Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

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do you want Casey to get the death penalty?

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    Votes: 106 59.2%
  • no

    Votes: 73 40.8%

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You know, I minored in Theology in college, and I just throw this out there for consideration (it is not an indication of my personal religious beliefs).

For those that support the death penalty, what if there is no after-life? If we sentence Casey to death, doesn't she win because she has a quick and painless death - never to know or feel long term suffering and wasting away into old age?

Without a belief in an afterlife, does the rationale for the death penalty as the ultimate punishment still survive?

I don't think the death penalty is the "ultimate punishment". Rather, it is the only way to make sure this "particular vermin" does not endanger anyone else "in this life" whether it's her only life, or not. The DP is neither punishment nor revenge. It is prevention and the most economical way to protect people like us - from things like her.

I didn't know I'd come out this strongly for the DP........ it goes totally against *my* beliefs (yes, plural).

No, she doesn't "win" by getting the DP. WE DO.
I realize that ICA could receive the DP if convicted, and if I were on the jury, I would certainly be able to join my colleagues in sentencing her to death. That said, I almost feel that LWOP would be a more appropriate and effective sentence for Casey. Ms. Anthony is very young and has most of her life ahead of her. Granted, it won't be the life that she wanted, but she would have plenty of time to consider what she did and the price that she's paid for taking the life of a beautiful, helpless, innocent child.

I'm afraid that Casey would make herself a "star" victim on Death Row and use the status as a means of gaining attention in the media. I would prefer to have her sit in prison for many years and come to the realization that her life has been a "huge waste" and that she has no one to blame but herself :couch:
When this tread first started, I voted for LWOP because of all the "unknowns" in this case.

After watching JB's opening statement and realizing how evil his client truly is, I vote for death. People like her can not be rehabilitated... I should know.. half my family's just like her.

I don't think a person should be put to death for being impossible to rehabilitate. They just need to be contained and prevented from causing further harm.

I'm mentally comparing ICA to other well known sociopathic "killers", like Mary Bell who killed two little boys by the time she was ten years old, and a number of other young murderers. ICA's sociopathy doesn't measure up to theirs.

What she did is unspeakable. And, the legal system is set up to deliver the most appropriate justice possible (yeah, I know, ideally). From past precedent, I don't see us going beyond LWOP. And I personally think it the death penalty is "overkill" (pun only partially intended).
I realize that ICA could receive the DP if convicted, and if I were on the jury, I would certainly be able to join my colleagues in sentencing her to death. That said, I almost feel that LWOP would be a more appropriate and effective sentence for Casey. Ms. Anthony is very young and has most of her life ahead of her. Granted, it won't be the life that she wanted, but she would have plenty of time to consider what she did and the price that she's paid for taking the life of a beautiful, helpless, innocent child.

I'm afraid that Casey would make herself a "star" victim on Death Row and use the status as a means of gaining attention in the media. I would prefer to have her sit in prison for many years and come to the realization that her life has been a "huge waste" and that she has no one to blame but herself :couch:

What she said.:tyou:
I haven't reconciled my feelings about the death penalty, but am grateful that I am not the one making that call for iCA. I do believe that she is guilty, and should be charged as such, and it is my hope that a fresh, powerful dose of tough love is what it takes for iCA to revisit the place in her mind where her truthful memories are stored, and that she will be alone to deal with the reality and gravity of what.she.did. I believe that there, she will receive her punishment. As far as I'm concerned, she has already adapted in jail and will do so in prison quickly. I want her to deal with reality and the consequences of her actions, just her and the facts, on death row or in a tiny cell- for a long time.
I'm generally not a fan of the death penalty, and I don't think this crime rises (or sinks) to the level requiring one--regardless of legal definitions. What strikes me most about Casey's predicament is that she wanted a life free of responsibility, and now she has one. No worries about child care, earning a living, or dealing with a difficult parent. Her spectacular and malignant failure to launch has landed her in a situation ironically skewed from the carefree "bella vita" she imagined. Perfect illustration of "Be careful what you wish for."
I do not think KC will get the death penalty. I think she deserves it, but I have never heard of a mother being sentenced to death for killing her child. I would not have a problem with Life in prison if it in fact means LIFE IN PRISON. I have a gnawing in my gut that says not only will she not get the DP, but she will get out early, somehow. And really, KC is IMO very dangerous and should never be free in society again.

A new gnawing, however, is that she might not even be convicted. It's making me sick!


Patricia Blackmon (AL)
Darlie Routier (TX)
Caro Socorro (CA)
Frances Newton (TX) executed
Robin Row (ID)
Caroline Young (PA)
Debra Jean Milke (AZ)
Kenisha Barry (TX)
Susan Eubanks (CA)
Dora Luz Duenrostro (CA)

In Florida since the 1920's there have been 18 women sentenced to death. Two were executed (Aileen Wuornos and Judy Beunoano) and 3 women are currently on death row - none convicted of murdering their children. Of the remaining 13 death sentences most were commuted to life. (One conviction was vacated and another overturned on appeal that I know of.) HTH

Oh...should add that the appeal above is the case of Ana Maria Cardona - convicted of the murder of her child (Baby Lollipop). Her conviction was overturned for procedural error and last I heard the State of FL was going to not only retry the case but again seek the DP.
I'm generally not a fan of the death penalty, and I don't think this crime rises (or sinks) to the level requiring one--regardless of legal definitions. What strikes me most about Casey's predicament is that she wanted a life free of responsibility, and now she has one. No worries about child care, earning a living, or dealing with a difficult parent. Her spectacular and malignant failure to launch has landed her in a situation ironically skewed from the carefree "bella vita" she imagined. Perfect illustration of "Be careful what you wish for."

BUT the state of Florida should not have to pay for her to live until she is 90 years old either. At least 15-20 years and she is gone.

An eye for an eye on this one.
I'd hate to think we're executing people just to save a few bucks... I've read the death penalty is more expensive than LWOP anyway, what with all the legal costs.

But if Aileen Wuornos' appalling childhood didn't work to mitigate a death sentence, Casey doesn't have a prayer, IMO.
I'm generally not a fan of the death penalty, and I don't think this crime rises (or sinks) to the level requiring one--regardless of legal definitions. What strikes me most about Casey's predicament is that she wanted a life free of responsibility, and now she has one. No worries about child care, earning a living, or dealing with a difficult parent. Her spectacular and malignant failure to launch has landed her in a situation ironically skewed from the carefree "bella vita" she imagined. Perfect illustration of "Be careful what you wish for."

True, and she will have plenty of time to arrange and participate in hot body contests with other inmates.
DP wont help Caylee but it will kill CA, GA, and LA. Besides countries are moving away from DP and Europe is totally DP-free. So I don't want to be the dinosaur from Jurassic park defending this primitive tool of justice.

I think Life with no parole until 25 years would be a better solution. Parole will make KC to take responsibility for her crime, show that she's truly sorry for her actions, accept therapy and show improvement.
If she is found guilty of first degree murder, I personally don't want to see the death penalty as set punishment.

I don't think justice is served by dragging the family though appeal after appeal after appeal. Casey didn't kill a random kid, she killed a grandchild, a niece, a cousin and close family friend of many people, respectively. If someone cared about that child, chances are they cared for Casey as well.

Assuming Casey's parents and loved ones were not heinously abusive and were just muddling along like most of us, I can't see traumatizing the heck out of them again and again, the agonizing wait each time a new date is set for the execution. I'm not sure how these people are supposed to heal with continually having their heart ripped out and stomped on.
If the family dynamic and actions contributed substantially to serious pathological tendencies in Casey, then perhaps she is better served in not paying the ultimate price.

It's hard to separate justice from vengeance sometimes, but that is just my two cents.
Life sentence or death there will be appeals.

I still think if found guilty the jury will give life or whatever lesser charge they choose, which could be 20 years, more or less.

Appeals, petitioning for habeas', any and all relief will be sought. Not usually successful, but that depends on the next few weeks in Court. She may even file for herself since AL promised law school and KC is learning legal lingo. Lol.

We will hear blurbs of legal filings for years if KC is found guilty of anything. There will be no Court appearances, just paper filings. No one will care unless anything is overturned. So far all is well.
I've said this before so it should come as no big surprise but putting ICA to death is the only way to definitively punish her. To me, the DP is not a deterrent, it's a punishment and should be viewed as such. Since ICA is such a chameleon, she would easily adapt to prison life, make her own little world work for her and spend the rest of her life spewing lies until she passes. To really punish ICA, you need to take away from her what she cherishes more than anything else in the world.....herself! I want her to feel the same fear that she instilled into Caylee in her last minutes. I want her to be scared to death as the lead her into the death chamber and start the IV. Maybe then, there can be a little justice for such a sweet and innocent life that was taken away much too early. I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion on the DP. I just want to see justice prevail for little Caylee!

JMHO as always!
o, I am just hopeful it is okay for the Pinellas County folks held in this matter- today and for always
ICA deserves no less than death, however with our justice system if given the DP, ICA would get to sit in a private cell for 25+ years while she exhausted her appeals. I don't want that privacy for her. I want ICA to get LWOP so she is in with the GP and hopefully she learns first hand that there are a lot more folks that are just as evil as she is if not more so.
Hi, new here.

Life in prison is OK with me, the death penalty will trigger endless appeals and make her the star of her own reality show even longer.

I also feel that her family has suffered enough already. For her mother to spurn her is probably the greatest punishment that she can have.
You know, I minored in Theology in college, and I just throw this out there for consideration (it is not an indication of my personal religious beliefs).

For those that support the death penalty, what if there is no after-life? If we sentence Casey to death, doesn't she win because she has a quick and painless death - never to know or feel long term suffering and wasting away into old age?

Without a belief in an afterlife, does the rationale for the death penalty as the ultimate punishment still survive?

I don't believe in any sort of afterlife.

IMO The death penalty isn't meant to punish, it's meant to protect society. Putting her to death would be the humane thing to do, like a rabid dog. However, LWOP IMO would be the most appropraie sentance for Casey. I can't see putting her to death and futher punishing her parents. They've suffered enough.

Casey won't suffer in prison, psychopaths adapt well and very easily.
DP wont help Caylee but it will kill CA, GA, and LA. Besides countries are moving away from DP and Europe is totally DP-free. So I don't want to be the dinosaur from Jurassic park defending this primitive tool of justice.

I think Life with no parole until 25 years would be a better solution. Parole will make KC to take responsibility for her crime, show that she's truly sorry for her actions, accept therapy and show improvement.

You can't rehabiliate a psychopath. She isn't capable of remorse, empathy or improving. She has no conscience, she isn't capable of "feelings" like normal people have.
You can't rehabiliate a psychopath. She isn't capable of remorse, empathy or improving. She has no conscience, she isn't capable of "feelings" like normal people have.

KC hasn't been examined by doctors so we don't know whether or not she is curable. In case she can't improve well she will stay in jail indefinitely.
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