Did Casey Act Alone? Poll

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Did ICA act alone or not?

  • Yes

    Votes: 877 91.6%
  • No

    Votes: 50 5.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 30 3.1%

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When Tracy was at the A house "babysitting" FCA, she was witness to a fight between GA and FCA...FCA said.." I'm the only one who knows what happened".

Gah! WHY didn't the prosecution put Tracy on the stand? JB had the whole jury wrapped up in all the George drama that he got them to the point where they even thought George may have had something to do w/what happened to Caylee. If the state would have put Tracy on the stand and have her say that she heard casey say that she is the only one that knows what happened, perhaps the jury would have come back w/at least manslaughter? Woulda, coulda, shoulda. I think the prosecution got all wrapped up in streamlining the case because Judge Perry was constantly harping about the budget and lack of funds. Ironically, everything that was spent on this case was wasted because she was acquitted.
Gah! WHY didn't the prosecution put Tracy on the stand? JB had the whole jury wrapped up in all the George drama that he got them to the point where they even thought George may have had something to do w/what happened to Caylee. If the state would have put Tracy on the stand and have her say that she heard casey say that she is the only one that knows what happened, perhaps the jury would have come back w/at least manslaughter? Woulda, coulda, shoulda. I think the prosecution got all wrapped up in streamlining the case because Judge Perry was constantly harping about the budget and lack of funds. Ironically, everything that was spent on this case was wasted because she was acquitted.

Because Tracy turned out to be an OCA supporter, writing her letters and putting money in her account while she was in jail. And since OCA didn't say it to her but to someone else - I believe that is heresay. Too many alligators lurking with Tracy...
i think he was trying to avoid grounds for appeal

maybe, but I just can't help but believe that he "helped out ole Jose" a little bit tooooo much during the trial! Jose's a big boy, he said he could handle a case of that magnitude, JP should've let him hang himself...no pun intended!:furious:
Gah! WHY didn't the prosecution put Tracy on the stand? JB had the whole jury wrapped up in all the George drama that he got them to the point where they even thought George may have had something to do w/what happened to Caylee. If the state would have put Tracy on the stand and have her say that she heard casey say that she is the only one that knows what happened, perhaps the jury would have come back w/at least manslaughter? Woulda, coulda, shoulda. I think the prosecution got all wrapped up in streamlining the case because Judge Perry was constantly harping about the budget and lack of funds. Ironically, everything that was spent on this case was wasted because she was acquitted.

ya bring in Tracy & ya gotta bring the rest of the clan in with her...not a good idea.
Because Tracy turned out to be an OCA supporter, writing her letters and putting money in her account while she was in jail. And since OCA didn't say it to her but to someone else - I believe that is heresay. Too many alligators lurking with Tracy...

Plus didn't Tracy sign a confidentiality agreement with JB. Don't think that would have gone over too well with the jury and SA using her. jmo
What WAS all that zigzagging by Tracy? Her post-verdict interviews were highly critical of OCA- she called OCA cold, narcissistic and downright bizarre. Then I saw read her supportive jail notes to OCA. ??????
Are you familiar with the expression 'runs with the hares and hunts with the hounds'? That is what she did. Why she did, I don't know. A lot of people in this case seem to think they have a book in them, maybe she did too, maybe she thought she could stay onside with FCA and squeeze some publishable facts out of her. Maybe, like her boss, she is a self-obsessed, self-promoting, self-inserter with a self-serving agenda. Who knows. I was very glad the prosecution didn't call her, I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. I doubt she would have made one bit of positive difference to the SA's case.
Tracy (along with the rest of her circus gang) have no credibility whatsoever. There is a tape where Tracy was bragging about FCA saying her son was cute. Tracy tried to talk her son into coming to Orlando because she could get him in to the A's house (like it was some sort of special attraction at Disney World).

She laughed through her entire deposition, worse than Lee. If the prosecution called her, the defense would have had a field day.

This was a grown woman wearing a watch on her ankle to match FCA's monitoring bracelet. She said it was FCA's idea but after hearing a little bit about Tracy, it was probably her idea. The other goon (I think his name was Rob) played some sort of silly sunglass game with FCA in the car.

The entire LP crew did nothing but disrupt and add to the circus atmosphere of the death of Caylee. There was a reason her bail was set very high. We'll never know what kind of evidence FCA got out of that house while she was out on bail. I think LP fed right into FCA's ego---someone will always bail me out even if it's a stranger.

Tracy (along with the rest of her circus gang) have no credibility whatsoever. There is a tape where Tracy was bragging about FCA saying her son was cute. Tracy tried to talk her son into coming to Orlando because she could get him in to the A's house (like it was some sort of special attraction at Disney World).

She laughed through her entire deposition, worse than Lee. If the prosecution called her, the defense would have had a field day.

This was a grown woman wearing a watch on her ankle to match FCA's monitoring bracelet. She said it was FCA's idea but after hearing a little bit about Tracy, it was probably her idea. The other goon (I think his name was Rob) played some sort of silly sunglass game with FCA in the car.

The entire LP crew did nothing but disrupt and add to the circus atmosphere of the death of Caylee. There was a reason her bail was set very high. We'll never know what kind of evidence FCA got out of that house while she was out on bail. I think LP fed right into FCA's ego---someone will always bail me out even if it's a stranger.


looking back on the case you are absolutely right. That is when the circus began. I wonder if things would have been different if LP had never bailed FCA out. Wishful thinking!!
Tracy (along with the rest of her circus gang) have no credibility whatsoever. There is a tape where Tracy was bragging about FCA saying her son was cute. Tracy tried to talk her son into coming to Orlando because she could get him in to the A's house (like it was some sort of special attraction at Disney World).

She laughed through her entire deposition, worse than Lee. If the prosecution called her, the defense would have had a field day.

This was a grown woman wearing a watch on her ankle to match FCA's monitoring bracelet. She said it was FCA's idea but after hearing a little bit about Tracy, it was probably her idea. The other goon (I think his name was Rob) played some sort of silly sunglass game with FCA in the car.

The entire LP crew did nothing but disrupt and add to the circus atmosphere of the death of Caylee. There was a reason her bail was set very high. We'll never know what kind of evidence FCA got out of that house while she was out on bail. I think LP fed right into FCA's ego---someone will always bail me out even if it's a stranger.


Was this the blonde gal who was FCA's little bodyguard/roommate? I agree that anybody who was affliated with LP is questionable as far as who said what to who and so forth. They all had to stretch the truth to make good copy on the media circus train because they didn't know how to play the game and catch any of the A's at their own game plan. I'm surprised nobody thought to call the neck choking in to LE between GA and FCA. It was assault, no matter what, in front of witnesses - we never did see any marks on her neck either time, nobody else did either.
Was this the blonde gal who was FCA's little bodyguard/roommate? I agree that anybody who was affliated with LP is questionable as far as who said what to who and so forth. They all had to stretch the truth to make good copy on the media circus train because they didn't know how to play the game and catch any of the A's at their own game plan. I'm surprised nobody thought to call the neck choking in to LE between GA and FCA. It was assault, no matter what, in front of witnesses - we never did see any marks on her neck either time, nobody else did either.

Yes, Tracy was the babysitter.
Guys....we all know...KC acted alone. Period. The. End. She wanted to party. This was the whole case. I wonder how that is working out for her now? I wonder how George and Cindy are living without their granddaughter? So Sad. Jury...???? so sad. She shoulda paid.
Guys....we all know...KC acted alone. Period. The. End. She wanted to party. This was the whole case. I wonder how that is working out for her now? I wonder how George and Cindy are living without their granddaughter? So Sad. Jury...???? so sad. She shoulda paid.

Yes, she wanted to party and also wanted to be free, but where did all this get her? Absolutely nowhere, except her beautiful daughter is gone forever. OCA might not be behind actual prison bars, but she has to be in some kind of a prison right now. A prisoner of a non existant life. She can't exactly resume her old lifestyle, she isn't as free as she'd probably like to be, so she's in her own hello-no amount of plastic surgery or hair color can change the ugliness that will always show her to what she is and always will be. There are times I wish I could see inside the A's life after the sun goes down. Do they really hurt, do they miss little Caylee or have they pushed it so far out of their minds they just don't have feelings? Was the want for money greater than the love and feelings of their own granddaughter? A lot of their actions have been very questionable, but like their daughter, maybe they also live a life in hello as well. We'll never know, they have multi sided poker faces unfortunately.
Cindy and George are probably the only two people in the world who have the gall to verbalize that they believe someone "Casey was with" helped her. It's obvious that it would either be Tony or Jesse. The notion that Caylee was drugged early in the afternoon and put into the trunk as a babysitter is almost as ridiculous, and seems to be what George is thinking. There's not any evidence that Caylee was ever put into the trunk as a babysitter before and no evidence that Casey had help to get a little child into bags that were in the garage and just down the street. The same helper would also have had to take part in the lies, the thefts, and the chloroform searches. Giving Caylee something to make her go to sleep at night or most of the afternoon so Casey could possibly sneak in and out or rest is very possible though, and it would have happened under his nose right in his own home. Cindy's own words showed that there might have been a problem with Caylee staying up half the night before. No one has ever explained the chloroform and never will. So, I say that Casey did have help. Not with the actual crime or hiding the body, but she had help to get to that point and still does.

So many times I have tried to figure out just what CA was trying to do with that statement, never mind the rest of what she said over the years. One time it sounded like she wanted or needed to blame somebody else just for the heck of it, the next time, it almost sounded like she was playing a catch me if you can type of game, the next time yet another way to place blame on somebody to waste time and implicate an innocent soul knowing full well that would not pan out, but it would cause great grief to the one being blamed. FCA has never had to atone for anything bad she has ever done, not to her mother. There was always an excuse, there was always some way around whatever FCA had done to shield her from big trouble, there was always interference being run and it kept up during trial BUT the day Caylee died, and a whole month of wait and see, IDK, but there were underlying threats being made during those 911 calls, the threat of calling the car in as stolen on 6/30-maybe that's the real reason why it was dumped-FCA being afraid of being arrested for GTA. I just wonder that since it's all pretty much over, why the heck can't somebody in that family just step up to the plate and tell the real story of what really happened in the days, weeks prior to 6/15? Are they so afraid their perfect life will get dirt on it? Sorry, but that has already happened, many times over. Tell the truth for once and shame that old devil.
So many times I have tried to figure out just what CA was trying to do with that statement, never mind the rest of what she said over the years. One time it sounded like she wanted or needed to blame somebody else just for the heck of it, the next time, it almost sounded like she was playing a catch me if you can type of game, the next time yet another way to place blame on somebody to waste time and implicate an innocent soul knowing full well that would not pan out, but it would cause great grief to the one being blamed. FCA has never had to atone for anything bad she has ever done, not to her mother. There was always an excuse, there was always some way around whatever FCA had done to shield her from big trouble, there was always interference being run and it kept up during trial BUT the day Caylee died, and a whole month of wait and see, IDK, but there were underlying threats being made during those 911 calls, the threat of calling the car in as stolen on 6/30-maybe that's the real reason why it was dumped-FCA being afraid of being arrested for GTA. I just wonder that since it's all pretty much over, why the heck can't somebody in that family just step up to the plate and tell the real story of what really happened in the days, weeks prior to 6/15? Are they so afraid their perfect life will get dirt on it? Sorry, but that has already happened, many times over. Tell the truth for once and shame that old devil.

I think I'm lost. Is this the "Did Casey Act Alone" thread or just another A bashing thread?
I think I'm lost. Is this the "Did Casey Act Alone" thread or just another A bashing thread?

Same thread, different day :)
But, my take on the question is:

Obvious statements

The sun rises in the east.

Many turkeys are killed around or near Thanksgiving

If one stopped drinking, one would be less drunk.

Water is wet

Japanese people are not Mexican.

You shouldn't drink lacquer thinner; it is not a beverage.

Every time I breathe, air goes into my lungs.

Professional Chefs know how to cook.

A transit strike will inconvenience a lot of people.

Money doesn't grow on trees.

Dead people require less oxygen than living ones.

Homeless people don't pay rent.

Family trees don't grow in backyards.

Potatoes have eyes but they can't see you.
When Tracy was at the A house "babysitting" FCA, she was witness to a fight between GA and FCA...FCA said.." I'm the only one who knows what happened".

Nothing against your post MsMacGyver. I'm just wondering, being that FCA was proven in the court of law to have lied in every instance, why would we expect this statement to be true? She could have had help, but if she admitted it, it would only have exposed her own involvement. KWIM?
Because Tracy turned out to be an OCA supporter, writing her letters and putting money in her account while she was in jail. And since OCA didn't say it to her but to someone else - I believe that is heresay. Too many alligators lurking with Tracy...

Yes Tracy was taken in by the murderess. Some people just aren't aware enough to know when they're being lied to/manipulated.
Tracy (along with the rest of her circus gang) have no credibility whatsoever. There is a tape where Tracy was bragging about FCA saying her son was cute. Tracy tried to talk her son into coming to Orlando because she could get him in to the A's house (like it was some sort of special attraction at Disney World).

She laughed through her entire deposition, worse than Lee. If the prosecution called her, the defense would have had a field day.

This was a grown woman wearing a watch on her ankle to match FCA's monitoring bracelet. She said it was FCA's idea but after hearing a little bit about Tracy, it was probably her idea. The other goon (I think his name was Rob) played some sort of silly sunglass game with FCA in the car.

The entire LP crew did nothing but disrupt and add to the circus atmosphere of the death of Caylee. There was a reason her bail was set very high. We'll never know what kind of evidence FCA got out of that house while she was out on bail. I think LP fed right into FCA's ego---someone will always bail me out even if it's a stranger.


They were all woefully unprofessional. I guess there are no education requirements in that line of work.
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