Did Caylee Give Hints of Secrets?

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I have wondered if the "fight" on the 15th was because Caylee had spilled some secrets to Cindy during the trip to visit Grandpa and back. It could only be a matter of time until the "nanny" story was blown by Caylee.

Wasn't that the day Cindy found out from Shirley that Casey had stolen from her Grandfather's N/Home account or am I confused...?
I am thinking that if she had spent any time in a trunk in Florida, she would not have survived. Either that, or would have suffered medically. I know a lot of people that since she was kept in the trunk deceased think that she may have been kept in the trunk alive. JMO but I just think that is not plausible.

Dr. Green stated that she was "savagely abused"...that's why I can't underestimate casey when it came to bizarreness, neglect, or intentional cruelty.
When my daughter was two and a half, we were going through our checkout in the supermarket, with our favorite Cashier.

The Cashier said to my daughter, who was sitting in the shopping cart, "Hi Honey, what's new with you."

The answer? "My mom just got fixed - like our cat!"

What I really wanted the whole neighborhood to know.:blushing:
Don't you guys remember when Bobby Cutts killed Jesse. Blake I think was his name, who was younger than Caylee, told them what happened to his mommy and he was correct. I do not think it was impossible for Caylee to tell some things that happened and be very accurate about all of it. You could tell she was a very smart little girl. I can see Caylee and CA having a very long talk on the way home.
She could certainly talk and relay her day. Check out Bella at three. You do have to listen closely, but you can understand the jist of what she is saying

Video Translation:

I'm name is Snow White
And these are my friends (points at her stuffed bears)
I'm gonna play music for them, and wait for me.
I know with my ....
We can't find a park for us to go on
Only find a wet park, a little park, a wet park (it was raining)
Maybe it can be for, I can't go, over there is another park.
Some days I'm Prince will come,
Do you love that song?
You don't.
I can't sing without my Prince.
Where is your prince?
My Prince he disappeared.
Where did he go?
He go to DisneyWorld
Is he coming back?
No. He's not. He's staying there playing around.
He's going on the spinning wheel.
I can't see him to save me anymore (hand to her heart)
I can't (single note on the piano)
I can't sing it.
Bella you don't need a Prince to sing the song.
I need too. The Prince will dance and I can't dance with him.
You can dance with me.
That's a good idea. I can sing and you can dance!
hee hee

Here she is at two! She understands fully what she is saying, she answers questions. IMO it is very possible Caylee could have too.
[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNLiLBUMHp8[/ame] 2 year old Bella can't wait for dinner. She is hungry! At the end she is excited because pop says dinner is ready. Yay for barbeque!

She is two years old in this video as well. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOZkcBcWR8o[/ame]

I recall George saying that when mom and pop would ask Caylee about seeing Zanny that day she just gave a blank stare, this was the opposite of how she would speak of Uncle Lee and Aunt Malrey ( trying to say Mallory). I think she talked , a lot. Like Caylee Bella loves to sing. Cindy claimed in the civil depo that Caylee talked about Zanny's new puppy a lot. Here she is talking ( reading her story ) [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZGs3XrGBNQ[/ame]

Caylee is listening very intently to Great Grandfather, she is a little tired it seems, but she understands and responds to Cindy's requests.
She was 2. No, she didn't have the ability to communicate anything reliable. Anything she said/did could be interpreted any number of ways. Are you guys serious?

Hi Horace :)

Wasn't she closer to 3? I'm tired and can't remember for sure. I don't believe Caylee understood that she was telling secrets, but I think she babbled as some kids will do. Caylee was said to probably be above the intelligence for her age.
Caylee lived with three people who couldn't be bothered to get up and make her breakfast. What makes you think - if she was spilling secrets - that anyone was listening?

I think CA was all ears. JMO
ITA. I was highly verbal as a child, to the point of ordering a complete breakfast in a restaurant at 11 mos, i.e., "I want eggy, toast, cereal, juice . . ." according to my mom. And my daughter was as well. At almost 3, she could carry on a complete conversation with any adult, and the only thing at all unclear was her "R's." If I or anyone else had ever done anything the least bit shady with her, we would definitely have been busted by her to "Gwandma."

Exactly. I was talking full sentences before I was a year old, just like you. I believe Caylee was too .
Here is another three year old, and yes, Caylee was only two months shy of her third birthday, on June 15th.

She could certainly talk and relay her day. Check out Bella at three. You do have to listen closely, but you can understand the jist of what she is saying

Video Translation:

I'm name is Snow White
And these are my friends (points at her stuffed bears)
I'm gonna play music for them, and wait for me.
I know with my ....
We can't find a park for us to go on
Only find a wet park, a little park, a wet park (it was raining)
Maybe it can be for, I can't go, over there is another park.
Some days I'm Prince will come,
Do you love that song?
You don't.
I can't sing without my Prince.
Where is your prince?
My Prince he disappeared.
Where did he go?
He go to DisneyWorld
Is he coming back?
No. He's not. He's staying there playing around.
He's going on the spinning wheel.
I can't see him to save me anymore (hand to her heart)
I can't (single note on the piano)
I can't sing it.
Bella you don't need a Prince to sing the song.
I need too. The Prince will dance and I can't dance with him.
You can dance with me.
That's a good idea. I can sing and you can dance!
hee hee

Here she is at two! She understands fully what she is saying, she answers questions. IMO it is very possible Caylee could have too.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNLiLBUMHp8 2 year old Bella can't wait for dinner. She is hungry! At the end she is excited because pop says dinner is ready. Yay for barbeque!

She is two years old in this video as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOZkcBcWR8o

I recall George saying that when mom and pop would ask Caylee about seeing Zanny that day she just gave a blank stare, this was the opposite of how she would speak of Uncle Lee and Aunt Malrey ( trying to say Mallory). I think she talked , a lot. Like Caylee Bella loves to sing. Cindy claimed in the civil depo that Caylee talked about Zanny's new puppy a lot. Here she is talking ( reading her story ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZGs3XrGBNQ

Caylee is listening very intently to Great Grandfather, she is a little tired it seems, but she understands and responds to Cindy's requests.

Yes we can understand...but that doesn't mean she was saying anything true or relevant. Animals can be seen to communicate, but it doesn't mean they are intentionally, meaningfully communicating...Come on folks.
Sorry - nearly 3 year olds can certainly intentionally, meaningfully communicate. In particular, girls language development is often ahead of boys, and I have no doubt Caylee could have answered questions like "what did you do today" "who were you with today" and so on.
Yes we can understand...but that doesn't mean she was saying anything true or relevant. Animals can be seen to communicate, but it doesn't mean they are intentionally, meaningfully communicating...Come on folks.

Hi Horace! I have the experience of being around a lot of three year olds in a Sunday School I teach, I can assure you they intelligently and meaningfully communicate. Sometimes. I was showing the videos to illustrate a few examples of the nature of the intelligence level of two and three year olds. Little Bella was retelling her version of a Snow White story, she was explaining why she wanted to snack before dinner, she was clever enough to know that pop wouldn't like the idea and so she had to hide what she was doing, she can sing full songs, identify words on flash cards, sing her ABC's, etc. You would be amazed at all that a two and three year old can do, and more importantly, understand.
Caylee may be less advanced socially, only due to what appears to have been a life in quite a little bubble. Out of all the videos and photos the Anthonys had of her, I never saw her with little friends or playing with other kids at the park, or anywhere for that matter outside of the home and back yard of the Anthonys. We read to our kids in my family, every night, without fail and by three they are excited to pick out new books. They certainly are able to tell what they did that day. Some of it may be all of their imagination, but some of it is a true account. If she ever said she sleeps in the car or that she was with mommy all day, that would be easier to believe than if she said we went to the North Pole to see Santa.

Caylee surely would have been able to say things like I didn't go anywhere CeCe , I stayed with mommy here all day. It is of course certain that at her age her imagination runs wild, but also very possible that she said things that were a red flag to mom and pop. Mommy and me had a jammie party in Mommy's car would do it.

Horace, I have no idea what you are saying about the little buddy. He is just telling the truth, he probably feels like he doesn't like his mom when she is saying pick up your toys, lights out son, etc. I think everyone takes him for adorable, smart and honest. He certainly is communicating what he intends, keep the cookies coming. There have been entire shows about this, children telling the spontaneous truth and how funny it is. Have you ever seen that old show Kids Say The Darndest Things? [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFXti_KRcLw[/ame] ( I know these kids are not two, I just wanted to share a laugh with you friend.)

When one of my nieces was only two she blurted out, "Didn't you say that my dad was giving you a headache?" They talk alright, and they know what they are saying. They listen even when you think they are busy playing, etc. LOL!!!
Hi Horace! I have the experience of being around a lot of three year olds in a Sunday School I teach, I can assure you they intelligently and meaningfully communicate. I was showing the videos to illustrate a few examples of the nature of the intelligence level of two and three year olds. Little Bella was retelling her version of a Snow White story, she was explaining why she wanted to snack before dinner, she was clever enough to know that pop wouldn't like the idea and so she had to hide what she was doing, she can sing full songs, identify words on flash cards, sing her ABC's, etc. You would be amazed at all that a two and three year old can do, and more importantly, understand.
Caylee may be less advanced socially, only due to what appears to have been a life in quite a little bubble. Out of all the videos and photos the Anthonys had of her, I never saw her with little friends or playing with other kids at the park, or anywhere for that matter outside of the home and back yard of the Anthonys. We read to our kids in my family, every night, without fail and by three they are excited to pick out new books. They certainly are able to tell what they did that day. Some of it may be all of their imagination, but some of it is a true account. If she ever said she sleeps in the car or that she was with mommy all day, that would be easier to believe than if she said we went to the North Pole to see Santa.

Caylee surely would have been able to say things like I didn't go anywhere CeCe , I stayed with mommy here all day. It is of course certain that at her age her imagination runs wild, but also very possible that she said things that were a red flag to mom and pop. Mommy and me had a jammie party in Mommy's car would do it.

I don't think so - Caylee was nowhere near the level of that disgusting little boy who was "cutely" claiming he didn't like his mom. She was just not at that level. It makes no sense to think that she was. And yes you read to your kids, you pay attention to them. The Anthony family did not value Caylee for anything other than a photo op or a status boost on a dating website. Any evidence to the contrary is welcome.
I see what you are saying now. I agree with you one hundred percent that certainly no time while she was with Casey was spent on learning, she took her to partys for God's sake. She had likely never seen the inside of a library.

It does seem that she was thought of as some sort of doll rather than a child.
I am with you on that, as far as parenting and instruction go...it seems the TV did most of that. By comparison to how we all are, it just is so sad. She deserved so much more.

I am no authority on childhood development and I agree with you that I do not know the stage Caylee Anthony was at, I have an idea where she should have been, but the only time we hear her speaking is in that brief exchange at the nursing home. You could be entirely correct and I could be as the Fonz used to say on Happy Days wwwwwrrrrrrr, not exactly right. Goodnight friend.

thank you :) What do you mean by "how we all are"?
Caylee lived with three people who couldn't be bothered to get up and make her breakfast. What makes you think - if she was spilling secrets - that anyone was listening?

Please don't laugh, but my son is 13 and I still get up and feed him, make him lunch for school and do his laundry -- oh, and make his bed. That's the way I was raised and it just seems second nature. He does to the outside chores though (trash, cat poop, the like).

I can't imagine a parent (or grandparent) not getting up and feeding Caylee a healthy breakfast - shame on them.


Here is another three year old, and yes, Caylee was only two months shy of her third birthday, on June 15th.


Oh that was silly. I didn't see what was on the plate, but no doubt there were probably some horrible vile vegetables on there :)

My son said the same thing whenever he didn't want to do something "I don't like you mommy, I want daddy". Trust me, he's treated like a king. Even now he stomps and roars when I ask him to do stuff for me. When my ankle was broken you would have thought I was the devil himself!

But boy, give him time on the X box, it's all cuddles and love.

Kids are just that way!


Caylee was a smart little girl it seemed. her compassion in asking great-grandpa if hes tired, her singing songs. It appeared she was verbal and had much personality. I find it hard to believe she may not have mentioned some hints unaware they were secrets. how could she not have said - mommy and me went to store? mommy and i went here , there. mommy made me cry today. i want to come home to" grandma" cindy and jo-jo. little hints maybe something was not exactly as casey said her day was. cindy does not seem type to not interact with caylee and ask her questions. yes, she was only 2 but kids say the darnest things they say. wonder if caylee ever said mommy said not to tell you this or that. secrets, hints, or not at all? did something ever raise an eyebrow to family and have them wonder what did she just say????we may never know cause they will not say it . out of the mouths of babes?

ITA---I have alway thought the ride home from visiting her great grandparents was a tad interesting--I think that coupled with all money and such.....wowzie!!!! :innocent:
ITA. I was highly verbal as a child, to the point of ordering a complete breakfast in a restaurant at 11 mos, i.e., "I want eggy, toast, cereal, juice . . ." according to my mom. And my daughter was as well. At almost 3, she could carry on a complete conversation with any adult, and the only thing at all unclear was her "R's." If I or anyone else had ever done anything the least bit shady with her, we would definitely have been busted by her to "Gwandma."

I have to agree as well. My daughter could, at 2 years, recite the entire pledge of allegiance and clearly pronounce words like allegiance, republic, indevisible, and liberty. My boys, not so much. Of course, I did talk to her all the time and didn't use a lot of baby talk. If she would ask for wawa, baba, cookcook, etc., we would have her say the correct word first.

Don't girls usually develop verbal skills earlier than boys?
I'm sorry but I have to disagree. Caylee was two months short of being three years old. At that age, language can be quite developed - at elast enough to have a conversation with direct questions -ie did you see Zanny today, what did you do today and so on. My nearly 20 month old grandaughter is doing more than "repeating a word here or there" she repeats everything, and yes often its not understandable, but in 12 months time I can see she will be very understandable.

She may not be able to be overly informative BUT....she would be able to open doors to further investigate...I don't buy that CA never checked up on the lies she was told...she seems like the mom that would look & see what was about---this innocent & naive isn't her---snoop and search is...I think GA may have been a police officer at one point but CA took over in that house...she is to much of a control freak to let somethings go, especially when others are showing hints of things out of place in ICA house of lies.
When my niece was two she told about an argument my sister and brother in law had had....she just walked up to me and informed me of all the details her little self could, she even told me what each party had said to the other, and did little actions. We all thought it was very cute, that we had a little informant in her, and my sister was stunned when I said to her 'So....had a little argument last night hey', and had plenty of accurate details.

So I agree with everyone here who thinks that Caylee could have 'told on' her mother, two year olds are quite capable of telling family members what is going on in their little lives.

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