DC - Savvas Savopoulos, family & Veralicia Figueroa murdered; Daron Wint Arrested #13

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Emmavoberry didn't NG also send a text to AS?

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Yes. Thanks for reminder. She sent a text in response to AS text saying something to the effect that she understood not to come, was not going to. I think she first tried calling AS, and then sent the text.
I think I disagree. A chauffeur salary has potential to be fairly lucrative when combined with a police officer pension. If you can make $40,000 as a chauffeur and another 40 or $50,000 in pension, you're doing pretty good for your retirement. I'd love to be paid $40,000 to drive someone around and run errands. I'd rather do that than be LEO. Especially these days. I'm sure after 30 years on the job, they've seen so many DW's they can't take it anymore. And from the perspective of a very wealthy person, I'd love the fact that a retired LEO is allowed to carry a handgun there. I would think that hiring a retired LEO would be a total win-win situation. IMO.


My guess is that JW job description was loosely defined and more informal than that. He was SS personal assistant which often entailed being his chauffeur, but that's not necessarily what he was hired for specifically. It was probably along the lines of "why don't you go ahead and drive, that way I can make some phone calls on the way there."

JW comes across as being bright and personable and doesn't strike me as the type of person who would hesitate to pursue an opportunity when he sees one. He likely knew that SS was successful and wealthy and saw the opportunity to get an "in," so he probably approached him about any potential work he may have had available. JW may not have had any skills that would be needed at AIW, but SS probably liked the guy and was able to think of a number of different tasks he could use assistance with, so he went ahead and hired him as his personal assistant.

Of course, this is all speculative and JMO, but I'm guessing SS wasn't actively looking for a personal assistant and I doubt he saw the need to hire an actual chauffeur or personal security. Based on the number and the type (i.e. not the kind of cars you sit back and get chauffeured around in) of cars SS owned it appears as though he enjoyed driving. The S family was obviously very wealthy, but keep in mind that that's all relative. For that particular area - the S family was pretty typical, they weren't really high profile people, and there's not very much crime, let alone murder. Surrounded by hundreds of other millionaire households, I doubt they ever feared for their safety or worried about being singled out by anyone.

I doubt JW would typically have been the person SS would entrust with delivering $40k in cash, but he was probably the most readily available person to get the job done in a timely manner.
I agree. My husband would have called non stop and would find it EXTREMELY odd if he did not get to speak to me directly. He would have immediately asked, "Can I speak to her?? He definitely would have driven to the house the night before!

But, I am not judging the poor, broken hearted husband!

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My husband would have wanted to know what hospital we went to and would have followed up there...and he's not even particularly protective, but it would be quite bizarre for me not to check in for the night -- even if he was working -- and he would have wanted to at least yell at me.
My husband would have wanted to know what hospital we went to and would have followed up there...and he's not even particularly protective, but it would be quite bizarre for me not to check in for the night -- even if he was working -- and he would have wanted to at least yell at me.
I would certainly want to know more detail than just accept what SS said and move on. VF's husband was concerned enough to, as neighbors described it, pound on the front door and then go to the back door. Unfortunately he was intimidated by the phone call from SS and didn't put it together that SS was on the other side of the door. I would have wondered how SS even knew I was at the back door if he was at the hospital or why he is calling me on my cell phone from inside the house. Sadly it didn't happen the way we would like and we should not dwell on his tragic failure to take action.
To mark the month since this tragedy, I went over there about two hours ago to lay some flowers on the front steps leading up to their garden, where the chainlink fence bars entry to their front walk. There were three dried-up long-stemmed roses lying there from apparently a while ago, nothing else. I didn't linger but I noticed small clear glass shards littering the steps where I lay the flowers. On the small lawn between the street and their house, under Philip's window, was a pile of debris that included a bunched-up Oriental carpet. The cushions on their patio near the striped awning were all stacked up neatly, as if someone had taken them up to protect them from the recent rainy weather. Heart-breaking.

The street was deserted. It was so quiet. Nobody driving past, nobody jogging by. And this is a weekend when many people who have days off are often at home. And it was a beautiful (albeit hot) day, when many people are more likely to go outside. This stillness drove home the point of how, during a weekday when most people are away from their homes, in a way it may have been shockingly easy, despite it being broad daylight (at the beginning and the apex of the crime), for DDW et al not to be noticed casing the joint (aside from not fitting in if anyone had been around to notice them), making their entrance, and leaving.

I live in a similar city neighborhood. Not as upscale but close. Houses are closer together, thus we afford people their privacy, in a way. I know my neighbors but would never infringe on their privacy. And it's quiet. It chills me to realize that this could have happened on my very own street. It would never occur to me to take that leap if anything seemed strange or out of the ordinary. If a house alarm goes off in the middle of the day I automatically think it is faulty.
My husband would have wanted to know what hospital we went to and would have followed up there...and he's not even particularly protective, but it would be quite bizarre for me not to check in for the night -- even if he was working -- and he would have wanted to at least yell at me.

I am not sure that you can compare your husband and your situation to VF's husband and theirs though. If you were a housekeeper, working in another country for a very wealthy family, your husband might have accepted the explanation graciously, so he would not jeopardize the needed job.
JW's BMW search warrant returnView attachment 76369

Guys... Did you take a look at the search warrant return that facundo posted? It had been a while since I looked at it. Does it look to anyone else like the Mosler registration expires in 2015, not 2013? It looks to me like someone wrote '2014' and then corrected the '4' with a '5' (or perhaps vice versa). That surprises me because three of us looked up the vin number and found that the last registration was in 2011. Since we know it had an emissions test in January, does that mean that the registration expired in November 2014 and SS was a little late in getting it re-registered?

In the process of re-looking up their 'sabbatical' year, I found another business of SS's - http://american-management-solution...s/c/3279944-american-management-solutions-llc
I am not sure that you can compare your husband and your situation to VF's husband and theirs though. If you were a housekeeper, working in another country for a very wealthy family, your husband might have accepted the explanation graciously, so he would not jeopardize the needed job.

True enough. Everyone was weighing in, so I felt like doing so, too.
There is lots of talk of missed opportunity for summoning help for the family.
What do you think would have happened if a couple of patrol officers stopped by to check on a vague concern about the family?
I really don't know the answer. Maybe it would have turned out better, maybe not.
No more cooking today
Pizza and basketball


There is lots of talk of missed opportunity for summoning help for the family.
What do you think would have happened if a couple of patrol officers stopped by to check on a vague concern about the family?
I really don't know the answer. Maybe it would have turned out better, maybe not.

Good point. Unfortunately, I am not sure it would have changed the outcome. In the Petit case, the police had about 45 minutes from the time Mrs. Petit informed the bank that her entire family was being held hostage and when the house went up in flames, and the police were nowhere near taking action. They were "setting up a perimeter" and had no plans to do anything like storm the house. In the Petit's case, I think that the police would never have done more than catch the perps as the fled the scene even if they had the perimeter set up for 10 hours. They would not have entered the house or done anything particularly active to save the family. I don't think there was anything especially bad about the Cheshire, CT police, but I just think police are not trained to deal with hostage situations by taking radical action, which I think would have been needed in this case.
There is lots of talk of missed opportunity for summoning help for the family.
What do you think would have happened if a couple of patrol officers stopped by to check on a vague concern about the family?
I really don't know the answer. Maybe it would have turned out better, maybe not.

Unfortunatley, I think if police had gone to the door to do a welfare check, they would have found nobody home, everything to be just fine/no sign of trouble and left. They would not have busted down the door. I think it's unlikely that DW would have answered or permitted one of the other hostages to answer the door. The only thing I can think of that might have changed the outcome is that if couple patrol officers knocked on the door, DW might have decided to screw the whole thing and highed tail it out of there ASAP after LE left, without setting the fire for fear of drawing attention back to the house.
There is lots of talk of missed opportunity for summoning help for the family.
What do you think would have happened if a couple of patrol officers stopped by to check on a vague concern about the family?
I really don't know the answer. Maybe it would have turned out better, maybe not.

I've thought about this as well, and don't know the answer. Thanks for bringing this up.

One scenario: LE shows up, and hears and sees nothing, but could they really enter or do anything at that point? Vague suspicions about the family might not be grounds for them to bust in, especially if AS was said to be sick (whether true or not), PS had a concussion, etc.

Another scenario: LE shows up, and either goes in or doesn't go in, and DW does something then if he spots them. Might not end better for anyone this way, and might have also harmed LE.

Another scenario: LE shows up, and the same thing happens that happened with VF's husband. SS says something or calls and says everything is fine. LE can't really do anything at that point, right?

IDK... I'm having a hard time envisioning a scenario where LE coming would actually end better. They showed up and heard something suspicious from one of the upstairs bedrooms and went in? Any other thoughts? I have thought about this before as well
RE: JW's BMW search warrant return. Note, there is no reference to the so called "red bag" or "red lined bag" as noted in the SW. Obs: Red lined bag is probably a bag with a red lining.

After googling red line, I posted June 4.
"Redline refers to the maximum engine speed at which an internal combustion engine or traction motor and its components are designed to operate without causing damage ..." bbm en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redline

Could the 'red line bag' be a Redlined (brand) bag, a promo item or merchandise from race related business. Ex:
http://www.redlinedatv.com/ dirt bike, ATV track or park in Meeker, OK near OKC. Not seeing shop, or merchandise on ^website.

Or non-car-race, non-motor related business, like:
"The Easton Redline XIII Game Bag is a mid-sized equipment bag featuring large main compartment, J-style fence hook, interior valuables pocket and a Velcro Glove Zone."
Size accommodates baseball bats & more. Why would anyone put $$ into a big sports bag like this, to take a pix? IDK, seems unlikely.
"DJ bags" for holding music related equip have red linings, per ex below.

Just another angle about red line bag, relevant or not. IDK. Someone w better search skills c/find something more likely than ^.
It is odd, however, VF had worked in the home for 5 years. So her husband would have some trust in SS. And maybe the explanation relieved his fears that she had been harmed on her way home, or something. So he felt a sense of relief and went home to sleep after a full nights shift of work.
Exactly! I imagine to Mr. F, he is hearing that his wife is fine from the "Horse's Mouth." We all know what's going on behind the "Mansion Walls," but what is Mr. F. seeing? NO WAY he, any more than any of the others who talked with Mr. S, strolled by the house, cut the lawn, even his own SISTER, unless paranoid, imagine Mr. S is talking with a knife to his throat. WE know the truth and WE keep saying unimaginable, unspeakable, incredible, how could this have happened?

It's a fact of the technology. A voice, a picture, a text, a post "tricks" us into thinking we are getting the whole truth because we have some representation of it. In this case, he is actually hearing Mr. S's calm, apologetic, truthful sounding voice--he has probably heard that voice before.
That voice causes him to imagine busy Mr. S inside his spacious and SAFE quarters, and his wife SAFE at the hospital. Which one? Is it his business to ask Mr. S. which hospital Mrs. S is at or what is wrong with her? Does he want to make Mr. S. think he will storm the hospital like some madman and make his wife come home when she's at work?
He sees no broken glass, hears no screams, finds no blood on the front door knob, nothing, nothing out of the usual.
He's have to have an overactive imagination, a reason to mistrust Mr. S (when no one else does), or be in the grip of some compulsion about his wife to pursue her whereabouts any further or start asking a million questions like Mr. S. should be on the hot seat
The reassuring and professional voice on the cellphone caused him to construct the circumstances and setting around the voice. The voice was normal, so in Mr. F's mind the circumstances and setting were. He could not see what was not visible.
Neither could the rest of the world that went about its business a few feet away. all that time, day, night, and day again.
It was Mr. S's voice that created the semblance of order, safety, business as usual.
Only belching smoke and leaping flames destroyed the illusion.
There is lots of talk of missed opportunity for summoning help for the family.
What do you think would have happened if a couple of patrol officers stopped by to check on a vague concern about the family?
I really don't know the answer. Maybe it would have turned out better, maybe not.

I don't think it would have necessarily turned out much better. I think DW warned SS that if he saw any cops drive up, he would slit his wife's throat. I think DW would assume that SS had sent a clue somehow and DW would have been very angry. He could have slit a few throats very quickly.

And if everyone was duct taped, then LE might have just left if no one answered the door. If they went around back and saw the bootprint, then they would have called for backup and eventually broken in to investigate. But we don't know for sure when that bootprint happened.

Also, DW could have killed them all and set fire to the house while LE was still figuring out what to do next. JMO

If someone had called LE and had a good reason to suggest that the family was being held hostage, then LE could have saved them, possibly. if they had driven right up to the house with SWAT and barged in and did so quickly. Yes, it might have saved some or most. But I don't think anyone had a reason to believe that was happening.
I asked my DH what would he have done in a situation like Mr F was in. He doesn't follow crimes like I do and I just gave him the info on their lifestyle and Mrs.F's employment facts as we know them. He said he probably would have asked what hospital but probably wouldn't have followed up if in five years I hadn't had any kind of incident and had never been lied to by the employer. He said especially after working an overnight shift and was most likely tired. So he doesn't think Mr F's reactions were uncommon. He did say he would check the hospital if he hadn't heard anything else by 3....the usual time she would be off.
Guys... Did you take a look at the search warrant return that facundo posted? It had been a while since I looked at it. Does it look to anyone else like the Mosler registration expires in 2015, not 2013? It looks to me like someone wrote '2014' and then corrected the '4' with a '5' (or perhaps vice versa). That surprises me because three of us looked up the vin number and found that the last registration was in 2011. Since we know it had an emissions test in January, does that mean that the registration expired in November 2014 and SS was a little late in getting it re-registered?

In the process of re-looking up their 'sabbatical' year, I found another business of SS's - http://american-management-solution...s/c/3279944-american-management-solutions-llc

As I zoom in on that item it appears to me that it could be either 2013 or 2015. It is not clear which number was the strike over.
I could be wrong but I think DW would have killed them immediately since SS knew exactly DW's identity. The only way DW may have decided not to kill them is if he thought the house was surrounded by LE and no means of escaping. IDK

I am thankful VF's husband made it out alive.

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