Defense says they decline to examine site where remains found?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
They know there isnt any point.

The purpose of their endless WHINING about the scene when it was first discovered was because they were hoping they could RUSH the state out of there, only to come to court and bash them for rushing and not carefully and methodically examining the area (at least, thats my opinion).

They realize the state dotted their I's and crossed their T's in triplicate with this crime scene, so they are moving on to other endeavors.

Typical *big eye roll from me*
Yes, I see your point and agree. But they made such a big deal about bringing their own people in to investigate and then to say, "Oh never mind" makes them look even more clueless than before.
They are just throwing a temper tantrum b/c they got turned away when Mr. Lee and JB showed up at the scene. Boo Hoo.
PR. The defense is fine with not going there. Though they complained all the while processing of the crime scene was going on that it was taking too long, later they will say that sloppy work was done. The only option they SAID was okay was for the defense group of experts to be present along with LE. Of course, that option was inappropriate.
A thought just occurred to me. The crime scene was released at the same time Caylee's ID was confirmed. It almost seems as if the defense only wanted access to the crime scene while it was not confirmed it was Caylee.

Coincidence? Or would they have a reason to do that?
BeanE, the remains were confirmed on Friday, and the site released on Saturday. LE immediately served and executed a warrant at the Anthony home on Saturday after they released the scene.

But your thoughts as to why they would want access BEFORE the scene was cleared and not afterward is an interesting one. A couple of thoughts come to my mind. One is that the scene would have been "horribly compromised" by LE. The second is that it sets the stage for when the defense team examines the report to say "If you'd have allowed our experts in, we could have given you a more informed opinion. As it is, with your crime scene techs walking here and there, how are we to know what evidence was destroyed?" Remember, Henry Lee was taking a ton of photos of crime scene techs entering and exiting the site. It turns out to be a win/win for the defense. Not let in, the techs destroyed evidence ala the techs in the OJ trial. Let in, the defense could say that even the State defers to the experts they provided.

Blech. Grandstanding and excellent gamesmanship. Too bad it's a game they are playing after the homicide of a little girl.
A thought just occurred to me. The crime scene was released at the same time Caylee's ID was confirmed. It almost seems as if the defense only wanted access to the crime scene while it was not confirmed it was Caylee.

Coincidence? Or would they have a reason to do that?

Or so maybe HL could take something from the CS kinda like the fake nail.
This is just another temper tantrum from the defense. They didn't get there way, so now they stomp their feet and say they don't want it anymore. Much like a 2 year old does.
BeanE, the remains were confirmed on Friday, and the site released on Saturday. LE immediately served and executed a warrant at the Anthony home on Saturday after they released the scene.

But your thoughts as to why they would want access BEFORE the scene was cleared and not afterward is an interesting one. A couple of thoughts come to my mind. One is that the scene would have been "horribly compromised" by LE. The second is that it sets the stage for when the defense team examines the report to say "If you'd have allowed our experts in, we could have given you a more informed opinion. As it is, with your crime scene techs walking here and there, how are we to know what evidence was destroyed?" Remember, Henry Lee was taking a ton of photos of crime scene techs entering and exiting the site. It turns out to be a win/win for the defense. Not let in, the techs destroyed evidence ala the techs in the OJ trial. Let in, the defense could say that even the State defers to the experts they provided.

Blech. Grandstanding and excellent gamesmanship. Too bad it's a game they are playing after the homicide of a little girl.

Argh! You're right. I don't know why I was thinking it was the same day.
IMO it's another game of tit for tat..we want to look at the scene..okay when we're done..oh nevermind. We didn't get our way the first time so now we don't want it at all. IMO it is a HUGE mistake for the defense and will come back and bite them in the butt.
The defense knew they would not be allowed in the crime scene while the investigation was ongoing. It was ridiculous for them to even bring it up. Then when the time came for them to obtain access...they acted like spoiled children, imo. "If we couldn't see it when we wanted to...we don't want to now!" (stomping feet, taking their toys, and huffing off towards NY to Geraldo's studio and Yacht club.)
Originally Posted by BeanE
I wish they would spend some time practicing so it wasn't so obvious
To John Q. Public layperson, they may not know the rules would have prevented them from going to the scene. This whole temper tantrum was staged for those people to question why LE wouldn't allow them and to put a seed of doubt as to why not unless LE had something to "hide". We know it is BS, but John QP may not.
They never wanted access to that scene. They knew they didn't stand a chance of gaining access to it while the investigation was ongoing. The law was simply not on their side and they knew it. All they were shooting for was a way of going into a court of law and having the ability to tell jurors, hey, look how they shut us out. It all boils down to trying to create as much doubt as possible. Nothing more, nothing less, IMO.
Yep, just spin to create doubt in potential jurors. Can't wait to see what the next round of "emerency" motions will be. Someone should have filed emergency motions long ago if they ever suspected perp of hurting Caylee. That is where emergency motions belonged.
Did ya see the crime scene when the state was done with it? It used to be a densely wooded area. Now it looks like a few trees in a patch of dirt.

I don't think there's anything left to see.
Did ya see the crime scene when the state was done with it? It used to be a densely wooded area. Now it looks like a few trees in a patch of dirt.

I don't think there's anything left to see.

They didn't want to see it. You can take that to the bank.

If it didn't look the way it does now, can you imagine the accusations the defense would be tossing out as it pertains to LE being inept?

It was a no win situation and they dealt with it the only way they could. They were 100% thorough. Now, the defense can't call it a rush to judgment, a shoddy investigation, inept police work, and on, and on, and on....

LE now has the ability to go into a court of law and inform jurors that a defense team can run their own investigation AFTER the crime scene is released in EVERY investigation in this country and this one is NO exception to that rule. Baez is constantly expecting special treatment where this case is concerned and sorry, he's not entitled to it, period.

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