Decomp smell **REVISIT**

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DNA Solves
In my opinion, they do not have the DNA evidence from the trunk like they keep saying or they would have already arrested KC for murder.

I believe they have it, they are not arresting her because they think Baez is going to demand a speedy trial which would mean they would have to be ready for opening statements within 60 days of being charged.

One of the local attorneys down there was on the radio talking about the case and he said that is a common defense tactic, especially in a case so reliant on expert testimony (because of the no body). If you can rush the state to court you can catch them with more holes in the case and likely have witnesses of that kind of forensic expertise tied up in another case.

I think we will see her arrest just prior to her neglect trial date.
How long does it take a body to really start to smell?

I'm wondering if her parents smelled it when they picked the car up and LE smelled it when they long was the body in and out of the car?
Seriously, if it was in the trunk for a few hours(driving to an alternate location)...could it smell that bad and can the smell linger for weeks? Seriously, why would the smell be there 3 weeks to a month after the fact?
GA and CA DID smell it when they picked up the car. That's why CA claims someone put a body in the trunk at the tow yard.

And that smell stays for a long, long time. It permeates everything and lingers.
That has me a little puzzled as well. Also, in some posts I've read, the smell of a decomposing body "sinks in" to everything around it. I wonder if KC herself ever had the smell on her after driving the car. Like when she was picked up in the parking lot, did they not smell anything on her clothes or hair?

I don't think KC would have smelled the day AL came to pick her up at the Amscot because she parked the car there prior to 7:00 a.m. on the 27th, but Tony did not pick her up until sometime between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. So for approx. 4 hours, KC was somewhere? But where? I do think she could have gotten a ride home, showered, grabbed the food from the frig, gotten a ride back to her car and then called Tony. Now this is a lot of work to go through...... but KC seems to have been pretty elaborate in some of her deceit. She managed to pull off making people think she had a job for 2 years when she wasn't working (that boggles my mind).


I do think GA smelled something on the June 24th. If not the car itself, then on the gas cans.
I believe they have it, they are not arresting her because they think Baez is going to demand a speedy trial which would mean they would have to be ready for opening statements within 60 days of being charged.

One of the local attorneys down there was on the radio talking about the case and he said that is a common defense tactic, especially in a case so reliant on expert testimony (because of the no body). If you can rush the state to court you can catch them with more holes in the case and likely have witnesses of that kind of forensic expertise tied up in another case.

I think we will see her arrest just prior to her neglect trial date.

I have to laugh. You are correct - that's how OJ got off - they rushed it to trial. I heard Sheck talk about it on a show - it forces the prosecution to hurry and make mistakes. However, NO CHARGES for murder or manslaughter have even been filed yet - and Baez is demanding information he is not entitled to until said charges ARE filed.

He has hired Kobilinski (sic) as his expert. As soon as he called Kobi on the phone to ask questions, Kobi started changing his tune on Nancy Grace's show. I think that is why she no longer has him on as a expert.

I would be extremely happy if they arrested her the instant that trial is over and the verdict is rendered. Of course, if she is found guilty and I frankly don't see how they could find her anything but guilty of neglect, I would wait until she was about to parole out of prison. That would be sweet.
Yes, it wouldn't hurt me to go back and re-read those. Thank you.

That has me a little puzzled as well. Also, in some posts I've read, the smell of a decomposing body "sinks in" to everything around it. I wonder if KC herself ever had the smell on her after driving the car. Like when she was picked up in the parking lot, did they not smell anything on her clothes or hair?

Her pants that were in the car DID have that smell so Cindy washed them
I find it very hard to believe that GA did not smell decomp in Casey's car. That one point has just never seemed right to me for some reason.

If the tow guy smelled it, he was right there with George and I believe George had to drive it home with the windows open.
<snip>Also, in some posts I've read, the smell of a decomposing body "sinks in" to everything around it. I wonder if KC herself ever had the smell on her after driving the car. Like when she was picked up in the parking lot, did they not smell anything on her clothes or hair?

I've been troubled by that question too!
Her pants that were in the car DID have that smell so Cindy washed them

Yes, I've read that. But I am talking about when she would drive the car. After she got out of the car and went into a store or someones house, did she not smell like the car?
The kind you buy and put in your trunk when you are trying to cover up a bad odor....let's market it and call it:

Pizza Febreeze!:doughboy:

"put one in your trunk and it will no longer smell like a skunk"

it's just a thot, people!

Two thoughts here. There are a lot of posts where people are speculating that KC borrowed the shovel to bury Caylee in the backyard. Supposedly, she carried a deceased Caylee to the backyard, decided it was too much work or whatever, changed her mind and put Caylee back into the trunk. Thus the reason the cadavar dogs hit on the backyard. Here is my question, if you were going to dig a hole big enough to bury a 3 year old child, its gonna be a pretty good size hole and will take a while right? Why would you take the child with you to the back yard and risk someone seeing you? Not so much her family, I would assume she would make sure no one would be home for a bit, but someone could drop by, or a utilities man to read the meter or anyone. Why not leave her in the trunk until the hole was dug?

Also, why didn't anyone notice the smell from the car in the parking lot? Before it got towed. Surely people walked by it. Drove by it with their windows down. I know it was parked by a dumpster, but from what others have posted it didn't smell like garbage, it smelled like a dead body. Wouldn't you report that smell? Why didn't the tow truck driver report that smell? Surely he could smell it when he unloaded the car at the lot.

Just some stuff I was wondering about. Thinking out loud I guess.

How's this for an explanation: The dogs couldn't dig Caylee up because she was under the playhouse. Another idea is that Caylee was left in the playhouse with the doors shut. When she was finally moved KC went and borrowed a shovel to shovel dirt over decomp on the floor of the playhouse then scraped the dirt out of it and onto the ground. She didn't want to scrub it up until some of it got soaked up by dirt or something. Decomp can be fairly juicy. Sorry about that mental picture.

Yes, I've read that. But I am talking about when she would drive the car. After she got out of the car and went into a store or someones house, did she not smell like the car?

Probably not. There are degrees of bad. The stink doesn't suddenly overtake the entire car immediately. Perhaps when she ditched the car it only smelled bad in the trunk area.

eta: Living in rural GA as I did growing up I saw and experienced decomp fairly often. One time a cat got under the house and died. Another time a dog. The smell starts coming into the house from the crawlspace but at first it is mild. Gets worse as time goes on. But, it didn't soak into the house and the smell left as soon as we removed the dead animal.
I believe that he said that embalming will stop the smell from progressing but it will not always remove the smell from the body. Once decomposition has started it isn't always possible to control the smell, even with embalming.
If I recall right that is what he said.My husband died in the hospital.He suffered an aneurysm (brain) at 1~1:30 am on a Wednesday.They brought him round and put him on a ventilator. On Thurs.11am I could detect fine black lines at corners of his mouth and he was cold.Amy and I had the life support removed.He was "alive" with the machine but I dont think anything was functioning except heartbeat and lungs.They refrigerated him and was picked up within an hour.O/T it is good to talk this all over ahead.We did.
Her pants that were in the car DID have that smell so Cindy washed them

everything in the car had the smell on it, the police reports regarding the items they took the first night said that Cindy went into the bedroom to gather up the items that had come out of the car (backpack etc....) and those items had the same smell

I don't think Casey was driving her car around after the 18th. I think by the 27th it smelled bad enough that it was noticeable and she had to ditch it.

My question is if the body was in the trunk say the 17th and 18th, in summer temperatures, would it continue smell worse and worse after the body was removed? I just don't see the body being around on the 27th. Ten days of decomp in summer heat is a long time.
If this has already been said, sorry. I haven't read every post in this thread. I believe Casey's backing the car into the garage 3x the week after June 15th was to try to wash the smell out of the trunk. She couldn't get it washed out. Then she starts telling friends something died in her car... definitely an animal.

Did we ever find out when the chloroform computer search was? Could she have searched after the fact, to find out if it's useful as a cleaning agent?
If this has already been said, sorry. I haven't read every post in this thread. I believe Casey's backing the car into the garage 3x the week after June 15th was to try to wash the smell out of the trunk. She couldn't get it washed out. Then she starts telling friends something died in her car... definitely an animal.

Did we ever find out when the chloroform computer search was? Could she have searched after the fact, to find out if it's useful as a cleaning agent?

There is a new thread stating that a Cindy Anthony interview will be released tomorrow along with some forensics on Caseys laptop. Maybe there will be some information about the chloroform searches there.
If this has already been said, sorry. I haven't read every post in this thread. I believe Casey's backing the car into the garage 3x the week after June 15th was to try to wash the smell out of the trunk. She couldn't get it washed out. Then she starts telling friends something died in her car... definitely an animal.

Did we ever find out when the chloroform computer search was? Could she have searched after the fact, to find out if it's useful as a cleaning agent?

That smell would permeate any soft surface. It would be in the fibers of the seats, upholstery, and carpet, and it would linger for a very long time.....especially in an airtight car. Remember they could smell it when they walked up to the car at the impound yard, before they went home, got the keys and came back to pick it up.
I meant to say when George got the gas cans out of the trunk of the car on whatever day that was...I have been curious if there was any smell then and if so, why he hasn't said as much.
If this has already been said, sorry. I haven't read every post in this thread. I believe Casey's backing the car into the garage 3x the week after June 15th was to try to wash the smell out of the trunk. She couldn't get it washed out. Then she starts telling friends something died in her car... definitely an animal.

Did we ever find out when the chloroform computer search was? Could she have searched after the fact, to find out if it's useful as a cleaning agent?

I've thought a little further about this. LE did find hair and a stain in the trunk, so it couldn't have been washed that thoroughly. I still think this is a viable theory though.... perhaps Casey missed a few spots along the edges, or the hair/stain just didn't come up and Casey couldn't see it.
A curious reconstruction of a death scene in a car was done on Myth Busters a year or two ago. They put two pigs in the driver's seat of a car with the windows closed and in high heat.

The myth was that they couldn't sell a car in which someone had died in because the smell couldn't be eliminated.

They stripped the car and had someone professional come in to spray it with chemicals to rid decomp smells. Even went so far to spray the inside of the car with a water hose. They could not sell the car even with all the interior upholstery, seats, carpets removed because the smell had even permeated the metal and plastics of the car. The car was a Corvette to make sure that people would be interested in the car. Even when the price dropped to 100.00 nobody would take it.
Such a pleasant thread... eesh... Can we know for certain there was not already decomp in trunk when GA found gas cans (on 6/24)? That is whether Caylee might not have been already transferred to (on 6/18 after she borrows shovel when neighbor reports her car backed in), and from, the trunk and smell just had not gotten horrendous yet? Can't put my finger on it but something about gas can story doesn't pass the smell test either. But we know Mr. Birch was present when GA first opened trunk. It always struck me as strange too that once car IS finally picked up--July 15, when Cindy decides to go find Casey--where exactly is GA?? Reportedly he doesn't answer Cindy's calls nor show up for some period of time. I guess in the end LE's really only got GA's word as to the trunk contents/smell back on 6/24.
Such a pleasant thread... eesh... Can we know for certain there was not already decomp in trunk when GA found gas cans (on 6/24)? That is whether Caylee might not have been already transferred to (on 6/18 after she borrows shovel when neighbor reports her car backed in), and from, the trunk and smell just had not gotten horrendous yet? Can't put my finger on it but something about gas can story doesn't pass the smell test either. But we know Mr. Birch was present when GA first opened trunk. It always struck me as strange too that once car IS finally picked up--July 15, when Cindy decides to go find Casey--where exactly is GA?? Reportedly he doesn't answer Cindy's calls nor show up for some period of time. I guess in the end LE's really only got GA's word as to the trunk contents/smell back on 6/24.

It seems there was indeed decomp in the car when GA found gas cans. Remember, Casey shoved the gas cans at him, per Lee's statement. We don't know how close GA got to the car. Perhaps he smelled the overwhelming stench, but as the grandfather of the deceased, immediately blocked it out.

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