Defense claims judge had inappropriate convo with blogger?

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A patient of what????!!!!!

(just kidding! this thread needs some humor ) :woohoo:

I even used the spelling and grammar check function before posting . Perhaps it was a subliminal way of telling myself that I need a refill of my "meds". HaHa
I think the problem is, that when Jerry interviews Marinade, he said the Judge said that his blog was fair. I think that was on April 10th. Is that not the problem here? A judge saying an obvious unfair blog is fair? I think that falls within the 10 days. Anything else is just backup to make their point. IMO
The blog isn't unfair though, Not, that's the very thing. It is biased on the part of the defense if anything. It may have begun as a more biased blog way back when he first started blogging it, but he soon changed course and started with a middle of the road (more like veering onto the side of the defense) stance, and since then, has often times been accused of being a defense sympathizer and an Anthony lover. Jose HAD his business card before the date of that hearing, he handed it to him in another hearing. What stopped Jose from grabbing that card and calling Dave up and asking him why the Judge called him to the bench if he was wondering? He may have done just that very thing, we have no way of knowing...unless, perhaps Marinades phone records could be supoenaed all the back to that time and just have a little look at who called whom and when. Also this was heavily blogged about, and since Jose and company have people combing the blogs continually, it is HIGHLY doubtful that they JUST found this information out on April 10th. That is what they say...but then again they also said they had ironclad proof that Caylee was put in the woods while KC was in jail, and THAT never did one has to doubt their word as it has been shown not to be dependable. Perhaps the state should supoena some records from ole Dave and clear this all right up. ???:waitasec:
The point I am trying to make is that this is supposed to be the SAME document. If it were the same........the two would be identical. KWIM? There are differences in Mason's sig though subtle....they are there. There are obvious differences in KC's.

So the question I have is ....If these are from the same page of the same filed with the court, and the other slipped to CH13 ahead of time....why are there any differences at all?????????? Which one is "forged"?

If you look closely at CM's signature on both motions, the tops are in different places on each form. Now my question is, is it illegal to do this - have two copies of the motion, one for the court and one for the media.

Secondly, this is HUGE, in my opinion, mostly because the defense is always screaming that the State is 'leaking things'. So, does anyone here have a decent relationship with ANYONE in the media (but I don't think we need to include channel 13 in this:angel:) to bring this to their attention and to do it quickly?
When a motion is prepared for filing, there is usually more then one copy prepared (3 in most instances). Maybe each were signed individually? I agree that it is odd that the news would have a copy first.

In regards to the O/T. Some very very intelligent people in this world have poor writing and grammar skills. Putting one down when one could have a learning disability (or some other reason) that contributes to their inability to write properly is in poor taste in my opinion. If anything, one should be commended if they can still achieve a degree despite their inability to write properly. That in my mind means they had to work much harder then someone like me who is a consistent A+ student with minimal effort. JB obviously attained his degree despite his shoddy writing style. (I often wonder how myself when I see him in court!)

My thanks for this post Astraea (and many of your other ones) I appreciate your comments re writing skills. While I was also an A+ student it did take a lot of effort. Not to learn and retain the information, but to unjumble the thought process, particularly if I am really focused on a particular subject or object I want to write about. While my dyslexia is a fairly simply type compared to most, I had to adapt both how I learn information even with excellent retention. So many will see me write with a relatively simple style particularly in heated discussions because that's part of my adaption. If I just "let fire" it would come out with ideas or theories sticking out sideways all over the place - LOL My mantra has always had to be clarify and simplify in more ways than one.
Yep.......I'd be curious to know 2 key things.

2. What time did CM visit KC in jail on Friday.
If it's his notary had to be HIM that witnessed it and not an assistant. He would have had to be present to witness the signature. Jail visit log for Friday will be helpful.

--respectfull snipped

I've been asking that since wayyyy back on this thread, sometime Friday night, I believe. Has anyone viewed the visitor logs between 4/12-4/16?

I know there has been disagreement in whether CM or JB could have signed for Casey per a POA. It is my understanding that on THAT particular document that Cheney Mason notarized, he was swearing to the authenticity of CASEY ANTHONY'S signature. I don't believe that any POA Baez possesses would suffice.

I hope one of the attorneys will chime in to help clear this up, because I am not 100% positive in this case, but pretty sure. :)
WFTV Motion 37 pages

Channel 13 20 pages. Missing 17 pages.

I'm thinking the motion given to Channel 13 was not finished when they received it?

The channel 13 copy does NOT include copies of the articles (17 pages).
OR does this help explain why an expired stamp was used.....:waitasec:

CM's expiration date is now 11/23/2013. The stamp is for November 2009, this is the third week of April. He's just lazy. JMO
Regarding POA. Even with a must list next to the signature that you are signing as a POA. There is a "specific" POA and a "blanket" POA. A specific POA authorizes you to sign a specific document for a person that can not be present for some reason. A blanket POA would cover people that can not sign for themselves or for business purposes.

However, I am interested in whether or not an attorney can legally sign a motion on behalf of the defendant as POA when she must acknowledge and attest to her position set forth in the document. Otherwise.......JB could say anything he wanted to and cover it with a POA. KWIM???
--respectfull snipped

I've been asking that since wayyyy back on this thread, sometime Friday night, I believe. Has anyone viewed the visitor logs between 4/12-4/16?

I know there has been disagreement in whether CM or JB could have signed for Casey per a POA. It is my understanding that on THAT particular document that Cheney Mason notarized, he was swearing to the authenticity of CASEY ANTHONY'S signature. I don't believe that any POA Baez possesses would suffice.

I hope one of the attorneys will chime in to help clear this up, because I am not 100% positive in this case, but pretty sure. :)

It was you that mentioned the jail logs. So sorry, I couldn't remember who it was and my brain is literally fried from all this so I was lazy and didn't go back to look. Thanks for bringing it up again! The jail logs would shed a lot of light on this situation I do believe.
fwiw, someone asked Hornsby to list the most important skills he would look for when hiring a paralegal - he ranked writing skills #1, higher than legal research, education, etc...

I happen to agree with him.

I also agree. I graduated top of my class as a paralegal/law clerk in college. Switched gears FAST when hitting university! I can tell you that many in my program had poor writing skills, despite the fact that our law profs stressed this skill. I never understood how they would get hired, but many did :waitasec:

It is my personal experience that paralegals/law clerks prepare the documents and the lawyer presents it in court (thus the reason so many lawyers appear to be fumbling through their paperwork). I am not sure if that is the case with JB et al but I would guess it might be so. It could be that some of the motions and other things filed here are not of JBs own hand. He still scores very poorly in presentation in my very humble opinion.
Excuse me while I LMAO at the defense getting caught with their pants down around their ankles. :floorlaugh:

tsk tsk....they shouldn't have underestimated the skills of good sleuthers.

Can we now at least all agree that no one will believe the defense claims of not leaking info?

omgosh....this really is funny! LOL
MD made that claim himself on his blog.

Valhall has also blogged about this subject and quotes the particular law that was broken (in her opinion) when MD relayed his conversation with JS publicly on his blog without his consent.....

Do I think legal action will be instigated against MD...nope...

Public embarrassment...definitely....

Thanks. It looks like MD is driving himself up to the SA's office this morning :)o:eek: admitting I just read his blog :eek::eek:) What good could come of that?
Regarding POA. Even with a must list next to the signature that you are signing as a POA. There is a "specific" POA and a "blanket" POA. A specific POA authorizes you to sign a specific document for a person that can not be present for some reason. A blanket POA would cover people that can not sign for themselves or for business purposes.

However, I am interested in whether or not an attorney can legally sign a motion on behalf of the defendant as POA when she must acknowledge and attest to her position set forth in the document. Otherwise.......JB could say anything he wanted to and cover it with a POA. KWIM???


Exactly. the "specific" one is called a limited POA. There are many different types of POA used for various purposes.

in re. the bolded portion, that is exactly what I want to get to the heart of, too. I think that Cheney Mason was swearing to the authenticity of Casey's personal signature. (as opposed to Baez's authority to sign for her, if that makes any sense.)
I also agree. I graduated top of my class as a paralegal/law clerk in college. Switched gears FAST when hitting university! I can tell you that many in my program had poor writing skills, despite the fact that our law profs stressed this skill. I never understood how they would get hired, but many did :waitasec:

It is my personal experience that paralegals/law clerks prepare the documents and the lawyer presents it in court (thus the reason so many lawyers appear to be fumbling through their paperwork). I am not sure if that is the case with JB et al but I would guess it might be so. It could be that some of the motions and other things filed here are not of JBs own hand. He still scores very poorly in presentation in my very humble opinion.


While this is true, the attorney is ultimately responsible for reading, reviewing, approving and signing the document. So that's no excuse for a poorly written document, IMO.
Thanks. It looks like MD is driving himself up to the SA's office this morning :)o:eek: admitting I just read his blog :eek::eek:) What good could come of that?

Lord love us the man just doesn't know when to back off and let others fix the mess he made!

I really wish he would quit worrying about his own image and seriously consider what he may have instigated that will hurt this judge and this case, and of course ultimately the defense.

Exactly. the "specific" one is called a limited POA. There are many different types of POA used for various purposes.

in re. the bolded portion, that is exactly what I want to get to the heart of, too. I think that Cheney Mason was swearing to the authenticity of Casey's personal signature. (as opposed to Baez's authority to sign for her, if that makes any sense.)

It makes perfect sense.

Exactly. the "specific" one is called a limited POA. There are many different types of POA used for various purposes.

in re. the bolded portion, that is exactly what I want to get to the heart of, too. I think that Cheney Mason was swearing to the authenticity of Casey's personal signature. (as opposed to Baez's authority to sign for her, if that makes any sense.)

But if she signed more than one signature page because the document was not yet completed would that not be a problem for her team? Like signing a blank check. JMO
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