Defense FINALLY Begins Depo Process

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
JVM has an ulterior motive for being nice to JB. The media coverage on this case has been very calm compared to when it was the main topic on HLN every night. However the Anthony circus will be coming back through town when the trial starts and there will be huge national coverage on this case again. So JVM and her producers are jockeying for position to have exclusives with the defense during the trial. It's all about future money and ratings.

JB is stalling and that is pretty much the only thing the defense has done in this case. When your client is very clearly guilty and looking at the possibility of the death penalty it's about the only tactic you have available honestly.


Yes, she definately does! She doesn't want him to tell her "No more exclusives!" like CA did to that reporter she got po'd at. Lol! Every time i think about CA saying that, I picture the Red Queen from AIW screaming "Off with their heads!" :crazy:

Baez has trial week of October 11th.

Inmate Anthony must sign STIPULATIONS for State to send entomology, hair, and laundry bag and shorts evidence to Defense experts.

Judge Perry extended the deadline for taking depositions of State expert witnesses from Sept. 30, 2010 to November 19, 2010 for these State experts (because Defense experts have not finished reviewing the evidence yet):

1) Neal Haskill - entomologist - defense depo scheduled for Oct 22, 2010
2) Christina Ballard - CA Pound ID Lab - took video of Dr. Warren's depo done
on Sept 8, 2010 - Dr. Warren is with the C.A. Pound Human ID Lab in Gainsville
3) Kevin Stenger - OCSO
4) Michael Rickenbach - FBI Lab - defense depo scheduled for Sept 29, 2010 in
Washington DC
5) William Moore - Metropolitan Bureau of Inv
6) Brandon Giroux - FBI Lab firearms toolmark expert - defense may not take depo
7) Sandra Cawn - OCO - depo scheduled for the 16th was canceled
8 Maureen Bradley - FBI Lab - defense depo scheduled for Sept 30, 2010
9) John Bradley - Cacheback - defense depo by Skype in Canada - Oct 7, 2010
10) James Darnell - US Secret Service - defense unsuccessful in scheduling depo

Defense said they still need to take depositions of dog experts:
1) Dep Jason Forgey - OCSO
2) Kristin Brewer - Osceola County Sheriff's office
3) Kevin Stenger - OCSO

Defense was given NO extension on the deadline of Oct 31, 2010 to take depositions of LE, which have not been done yet - these depos were previously set for Sep 3, 2010: [LDBurdick said all of these depos have been scheduled for October 7, 2010]

1) Morgan Hayes - FDLE
2) Christina Hopkins - Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation
Mark Cusey - excused
3) Heather Kasper - OCSO
4) Robin Maynard - OCSO
5) Darrell McCaskill - OCSO
6) Shelly Meade - OCSO
7) Kari/Carolyn Roderick - OCSO
8 Bill Danver ?
9) James Stewart - Orlando PD
10) Rudolph Wilson - Orlando PD

Defense has to reschedule deposition of Sgt John Allen - OCSO
he was out of town and excused for his depo which was set for Sept. 15, 2010

Defense is not finished with the depo of Yuri Melich - OCSO - depo was set for
Sept 10, 2010

Defense has deadline of Oct 31, 2010 to take depositions of remaining "ordinary witnesses":

1) Robyn Adams - Inmate in Lowell
2) Richard Cain in Pennsylvania - former deputy OCSO
3) Helen Davis in Texas - TES searcher
4) Maya Derkovic - Inmate in Ft. Lauderdale, FL
5) Erica Gonzalez - thought she heard KC talking to Caylee July 15th
6) Sylvia Hernandez - former jail guard
7) Amy Huizenga - working on a cruise ship
8 Daniel Ibison - TES searcher
9) Joe Jordan - TES searcher
10) Anthony Lazarro in New York City
11) Tim Miller in Texas
12) Rick Plesea in South Carolina
13) Kathleen Ramsey - Hidden Oaks Elementary
14) Anthony Rusciano in Massachusetts - former boyfriend of KC
15) Thomas Hoffman - ?
16) Kena Seegmiller - TES searcher
17) Keith Williams - found bag of stuffed animals on Suburban Dr.- showed to Cindy

Defense complained about these witnesses being added after May 24, 2010 [State said they got these witness names from the Internal Affairs Report done on guard Sylvia Hernandez] and wants Inmate Anthony to be present at depositions of Orange County Corrections Officers - deadline is Oct 31, 2010:
1) Melissa Fleming - added Aug 30, 2010
2) Tracey Hall - added Aug 30, 2010
3) Maria Kelly - added Aug 30, 2010
4) Tasheka Mackey - added Aug 30, 2010
5) Tiffany Moss - added Aug 30, 2010
6) Ileana Santiago - added Aug 30, 2010
7) Mark Underhill - added Aug 30, 2010
8) Megan Valdivia - added Aug 30, 2010

These LE officers were added to the State witness list after May 24, 2010 and the Defense needs to take their depositions - deadline is Oct 31, 2010

1) Sgt Duane Mike Mason - OCSO - added Aug 10, 2010
2) Tony Moss - OCSO - added Aug 10, 2010
3) Marco Palacio - OCSO - added Aug 10, 2010
Thanks Nums

I always look at the wftv KB. At the beginning JB talks in spanish but at least what he was saying was he doesn't have anything to say. I think. Dorothy Sims was with them...I think KB needs to learn spanish so they will talk to her. ALthough JB seems practically flirtatious in this one.
Thanks Nums

I always look at the wftv KB. At the beginning JB talks in spanish but at least what he was saying was he doesn't have anything to say. I think. Dorothy Sims was with them...I think KB needs to learn spanish so they will talk to her. ALthough JB seems practically flirtatious in this one.

My, my, my ~ my, my. This video was too funny. It begs more questions than it answers:

Does CM expect rain or did he just find himself in need of a weapon?

Was that carry-on luggage or did DS have her doc-in-a-box in there?

Did KB remind JB of Casey with her big pink sunglasses?

And the biggest question . . .

They let CM drive? :D
My, my, my ~ my, my. This video was too funny. It begs more questions than it answers:

Does CM expect rain or did he just find himself in need of a weapon?

Was that carry-on luggage or did DS have her doc-in-a-box in there?

Did KB remind JB of Casey with her big pink sunglasses?

And the biggest question . . .

They let CM drive? :D

You saved the best one for last! I saw CM climb into the drivers seat and automatically said - oh no!
I just saw Nums24's posting for updating of docket. The defense has asked for transcription services.

Do you suppose HHJP listened to the defense telling the SA they submitted tapes instead of transcribed information and HHJP told them it wasn't acceptable to do that?

That JB, always swimming upstream when the path clearly leads down.
My, my, my ~ my, my. This video was too funny. It begs more questions than it answers:

Does CM expect rain or did he just find himself in need of a weapon?

Was that carry-on luggage or did DS have her doc-in-a-box in there?

Did KB remind JB of Casey with her big pink sunglasses?

And the biggest question . . .

They let CM drive? :D

And: how can you be "very hungry" after discussing the scattered remains of a two year old all morning?

At the end, CM says how can they say it's a homicide if they don't know cause of death and KB says do you think Casey (sic) accidentally got three layers of duct tape across her face? And CM growled "not true" or "didn't happen" or something. So there they are with that again. OK, forget the duct tape, did she accidentally play hide and seek in a garbage bag in a swamp? And die a perfectly natural death as normal healthy three year olds tend to do???
Thanks Nums

I always look at the wftv KB. At the beginning JB talks in spanish but at least what he was saying was he doesn't have anything to say. I think. Dorothy Sims was with them...I think KB needs to learn spanish so they will talk to her. ALthough JB seems practically flirtatious in this one.

At aproximately 1:35 in this video, KB asks CM if he thinks that the FBI missed important DNA evidence and CM's answer is "There isn't any evidence." KB then asks him why he is testing the laundry bag and shorts and CM does not respond. KB then asks if he thinks Caylee was sexually assaulted, CM says "That has nothing to do with it." KB presses and CM says, I believe, "Kathy. . . .I know you can be quiet." So, first, why ARE you testing the shorts and laundry bag if you think there is no evidence there, and second, how rude to speak to KB that way!
At aproximately 1:35 in this video, KB asks CM if he thinks that the FBI missed important DNA evidence and CM's answer is "There isn't any evidence." KB then asks him why he is testing the laundry bag and shorts and CM does not respond. KB then asks if he thinks Caylee was sexually assaulted, CM says "That has nothing to do with it." KB presses and CM says, I believe, "Kathy. . . .I know you can be quiet." So, first, why ARE you testing the shorts and laundry bag if you think there is no evidence there, and second, how rude to speak to KB that way!

CM's general incompetence is vying mightily with his misogyny as to which makes him the more despicable legal figure.

CM's general incompetence is vying mightily with his misogyny as to which makes him the more despicable legal figure.


Yeah, that whole curmudgeon thing ain't working for him, either.

Seriously, would you invite this oaf to a party?
My, my, my ~ my, my. This video was too funny. It begs more questions than it answers:

Does CM expect rain or did he just find himself in need of a weapon?

Was that carry-on luggage or did DS have her doc-in-a-box in there?

Did KB remind JB of Casey with her big pink sunglasses?

And the biggest question . . .

They let CM drive? :D


Awesome! Brilliant!​
Thanks for that Nums24 - that's a brilliant article and I felt the same weird mass anxiety, indignation and shock while reading it as I did watching the hearing. For anyone who can't or didn't watch the hearing - this article will give you the best summary out there.
Thanks for that Nums24 - that's a brilliant article and I felt the same weird mass anxiety, indignation and shock while reading it as I did watching the hearing. For anyone who can't or didn't watch the hearing - this article will give you the best summary out there.

I absolutely agree - brilliant article! Thanks Nums!!

"The next item brought before the court by Drane Burdick was that the defense had added two witnesses to their list after the deadline. One was already on the State's list [Michael Antonello - general counsel American media - Globe - added May 24, 2010] , the other was totally new [Jennifer Killins - heard screaming in woods - added by Defense Sept 20, 2010 - State depo for Sept 30, 2010], but scheduled for a deposition. She said she would not expect a certification for good cause on the one witness, but was merely advising the judge of the situation in case there were more."
I'm waiting to see the list of "recently filed" (after May 24, 2010) witnesses, who the Judge has given the Defense an extended deadline of December 31, 2010 to take depositions of.

excerpt from article posted by Nums:
"Then, we got to the "recently listed people". In all, there are 18 of the 70 people listed that the defense wants to depose. According to Baez, a lot are custodians of records and a lot of them that they can just interview versus taking a deposition. Baez then rambled on about how it would have been nice to have A, B, and C witnesses. He said that when the did the LE depositions, some of those people were in minor roles, such as "delivery persons".

"The judge then steered Baez back to the "late" and corrected himself, "recently" filed names. Baez said he thought most would be quick depositions and wouldn't take much time."

"Again, Perry breaks through Baez' hesitant presentation to ask, "When will you have those done.?". When Baez hesitated, the judge added that he didn't think Baez would say by the end of October!"

"Linda Drane Burdick then addressed the court and said that she believed that the court had already stated that the defense would have up to December 31. The judge stated he would check the transcript. He also wanted both parties to draw up a list of these people."
JB said there were about "70" new witnesses filed and he would only depose about "18" of them, and would not be deposing the Custodian of Records.
There are "78" total witnesses that have been added as of May 24, 2010 and added on August 10th, August 30th, and August 31st.
Judge Perry wants a list from these witnesses, which both sides agree on, and which the LEAD ATTORNEY signs off on, who will have the deposition deadline extended to December 31, 2010.

State witnesses added after May 24, 2010

witnesses added August 31, 2010
(1) Stacey Bechtol - Cust of Records Blockbuster
(2) Cheryl Brown - Cust of Records Winn Dixie
(3) Tanya Clayton - Lexington, SC
(4) David McCollough, Cust of Records Ikea
(5) Mary Greene - Cust of Records Bank of America
(6) Thomas Hoffman - ?
(7) Andy Jones - Cust of Jail Phone Calls, OC Corrections
(8) Anne W. Pham - Heathrow, FL ?
(9) Michael Purtz - Cust of Records Target
(10) Patricia Quiggle - Ocala, FL - ?
(11) Juan Santiago - Cust of Video Jail Visits, OC Corrections
(12) Kena Seegmiller (not Sigmiller) - TES searcher
(13) Kari Siracusa - Cust of Records JC Penney
(14) Sheriece Soto-Flores - Cust of Records Ikea

witnesses added August 30, 2010
(15) Thomas Achtziger - ShurTech - Akron, OH
(16) Christina Ballard - created video of Dr. Warren during his depo in Gainesville
(17) David Bogart - AT&T Engineer, Lake Mary, FL
(18) Custodian of Records - MySpace - Beverly Hills, CA
(19) Melissa Fleming - OC Corrections
(20) Tracey Hall - OC Correction
(21) Maria Kelly - OC Corrections
(22) Lisa Likely - AT&T Ntl Compliance Center - North Palm Beach, FL
(23) Tasheka Mackey - OC Corrections
(24) Tiffany Moss - OC Corrections
(25) Ileana Santiago - OC Corrections
(26) Mark Underhill - OC Corrections
(27) Megan Valdivia - OC Corrections

witnesses added August 10, 2010
(28) Capt Clyde "Greg" Cole - Gulf County Sheriff's Office - K9 trainer
(29) Erica Gonzalez - talked to KC July 1 - July 16, 2008 - heard Caylee?
(30) Sgt. Duane Mike Mason - OCSO
(31) John Michalakis - Formed Fiber Technologies - Auburn, ME - trunk liner
(32) Tony C. Moss - OCSO
(33) Marco A. Palacio - OCSO

witnesses added May 24, 2010 = 45 new witnesses (but would not be included in the "recently filed" witnesses)
So .... the Defense currently has "19" depositions scheduled for October 7, 2010 !

THANK YOU MuzikMan!!

The Defense will take depositions from these State witnesses on October 7, 2010
(1) Scott Bolin, FBI - added Dec 3, 2008 [Defense depo June 17, 2010; Oct 7, 2010]
(2) John Dennis Bradley - Expert Witness - Cacheback - added May 24, 2010
[Defense depo Oct 7, 2010 via Skype from Canada)]
(3) C. Douglas Clark - Univ of Central FL - air samples - added March 23, 2009
[Defense depo Oct 7, 2010]
(4) David D. Clarke - OCSO - added Nov 17, 2008 [Defense depo Oct 7, 2010]
(5) Dep Elizabeth Collins - OCSO - added March 23, 2009
[Defense depo Oct 7, 2010]
(6) Dep Brian E. Cross - OCSO - added May 24, 2010 [Defense depo Oct 7, 2010]
(7) Dep Kethlin B. Cutcher - OCSO - added April 13, 2009
[Defense depo Oct 7, 2010]
(8 Tanya DePalmo - OCSO - added Nov 17, 2008 [Defense depo Oct 7, 2010]
(9) George Duke - Metropolitan Bureau of Inv - added Dec 3, 2008
[Defense depo Oct 7, 2010]
Defense was given NO extension on the deadline of Oct 31, 2010 to take depositions of LE, which have not been done yet - these depos were previously set for Sep 3, 2010: [LDBurdick said all of these depos have been scheduled for October 7, 2010]

1) Morgan Hayes - FDLE
2) Christina Hopkins - Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation
Mark Cusey - excused
3) Heather Kasper - OCSO
4) Robin Maynard - OCSO
5) Darrell McCaskill - OCSO
6) Shelly Meade - OCSO
7) Kari/Carolyn Roderick - OCSO
8 Bill Danver ?
9) James Stewart - Orlando PD
10) Rudolph Wilson - Orlando PD
THANK YOU MuzikMan!!!

The FBI witnesses who the Defense took depositions from on Wednesday, Sept 29, 2010 are:

1) Maureen Bradley
2) Erin Martin
3) Cary Oien
4) Michael Rickenbach

FBI Nikolas Savage is set for depo on Sept 30, 2010
So .... the Defense currently has "19" depositions scheduled for October 7, 2010 !

THANK YOU MuzikMan!!

The Defense will take depositions from these State witnesses on October 7, 2010
(1) Scott Bolin, FBI - added Dec 3, 2008 [Defense depo June 17, 2010; Oct 7, 2010]
(2) John Dennis Bradley - Expert Witness - Cacheback - added May 24, 2010
[Defense depo Oct 7, 2010 via Skype from Canada)]
(3) C. Douglas Clark - Univ of Central FL - air samples - added March 23, 2009
[Defense depo Oct 7, 2010]
(4) David D. Clarke - OCSO - added Nov 17, 2008 [Defense depo Oct 7, 2010]
(5) Dep Elizabeth Collins - OCSO - added March 23, 2009
[Defense depo Oct 7, 2010]
(6) Dep Brian E. Cross - OCSO - added May 24, 2010 [Defense depo Oct 7, 2010]
(7) Dep Kethlin B. Cutcher - OCSO - added April 13, 2009
[Defense depo Oct 7, 2010]
(8 Tanya DePalmo - OCSO - added Nov 17, 2008 [Defense depo Oct 7, 2010]
(9) George Duke - Metropolitan Bureau of Inv - added Dec 3, 2008
[Defense depo Oct 7, 2010]
Defense was given NO extension on the deadline of Oct 31, 2010 to take depositions of LE, which have not been done yet - these depos were previously set for Sep 3, 2010: [LDBurdick said all of these depos have been scheduled for October 7, 2010]

1) Morgan Hayes - FDLE
2) Christina Hopkins - Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation
Mark Cusey - excused
3) Heather Kasper - OCSO
4) Robin Maynard - OCSO
5) Darrell McCaskill - OCSO
6) Shelly Meade - OCSO
7) Kari/Carolyn Roderick - OCSO
8 Bill Danver ?
9) James Stewart - Orlando PD
10) Rudolph Wilson - Orlando PD

Correction to my typo error - # 8 should be "Bill - William Yambers"
Does anyone know anything about IKEA as there are two witnesses listed with that as the source.

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