Defense What is their strategy? #1

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Thanks for the reality check, well said.:)

I have wondered if JB is smart enough to say that Cindy is the one that did this?
If you think about it, he very well could say that Cindy was the last reported (proof with video and hospital where her dad is) person to see Caylee.

It would also make sense for JB to say that Cindy was actually Zanny as Cindy is the one that always had Caylee more than KC did.

I can also see him saying that is the reason for the "personal touches" left at the crime scene by the murderer.

I believe that there were neighbors that heard Cindy take Caylee swimming that evening after the hospital visit to her dad.

I wonder if one of the neighbors actually seen Caylee with KC leave the house after the alleged choking of KC by Cindy?

I also think that JB can say that KC left after fight without Caylee and went to LEEs house which would explain why she didnt leave the area.

This would make George a liar saying that he saw them in the afternoon together leaving the house as I have always wondered why George didnt say that he got Caylee her breakfast etc and what Child sleeps until noon or one oclock?

This KC and Cindy are playing a power game with each other and so far Cindy is winning as KC is in jail BUT I think Cindys world is going to be rocking real soon as KC has the need to DESTROY her mom more than she has already to win the game once and for all..

This theory might even convince me if it was presented in the right way in court... We will see.
I know some people are speculating that KC is gonna throw either someone like JG, AH, RM, Kio, or TL under the bus. My question to that is, if this was the case why wouldn't this person flee the country as fast as possible?? Why would they volunteer to take lie detector tests? I know if I was guilty as sin for taking someone's child and killing it and that the person who was in jail knew it, I would get as far away from the country as possible. These people are going on living their normal lives and don't have a single worry. Why? Because they clearly didn't do it! If KC tries to blame anyone besides ZFG (aka someone who's existence she can prove), it's gonna totally backfire b/c the behavior these people are showing is totally not consistent with someone who murdered a child and would more than likely get caught. JMO
Yes, and four of her lovers/friends have taken polygraphs including JG and AH already.
IMO JB has a problem on his hands defending this client doesn't he?
Actually, he has said publicly that his business in his law firm has more than tripled since he took on this case, he has had to hire other attorneys to work with him and paralegals and is now even using interns from the local law schools ( he sent two of them to Yuri to copy the calendars that the detectives were compiling of the time line according to KC's friends and relatives. He has said publicly to the media that he understands clearly that he is the first Hispanic lawyer to handle a case of this magnitude and he is not going to let down those that come after him. He is very happy to have this career making case. It put him on the map, and both Dr. Lee and Dr. Baden have said publicly they are doing this work pro bono, translation for the free press it gets them. You can't buy this kind of advertising, a high profile lawyer said in the Anna Nicole case. Even Gloria Alred (who didn't need the money) had a literary deal with Amber Frye and she got part of the movie rights to her story, so it is done and by reputable people, often. It is the reason companies don't give to charities quietly, tehy do it for the recognition, the free press, with the great big checks with their company logo on it in the photo, right?
I found this on the internet which I think is very interesting..
"In later press appearances, members of the jury stated that they felt that Scott Peterson's demeanor—specifically, his lack of emotion, and the phone calls to Amber Frey in the days following Laci's disappearance—indicated that he was guilty. They based their verdict on "hundreds of small 'puzzle pieces' of circumstantial evidence that came out during the trial, from the location of Laci Peterson's body to the myriad lies her husband told after her disappearance."

Hmmm...sounds like the actions and behavior of a certain someone we know, right down to the location of the body and lies she told after Caylee went missing. It also proves that a jury will convict based on tons of puzzle pieces of circumstantial evidence, as well as strange behavior and lack of concern following the crime. If these jurors for this trial act on the same suspicions and feelings as the ones that served on SP's, she's going down!
What attorney would allow her to ever say anything if any of the ZG is true, after the way LE has addressed this issue so far? On day one they said she was lying and their is no ZG. Did they ever follow up on the information they got that there was a ZG close to the age Casey said that was connected to a past case involving lewd and licentious behavior with a child under 16? It looks like that person is also connected through work to an adoption agency. Now, I'm not trying to throw suspicion in that direction but it seems like they would have at least checked out the person's whereabouts. But maybe they're holding that back along with the IP of Franck or the others.

Dead body smell? I've said that a few times myself, "It smells like something died in here", or something similar. I've opened a milk jug sitting on the counter for a time and remember thinking I wonder how similar this is to a human decomp smell since cow's milk is close enough to human that most babies can drink it. I don't think there was milk in the garbage though. The maggot evidence would show once and for all what was being consumed in their. Why would they hold that back for 8 months? Even if maggot study took 6 months, they're overdue. Oh, I forgot, the SA can't force the FBI to send things on just because the defense wants it.

Why is it not reasonable that a she would trust someone to give her back after the 55 days, by her birthday. (Time from June 15 to her birthday, I believe is 55 days) Why, if she knew the person could no longer be trusted, is it unreasonable to believe a scared young mother might be afraid to go to the police? How often is the child returned safely once the perp knows the police are involved?

Please show me in her statements on day one, where she was telling the truth. Besides her name, birthdate, etc. Please, Please do so. Folks have been trying do do that for months around here. Even the LE checked out here statements and it all showed to be lies. She even went to her job to show them her office.. before she admitted she lied about it.

After her spending the WHOLE TIME lying, everyone is suppose to believe the Nanny story? That part is suppose to be true?

The LE has spent enough time trying to prove her statements are true. And they could not. If KC knows she is telling the truth, then it is in her best interest to tell her lawyer to find the ZG she is talking about.

This is more then just trying to get out of a murder charge. If ZG really did this, then wouldn't she want her to pay for killing her daughter?

The only thing connecting ZG to Caylee is KC's word. And that has been proven to be nothing but lies. However, there are tons of stuff connecting KC to the death of her daughter..
I found this on the internet which I think is very interesting..
"In later press appearances, members of the jury stated that they felt that Scott Peterson's demeanor—specifically, his lack of emotion, and the phone calls to Amber Frey in the days following Laci's disappearance—indicated that he was guilty. They based their verdict on "hundreds of small 'puzzle pieces' of circumstantial evidence that came out during the trial, from the location of Laci Peterson's body to the myriad lies her husband told after her disappearance."

Hmmm...sounds like the actions and behavior of a certain someone we know, right down to the location of the body and lies she told after Caylee went missing. It also proves that a jury will convict based on tons of puzzle pieces of circumstantial evidence, as well as strange behavior and lack of concern following the crime. If these jurors for this trial act on the same suspicions and feelings as the ones that served on SP's, she's going down!

I"m sure a jury could do that. I think it's all based upon what the rules are told to the Jury. If they are told they have to see the blood ax in the hand for that person to be the killer.. then.. I don't think a puzzle of logic would convict.

I think a puzzle logic would be more truthful. Cause an eyewitness can lie. And has been known to lie.
Blaming Jesse...

After trying all day to get a babysitter, Casey asked Jesse to babysit on June 16. Jesse agreed and came over to the Anthony house to watch Caylee at 4 p.m. while Casey blissfully went her merry way to Tony's apartment.

Enraged because another man was getting his woman and the child he thought of as his own, Jesse drowned Caylee in the pool. He snuck her body into Casey's car when Casey was inside the Anthony home on June 17 waiting for Jesse to bring Caylee back.

When Jesse comes in and doesn't give her Caylee, Casey thinks Jesse is doing her a favor by taking Caylee off of her hands. She's gettin a vacation. She lives it up. Casey doesn't notice the smell in her car until it gets really bad.

Then she is mortified and doesn't want to admit she would leave Caylee with the guy her family doesn't like that much and not follow up when he doesn't bring Caylee back. So she protects Jesse because of her role in what befell Caylee. Only after finding Caylee's body and having to get Caylee out of her car, Caylee starts having nightmares and nightsweats. She is seen crying over the father's day video.

Yes, Jesse passed the poly. He probably didn't ping anywhere close to the Anthony house...I don't think????

IMO, Jesse was still besotted with Casey when the news about Caylee going missing first came out. He almost convinces himself that the last time he heard Caylee when talking to Casey on the phone was June 24. He is over at the Anthony's trying to help. He says good things about Casey to the media.

But Jesse's earlier besottedness and efforts to help might be used to throw Jesse under the bus.
I have wondered if JB is smart enough to say that Cindy is the one that did this?
If you think about it, he very well could say that Cindy was the last reported (proof with video and hospital where her dad is) person to see Caylee.

It would also make sense for JB to say that Cindy was actually Zanny as Cindy is the one that always had Caylee more than KC did.

I can also see him saying that is the reason for the "personal touches" left at the crime scene by the murderer.

I believe that there were neighbors that heard Cindy take Caylee swimming that evening after the hospital visit to her dad.

I wonder if one of the neighbors actually seen Caylee with KC leave the house after the alleged choking of KC by Cindy?

I also think that JB can say that KC left after fight without Caylee and went to LEEs house which would explain why she didnt leave the area.

This would make George a liar saying that he saw them in the afternoon together leaving the house as I have always wondered why George didnt say that he got Caylee her breakfast etc and what Child sleeps until noon or one oclock?

This KC and Cindy are playing a power game with each other and so far Cindy is winning as KC is in jail BUT I think Cindys world is going to be rocking real soon as KC has the need to DESTROY her mom more than she has already to win the game once and for all..

This theory might even convince me if it was presented in the right way in court... We will see.

That might be a good strategy.

A juror with an overbearing mother or mother-in-law could feel sorry for Casey because Cindy was said to be critical.

Plus Cindy hasn't been diplomatic and has rubbed people the wrong way in her zeal to protect Casey.

Wisely, Baez has kept Casey quiet. But Cindy was on television exposing her flaws...a LOT. Some people dislike her more than they do Casey based upon that. Or they think it was her fault young Casey is the way she is.
IMO, the forensics associated with the murder of Caylee Anthony tell a different story (not an accident) and I predict Casey will be convicted on the strength of what is building up to be a mountain of circumstantial evidence. Remember, we don't know what caused the state to put the DP back on the table. Suffice to say it had to be something significant.
But, she would have to take the stand to answer all these questions. If she does, the prosecution will destroy her. This story will never be told.
Okay, I only have a rudimentary understanding of the court/legal process, but I doubt that we would get to her murder trial, put her on the stand and then have her reveal an accident scenario without an attempt by her team to have the charges reduced with an explanation of an accident before-hand.

And I have to disagree that KC hasn't locked herself into a story. She has locked herself into the Zanny story, a living breathing Zanny who babysat the child of a friend of hers. A Zanny with a separate address, parents whom she identifies by name. She has never publicly or legally disputed this information, we have only heard rumors that possibly the location and nature of Caylee's abduction by that same Zanny have been different, but even this version was not made in an official statement to LE. She has claimed complete innocence of every charge she has been charged with, including, strangely enough, her check forging, which is pretty obvious she's guilty of.

So, as much as I'd like to believe that she would come forward and admit something, such as an accidental drowning, no pun intended, I am not going to hold my breath on this one, unless I see some motion from the defense before her trial that admits that an accident may have been involved.
I have a feeling we will hear a very different story at the time of the trial. What she told the police and her parents may be old news. I am sure there will be a brand new approach the defense. "She didn't trust LE" who knows what the story will be in the end.
IMO, the only thing the defense can do at this point is to attack the evidence that the SA produces, trying to raise that "reasonable doubt" in just one juror, because from what I can see, they don't actually have a "defense". Now, if they could produce THE ZFG that KC has been claiming took Caylee, with the parents and siblings that she claimed, driving the vehicle she claimed, looking like she claimed and living where she claimed, they might have a defense. Short of that, I honestly can't ponder a guess at what rabbit they intend to pull out of the hat.
IMO, the only thing the defense can do at this point is to attack the evidence that the SA produces, trying to raise that "reasonable doubt" in just one juror, because from what I can see, they don't actually have a "defense". Now, if they could produce THE ZFG that KC has been claiming took Caylee, with the parents and siblings that she claimed, driving the vehicle she claimed, looking like she claimed and living where she claimed, they might have a defense. Short of that, I honestly can't ponder a guess at what rabbit they intend to pull out of the hat.

Well, If they have this then they have the "real killer" and why are they waiting so long to turn her in to the police. :waitasec:
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