Deaths might be related to giardasil vaccine

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Ahhh...gotcha. I didn't know that opting out still allowed for the kids to be enrolled in school. I wonder how many parents got their daughter this vaccine, though, solely on the basis that it is being called "mandatory". I mean, if you can opt out, doesn't the presence of the "opt-out option" mean that it is optional? LOL, did that make sense?

Why in the world is this being touted as a mandatory vaccine in TX when it really is just an optional one?
Mandatory I think referrs more to that the school and doctors and insurance companies must offer it, and that the parents must either let their child have it, or turn in a form declining to do so. But for some - that just isn't OK - they have to take it away for everyone - after all, since it enhances promiscuity in children - maybe their celibate saint of a child will be tempted by a newly created Jezebel, transformed by the injection!

At least - that's all I can figure - since it was clear everywhere that the parents could choose, freely.
I posted on the first thread we had going about this vaccine. There are side effects to EVERY vaccine. People have died from taking EVERY vaccine. Google vaccination deaths. I googled deaths related to Gardisil and every link was to a religious site, abstinence site, or something else along those lines. NO medical sites, no university sites.

headaches, fatigue, emotional breakdowns?? sounds like nothing compared to cancer.
I read about it too. The children were not excluded from school, nor anything else, if the parents opted them out. All they had to do was to say no.

Insurance doesn't pay for this one. They'll not pay for whatever they can get away with not paying for. But if it's a mandatory, they have to pay.

My insurance pays for it and it is not mandatory here.
I read about it too. The children were not excluded from school, nor anything else, if the parents opted them out. All they had to do was to say no.

Insurance doesn't pay for this one. They'll not pay for whatever they can get away with not paying for. But if it's a mandatory, they have to pay.

Our insurance has paid without question....and we have a normal common policy...

I actually think that I'd rather have had cancer or Hepatitis B than what I've felt like for the last 13 years and there's many people who have been through it and worse. It's just not talked about much at all.

My 17 y/o has already had cancer. She chose to have the shots.

I don't know your medical concerns so will not try to compare but believe me, watching her go through chemo and radiation and knowing that for the rest of her hopefully very long life she/we will always have fears, will be evaluated yearly for any secondary cancers, or side effects from the 2 years of chemo she had is not a walk in the park. You may think that YOU would rather have cancer, but I can almost guarantee you would not want your DAUGHTER to have it.....

My 17 y/o has already had cancer. She chose to have the shots.

I don't know your medical concerns so will not try to compare but believe me, watching her go through chemo and radiation and knowing that for the rest of her hopefully very long life she/we will always have fears, will be evaluated yearly for any secondary cancers, or side effects from the 2 years of chemo she had is not a walk in the park. You may think that YOU would rather have cancer, but I can almost guarantee you would not want your DAUGHTER to have it.....


Lynie.. as I have stated before.. I was diagnosed with HPV.. and the horror and fear of it leading to cervical cancer goes through my head every day. I am 24. If I was a mother, you'd be damn sure my child would be getting the vaccine.

Your daughter is a hero.
My daughter is 17 and she is getting the vaccine. I will not keep her from getting something that can prevent HPV or cervical cancer. No way. No how. Her life is much more precious to me than her chastity.
Lynie.. as I have stated before.. I was diagnosed with HPV.. and the horror and fear of it leading to cervical cancer goes through my head every day. I am 24. If I was a mother, you'd be damn sure my child would be getting the vaccine.

Your daughter is a hero.

She is my hero too...although a pain in the butt at times that I wouldn't trade for the world! I feel very lucky to still have her!

Even when she has the emotional crying jags after receiving the shot, she would rather have the shot. Box of kleenex vs. head in the toilet puking, mouth sores and no hair? Hmmmmm....Gardisil wins;)

Thanks Miss rayray:blowkiss:

Excuse me if I am in any way ignorant about any of this. I just had questions. In the early 80's my boyfriend of several years had genital warts. Being the young, naive "dummy" I was of course we were not using a barrier method. I was on the pill. Anyway, it took more than forcing for him to see a Doctor. As in I won't ever sleep with you again until you find out what that is. Back then HPV was barely heard of. He came out of the Doctor's office and bluntly said "He said you gave me these and he burned them off". I was so freaked out and the Doctor gave him no explanation of what they were. That very day i got an appointment and my Gyn explained it all to me. Tested me. Miraculously I did not get the HPV. I was retested three more times for my own sanity. They also told me I was not a carrier. Another words I didn't have the virus period so my boyfriend saying I passed it on with no symptoms was incorrect. I'm not trying to stigmatize any STD in any way. I am all for educating young women on safe sex practices. Here's my question. Why weren't we reading about HPV in Cosmo back then? Why weren't we automatically tested as we were for chlamydia back then? Also, I have read that even with a condom a person with the virus can indeed still pass it. Is this true? Again, I'm O-L-D, and not up on new vaccines and medicine and was just wondering. I commend any parent who is safeguarding their children. Also, do you think there will be a vaccine for the boys? Understandably cervical cancer is horrific and I wonder what the rate of cancer is for a penis connected to HPV. That same old boyfriend is my friend to this day and never had another problem, and of course came out with the truth he had three other partners besides me back in them times. Even now though I still wonder just why in the heck I was spared? I am grateful though.
BTW.. just so everyone understands a little more about HPV.. I have never had warts of any type.. that is the low risk strain. I have high risk strain which causes my cells to change, leading to cervical cancer.
Hi JBean,

That's the entire article, as far as I know. I just went into it to see if something was wrong with the link, but couldn't find anything.

That's all that was there...what you see in the link. Sorry...
If you GOOGLE in the name of the vaccine, you'll find many articles written about the side effects of this vaccine. Two of my best friends of investigative journalists and have found through their research that over 1,000 reactions have been reported to VAERS vis-a-vis this vaccine in this country alone. Don't know about the stats elsewhere.

I DO know that not enough research was done on this vaccine prior to its use in the public domain. Our own mainstream physician will NOT administer this particular vaccine because he is concerned with the known side effects.

The National Vaccine Information Center has a lot of information about this vaccine. GOOGLE 'NVIC' for their site...
Here is a GREAT editorial re: this vaccine.

Here's the link:

Here's a snip:

..."The FDA has listed over 900 adverse Gardasil reactions including menstrual problems, seizures and syncope. Regarding efficacy, there are two Gardasil researchers who have spoken out against the premature conclusions of a ``cancer cure.''

"It is not surprising that peer-reviewed literature has not raised greater concern about safety and effectiveness when over 40 percent of co-authors were Merck employees, including patent holders. According to Lancet (2005), Merck's Vioxx killed as many as 61,600 Americans, despite dozens of poorly designed, peer-reviewed papers touting its safety and enthusiastic approval by a conflicted FDA that routinely ignores long-term outcomes. My opinions are based upon peer-reviewed science and government documents."

"Public health officials often readily accept the steady stream of disinformation and marketing propaganda from an FDA and CDC whose advisory board members, according to several congressional hearings, are frequently tied to pharmaceutical giants like Merck that have funded and created science aimed at delivering profits over safety."

Dr. David Ayoub

NVIC link re: Gardasil vaccine:;

A snip:

National Vaccine Information Center Criticizes
FDA for Fast Tracking Licensure

Washington, D.C. - "The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is calling on the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) to just say "no" on June 29 to recommending "universal use" of Merck's Gardasil vaccine in all pre-adolescent girls. NVIC maintains that Merck's clinical trials did not prove the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine designed to prevent cervical cancer and genital warts is safe to give to young girls."

"Merck and the FDA have not been completely honest with the people about the pre-licensure clinical trials," said NVIC president Barbara Loe Fisher. "Merck's pre and post-licensure marketing strategy has positioned mass use of this vaccine by pre-teens as a morality play in order to avoid talking about the flawed science they used to get it licensed. This is not just about teenagers having sex, it is also about whether Gardasil has been proven safe and effective for little girls."

"The FDA allowed Merck to use a potentially reactive aluminum containing placebo as a control for most trial participants, rather than a non-reactive saline solution placebo.[1] A reactive placebo can artificially increase the appearance of safety of an experimental drug or vaccine in a clinical trial. Gardasil contains 225 mcg of aluminum and, although aluminum adjuvants have been used in vaccines for decades, they were never tested for safety in clinical trials. Merck and the FDA did not disclose how much aluminum was in the placebo.[2]"

"Animal and human studies have shown that aluminum can cause nerve cell death [3] and that vaccine aluminum adjuvants can allow aluminum to enter the brain, [4 5] as well as cause inflammation at the injection site leading to chronic joint and muscle pain and fatigue. [6 7] Nearly 90 percent of Gardasil recipients and 85 percent of aluminum placebo recipients followed-up for safety reported one or more adverse events within 15 days of vaccination, particularly at the injection site.[8] Pain and swelling at injection site occurred in approximately 83 percent of Gardasil and 73 percent of aluminum placebo recipients. About 60 percent of those who got Gardasil or the aluminum placebo had systemic adverse events including headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, myalgia. [9 10] Gardasil recipients had more serious adverse events such as headache, gastroenteritis, appendicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, asthma, bronchospasm and arthritis."

"Merck and the FDA do not reveal in public documents exactly how many 9 to 15 year old girls were in the clinical trials, how many of them received hepatitis B vaccine and Gardasil simultaneously, and how many of them had serious adverse events after being injected with Gardasil or the aluminum placebo. For example, if there were less than 1,000 little girls actually injected with three doses of Gardasil, it is important to know how many had serious adverse events and how long they were followed for chronic health problems, such as juvenile arthritis."
HI why did I know you would find more info?LOL!
Thanks for all your research.
From WikiPedia: (NVIC) ... is the oldest and largest national organization advocating elimination of mandatory vaccinations

Not a very neutral site to get vaccine safety information from. They don't like any vaccines at all. They could be right - but I think it's always important to consider biases. Merck has their own bias - but so does NVIC.
Who exactly DID they test the vaccine on?
Can you, ethically, test a vaccine on "little girls"?
Or will the little girls who get it now, actually be the guinea pigs?
As if I wasn't already leary enough about this, now I learn that Merck is withholding information regarding the trials from the public? It makes me wonder what the information is about the trials that they do not want people to know?

Withholding pertinent information from the public, and essentially the parents and patients, makes it impossible to make an informed decision on whether or not our children get injected with this. How in the world can an informed decision be made when Merck is hiding information from the consumer?

I would hope the FDA would be able to force them to uncover whatever it is they don't want made public, good or bad.

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