Dellen Millard: Innocent Dupe? Alternative Theories

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The problem I have with this is that it really is just common sense, no matter your level of intelligence, that someone may see you if you walk right up to a family's home to take their truck on a test drive. Hiding the body on your own property may make sense to some for the control over it, if it's hidden or buried in your back yard. But, DM didn't live on that property to have that control and, as has been pointed out many times here, it's apparently perfectly normal in the country for neighbours to wander throughout your property when you're away. Add to that the fact that part of the farm was rented out, and the farmer renting the land could very well stumble over a body at any time.


You're right, it is bizarre that they did not disguise themselves better if the crime was premeditated. They made an effort to disguise their vehicle, parking it away from the house, and their phone, using a burner phone. Perhaps they never expected to be tied to any other test drive and figured long sleeves were enough to hide any identifying marks. Maybe they figured their faces were not memorable.

In the case of DM's property, I don't think it is clear that the property was rented out after the sale to DM. And perhaps DM felt that incineration did enough to hide the body that no other effort needed to be made
I understand, but my conclusions (that he was overconfident and not particularly of above average intellect) are based on concrete information: the fact that he's been arrested for a murder in which he seemingly failed to cover his tracks very well.

The idea that he was framed seems to be based on, largely...the fact that he seemingly failed to cover his tracks very well. Which seems to imply an assumption that he is smarter than the average criminal, so would have covered his tracks, so must be innocent. I've been trying to backtrace the basis for this logic for a while now. It really stands out in this case; you typically don't see, on this site, a preponderance of evidence being pointed to as being in itself exculpatory.

If one finds him innocent mainly because he seemingly didn't hide his tracks very well, IMO that should mean only an average intelligence is expected. I dont think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out he shouldnt leave all the incriminating stuff on his property and his mother's driveway, when a clever 7 year old could arrive at the same conclusion. "He's too smart to do that" doesnt mean he has superior intelligence.
In the case of DM's property, I don't think it is clear that the property was rented out after the sale to DM. And perhaps DM felt that incineration did enough to hide the body that no other effort needed to be made

By then, locals started to notice the farm Millard bought on Roseville Road was falling into disrepair. While he was renting the land surrounding it to a pig farmer down the road, the old grey barn was clearly neglected.

Kavanagh says 76 acres of the farm are leased out to a farmer who has planted crops. The rest of the land is mostly wooded.

Thanks for that

Still, crops are not like animals. Animals need to be tended at least twice a day. Crops only need attention at certain growth stages

Wasn't it corn he grew, judging by the pictures of the field in the background of the excavating pictures?

The best yields are usually obtained from corn planted in late April and the first half of May, because the crop is able to use the full growing season. Early planting also results in earlier maturity in the fall, reducing the risk of damage from an early fall frost or adverse weather at harvest. The optimum planting date is on or before May 7 in Southwestern Ontario and May 10 in Central and Eastern Ontario.
They probably didn't have to. Nothing happened in that truck except a test drive. Just fingerprints mixed in with everyone else's. There was a whole row of homes on a street near me that were broken into one day a few years ago. They weren't able to get one usable print from any of those houses.


We know nothing happened in that truck ...but if their prints or DNA are found in it, that will certainly collaborate the Etobicoke guy's story that it was DM and MS, which will further tie them to Tim's case.

In the case of B&Es, it's quite possible the perps wore gloves. I doubt DM or MS wore gloves while in and driving Mr. E's truck, therefore it is likely their DNA will exist in it.

ETA: Just saw your response that in the case of the B&Es, prints were mixed in. Even if usable prints had been found, they might not have a match. In a murder case such as Tim's case however (as opposed to a property crime), where there are known suspects, I would think even partial prints would be checked for DNA to see if there is a match to the alleged perps.
I agree, e.g., IMO I think that DM never hid his tattoos because he projected he would either leave the person alone (making him immemorable) or kill them (leaving no witness). He just wasn't smart enough to work out the details (e.g., SB seeing him)

I feel that because he had the tool to execute the perfect crime (the incinerator) he was overconfident in his other actions

Mentioning tattoos, you make a great point SD. He probably had no idea BO saw his tattoos, just assumed so many people nowadays have them people don't pay much attention to them. I see so many people with them but do not stand there and inspect total strangers tattoos to figure out what they are or what they say. Now that would be awkward?! :lol: Many are so intricate, faded or blurred it's hard to tell what they are. MOO.

If DM felt BO may have saw them, he figured SB didn't. It would be like someone who has a dark mole on their arm or a big hooked nose; they forget that it's there but others are apt to notice. Also time of day difference between the two test drives and location. DM and MS figured no one would put two and two together.

Wonder if DP gave DM some sort of test to figure out if he is intelligent? DP met DM for how long and he came away with intelligent and philosopher? J Arias and T Bundy have/had high IQs but that didn't stop them from committing murders and leave obvious trails which got them murder charges. Some people can sound intelligent by using big, fancy words, but to put their intelligence to the test....:scared: All :moo:
You're right, it is bizarre that they did not disguise themselves better if the crime was premeditated. They made an effort to disguise their vehicle, parking it away from the house, and their phone, using a burner phone. Perhaps they never expected to be tied to any other test drive and figured long sleeves were enough to hide any identifying marks. Maybe they figured their faces were not memorable.

In the case of DM's property, I don't think it is clear that the property was rented out after the sale to DM. And perhaps DM felt that incineration did enough to hide the body that no other effort needed to be made

IMO parking at the end of someones PRIVATE laneway does not constitute hiding ones vehicle JMO..... hard to know what whoever (as yet unproven)committed the act of murder felt or whether they had used an incinerator IMHO
This article I do find very telling and chilling Marg. The more you read these articles and dissect them, the more clues you can derive from them. It says this article was updated August 23, 2013.

DM took software design and maybe that helped him out the produce the grotesque gamer tag picture. We've seen his evidence of the soft core *advertiser censored* photography and his interest in cars, stolen and otherwise but we have not seen anything to do with his interest in culinary arts other then eating in fine establishments. I hope we don't learn from the trial he used his culinary arts during the murder. The way the writer wrote the article makes it seem DM interests turned to bad intentions.

MS's dark turns; low level crimes seems to have turned into high level crime. His interest in participating in horror acts is kinda creepy, but I guess a wannabe actor has to start somewhere and the rap...well I'll just leave it at that. MOO.

Glad to hear DM is studying up on law as he's going to need as much help as he can get when dealing with his defense, it will help him to pass his time away in such a gloomy, lonely place. Wonder if MS is also doing some studying on law? All MOO.

But based on their Internet footprints, they appear to be friends, each travelling a winding path that sometimes took dark turns: Mr. Millard in software design, culinary arts, soft-core *advertiser censored* photography and cars; Mr. Smich in low-level crime, so-called horror art and rap music under the nickname “Say10” (a common play on “Satan”).

Mr. Millard’s lawyer, Deepak Paradkar, said his jailed client is a “philosopher” who now spends 30 minutes outside in a cage each day and has been reading up on the law ahead of trial. Mr. Smich’s lawyer, meantime, has said little about a client who appeared last fall in a gory rap video portraying a hatchet-wielding killer.

I'm sorry, I don't know how to bold your specific words, but where you say "I hope we don't learn from the trial that he used his culinary arts during the murder" stands out to me as possibly the most outrageous claim so far on this topic. Are you now suggesting that there was possibly cannibalism involved? Or are you suggesting he made TB a dinner? How on earth are you somehow tying in his possible interest in cooking to the murder, please elaborate on what you are implying here. <modsnip>
I'm sorry, I don't know how to bold your specific words, but where you say "I hope we don't learn from the trial that he used his culinary arts during the murder" stands out to me as possibly the most outrageous claim so far on this topic. Are you now suggesting that there was possibly cannibalism involved? Or are you suggesting he made TB a dinner? How on earth are you somehow tying in his possible interest in cooking to the murder, please elaborate on what you are implying here. <modsnip>

Oh my!! :eek: That's harsh. I was suggesting using a knife. You know how in culinary much slicing. Never thought of your suggestion. Are you suggesting another J Dahmer? :eek:hwow:
I'm sorry, I don't know how to bold your specific words, but where you say "I hope we don't learn from the trial that he used his culinary arts during the murder" stands out to me as possibly the most outrageous claim so far on this topic. Are you now suggesting that there was possibly cannibalism involved? Or are you suggesting he made TB a dinner? How on earth are you somehow tying in his possible interest in cooking to the murder, please elaborate on what you are implying here. <modsnip>

I suspect it has to do with the possibility that TB would need to be dismembered to fit in the incinerator. There's no point in acting like this isn't a possibility, given that we don't know how far Dellen got in culinary school and if he would have learned butchery skills yet.
You're right, it is bizarre that they did not disguise themselves better if the crime was premeditated. They made an effort to disguise their vehicle, parking it away from the house, and their phone, using a burner phone. Perhaps they never expected to be tied to any other test drive and figured long sleeves were enough to hide any identifying marks. Maybe they figured their faces were not memorable.

In the case of DM's property, I don't think it is clear that the property was rented out after the sale to DM. And perhaps DM felt that incineration did enough to hide the body that no other effort needed to be made

I think that this is like saying "maybe he figured that eyewitness testimony, although highly convincing to a jury, is in fact highly unreliable, so why bother with even a ball cap as a disguise". To me this is one of the legs of the argument against his guilt, he did not disguise himself in the least either day, so it goes against premeditation.

If the evidence suggests that he felt that incinerating the body and leaving whatever remains were there was a safe enough place to hide it, why not leave the truck there in the trailer in the barn as well? Why separate the evidence if it was already a good enough place? It's not even a question of intelligence or not thinking in panic, it is just realistic logistics. Someone took the effort to move the truck for a reason, but that reason was obviously not to hide it, in my opinion.

We cannot assume that just because SB could not see their vehicle from her viewpoint that their vehicle was hidden. Anyone who has ever lived in the country will tell you that there is occasionally someone who doesn't know the layout of the driveway who chooses to park on the road and walk the lane. If they were unsure if there was a turn around area and they were fully expecting to drive another vehicle out momentarily, it doesn't seem that strange to park at the end of the driveway, it seems like it might save them from having to back two vehicles out instead if just one.

I believe AD posted the links showing that the land was rented, so again, that, to me, goes against him wanting to use it as a perfect hiding place for incriminating evidence. I imagine DM knew the farm was rented, but I wonder if any of his friends might have been privy to the information that it was rented out to farmers?
We cannot assume that just because SB could not see their vehicle from her viewpoint that their vehicle was hidden.


"Under either scenario, police say two men appeared to arrive at Mr. Bosma&#8217;s home on foot. Mr. Millard also seemed to arrive on foot when he test drove another Dodge Ram in Etobicoke on May 5"

The Etobicoke test-drive was a business, there was no need to 'respectfully' not park on private property.
DM and MS probably wanted to steal the truck right from TB at his home, not even going for a test drive, but once they found out SB was there they decided a test drive would be the better scenario. This would also go to show bad planning from the get go and leaving evidence on DM's farmland. They figured the incinerator was a good way to dispose of TB and cover any DNA/blood they may have shed themselves. To dump TB on someone elses' property would not be thorough enough. They would be taking a chance of someone finding TB as no one know how often people/farmers check their property. There probably was a struggle leaving the perps DNA/blood on TB's body. I figure DM and MS burnt TB to get rid of their DNA or blood on him. Also just to make him vanish, never to be found.

I would like to think LB one day soon would come home to her family, but I fear she has been reduced to ashes. Hopefully if that is the case, forensics have determined that and her family can have some closure. I believe LE were sifting on DM's farmland for just that reason; searching for more possible victims. MOO

"Under either scenario, police say two men appeared to arrive at Mr. Bosma’s home on foot. Mr. Millard also seemed to arrive on foot when he test drove another Dodge Ram in Etobicoke on May 5"

The Etobicoke test-drive was a business, there was no need to 'respectfully' not park on private property.

Exactly AE! They left the Yukon parked somewhere out of sight and walked because it would be a dead giveaway the description of it. More for LE to go on. I believe there was no third suspect. MS got in the Yukon after leaving TB's house. If they parked it in TB's driveway it would be obvious to SB and she may have take the description and licence number, plus it would look suspicious for MS to hop in it and drive away following. MOO.

"Under either scenario, police say two men appeared to arrive at Mr. Bosma’s home on foot. Mr. Millard also seemed to arrive on foot when he test drove another Dodge Ram in Etobicoke on May 5"

The Etobicoke test-drive was a business, there was no need to 'respectfully' not park on private property.

So you are ruling out that they were somehow already close enough to the first test drive meet up that walking would have been reasonable? There is often a need to respectfully not park on private property, all it takes is a sign that says autherized personel or employees only, or deliveries in rear only. How do we know that they didn't meet around the back of an industrial building where people would be unsure if public vehicles were allowed, and so, like normal people, they parked on a street out of the way of large trucks? Or that perhaps it was in a large industrial complex where finding the exact unit or door you are looking for can be a process in itself and they were wandering around lost for a while before the came upon the right area where RBEG was.

Some people like to walk, some people take the stairs when they could take an elevator, it is not a sign of guilt.
So you are ruling out that they were somehow already close enough to the first test drive meet up that walking would have been reasonable? There is often a need to respectfully not park on private property, all it takes is a sign that says autherized personel or employees only, or deliveries in rear only. How do we know that they didn't meet around the back of an industrial building where people would be unsure if public vehicles were allowed, and so, like normal people, they parked on a street out of the way of large trucks? Or that perhaps it was in a large industrial complex where finding the exact unit or door you are looking for can be a process in itself and they were wandering around lost for a while before the came upon the right area where RBEG was.

Some people like to walk, some people take the stairs when they could take an elevator, it is not a sign of guilt.

Like many things in this case, just because we can come up with B, C, D, E possibilities doesn't mean that possibility "A" isn't the most likely, especially when that's how it is being reported by LE and MSM. SB and the other truck owner both explicitly state they arrived on foot. I understand the desire to try to explain this fact away, but it seems a somewhat quixotic gesture.
I think that this is like saying "maybe he figured that eyewitness testimony, although highly convincing to a jury, is in fact highly unreliable, so why bother with even a ball cap as a disguise". To me this is one of the legs of the argument against his guilt, he did not disguise himself in the least either day, so it goes against premeditation.

If the evidence suggests that he felt that incinerating the body and leaving whatever remains were there was a safe enough place to hide it, why not leave the truck there in the trailer in the barn as well? Why separate the evidence if it was already a good enough place? It's not even a question of intelligence or not thinking in panic, it is just realistic logistics. Someone took the effort to move the truck for a reason, but that reason was obviously not to hide it, in my opinion.

We cannot assume that just because SB could not see their vehicle from her viewpoint that their vehicle was hidden. Anyone who has ever lived in the country will tell you that there is occasionally someone who doesn't know the layout of the driveway who chooses to park on the road and walk the lane. If they were unsure if there was a turn around area and they were fully expecting to drive another vehicle out momentarily, it doesn't seem that strange to park at the end of the driveway, it seems like it might save them from having to back two vehicles out instead if just one.

I believe AD posted the links showing that the land was rented, so again, that, to me, goes against him wanting to use it as a perfect hiding place for incriminating evidence. I imagine DM knew the farm was rented, but I wonder if any of his friends might have been privy to the information that it was rented out to farmers?

Nope, lived in the country 20 years and not once did someone leave their vehicle on the road (we sold dogs, cars, eggs so there were a lot of visitors from the city)

I would say backing out a laneway is a city thing: in the country you always have enough room for a circle at the top of the driveway and that's what people build in the country.

I think it is odd DM and MS chose not to drive their vehicle to their destination, twice.
Oh my!! :eek: That's harsh. I was suggesting using a knife. You know how in culinary much slicing. Never thought of your suggestion. Are you suggesting another J Dahmer? :eek:hwow:

Oh, Sorry, my mistake!

So, what you were suggesting is that anyone with some cooking skills would naturally be assumed to be better at butchering bodies, or is to likely own knives. I often look at cooks and pastry chefs and wonder about their ability to butcher humans, so I don't know how I missed that connection.

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