Dead Pets

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DNA Solves
I agree with you 100%. I think she may have tried some of her killing skills on those pets too. I wonder if the little yorkie has recovered from being tired all the time! Wouldn't that be interesting to know.



eta: I've had 1 pet die on me in 14 years. My beloved kitty was cremated. Just how many animals are in the pet cemetary (back yard)?

I only began watching the live trial a couple of days ago. Wasn't there a container with a syringe and chloroform found beside the remains? I never heard it discussed during the trial. Suddenly I have a mental image of ICA fiendishly bending over her pets with the syringe and injecting them. After all, you certainly wouldn't want to practice on a live human.
Yes, but when my sweet 17 year old kitty, got so sick, that I had the vet put her to sleep, he said nothing when I wanted to bring her home to bury. He must have felt it was up to me. I wrapped her in a towel that she had slept on and then put her in a brown paper grocery sack, and dug what seemed like a HUGE hole, and buried her. It took me a couple of hours to dig that hole. It was about 18 inches deep, and about as big around as a bucket. It was all I could do to dig it. It was October, so, slightly cooler weather for Texas, and yet I was sweating and panting. I keep thinking about that. How much work it was, how I was afraid it wasn't deep enough and that a dog would dig her up. I had my kids come out for a last goodbye, then, I put a big flat rock on top after I finished. Think how big the hole would need to be for a child almost 3. I have thought about Casey borrowing the shovel and then trying, but not being able to dig the hole. It's HARD work, and Florida would have been hot in June. Plus, the time frame shows it likely to have been afternoon. The hottest part of the day with the strongest sun.

Thank you for sharing this, and I understand completely. DH and I had our last dog - a Jack Russell who was nearly 16 when he suffered kidney failure - cremated. My mom passed away just eight weeks later and also chose to be cremated. We planted a tree with some of their ashes in our backyard.
The pets at least got the dignity of a burial. George even put up a stone dog as a marker.

We love our pets and bury them rather than subject them to being ravaged by other animals and circled by buzzards.

Caylee was merely dumped at a dumpsite. As if she were unwanted garbage. No marker, no dignity, no funeral. The pets were treated better.
Wonder if Cindy and George are now thinking back over their pets' illnesses and deaths and going, "Hmmmmmmmmmm......"? I guess over a 30-year period, it is not an overly high mortality rate for a family's pets. Still, didn't she name at least 3 or 4 dogs and some other non-canines?
WAY OT but...I have had a bad feeling for a long time that Casey may have been pregnant and "gotten rid of " another baby sometime in high school. Go with me for a minute. So CA talked about Casey quitting track in high school and gaining 15 pounds, she also talked about Casey's irregular periods and the fact that she and Casey would joke about being sooo bloated with PMS as to look pregnant. Lee made some comments such as "is it like last time" and the "secret" comment at the memorial. I don't know I just feel like it would explain the weirdness around the pregnancy with Caylee, Lee's reaction and CA not admitting to it until Casey was outed by her uncle. Maybe CA suspected ICA had been pregnant at some previous time and maybe even suspected the baby was "dumped" somewhere after birth but is in such pathological denial that she can't admit her daughter would do something like that. I know it's just a way out there feeling but I always wondered if there was a little newborn skeleton in those woods too...

very interesting speculations. Would love to see LA questioned about this.
I always thought she was guilty, but I wasn't completely convinced it was premeditated. I now have no doubt. I would not be surprised to find out she killed some of the dogs. We found out that before my sister's husband killed her--he killed her cat. Many times killers start with animals. I would not be surprised to find out she killed CA's beloved pets before killing her beloved granddaughter.

I wonder if it ever occurred to Cindy that Casey might have been "drugging" the family pets?
I have a bad feeling that Casey did something bad to Cinnamon and Ginger, the mama dog and puppy, that died within 6 months of each other.

It may sound silly, but just watching Casey's face when it was discussed in court sent a chill down my spine.

Cindy said Cinnamon and Ginger died when Casey was a senior in high school, right?

I bet that Cindy loved those two dogs so much, and Casey killed them to get back at Cindy.
Like Casey did when she killed Caylee, just five years later.

I agree with you. If that is true, then 'graduating' to killing a human may make sense.

Cindy testified that her small, young yorkie was unusually tired, and I suspected that casey was either experimenting on with the dog on how to drug Caylee, or she was simply harming the dog out of spite.

Below is part of KioMarie's deposition (I found it in a NG transcript, I think the 'unidentified male' is an officer).

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did Casey help you bury animals?

KIOMARIE CRUZ, FRIEND OF CASEY ANTHONY: We would dig things up and put it out there. And it was me, her and somebody else that we`d all go back there. It was just us girls.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But she was familiar with...

CRUZ: She was familiar with the area.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And that`s where animals had been buried before. And it was a -- was it a peaceful place for you guys?

CRUZ: Yes. It was always quiet. There was nobody that would bother us.


They buried animals out there? Where did they get the animals from?
The testimony also showed how respectful CA and GA were of the deceased. They had a tombstone and they had a ceremony before they were buried. No way does someone like that toss a baby in a dump. I also thought getting the chloro in was really smart by State.
From PeTA:

Acts of cruelty to animals are not mere indications of a minor personality flaw in the abuser; they are symptomatic of a deep mental disturbance. Research in psychology and criminology shows that people who commit acts of cruelty to animals don’t stop there—many of them move on to their fellow humans. “Murderers ... very often start out by killing and torturing animals as kids,” says Robert K. Ressler, who developed profiles of serial killers for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).(1)
That pet testimony was the proverbial final nail in the coffin for ICA. I believe that George was so heartbroken at Caylee's death that, even if he had tried to cover up an accident for ICA, he would have carefully buried Caylee in a container to protect her-- maybe in a dryer wilderness type area, under earth-- so she couldn't be gnawed on by animals. But, of course, he would have called 911 in the first place, if it HAD been an accident... JMHO

I can just see ICA killing those helpless pets, because her mother loved them so much.
From PeTA:

Acts of cruelty to animals are not mere indications of a minor personality flaw in the abuser; they are symptomatic of a deep mental disturbance. Research in psychology and criminology shows that people who commit acts of cruelty to animals don’t stop there—many of them move on to their fellow humans. “Murderers ... very often start out by killing and torturing animals as kids,” says Robert K. Ressler, who developed profiles of serial killers for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).(1)[/URL

I was just about to search for documents that show that many "future" killers often torture or kill animals first. Once more, DT opened the door to even more consideration that Casey had the potential to "dispose" of anyone who stole the spotlight from her - including beloved family pets. How sad!

BTW: Happy Canada Day tomorrow :leaf:
And even further OT is the question of Casey planning to do something to her parents. In addition to chloroform, other methods of death were searched. She told friends that soon she would have the house to herself. Far as I know, the parents were not planning on going anywhere. Escalating from animals to small humans to big humans is not that far fetched.
I wonder if JB has any idea just how BAD it was to rest the defense just after the dead pets testimony? All I can think about is the diffrence in how dead Anthony animals were treated compared to Caylee. And I would bet the rent that more than one juror is presently wondering if ICA had anything to do with killing any of the pets, especially the two of them that died during her senior year. She's toast.
All these animal deaths are quite strange and even mentioning the short amount of time between some of them. This also gave me the visualization (if I were juror) that she wrapped her in plastic like a dog (actually worse). Shivers

At least the dogs got a proper burial which I think makes JB looks bad bringing this up because if GA and CA went to all this trouble to bury their pets, buy a little statue to mark them they most likely wouldnt throw
their Granddaughter in a swampy woods. No way.

Some people have to take their pets to a Vet and have them put to sleep. Ours died at home but was cremated at the vets. It is illegal here to bury animals in the yard, I think. Dont know about Orlando.
He just inserted the needle into her arm.... Not ONE parent on the jury isn't thinking that they loved the pets enough to bury them, but dumped the baby :*(
Calling on this sort of witness testimony really drives home how "last minute", and inept, JB's defense strategy was.

Cindy's previous testimony about sluggish dogs had already set off alarms with most reasonable people that ICA was likely abusing the family pets or practicing on them. Then to hear still further testimony about dead animal after dead animal... I seriously doubt many people watching the trial, jury included, did not immediately begin to wonder if ICA was behind all these.

It is baffling how even a clumsy attorney like JB could have failed to realize the impact this would have on people.

It makes me suspicious that this was a deliberate attempt (on JBs part) to seal ICA's fate, though that's ridiculous, right? Is JB mad at ICA now, and seeking revenge?
You know I cannot believe that JB used this dog thing to end the defenses' case. The very first thing that entered my mind was, "Oh, now I know why Casey put the WTP blanket in with Caylee."

JB had to get the information from ICA. Why though would he use that? I don't think he thinks straight.

OTOH Caylee was just the same as any of her other "pets" in ICA's mind. So very, very sad for that innocent child.

I have a bad feeling that Casey did something bad to Cinnamon and Ginger, the mama dog and puppy, that died within 6 months of each other.

It may sound silly, but just watching Casey's face when it was discussed in court sent a chill down my spine.

Cindy said Cinnamon and Ginger died when Casey was a senior in high school, right?

I bet that Cindy loved those two dogs so much, and Casey killed them to get back at Cindy.
Like Casey did when she killed Caylee, just five years later.

Maybe they were going to tell CA that ICA was a 1/2 credit short of graduating.
well.. i listened to the stuff about the dogs and they burying this am.. and just now had a chance to come on line.... I was wondering if anyone elses mind went to the same place that mind did.. and looks like i wasnt alone... I wonder if the jury has at least one person who thought the same thing.. hmmmmm..

OOo and btw.. I have a jack russell who eats at the bamboo in my yard.. and I have never googled chloroform nor is my jack sluggish from eatting it.

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