Decomp smell **REVISIT**

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Do you suppose she asked the two guys to push her car in backwards so they'd be pushing from the front (less smell) and not from the back, (worse smell?) I thought about that earlier. Cause to me, if my car needs pushed off the road, I'm just glad to get any help, however it has to be pushed. I just think to push a car backwards is weird. (if that story is even true, btw)

Were there really two men who pushed her car? Have we heard from them?
does anyone know if the guys that supposedly helped push the car have come forward? if so where can I find info?

I think it's in the boyfriend (Tony) interview released a couple of days ago. That is what Casey told him. They have not come forward to my knowlege...I think they are a figment of Casey's imagination since the car was backed in to the parking space beside the dumpster. Who would turn a car around while pushing it when it is out of gas?
I think she mentioned the smell once she had completely disposed of the body. She wouldn't have mentioned it prior to that as someone may have looked into where the smell was coming from. She alluded to the story of the squirrel once there was no longer a body to find in the trunk.
I posted elsewhere that the gas cans could have been used to store the remains as LP stated it would be like carrying a 30 pound bag of stew. I originally thought she may have used siphoning tools to get rid of the remains, now I am considering she may have used a garden hose. Since the A's have the pool in the backyard, KC might be familiar with the concept of placing one end of the hose in a bag with the liquified remains and the other end lower to the ground, inside the gas cans; this might also explain the dog hits in the backyard. Anyone know how many gas cans it would take to contain the liquid remains of a 3 year old girl?

Were there really two men who pushed her car? Have we heard from them?

There has been no sign of these "2 men" in any of the documents released to this point, and nobody has ever made mention of having found them-publicly. If they have come forward, or have been found, it is not public knowledge.
her parents will not publicly say "she did anything to their grandaughter"

but they know, and by not doing anything but defending her they are trampling on their grandaughter

"dont be afraid to see what you see"

they are afraid to see the hippo in the living room making pot brownies
and it makes me want to wretch my NON TOBACCO filled lungs out

On topic, I tend to agree that she moved Caylee at least once. And with the dogs hitting in the backyard, I can't rule it out just yet that she either laid her in the yard intending to bury her there, or (much less likely) that she did bury her there for awhile.

I'm not sure I can picture KC carrying her around for very long in the trunk esp considering how hot it was outside. So I figure it was used to carry her from point a (where she was killed) to point b (the spot in the backyard the dogs hit on) and then to point c (where she finally dumped her).

Honestly I can't comprehend anyone carrying around a decomposing body that was emitting a horrid smell - much less ones own child!! And I've been wondering if *that* might be what caused her nightmares?? -- They weren't because she killed her daughter - but because SHE was exposed to and 'forced' to endure the terrible odor that ruined 'her' car. I'm sure she would have seen that as a terrible 'inconvenience', and it seems clear KC resented anything or anyone that 'inconvenienced' her. :mad:
I do see what you're saying about how it's unlikely that the body was in the car for such an extended period of time, and I agree. However, it is possible that the body was originally in one location and already beginning to decompose, then it was moved via the trunk to another location. I cannot fathom how anyone could stomach such a thing, but it is a possibility. I wonder how long it takes for a decomposing body to began to smell enough to fill up a car? :waitasec:

In the Florida heat & humidity? 1 week would be my best estimate. I live in Michigan but this summer we had a ground hog (20 lbs) that our dog got, put in a thick plastic bag and put in the heavy plastic garbage bin. It was the hottest week of the year and a week until the garbage was picked up. Ground Hog in on Thursday afternoon. Friday Hot! Saturday Hot! Sunday Hot! Monday really Hot! By Tuesday that garbage can was sooo foul that we had to set it out by the road to get it away from the house.....the smell lingered in the can for 2-3 weeks even though nothing leaked out of the bag.

sorry to be graphic...but that's my experience.
I was thinking about the car last night also and then I remembered something, my good friend J's car.
I love J, she's funny and generous. We make an odd pair, she is 4'11", I'm 5'11", she is Asian, I'm blond with freckles. She can eat two big Macs, biggie fries, giant glup and still weigh 89 lbs; me, I can gain weight on a kid's meal. We have a great time together but I can't stand riding in her van! She mucks it out maybe twice a year; yes, mucks

She has four kids and when she was driving them all around, the car was a health hazard. Half eaten hamburgers spilled soda, pizza boxes with half a pizza, dirty underwear. balled up socks, used tissues and napkins, fruit, you name it, it was there. I have helped her take out two full trash bags of stuff that needed to be thrown away and there was sill at least two loads of laundry in the car.
The point of this is that it did smell in her car, I would ride like a dog, with my head out the window. never smelled like a dead but once living thing. We live in a humid area and she parked the car in the sun. One time, I saw her same model car in a parking lot and to be sure that it was her car, I smelled the car and yes, the odor was there even with the windows up and car locked! It smelled like a trash can but not a dead body.

Don't be talkin' about my car like that!! LOL!
Ya' think Casey has some Lynrd Skynyrd on her playlist?

On the drive into work this morning I'm tooling along and it suddenly hits me on the radio I'm hearing...

"One hell of a price for you to get your kicks
Ooooh that smell
Can't you smell that smell
Ooooh that smell
The smell of death surrounds you" :eek:

On topic, I tend to agree that she moved Caylee at least once. And with the dogs hitting in the backyard, I can't rule it out just yet that she either laid her in the yard intending to bury her there, or (much less likely) that she did bury her there for awhile.

I'm not sure I can picture KC carrying her around for very long in the trunk esp considering how hot it was outside. So I figure it was used to carry her from point a (where she was killed) to point b (the spot in the backyard the dogs hit on) and then to point c (where she finally dumped her).
Honestly I can't comprehend anyone carrying around a decomposing body that was emitting a horrid smell - much less ones own child!! And I've been wondering if *that* might be what caused her nightmares?? -- They weren't because she killed her daughter - but because SHE was exposed to and 'forced' to endure the terrible odor that ruined 'her' car. I'm sure she would have seen that as a terrible 'inconvenience', and it seems clear KC resented anything or anyone that 'inconvenienced' her. :mad:

Two thoughts here. There are a lot of posts where people are speculating that KC borrowed the shovel to bury Caylee in the backyard. Supposedly, she carried a deceased Caylee to the backyard, decided it was too much work or whatever, changed her mind and put Caylee back into the trunk. Thus the reason the cadavar dogs hit on the backyard. Here is my question, if you were going to dig a hole big enough to bury a 3 year old child, its gonna be a pretty good size hole and will take a while right? Why would you take the child with you to the back yard and risk someone seeing you? Not so much her family, I would assume she would make sure no one would be home for a bit, but someone could drop by, or a utilities man to read the meter or anyone. Why not leave her in the trunk until the hole was dug?

Also, why didn't anyone notice the smell from the car in the parking lot? Before it got towed. Surely people walked by it. Drove by it with their windows down. I know it was parked by a dumpster, but from what others have posted it didn't smell like garbage, it smelled like a dead body. Wouldn't you report that smell? Why didn't the tow truck driver report that smell? Surely he could smell it when he unloaded the car at the lot.

Just some stuff I was wondering about. Thinking out loud I guess.
Two thoughts here. There are a lot of posts where people are speculating that KC borrowed the shovel to bury Caylee in the backyard. Supposedly, she carried a deceased Caylee to the backyard, decided it was too much work or whatever, changed her mind and put Caylee back into the trunk. Thus the reason the cadavar dogs hit on the backyard. Here is my question, if you were going to dig a hole big enough to bury a 3 year old child, its gonna be a pretty good size hole and will take a while right? Why would you take the child with you to the back yard and risk someone seeing you? Not so much her family, I would assume she would make sure no one would be home for a bit, but someone could drop by, or a utilities man to read the meter or anyone. Why not leave her in the trunk until the hole was dug?

Also, why didn't anyone notice the smell from the car in the parking lot? Before it got towed. Surely people walked by it. Drove by it with their windows down. I know it was parked by a dumpster, but from what others have posted it didn't smell like garbage, it smelled like a dead body. Wouldn't you report that smell? Why didn't the tow truck driver report that smell? Surely he could smell it when he unloaded the car at the lot.

Just some stuff I was wondering about. Thinking out loud I guess.

The car wasn't parked in a place that appeared to be somewhere where people would drive by a lot (not right next to an entrance to the lot, etc - or walk by unless they parked furthest away from the Amscot), but maybe they would attribute any smell to the dumpster instead?

The tow truck driver, in the first doc dump, reported he had a cold when he picked the car up and due to the cold hadn't been smelling anything since getting the cold.

The car wasn't parked in a place that appeared to be somewhere where people would drive by a lot (not right next to an entrance to the lot, etc - or walk by unless they parked furthest away from the Amscot), but maybe they would attribute any smell to the dumpster instead?

The tow truck driver, in the first doc dump, reported he had a cold when he picked the car up and due to the cold hadn't been smelling anything since getting the cold.


Hmmmm ok. And what day did KC give GA the gas cans back? When she shut the trunk quickly and cursed at him? Even with the trunk shut, wouldn't he have smelled it then or was that too early of a date?
Sadly, there was a case many years ago in a neighboring state, a small boy went missing. Everyone looked and looked, to no avail, several weeks went by, and the father began to smell something in his car. The little boy had hidden in the wheel well of the family's older model station wagon, and had become trapped there. That poor family drove that car around without knowing their precious baby was there.
It was an airtight compartment, so it did take a while for the smell to develop.

I think I've heard of this before. But I am so did the little boy get into an airtight compartment?
Hmmmm ok. And what day did KC give GA the gas cans back? When she shut the trunk quickly and cursed at him? Even with the trunk shut, wouldn't he have smelled it then or was that too early of a date?

You need to go back to the interviews of AH, AL and LA. Many of your questions are answered within those documents.
I find it very hard to believe that GA did not smell decomp in Casey's car. That one point has just never seemed right to me for some reason.
You need to go back to the interviews of AH, AL and LA. Many of your questions are answered within those documents.

Yes, it wouldn't hurt me to go back and re-read those. Thank you.

I find it very hard to believe that GA did not smell decomp in Casey's car. That one point has just never seemed right to me for some reason.

That has me a little puzzled as well. Also, in some posts I've read, the smell of a decomposing body "sinks in" to everything around it. I wonder if KC herself ever had the smell on her after driving the car. Like when she was picked up in the parking lot, did they not smell anything on her clothes or hair?
Two thoughts here. There are a lot of posts where people are speculating that KC borrowed the shovel to bury Caylee in the backyard. Supposedly, she carried a deceased Caylee to the backyard, decided it was too much work or whatever, changed her mind and put Caylee back into the trunk. Thus the reason the cadavar dogs hit on the backyard. Here is my question, if you were going to dig a hole big enough to bury a 3 year old child, its gonna be a pretty good size hole and will take a while right? Why would you take the child with you to the back yard and risk someone seeing you? Not so much her family, I would assume she would make sure no one would be home for a bit, but someone could drop by, or a utilities man to read the meter or anyone. Why not leave her in the trunk until the hole was dug?

I don't believe Casey could dig a hole big enough to bury a body because she didn't have the shovel for very long. If she put Caylee in a shallow grave, I think their two dogs would have been digging in the area.

A thought just occurred to me regarding the shovel. I wonder if she used it to prop up the doll house so she could put Caylee's body underneath for a temporary burial. I can't remember if the dogs hit on the play house or not. Didn't George and Cindy look under the playhouse? Seems like an odd thing to do unless the playhouse looked out of place or they smelled something coming from that area.
The car wasn't parked in a place that appeared to be somewhere where people would drive by a lot (not right next to an entrance to the lot, etc - or walk by unless they parked furthest away from the Amscot), but maybe they would attribute any smell to the dumpster instead?

The tow truck driver, in the first doc dump, reported he had a cold when he picked the car up and due to the cold hadn't been smelling anything since getting the cold.


BINGO. What better place to hide a smell than park it next to a dumpster. Got gas from AH and then went back and car had been towed...
I have wondered about the shovel thing, too. I'm not so sure she used it to bury something, either. I think you're right that she used it for something else. But here's what bothers me .... they found dirt in the trunk also. So, where'd the dirt come from? If it wasn't buried, then it must have been lying in dirt wouldn't you think? I think you may be on to something with the playhouse theory.

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