Defense's Memo "Leak"

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Cindy conveniently ignores that SHE frantically called 911 worrying about the stench of death in Casey's car.

And she also conveniently ignores that SHE'S the one who thought Casey is a sociopath.

Funny thing about consciences, huh?

But NO... it's all the media's fault that the FACTS dispute the fantasy the Anthony family would prefer to peddle?
Personally, I believe any grandmother with a conscience would seek justice for her murdered grandchild, you know and um.
my opinion only:

What gets me about Cindy's wounded pitbull behavior is that she doesn't attack EVERYONE she just attacks the people who disagree with her when they are disagreeing with her. I don't see her laying the "blame" evenly. I don't see her attacking CASEY. Casey is the MOTHER OF THE YEAR! I don't see her laying any blame (not even a smidgeon) for this farce on herself as a parent or grandparent. Whether that is justified or not, it is normal for a person to ask herself or himself, "What did I do wrong?" Where is the accountability here? That's why I have such a hard time buying the "poor Cindy" routine -- poor Cindy hasn't had enough sleep, poor pitiful Cindy is medicated (per Nejame), poor Cindy will go on your talk show but if you ask her one question she doesn't like she'll accuse you of making her passout, poor Cindy had protestors outside her house (but let's forget she yelled out on her lawn for Orlando to "get off their azzes" and find her granddaughter), poor Cindy has ideas about the #1 suspects and they are being watched, ad nauseum. They have stated, even obliquely, that they feel attacked in the media but lord, they have attacked as much as they have been attacked (maybe even more so). People who don't toe the A family line that Caylee is alive have been called:
-Maggots and parasites
-who have no conscience and
-who are going to put Caylee in a coffin (!)

Sometimes I think, is she trying to make us all SO DAMN MAD that we say "screw it all"!
....Have you read GA's interview in the latest doc dump? It does keep her up at night!!!- And its that lack of sleep that has contributed to the not so rational things we have seen from CA.
Tell me how rational you honestly think you would be if your g daughter was missing, everyone was convinced she was dead, half the world that has never even met you is making assumptions about every possible aspect of your life.....and strangers are questioning your parenting and your love for your child and grandaughter?
Maybe i'm living in a different reality, but to me it seems like an instinctive maternal reaction- kinda like a lioness protecting her cubs. Shows the woman strives to protect her family. Has she made mistakes? Hell yeah!! We all have. doesnt make us bad, it makes us human.
She learnt about tough love too late. She probably wishes every day that she did things differently. ...all the what if's?
She's made bad choices in a crazy situation- but to question her love, or suffering is just not our place, imo. That crosses the line.
And I dont understand the blame that people put on CA, for KC's actions.
If my daughter pulls her sisters hair, is that my fault? Am I responsible for that because I'm her parent? Its my job to teach them boundaries, and what is right or wrong, but its not my fault if she does it again. We can only do our best, and that doesnt guarantee that they will grow into the people we hope they will be.


Well said!!
She makes me want to scream. WTH does this woman know about having a conscience?! She raised a child without one!! She doesn't have one herself that I have witnessed in her many, many, many interviews and articles. People who have a conscience don't lie, deceive, and cover up murders.

Does Cindy feel badly she washed evidence of Caylee's decaying body away?! Does she feel anything besides hatred, spite, and defiance?! She hasn't shown love, respect, or anything of a person who has a conscience towards bringing Caylee home to bury her properly!

Where is her conscience?! It should keep her up at night knowing she smelled Caylee's body in the car. It should be written all over her tear-stained face as she pleads for anyone and everyone to help find Caylee's remains. It should be in her body language that she is missing Caylee and she will do anything to find her as she hits the streets every single day from sunup to sundown while knocking on every door to beg people to help search. Where is it?! I am still waiting...

Another thing that struck me about George's interview is when he mentioned how he was trying to play all these different roles. I think that speaks a lot - being a good dad, a good husband, a good grandpa, a good citizen. Trying to keep family together, believe in ans support his daughter, be Caylees hero - all while fighting what he must believe deep in his heart - what was so obvious in his interview...

...what a struggle that must be going on in that man's heart.


Not to mention the fact he was having to sneak around to go and talk to the police...the police had to mislead LA and tell him that his father was turning his car around and was on his way to the sheriff's dept with GA sitting right there at the sheriffs dept while the cop made the call to LA. What's up with that?
....Have you read GA's interview in the latest doc dump? It does keep her up at night!!!- And its that lack of sleep that has contributed to the not so rational things we have seen from CA.
Tell me how rational you honestly think you would be if your g daughter was missing, everyone was convinced she was dead, half the world that has never even met you is making assumptions about every possible aspect of your life.....and strangers are questioning your parenting and your love for your child and grandaughter?
Maybe i'm living in a different reality, but to me it seems like an instinctive maternal reaction- kinda like a lioness protecting her cubs. Shows the woman strives to protect her family. Has she made mistakes? Hell yeah!! We all have. doesnt make us bad, it makes us human.
She learnt about tough love too late. She probably wishes every day that she did things differently. ...all the what if's?
She's made bad choices in a crazy situation- but to question her love, or suffering is just not our place, imo. That crosses the line.
And I dont understand the blame that people put on CA, for KC's actions.
If my daughter pulls her sisters hair, is that my fault? Am I responsible for that because I'm her parent? Its my job to teach them boundaries, and what is right or wrong, but its not my fault if she does it again. We can only do our best, and that doesnt guarantee that they will grow into the people we hope they will be.

Very good points and very well said.
i think the parents let casey off the hook one too many times

and if you let her off the hook this time, well ... you will not change anything about her....she will remain the same way she has been for a long time

if that is what they want,, then keep defending her

if they want change they need to do things differently

its really kind of like closing the barn door after the horsey got away but you need to start somewhere
....Have you read GA's interview in the latest doc dump? It does keep her up at night!!!- And its that lack of sleep that has contributed to the not so rational things we have seen from CA.
Tell me how rational you honestly think you would be if your g daughter was missing, everyone was convinced she was dead, half the world that has never even met you is making assumptions about every possible aspect of your life.....and strangers are questioning your parenting and your love for your child and grandaughter?
Maybe i'm living in a different reality, but to me it seems like an instinctive maternal reaction- kinda like a lioness protecting her cubs. Shows the woman strives to protect her family. Has she made mistakes? Hell yeah!! We all have. doesnt make us bad, it makes us human.
She learnt about tough love too late. She probably wishes every day that she did things differently. ...all the what if's?
She's made bad choices in a crazy situation- but to question her love, or suffering is just not our place, imo. That crosses the line.
And I dont understand the blame that people put on CA, for KC's actions.
If my daughter pulls her sisters hair, is that my fault? Am I responsible for that because I'm her parent? Its my job to teach them boundaries, and what is right or wrong, but its not my fault if she does it again. We can only do our best, and that doesnt guarantee that they will grow into the people we hope they will be.

You're responsible for defending the one who was wronged, aren't you? And the first step is to NOT be so worried about protecting the attacker that you won't stand up for the victim.
Well we know now what Cindy's response is (go figure....)

This game is called no body=no crime. This woman is despicable!!

And the video today about fighting websites..

What a screwed up b!tch this woman is! She doesn't want anyone profiting off of Caylee....yet she can allegedly get paid for the Today show photo rights of Caylee in a farce of a "live" search campaign when she knows she is dead! This is the worst kind of profiting off a victim, your 2 year old grandaughter!!! Gotta pay for the killers defense I guess.

I have always felt anger and disgust when I have to see and hear that woman...but these 2 videos took the cake. After George confirming in his interview that, as we expected, Cindy is the tyrant mastermind behind this whole circus, I found myself almost unable to watch them. I got so angry!!!

One would think it would be more important to CA to be spending her time looking for Caylee instead of looking for Myspace pages and other websites.
Instead of worrying so much about MONEY, why isn't Cindy out looking for Caylee?? She's a fraud.
Another thing that struck me about George's interview is when he mentioned how he was trying to play all these different roles. I think that speaks a lot - being a good dad, a good husband, a good grandpa, a good citizen. Trying to keep family together, believe in ans support his daughter, be Caylees hero - all while fighting what he must believe deep in his heart - what was so obvious in his interview...

...what a struggle that must be going on in that man's heart.


My bold - I agree...I can't imagine what it must be like to be in his shoes. The one thing I feel bad for him on right now is that he wanted that interview to not be released to the public. He didn't even want his family to know he was there. I feel he has been honest with LE. I can not imagine what he must be feeling right now after knowing the docs were released today and now she knows he told all in that interview.
WFTV just said TB (who I thought was canned by JB) told them that the Doc leak was the work of a third party. What in the world does that mean. :waitasec:. I knew they were going to blame anyone but themselves nothing new.
....Have you read GA's interview in the latest doc dump? It does keep her up at night!!!- And its that lack of sleep that has contributed to the not so rational things we have seen from CA.
Tell me how rational you honestly think you would be if your g daughter was missing, everyone was convinced she was dead, half the world that has never even met you is making assumptions about every possible aspect of your life.....and strangers are questioning your parenting and your love for your child and grandaughter?
Maybe i'm living in a different reality, but to me it seems like an instinctive maternal reaction- kinda like a lioness protecting her cubs. Shows the woman strives to protect her family. Has she made mistakes? Hell yeah!! We all have. doesnt make us bad, it makes us human.
She learnt about tough love too late. She probably wishes every day that she did things differently. ...all the what if's?
She's made bad choices in a crazy situation- but to question her love, or suffering is just not our place, imo. That crosses the line.
And I dont understand the blame that people put on CA, for KC's actions.
If my daughter pulls her sisters hair, is that my fault? Am I responsible for that because I'm her parent? Its my job to teach them boundaries, and what is right or wrong, but its not my fault if she does it again. We can only do our best, and that doesnt guarantee that they will grow into the people we hope they will be.


there are so many people on here who spew so much vile and hate toward ca... so much superiority around here. i know that it's easier to hate than to empathize, but it's time to stop.

i've tried to say it a few times, and there is a minority of people here who agree, that we cannot possibly understand the pain that caylee's family is going through. what a nightmare this has been for them the last few months. it really couldn't be worse. ca was basically a mother to caylee, and it's slowly setting in that she might be dead, never to be hugged again. ga has known this all along, but even he has had moments of totally understandable denial, with hope that maybe, just maybe, he might see his favorite person in the world once more.

top all of this tragedy with the slow realization that your own daughter may have done this, and well, now you are really living in hell. no matter how crazy ca's actions might seem, the fact that she is even out of bed is absolutely amazing to me. there's nothing that she could say or do that i would think was insane. i support both of them, even if i think that at times they are delusional.

i wish that those people on here that are so consistently hateful toward this family could just once, for just a moment, have some empathy for the anthonys. i can't imagine anything worse than what they are going to live with for the rest of their lives.

there are so many people on here who spew so much vile and hate toward ca... so much superiority around here. i know that it's easier to hate than to empathize, but it's time to stop.

i've tried to say it a few times, and there is a minority of people here who agree, that we cannot possibly understand the pain that caylee's family is going through. what a nightmare this has been for them the last few months. it really couldn't be worse. ca was basically a mother to caylee, and it's slowly setting in that she might be dead, never to be hugged again. ga has known this all along, but even he has had moments of totally understandable denial, with hope that maybe, just maybe, he might see his favorite person in the world once more.

top all of this tragedy with the slow realization that your own daughter may have done this, and well, now you are really living in hell. no matter how crazy ca's actions might seem, the fact that she is even out of bed is absolutely amazing to me. there's nothing that she could say or do that i would think was insane. i support both of them, even if i think that at times they are delusional.

i wish that those people on here that are so consistently hateful toward this family could just once, for just a moment, have some empathy for the anthonys. i can't imagine anything worse than what they are going to live with for the rest of their lives.

I agree-- very well stated!
She makes me want to scream. WTH does this woman know about having a conscience?! She raised a child without one!! She doesn't have one herself that I have witnessed in her many, many, many interviews and articles. People who have a conscience don't lie, deceive, and cover up murders.

Does Cindy feel badly she washed evidence of Caylee's decaying body away?! Does she feel anything besides hatred, spite, and defiance?! She hasn't shown love, respect, or anything of a person who has a conscience towards bringing Caylee home to bury her properly!

Where is her conscience?! It should keep her up at night knowing she smelled Caylee's body in the car. It should be written all over her tear-stained face as she pleads for anyone and everyone to help find Caylee's remains. It should be in her body language that she is missing Caylee and she will do anything to find her as she hits the streets every single day from sunup to sundown while knocking on every door to beg people to help search. Where is it?! I am still waiting...

You nailed it on the head with this. Thank you SS. I have felt this way too.
i think the parents let casey off the hook one too many times

and if you let her off the hook this time, well ... you will not change anything about her....she will remain the same way she has been for a long time

if that is what they want,, then keep defending her

if they want change they need to do things differently

its really kind of like closing the barn door after the horsey got away but you need to start somewhere

I agree with what you said. Very simple explanation to a very serious behavior. Close the door. Thanks.
Cindy conveniently ignores that SHE frantically called 911 worrying about the stench of death in Casey's car.

And she also conveniently ignores that SHE'S the one who thought Casey is a sociopath.

Funny thing about consciences, huh?

But NO... it's all the media's fault that the FACTS dispute the fantasy the Anthony family would prefer to peddle?

Right on about CA!

Her comment too that 'the media, or we people" are going to put Caylee in her coffin made me cringe too--

Her daughter did that-- without respect of an actual funeral or coffin though and likely a plastic bag.:furious:
....Have you read GA's interview in the latest doc dump? It does keep her up at night!!!- And its that lack of sleep that has contributed to the not so rational things we have seen from CA.
Tell me how rational you honestly think you would be if your g daughter was missing, everyone was convinced she was dead, half the world that has never even met you is making assumptions about every possible aspect of your life.....and strangers are questioning your parenting and your love for your child and grandaughter?
Maybe i'm living in a different reality, but to me it seems like an instinctive maternal reaction- kinda like a lioness protecting her cubs. Shows the woman strives to protect her family. Has she made mistakes? Hell yeah!! We all have. doesnt make us bad, it makes us human.
She learnt about tough love too late. She probably wishes every day that she did things differently. ...all the what if's?
She's made bad choices in a crazy situation- but to question her love, or suffering is just not our place, imo. That crosses the line.
And I dont understand the blame that people put on CA, for KC's actions.
If my daughter pulls her sisters hair, is that my fault? Am I responsible for that because I'm her parent? Its my job to teach them boundaries, and what is right or wrong, but its not my fault if she does it again. We can only do our best, and that doesnt guarantee that they will grow into the people we hope they will be.

Thank you for saying what I wanted to say. I cannot even fathom being in her situation. However, now is the time for Cindy to step up to the plate and set things straight and face reality. TODAY, is the day she can start doing things differently.

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