprised if fewer than three people were involved. I still don't think DW is the person seen running from the burning vehicle... DW just has an entirely different build than what appears to be shown in the video. https://youtu.be/J4oMxwTNgaM

I'm still perplexed that none of the people taken into custody at the time of DW arrest were found to have any direct involvement.
JMO Suspected to be involved, but the "found" is in-progress.
I doubt the family would be hungry due to a nausea feeling. How many pizzas were ordered. Dominos pizza is not that big.

Two large pizzas. 1) Plain Cheese; 2) Pepperoni

The cheese pizza was not eaten. Half of the pepperoni was eaten.
Thanks for writing this. As a new poster, I wasn't sure if there was some "rule" on Websleuths about stating your opinion, or if people were just being rude when they responded with "because spouting off opinions is easier than digging up facts". Now I know it's the latter.

If folks want to discuss the potential link between the two metalworks companies, is anything being written now, about previous components of the case, stopping them? This thread seems to be a hodge podge of opinions, thoughts, etc., at least to me...

To add something to the commentary here, I did not realize that Savvas was strangled. To me, in my opinion, that implies a level of "intimacy" killing, to strangle someone, to choke the very life out of them.

The last moments of these four people were very brutal.

In a situation like this, the strangling could have just been another form of torturing him throughout this ordeal because it wasn't a COD.
You need to call the Lower School office by 8am to excuse your son from school that day. If you keep your son home and forget to call by 8am, the office admin assistant calls you to track down your son. AS was taking it day by day, after having hoped that Philip was ready to return earlier that week but then he had needed to continue resting at home. So this is a good question. Did STA call AS on Thursday morning, and if so, did DDW allow AS to speak with the school? I'm sure LE have contacted STA about this. There's so much LE are keeping under wraps for now.

Do schools send the police to your home if you don't call by 8am...and not answer their call??
IMO, unless it is an emergency, 9:30 is outside of personal phone call hours too. They may have had a personal relationship, but this was not a "chat on the phone" type relationship. I am not sure they went to dinner, hung out at the camp fire and went on family vacations together. You can know a lot about someone, and be very involved with their lives, and care very much about them without actually doing those things.

I agree that her talking to the media is strange. However, much was said about her from her original interviews where shock was in place. She has been accused just like JW has been. At this point, either she goes into hiding like JW - which makes him look guilty to many - or she talks to the media, which makes her look like she is betraying the family.

I feel for everyone involved in this tragedy. There is no "right way" to deal with this stuff. But having your life torn apart because you were involved with the family is so not right to me.
Remember that because multiple news sources repeat what he said in one interview does not mean she is being interviewed multiple times. I see nothing she has said as betraying the family. She said they were wonderful people with a wonderful relationship to each other. Other than that, she has told media of the communications she received, what time SS left the dojo, what time VF was to end her shift, that "Ginger" was a guarder...Some of what she was reported as saying, she didn't say. She has given less information about them on a personal level than can be found in their obituary. JMO
Do schools send the police to your home if you don't call by 8am...and not answer their call??

Or have an answering machine? What happens when you have 10-20 parents all trying to call at one time vs calling the night before when you know your child won't be coming.
I'm the one who said it's easier to spout opinions. If you have read any of my posts, you know that I am at least as guilty as anyone else of doing that. In fact, unless it's highlighted in red font, everything I post is my opinion. The only rule I've read regarding opinion is that we are supposed to say it's our opinion (JMO, MOO, IMO). If it's confirmed fact, we are supposed to attach a link.

I didn't read the terms of service until AFTER I got in trouble for sleuthing a family member. This was before I even knew what "sleuthing" is. You can read the whole thing here: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?65798-Etiquette-amp-Information

ETA: I wasn't trying to be rude. I apologize that I came off as such. I was trying to be tongue-in-cheek. Hard to convey in text. Maybe there's an emoji...

re: emjoi with Tongue-in-Cheek? I second that emoticon! heh heh. We have some delightfully creative people (person?) making these emjois for us, I'm always chuckling when I go through the library. I see new ones pop up and am astounded at the imagination :D
Do schools send the police to your home if you don't call by 8am...and not answer their call??

That's an excellent question! I never thought about this before, but are there protocols in place as a whole or would some families have specific instructions in a case like this where a child isn't at school when expected and parents can't be contacted. What happens next?

Ooh, great question. Looking forward to an answer :)
Maybe that's why the pizza place called her back - they couldn't leave it on the porch if she paid by credit card and couldn't sign the slip. So they left cash in an envelope instead... JMO
Not sure but thought the cash in envelope was the tip and paid by phone with cc.
If theories, opinions, nor speculation was allowed on Ws; Than most threads would be 5 pages if you exclude the condolences comments or the That's messed up comments.

But a little research can help eliminate over the top comments.


So true with very few facts being publicized. :/ We all have life experiences that bring great information and insights into what little we are provided so far. Not to be a Pollyanna, but I've learned so much here in my short time on WebSleuths and am thankful for the discussions and back-and-forth. Not only do I learn from everyone else, but I also learn about myself from my own posts, lol. I both enlighten and disappoint myself when I react emotionally, but its fun to discover, nonetheless.

There is such a rich variety of members here; lifestyles, occupations, professions, geographic locations, education, (temperament) points of view, life experiences, etc.

I sometimes view it as an educational site in addition to exploring the cases.
Do schools send the police to your home if you don't call by 8am...and not answer their call??

I highly doubt it unless the school knows of homily abuse going on. Now truant officers can pick kids up on the street.

But police would have no time for every kid who was to sick to go to school and the parents were to busy or forgot to contact the school.

Especially since this isn't public school where the school doesn't get paid if kids are not going.

Jmo. But DC may do it differently.
Do schools send the police to your home if you don't call by 8am...and not answer their call??

NO. Not at all. I used to work at a school and often called families on the 'no show' list. That call is usually made for two main reasons. One, to remind the parents to bring a note for an excused absence, and two, to notify parents if the kid is playing hooky.

But in this case, Phillip had already missed a week because of his accident. So the school would not have been suspicious, just concerned about his health. JMO
It truly is mind blowing!! Ordering pizzas and remembering to tip while being held hostage. I am hoping for DNA and prints on the envelope!
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