Did Casey want to get caught? (Opinion thread)

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I think she's narcisstic enough to think she's a real sociopath and can charm her way out of this still. In fact, she's the worst sociopath I've ever seen, and that is what is going to get her a needle in her arm. I think other sociopaths are insulted that she's in their category.

She also lives in a complete fantasy world where she is the center of the universe and all things happen, even God does things, because of her. She probably still believes that somehow she will get out because things always have gone her way and someone always has cleaned things up and made things so that she doesn't face consequences for her actions. She thinks she's exempt from consequences and so special she won't ever face consequences (She is a sneeze prophet of the Lord, you know *big eyeroll*).

She can't fathom that she's really not the center of the universe, and couldn't take Caylee becoming that center with her family, which is why she killed her. I'm sure if she did adopt a cute, Irish accented baby *eyeroll*, she'd kill it too the second it became the center of the world and she wasn't. She believes everything revolves around her, and that gives her reason to believe she will walk - after all, if she doesn't, that means she's NOT the center of the universe and NOT special, something I don't think she will be able to handle.

So yes, there will be an RV Ministry O'Sneezes, touring through the US and in countires like Costa Rica with lots of men and women wearing cute jackets and boots, who will memorize her books on relationships because it's their gospel, and who will want her and hang on to her every sneeze for a special message from God. (Picture it, if you will. Everyone stops, holding their breath, and then she doesn't sneeze, and says, "It was a false alarm, everyone." and they sigh in relief). And this would work, in her mind, because when does something NOT work in her favor? Anything is possible to her, and that's the problem. She can't see things or doesn't want to see things that aren't possible.

She makes apparently stupid decisions because she thinks someone else or something will take care of it for her and is probably surprised when that doesn't happen. So why run? Why leave the car and not burn it? Why stick with an obviously false story? In her way of thinking, everyone would just believe her or clean it up for her. She was basically too lazy and egotistical to think that she had to do hard work to get way with this crime, or that she wouldn't get away with this crime because she's never had to work hard to get away with things before or hasn't NOT gotten away with things before. Why would that change with a murder?

And it doesn't help to have people like Baez around, reassuring her that everything will be okay and she will someday walk out of that prison. Or her parents, doing illegal things and ruining people's lives just for her. I'm really hoping that CM has hit them both with a big dose of reality. Casey isn't going anywhere no matter what she or Baez or any other person does. Too many bridges have been burned, and too many wrongs have been made in efforts to free her.

Sadly, had she had legal minded, not shady people and family on her side, she might not be where she is right now, or might not be facing a needle or LWOP. By aligning with people that for some unfathomable reason seek to keep her on a pedestal and free her at all costs, her grave is dug so deep none of them, including her, will ever get out of it. She never wanted to be caught, she just never ever EVER thought that she could possibly ever be caught and made to face consequences.
Excellant post, and all good points!! While everything you said it perfectly valid, I would like to post some counterpoints, if only for the sake of discussion.

1. Why did Casey not claim it was an accident? She could have possibly have gotten man-slaughter at most or wrongful disposal of a corpse. Why did she make up this elaborate ZFG kidnapping bit? If it were for attention she would have gotten more attention from the I lost my child do to an accident and freaked out.

IMO, she got herself caught up in that ZFG story early on & couldn't get herself out of it. In fact, if this is premeditated, she may have been planning her imaginary scapegoat from early on, casually mentioning "zanny" to friends & family. Whatever the case, I think she got locked into the lie and couldn't change it for fear of how it would make her LOOK. To confess an accidental death would make her look like something much less than "Mother of the Year."

2. Why did Casey not run? She stole money from Amy, CA, GA, even the piggy bank, I'm sure she had other ways of getting money, so why did she stay around? Did she seriously not think that at some point in time she would have to produce Caylee?

I think she lives in her own universe, and is just self-centered enought to really believe she was beyond consequences. I think it's a fear of the unknown too. She's lived in this area pretty much her whole life.

3. Why did she abandon the car? She had to have known that Amscot would have eventually had it towed, and the smell in the car would have been noticed, especially if that was her reason for abandoning it in the first place.

I VERY FIRMLY BELIEVE, and have for some time now, that she 100% believed her car would get stolen. Obviously she couldn't keep driviing it! All her efforts had failed to remove the smell of her dead daughter. She thought that leaving it at an Amscot, especially with her purse inside, would insure it's theft & provide a criminal to pin the (murder) crime on.

4. Why is she sticking with a obviously unqualified Attorney when she is facing the death penalty? She has to see what is going on, yet she seems okay with it all regardless of what anyone has told her and I'm sure she has read about his incompetency of this case.

First of all, she has a crush on him. He's kept her isolated as well, or at least he did in the early months. No, she can't really have read about his "incompetency" because she has no real access to such news. Definately no chance to browse Websleuths!!

One small comment about the last paragraph- we know she has access to the Internet courtesy of Baez-she mentions downloading items in her letters, and we know she has watched the NG show- again courtesy of Baez- I'm sure she is aware of comments about him by now, and certainly while she was out on Bail her parents voiced their objections.
I don't think that KC even have enough forethought to think about getting caught. She lives one moment to the next. Sorta like Scarlet O'Hara. If she did, it would be logical and she hasn't a logical thought in her head. Poor Caylee she never had much of a chance. The only chance she had was with two loving grandparents and KC took that away from Caylee. IMO

Also, I don't think that she wanted her car to be stolen either. I agree that she left it at Amscot and planned on getting it back after TL left. She told AL that her dad was taking care of the car. She didn't want anyone to smell the death in her car. I also think that she thought the smell would fade away with time. She went back to get it with Amy's gas can when it would have been easier to have Amy go with her before she went to work. That escapes all logic. She was with her all day until Amy went to work. IMO

I haven't a clue what she thought would happen when she would eventually have to produce Caylee...this too escapes logic. IMO
a very good idea for a thread, butterfly.

I remember when KC said to LA "Maybe it is time" (or similar words). LA indicated that she said it twice while he was trying to get her to come clean right before the police showed up at the Anthony house the first time. To me...that was a clear indicator that yes..she was waiting for "resolution"...and that she wanted to get caught.

I am struck by the volume of people who will not entertain for a few moments that KC is "certifiable". OF COURSE she is nuts! She is the most interesting nut case on the planet, but a nut case nonetheless ...cue the next 10 posters and Greta v who will tell me that she can't do an insanity thing because she knew right from wrong (by trying to cover up the death).

KC is a person who did not graduate from HS, has never lived outside of her parents house, (has not lived on her own at all)...someone who was dependent on her friends in an unhealthy way..she seemed incapable of making any kind of move on her own. ...so I vote YES she wanted to get caught. She's pretty happy in jail. She told someone months before all this happened that she wanted to be "committed"--WELL. she got committed.

Another interesting thing you made me think of is, even though yes, she was caught and has been in jail, she's still getting away with it in a way. She wasn't just thrown in jail like a common criminal - she was bailed out for 50k, got house arrest, private body guards, (attention), media camped out in front of the house, etc - then she goes back to jail and gets more special treatment - a team of expensive lawyers and experts visiting her, special treatment from the guards and some new BFF's.

I can't imagine being in jail is fun for her, but she's still getting special treatment and thriving in her own limited way. Plus, for one of the first times in her life, something 'real' has happened and she's living it.
What would KC be downloading to? She has no access to a computer herself. I don't think JB carries a printer around with him????
3. Why did she abandon the car? She had to have known that Amscot would have eventually had it towed, and the smell in the car would have been noticed, especially if that was her reason for abandoning it in the first place.

I VERY FIRMLY BELIEVE, and have for some time now, that she 100% believed her car would get stolen. Obviously she couldn't keep driviing it! All her efforts had failed to remove the smell of her dead daughter. She thought that leaving it at an Amscot, especially with her purse inside, would insure it's theft & provide a criminal to pin the (murder) crime on.

Did Casey leave her key in the ignition? Or were there car keys in the purse she left on the seat?

I've always suspected the same...that she left the car in front of Amscot so that it would be stolen and she could pin the murder on someone else. But then I think, Tony picked her up and Caylee of course wasn't with her or left in the car....so I don't know how she was going to rationalize the stolen car with the death of her daughter.

I've always suspected the same...that she left the car in front of Amscot so that it would be stolen and she could pin the murder on someone else. But then I think, Tony picked her up and Caylee of course wasn't with her or left in the car....so I don't know how she was going to rationalize the stolen car with the death of her daughter.


I could think the same way she would have to explain the checks to AMY.....deny, deny, deny. JMO
I know its ignorant to try and climb inside the head of an apparent sociopath however I am curious as to what Casey was thinking.

1. Why did Casey not claim it was an accident? She could have possibly have gotten man-slaughter at most or wrongful disposal of a corpse. Why did she make up this elaborate ZFG kidnapping bit? If it were for attention she would have gotten more attention from the I lost my child do to an accident and freaked out. ITA - which is why it may not have been an accident.

2. Why did Casey not run? She stole money from Amy, CA, GA, even the piggy bank, I'm sure she had other ways of getting money, so why did she stay around? Did she seriously not think that at some point in time she would have to produce Caylee? I think she may have intended to do so but CA inserted herself sooner than expected. There are indications that she was planning on going to California. I think she believed she could bluff everyone indefinately from another state.

3. Why did she abandon the car? She had to have known that Amscot would have eventually had it towed, and the smell in the car would have been noticed, especially if that was her reason for abandoning it in the first place. Abandoning the car would give a 3rd person an opportunity to break into it, or steal it, KC could claim carjacking or at least prove she was not in control of the car and that SODDI...

4. Why is she sticking with a obviously unqualified Attorney when she is facing the death penalty? She has to see what is going on, yet she seems okay with it all regardless of what anyone has told her and I'm sure she has read about his incompetency of this case.I believe there is an emotional attachment which may be mutual, but definately KC crushes on JB's associate atty and has an inappropriately close relationship with JB. She is blinded by "love"....

It just seems to me that Casey wanted to get caught and in turn wants to be found guilty, I'm wondering what everyone's opinion is about this, why would she? Its almost like a suicide by cop type thing that is just dragging on and on.

Interesting thread! Thank you. My response to your questions are in red. I don't think KC wanted to get caught, she went to too many extremes to avoid that; however, isn't it a subsconcious act by all criminals to "want" to get caught?....
3. Why did she abandon the car? She had to have known that Amscot would have eventually had it towed, and the smell in the car would have been noticed, especially if that was her reason for abandoning it in the first place.

I VERY FIRMLY BELIEVE, and have for some time now, that she 100% believed her car would get stolen. Obviously she couldn't keep driviing it! All her efforts had failed to remove the smell of her dead daughter. She thought that leaving it at an Amscot, especially with her purse inside, would insure it's theft & provide a criminal to pin the (murder) crime on.

Did Casey leave her key in the ignition? Or were there car keys in the purse she left on the seat?

I've always suspected the same...that she left the car in front of Amscot so that it would be stolen and she could pin the murder on someone else. But then I think, Tony picked her up and Caylee of course wasn't with her or left in the car....so I don't know how she was going to rationalize the stolen car with the death of her daughter.

I do too..but appearantly, she never saw that show "bait car" lol...sorry, had to say it.

Does anybody know where the keys were? I am betting that there is some sort of forensic evidence on those keys somewhere.
I just don't think, as JP believed, that KC thought all that far ahead of where she was. She lived in the moment and lied in the moment as well. As weird as it is to think this way, how many of us have thought what we would have done differently? I did. I hope that doesn't make me a horrible person. But first off, I would have left town and disguised my appearance. She stayed in town. And was being chased down by her family. She kept coming in and out of the home. Instead of using all of that money that she stole from AH to buy a bus ticket to Mexico, she wasted it on crappy clothes at Target and food to cook for Tony. She just lived in the moment. I honestly think she thought her parents would just wake up on one morning and go, "Caylee who?" She wasn't thinking she was doing what she always did...only with obviously, IMO, much more joy. The tattoo. The partying. She was on cloud nine. CA finding her on that day must have felt like subzero for her. She was living it up until she got caught. Kind of like the whole Peter Pan thing. So in answer to the question, I don't think she thought she would get caught.

She never graduated from highschool. Her own grandparents showed up for the ceremony only to be met by her and her parents to say there was no graduation. She never completed the necessary classes to be considered a graduate. She abandoned her job at Universal when she had Caylee. She never wanted Caylee according to friends but waited until she was around 6 months pregnant to tell her parents...before it was too late to abort. She is just lazy. Her pathology suggests that she doesn't believe in actual consequences for any of her actions. Period. She does take things to the limit. But not because she is like in some James Dean car movie on the edge of a cliff type scenario...she doesn't think there will be any punishment. If I did half of what she did under my parent's roof...I wouldn't be here typing right now because I wouldn't be able to sit properly.

So no, this was not a cry for help...or to get caught...this was someone who simply didn't care that much. JMO
I just don't think, as JP believed, that KC thought all that far ahead of where she was. She lived in the moment and lied in the moment as well. As weird as it is to think this way, how many of us have thought what we would have done differently? I did. I hope that doesn't make me a horrible person. But first off, I would have left town and disguised my appearance. She stayed in town. And was being chased down by her family. She kept coming in and out of the home. Instead of using all of that money that she stole from AH to buy a bus ticket to Mexico, she wasted it on crappy clothes at Target and food to cook for Tony. She just lived in the moment. I honestly think she thought her parents would just wake up on one morning and go, "Caylee who?" She wasn't thinking she was doing what she always did...only with obviously, IMO, much more joy. The tattoo. The partying. She was on cloud nine. CA finding her on that day must have felt like subzero for her. She was living it up until she got caught. Kind of like the whole Peter Pan thing. So in answer to the question, I don't think she thought she would get caught.

She never graduated from highschool. Her own grandparents showed up for the ceremony only to be met by her and her parents to say there was no graduation. She never completed the necessary classes to be considered a graduate. She abandoned her job at Universal when she had Caylee. She never wanted Caylee according to friends but waited until she was around 6 months pregnant to tell her parents...before it was too late to abort. She is just lazy. Her pathology suggests that she doesn't believe in actual consequences for any of her actions. Period. She does take things to the limit. But not because she is like in some James Dean car movie on the edge of a cliff type scenario...she doesn't think there will be any punishment. If I did half of what she did under my parent's roof...I wouldn't be here typing right now because I wouldn't be able to sit properly.

So no, this was not a cry for help...or to get caught...this was someone who simply didn't care that much. JMO

Even the dumping of the body supports that. Just around the corner from the home, nothing elaborate but a little heart sticker to make the situation look prettier.
Even the dumping of the body supports that. Just around the corner from the home, nothing elaborate but a little heart sticker to make the situation look prettier.

The heart sticker is what makes it all the more disturbing...it was like KC was saying (if true) "Bored with you now. Bye Bye. I "heart" you forever but you were too inconvenient for me. Later. It's been fun." Which wow. I just don't get it. On some level. I just don't. I do believe that George knows a heck of a lot more than he is saying. I just do. JMO. Excellent observation btw.
I know its ignorant to try and climb inside the head of an apparent sociopath however I am curious as to what Casey was thinking.

1. Why did Casey not claim it was an accident? She could have possibly have gotten man-slaughter at most or wrongful disposal of a corpse. Why did she make up this elaborate ZFG kidnapping bit? If it were for attention she would have gotten more attention from the I lost my child do to an accident and freaked out.
I don't think she ever considered that she may have gotten a lesser charge because she had already disposed of the body so that thought probably never occurred to her. Not sure why she didn't call 911 and claim an accident after it happened unless there was too much evidence to prove otherwise.[/COLOR]

2. Why did Casey not run? She stole money from Amy, CA, GA, even the piggy bank, I'm sure she had other ways of getting money, so why did she stay around? Did she seriously not think that at some point in time she would have to produce Caylee?

I have often wondered this too. Early on, we heard about her talking to some marine in california and I always wondered why she didn't take off out there and just not contact CA and GA ever again. If not him, then I think maybe she thought she could move to NY with Tony and she could just say she was leaving caylee with her parents. Afterall, nobody ever checked out any of her stories before, why would they bother to call her out now?

3. Why did she abandon the car? She had to have known that Amscot would have eventually had it towed, and the smell in the car would have been noticed, especially if that was her reason for abandoning it in the first place.

I think she abandaoned the car hoping it would get stolen and she could put the blame on the person that stole the car. I don't believe she ever thought of a Plan B and the car being towed and traced back to her.

4. Why is she sticking with a obviously unqualified Attorney when she is facing the death penalty? She has to see what is going on, yet she seems okay with it all regardless of what anyone has told her and I'm sure she has read about his incompetency of this case.

I think she believes whatever he tells her. Regardless of his incompetence that we all see, he is her only contact now and even when she was out on bond, they were in constant contact and attorneys have a way of spinning things to make you see it their way. That's what they get paid to do. So she probably thinks everybody else is stupid for not believing in him because afterall they are not attrorneys and he is telling her she will go home soon.

It just seems to me that Casey wanted to get caught and in turn wants to be found guilty, I'm wondering what everyone's opinion is about this, why would she? Its almost like a suicide by cop type thing that is just dragging on and on.

I don't think she wanted to get caught. Otherwise, she would have come clean when she was first taken in for questioning and certainly by now. I think the little walk down the hall of her imaginary job proves that she has never had to own up to anything a day in her life. She never thought about actually getting caught and she also thought she was smarter than everybody else. Afterall, she had pulled some good ones on CA and GA and her friends. When the zanny story blew up in her face, she just kept adding details and changing details to confuse people and send them on wild goose chases. It had always worked before. In fact, it was still working to a certain degree. Remember the video where CA asks her if she is protecting the family? Then GA tells the media that they know who has Caylee and the people are being watched. That tells me that they were once again going along with whatever she said, making things fit into their own neat little puzzle. And this is how she had been treated her whole life and now here we are.
I don't think that KC even have enough forethought to think about getting caught. She lives one moment to the next. Sorta like Scarlet O'Hara. If she did, it would be logical and she hasn't a logical thought in her head. Poor Caylee she never had much of a chance. The only chance she had was with two loving grandparents and KC took that away from Caylee. IMO

Also, I don't think that she wanted her car to be stolen either. I agree that she left it at Amscot and planned on getting it back after TL left. She told AL that her dad was taking care of the car. She didn't want anyone to smell the death in her car. I also think that she thought the smell would fade away with time. She went back to get it with Amy's gas can when it would have been easier to have Amy go with her before she went to work. That escapes all logic. She was with her all day until Amy went to work. IMO

I haven't a clue what she thought would happen when she would eventually have to produce Caylee...this too escapes logic. IMO

ITA. IMO, this irrational and illogical behavior is a pattern with her. It goes back at least to her pregnancy. Going by the photo of her at her uncle's wedding, she was making no attempt to hide her stomach, aka conceal the pregnancy. No, she just lies and claims she has female problems, and can't be pregnant because she has never had sex. Okay. It's like she had no comprehension whatsoever a baby was going to actually come out of her body at some point. Even if she planned on getting rid of the baby at birth, what about explaining the loss of her belly? Was she going to say she was extremely gassy but was all better now?
We have heard so many lies from her going way back before anything ever happened to Caylee, and one thing they all have in common is they are not good lies at all.
One of my fav's was the falsifying of the deposit, and when that was discovered, claiming she was robbed at gunpoint, to an ex-cop, no less, and somehow getting to slide on it. It just blows my mind.
How about when she lied about working at Sport Authority? GA checked it out and found out she didn't. She still lied and said they had to be wrong. Then Cindy get mad at GA for checking on her and said she would handle it. I think KC believes her own lies...it mind blowing. IMO

I've always suspected the same...that she left the car in front of Amscot so that it would be stolen and she could pin the murder on someone else. But then I think, Tony picked her up and Caylee of course wasn't with her or left in the car....so I don't know how she was going to rationalize the stolen car with the death of her daughter.

As others have mentioned, I think she lived for the moment and didn't plan, so there was no need for her to rationalize - everything always fell into place for her in the past and her parents covered for her and made everything alright. I think we give KC far too much credit to think that she worried about rationalizing things later. It's taken a while for me to get past the realization that she doesn't think like a "normal" person.
I don't think Casey wanted to get caught at all. I believe she was incapable of forming any workable, realistic plans to prevent the discovery of her murder.

As an example, take a look at some of her most recent plans that she shared with Robyn (word for word, spellos and all):

“We’ve got plenty of options. I absolutely love your RV idea. We could have the RV Ministry, coming to a city near you! We’ll bank on the book, travel lots, set-up shop in a fine city in ye ole’ US of A, maybe settle a sports bar and definitely a crafty artsy fartsy place. Sold! Talk about stickers and crafts, I’ve been making stuff 4ever!
“How about we write a cookbook via different dishes savored while driving the nation. That would make eating like piggys so worth it. Silver ware, salt shaker and ice – Lord bless us! What a day that will be! I’ll have the camera to document to occasion.
“Let’s make a deal – We get pregnant together – If it’s really possible to plan it.
“I am going to use this experience to help others, especially Missing and Exploited Children.
“I’m going to find my daughter and move out of here asap! I’ve looked into south Florida, which is a definite possibility, but I’m thinking out of state too. . . but I owe it to myself, and my girl, to move on, and make a fresh start. My mom wants to come with, so I’m extremely happy about that.
“I’m looking into the appeals process and I’ll make sure to update you with every minor detail as I go along. I really can picture myself persuing law after all of this. Funny, huh? . . . I’ve always wanted to write children’s books. I guess one can do both . . Who knows?
“Jose and Mike go way back – they both practiced in Miami before Jose moved up here. That’s where we’re hoping to have my trial, for numerous reasons – very little media exposure, lots of additional media resources, including the Walsh’s, and of course, sun and sand.
“And as far as us being “partners in legal crime”, I’m not sure where I was going with it, but I’m glad you enjoyed it! That could be one of our bumper stickers! RV pricing will be fun. It will be custom designed, all colorful and creative. I wonder what will happen when you put two photographers/artists together in one RV? We’ll know soon enough!
“As far as my plans for when I leave besides trying to entertain your behind until I get to drag you out of wherever, I’m not sure. I’ll start getting things together for our RV trips and such.
“By the way, we’re getting tattoos. Not like in Dude Where’s My Car, but something to that effect.
“I always wanted to adopt a baby or child from another country – Is it selfish to want one from Ireland? Accent and all?”

See? She isn't capable of planning for realistic goals because she doesn't live in reality. :crazy:
a very good idea for a thread, butterfly.

I remember when KC said to LA "Maybe it is time" (or similar words). LA indicated that she said it twice while he was trying to get her to come clean right before the police showed up at the Anthony house the first time. To me...that was a clear indicator that yes..she was waiting for "resolution"...and that she wanted to get caught.

I am struck by the volume of people who will not entertain for a few moments that KC is "certifiable". OF COURSE she is nuts! She is the most interesting nut case on the planet, but a nut case nonetheless ...cue the next 10 posters and Greta v who will tell me that she can't do an insanity thing because she knew right from wrong (by trying to cover up the death).

KC is a person who did not graduate from HS, has never lived outside of her parents house, (has not lived on her own at all)...someone who was dependent on her friends in an unhealthy way..she seemed incapable of making any kind of move on her own. ...so I vote YES she wanted to get caught. She's pretty happy in jail. She told someone months before all this happened that she wanted to be "committed"--WELL. she got committed.

She couldn't even order from the commisary before consulting RA about what she gets....I thought that was just perfect.

She never graduated from highschool. Her own grandparents showed up for the ceremony only to be met by her and her parents to say there was no graduation. She never completed the necessary classes to be considered a graduate. She abandoned her job at Universal when she had Caylee. She never wanted Caylee according to friends but waited until she was around 6 months pregnant to tell her parents...before it was too late to abort. She is just lazy. Her pathology suggests that she doesn't believe in actual consequences for any of her actions. Period. She does take things to the limit. But not because she is like in some James Dean car movie on the edge of a cliff type scenario...she doesn't think there will be any punishment. If I did half of what she did under my parent's roof...I wouldn't be here typing right now because I wouldn't be able to sit properly.

So no, this was not a cry for help...or to get caught...this was someone who simply didn't care that much. JMO

Respectfully snipped and BBM, I wonder if she just doesn't find it easier to let things run their course than to extend the energy to take care of them on her own. She could've stolen some money and aborted Caylee, for example, but for some reason, she didn't. She had 31 days to run like he77 or come up with something, but she didn't. I think she just lets things happen and then deflects the consequences somehow to save her own fragile ego.
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