Did Caylee Give Hints of Secrets?

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I think Caylee was old enough to start making some kind of sense when she talked, especially to Grandma/Grandpa, even if to non-family members it might have sounded like baby talk (the same way my sis has to translate for my almost-3 niece sometimes but wow she sure is expressing some very well formed views, once your ears are tuned in!). If Caylee spent most of her life around "grown-ups," either her grandma and grandpa or among KC's friends, she could have soaked up a lot of language fundamentals just from that exposure. In each of the videos I've seen of her, she communicates verbally with the person holding the camera; sometimes almost desperately when that person does not respond.

I suspect Caylee and CA spent enough time together, and CA had previous experience from raising children, that they could communicate quite well together. I don't think Caylee "told on" KC purposely and I suspect CA heard what she wanted to hear in Caylee's talk and acted upon it... but Caylee was heard by at least one person in that household, IMO.

:cow: as ever and thanks littlemisslegal for the thread!

I agree with all you have said and would like to add my :twocents:.
Caylee was almost 3 yrs old, so IMO yes due to her being around mostly adults this could of helped her soak up a lot of language fundamentals just from that exposure. I have a nephew that at the age of 2 1/2 yrs had the mentality of a 4 yr old as well as the vocabulary. He started reading at 3 yrs. He is a smart cookie, he has great parents and that helps, but some children are just born extremely intelligent and from looking at the home videos of Caylee she seemed to be a bright little girl. IMO, she did tell Cindy, George, and others she was around about her day and things she did with mommy. Some may of ignored her then but are probably thinking back now about what was said. Who knows what we may hear in court out of some of the witness. IMO the fight on Father's Day was not so much about Casey stealing it was about something Casey was doing with Caylee. Casey had been stealing from the family for a long time and lying. IMO the fight had to be over something much larger than stealing money. But that is JMO. :cow:
Yes we can understand...but that doesn't mean she was saying anything true or relevant. Animals can be seen to communicate, but it doesn't mean they are intentionally, meaningfully communicating...Come on folks.

I have an almost two years old granddaughter and she's a first class tattler. she isn't doing it on purpose but she speaks enough and mimics enough to be a tattler.
I think Caylee gave little one or two word hints from time to time, or responded to questions with no reaction (ex: questions about Zany) but I really think that on the ride back from the nursing home Cindy asked her lots of questions and the answers or nonanswers she gave fueled Cindy's already present anger. Children who are talked to often speak quickly, especially onlys. Even though it seemed that Casey ignored her, I think George and Cindy spent enough time with Caylee for her to be talkative. I've always been of the opinion that Casey and Cindy had a major brawl that ended with Casey slamming out dragging Caylee with her. I think Casey was already furious and Caylee somehow enraged her further. The duct tape around the skull seems more like an "I'll shut your <beeeeeep> mouth once and for all" act instead of anthing else. I don't know if Caylee was crying for Cindy or George in the car that night but I do think Casey felt that Caylee was in some way responsible for the crashing of Casey's house of lies.
I see what you are saying now. I agree with you one hundred percent that certainly no time while she was with Casey was spent on learning, she took her to partys for God's sake. She had likely never seen the inside of a library.

It does seem that she was thought of as some sort of doll rather than a child.
I am with you on that, as far as parenting and instruction go...it seems the TV did most of that. By comparison to how we all are, it just is so sad. She deserved so much more.

I am no authority on childhood development and I agree with you that I do not know the stage Caylee Anthony was at, I have an idea where she should have been, but the only time we hear her speaking is in that brief exchange at the nursing home. You could be entirely correct and I could be as the Fonz used to say on Happy Days wwwwwrrrrrrr, not exactly right. Goodnight friend.


Which is why, after the novelty of being a "new" mom wore off, she had no more use for Caylee..Caylee was in her way, caused most of the problems she and her family (mother) had, at least this is how I feel ICA reached the decision to end her life as a mother..which she didn't want in the first place. Seems she was forced into being a mother when she felt she wasn't ready! JMHO

Seems Caylee was the center of attention and ICA couldn't have that! She is numero uno, she has to be the center of attention and Caylee was getting in her way, in more ways than one..I believe. ICA had been disconnected from Caylee (I'm thinking after she broke it off with JG and met these newfound friends) for a long while.

According to CA, Caylee could count to 45 in spanish...I'm not too sure about that.

I also remember GA stating, he used to ask Caylee about her day with Zani, Caylee offered only a blank stare, same with this "white" doggie...

Caylee was not a social child, not having her own playmates, not being enrolled in day care, she hung around adults. Seems they also spoke to Caylee in adult talk, not baby talk and she may have been advanced..but who are we to believe???

Caylee was 2.10 years old when she was allegedly abducted, this precious child didn't make it past that..She should be enrolled in PreK, she should be having her own playdates, sadly, this came to a screeching halt! Caylee will be long remembered after justice comes to her and her alleged killer spends the rest of her life behind bars. ICA will be long forgotten as long as this baby gets justice, who cares about the prisoner??? I surely don't! Other than wanting to see ICA squirm, I loathe her and her actions! JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I agree with all you have said and would like to add my :twocents:.
Caylee was almost 3 yrs old, so IMO yes due to her being around mostly adults this could of helped her soak up a lot of language fundamentals just from that exposure. I have a nephew that at the age of 2 1/2 yrs had the mentality of a 4 yr old as well as the vocabulary. He started reading at 3 yrs. He is a smart cookie, he has great parents and that helps, but some children are just born extremely intelligent and from looking at the home videos of Caylee she seemed to be a bright little girl. IMO, she did tell Cindy, George, and others she was around about her day and things she did with mommy. Some may of ignored her then but are probably thinking back now about what was said. Who knows what we may hear in court out of some of the witness. IMO the fight on Father's Day was not so much about Casey stealing it was about something Casey was doing with Caylee. Casey had been stealing from the family for a long time and lying. IMO the fight had to be over something much larger than stealing money. But that is JMO. :cow:

I truly believe the argument that turned physical was the reason. CA was mortified to learn ICA stole from her own grandparents, knowing they are living check to check.

Since CA adamantly claims this didn't occur, I truly believe it's the reason. I also feel when ICA stormed out of the house, dragging Caylee behind, Caylee was crying for CeCe and JoJo and that infuriated ICA more than her mother putting her hands around her neck. Again, Caylee was the cause of the turmoil she and her mom were going through. If it wasn't for the little "snot head" (oh how that hurts to type it), ICA would be free to roam and do whoever/whatever she wanted. She wouldn't have to listen to her mother's verbal abuse at what a horrible, neglectful mother she was. Caylee was in the way of her freedom, Caylee was the reason she and her mother were at odds...it's all Caylee's fault...JMHO

I do believe ICA is a malignant narcisis, so, she and only she is all that counts....JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I truly believe the argument that turned physical was the reason. CA was mortified to learn ICA stole from her own grandparents, knowing they are living check to check.

Since CA adamantly claims this didn't occur, I truly believe it's the reason. I also feel when ICA stormed out of the house, dragging Caylee behind, Caylee was crying for CeCe and JoJo and that infuriated ICA more than her mother putting her hands around her neck. Again, Caylee was the cause of the turmoil she and her mom were going through. If it wasn't for the little "snot head" (oh how that hurts to type it), ICA would be free to roam and do whoever/whatever she wanted. She wouldn't have to listen to her mother's verbal abuse at what a horrible, neglectful mother she was. Caylee was in the way of her freedom, Caylee was the reason she and her mother were at odds...it's all Caylee's fault...JMHO

I do believe ICA is a malignant narcisis, so, she and only she is all that counts....JMHO

Justice for Caylee

don't forget her words she is a "spiteful B....":loser:

ITA with your comments
I have a three year old daughter. She just turned three. She can talk very clearly and in detail. She loves to tattle on her brother. I know that kids of the same age are on different levels of speaking but from seeing videos of Caylee she seemed to talk pretty well. If Cindy was a good grandmother she would be asking Caylee how was your day? What did you do? Caylee should have been able to answer. I saw a reference to Caylee waking up in the trunk of the car. This is IMO but down here after 5-10 minutes in a hot car you would be dead. There is no way KC was keeping Caylee in the trunk on a regular basis except for when she had died and she put her in there.
To me, it is what she didn't say/do that may have aroused suspicion. If Cindy asked anything about the nanny, and all of these 'trips' (beach, parks, etc), and Caylee had no reaction, that would pretty much tell me something was up. Little kids get excited about things...even at 3. When I tell my son we are doing something, he gets excited (not quite 2 yet). If Caylee was doing all of this fun stuff all of the time and had no emotion about it (not to mention no momentos, etc), that would speak louder than any words. She doesn't have to say a word. It is how she reacts that would make me think harder...we know Cindy was already suspicious, ICA (imho HONESTLY) thought Cindy thought she was a bad mother..now why would that be? I think that is one of the most honest things she has said since this whole thing started. There are reasons why CA thought that, and I think Caylee's lack of talking about all of these supposed fun things she/Zanny were doing is key.
don't forget her words she is a "spiteful B....":loser:

ITA with your comments

and her remark to LA, maybe this should have been done a long time ago..JMHO

I can hear CA constantly telling ICA, Caylee was a mistake, Caylee was your mistake but it's the best mistake you ever made! Can you imagine being brow beaten time after time?...CA has a vicious tongue, she thinks nothing of telling you exactly how she feels and how you don't measure up to her standards...and in ICA's "spitful biatch" mode, she took that best mistake away and will have the last horrah....against her mother, how better to pay her back, to make her feel the pain ICA's felt for the past 2.10 years... CA's world seemed to revolve around her granddaughter, Caylee brought joy and sunshine back into that home...only in ICA's mind, it's the world that revolves around HER!

Justice for Caylee
I have been saying this from day one - that bank account theft was way too old to have been an issue, and what else could get CA that angry but something involving her granddaughter?

And let's remember - Cindy was probably highly curious as to where Caylee had been for the preceding week. A lot of folks think they had a fight on June 9th initially (probably because Cindy had taken off the week of her birthday, was expecting to spend time "bonding" with KC and Caylee and essentially ending up being ditched and forced to babysit most of the time). I think KC stormed out then and was spending the nights either at RM's (which he has verified for a night or two on June 10th) or other friends (perhaps AT or others). Not exactly an environment for a toddler.

A highly verbal toddler can be pumped for information using yes-no questions as well. Language skills for hearing generally precede those for speaking and Caylee probably understood far more complex sentences than she could even verbalize. I can certainly see CA asking all kinds of questions about where they were sleeping and what the arrangements were and what sorts of things Caylee might have seen people doing when she was away from home. Especially since KC had taken Caylee away from her home for the first time ever it sounds like. That probably worried CA no end, particularly since she may have been seeing the psychologist around then and was starting to think KC should be kicked out and she might need to take Caylee herself. Because she was worried about not only the legal costs but the costs of daycare I think - that whole situation would have been highly charged and full of emotion for her on that level, I'd bet.

KC was in no big hurry to come home that day either, finally pulling in around after 8:30 or so. If CA confronted her about things Caylee admitted to during her trip to Mt. Dora, that might have also infuriated KC, regardless of whether a fight ensued We have always speculated about the use of duct tape and the possibility of the meaning of a heart sticker. What better way than to show Caylee she is never going to talk again - stamped with the symbol KC gave all Caylee's photos - an icon perhaps to show ownership - Caylee belongs to KC and not CA and therefore KC is the one who decides her fate and whether she talks, not CA.

Which is why, after the novelty of being a "new" mom wore off, she had no more use for Caylee..Caylee was in her way, caused most of the problems she and her family (mother) had, at least this is how I feel ICA reached the decision to end her life as a mother..which she didn't want in the first place. Seems she was forced into being a mother when she felt she wasn't ready! JMHO

Seems Caylee was the center of attention and ICA couldn't have that! She is numero uno, she has to be the center of attention and Caylee was getting in her way, in more ways than one..I believe. ICA had been disconnected from Caylee (I'm thinking after she broke it off with JG and met these newfound friends) for a long while.

According to CA, Caylee could count to 45 in spanish...I'm not too sure about that.

I also remember GA stating, he used to ask Caylee about her day with Zani, Caylee offered only a blank stare, same with this "white" doggie...

Caylee was not a social child, not having her own playmates, not being enrolled in day care, she hung around adults. Seems they also spoke to Caylee in adult talk, not baby talk and she may have been advanced..but who are we to believe???

Caylee was 2.10 years old when she was allegedly abducted, this precious child didn't make it past that..She should be enrolled in PreK, she should be having her own playdates, sadly, this came to a screeching halt! Caylee will be long remembered after justice comes to her and her alleged killer spends the rest of her life behind bars. ICA will be long forgotten as long as this baby gets justice, who cares about the prisoner??? I surely don't! Other than wanting to see ICA squirm, I loathe her and her actions! JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Respectfully BBM.

LiveLaughLuv, I'm right there with you in your doubt..... If Caylee could actually have counted to 45 in Spanish, I believe the Ants/KC would definitely have videotaped it... and since we haven't seen one, I tend to believe it doesn't exist; therefore, by elimination ;), I believe Caylee could not do it.... Just more of Cindy's B.S. meant to impress.

I am always available to eat my words if that particular video should pop up one day. :crazy:

She was 2. No, she didn't have the ability to communicate anything reliable. Anything she said/did could be interpreted any number of ways. Are you guys serious?

I have to disagree. It depends on the child. My daughter was 100% verbal at 2 years 0 months. The doctor said how may words does she say and I said all of them. The girl talked in sentences at 1 1/2. Now my almost 2 year old nephew says about 5 words. Caylee was basically a 3 year old, not a two year old. At three my child talked all about her day, who was at daycare, who wasn't, who hit who, who pulled the fire alarm. It was never an interrogation from me; kids that age babble on and on about everything and ask questions constantly. Why this why that; why does mommy put me in the trunk....
This is not only possible but IMO probable. From my own recent experience, my 3 year old grandchild (a very late talker) 'squealed' on me - to use my daughter's words. I had been babysitting this grandchild, and after putting her to bed, inadvertently turned off the ceiling fan - thinking it was the light switch. This child knew the fan was to remain on 24/7 and was upset with me. I was very pleased to find out I had been ratted out, as it is important for small children to have the ability to speak their experiences. Especially this child, who was a delayed 'talker.'
We KNOW because we heard it on the 911 call that Cindy had threatened to try to sue her for custody. The only inference that can be drawn from that is contrary to all the mother of Mayberry comments that Cindy later made to LE , she saw her daughter as neglectful at best to Caylee and this was the last straw in a string of things Casey did regarding her daughter that Cindy did not trust or respect.

Cindy did have red flags, and I watched some of our family home videos this morning and have arrived at the conclusion that absolutely one hundred percent at two Caylee would have been able to relay things that would reflect poorly on Casey.

What was your favorite thing today, darlin?
We went swimming CeCy!
What did you have for lunch sweetheart?
Mommy made me pizza rolls CeCy.

Indeed the pizza rolls are missing from the freezer.
Translation Casey was certainly not at work. It could be as simple as that.
Then Cindy sets on her thorough investigation through Casey's room, etc for clues to what else she is lying about. I don't imagine Cindy to be the I respect my children's privacy, so I do not go in their rooms types. PS: The kids are neither brats nor disgusting. They are normal, healthy, smart and happy kids. I know you mean no malice, but even joking , kids are way off limits! Way off limits!!
cecybeans;5475951]I have been saying this from day one - that bank account theft was way too old to have been an issue, and what else could get CA that angry but something involving her granddaughter?

And let's remember - Cindy was probably highly curious as to where Caylee had been for the preceding week. A lot of folks think they had a fight on June 9th initially (probably because Cindy had taken off the week of her birthday, was expecting to spend time "bonding" with KC and Caylee and essentially ending up being ditched and forced to babysit most of the time). I think KC stormed out then and was spending the nights either at RM's (which he has verified for a night or two on June 10th) or other friends (perhaps AT or others). Not exactly an environment for a toddler.

A highly verbal toddler can be pumped for information using yes-no questions as well. Language skills for hearing generally precede those for speaking and Caylee probably understood far more complex sentences than she could even verbalize. I can certainly see CA asking all kinds of questions about where they were sleeping and what the arrangements were and what sorts of things Caylee might have seen people doing when she was away from home. Especially since KC had taken Caylee away from her home for the first time ever it sounds like. That probably worried CA no end, particularly since she may have been seeing the psychologist around then and was starting to think KC should be kicked out and she might need to take Caylee herself. Because she was worried about not only the legal costs but the costs of daycare I think - that whole situation would have been highly charged and full of emotion for her on that level, I'd bet.

KC was in no big hurry to come home that day either, finally pulling in around after 8:30 or so. If CA confronted her about things Caylee admitted to during her trip to Mt. Dora, that might have also infuriated KC, regardless of whether a fight ensued We have always speculated about the use of duct tape and the possibility of the meaning of a heart sticker. What better way than to show Caylee she is never going to talk again - stamped with the symbol KC gave all Caylee's photos - an icon perhaps to show ownership - Caylee belongs to KC and not CA and therefore KC is the one who decides her fate and whether she talks, not CA.[/

I think you hit the nail on the head. I also have always felt the fight on June 15th was not about money. It was IMO about what Casey was doing. We also have to remember that Cindy had said that Caylee had never stayed away from the home more than a couple of days if I am not mistaken. So why on earth did it take Cindy 31 days to call 911 as well? That is another question that has been bothering me since Cindy was Caylee's main care taker.
thank you :) What do you mean by "how we all are"?

I mean my family, my friends, good people, normal parents. "We" I use regarding our members; because, just from reading their writings over the last two years, and the sheer fact that they are on here spending time trying to get justice for innocent little Caylee includes many W/S friends I have come to like and respect very much.

There are things I imagine , core values , that we have in common. I trust that.

We don't google household weapons.
We don't go partying , when our child or even if our dogs are missing.
We don't steal from our elderly, ill grandfathers.
We don't refer to children in derogatory terms.
We don't accuse former fiances or fiances of our children of kidnap and likely murder of a child
We don't disparage good people who volunteer to help search
We don't lie under oath.
We don't mislead or lie to federal officers.
We don't take police detectives on long elaborate goose chases, etc.

When I said things were being done to and regarding Caylee that we would never do, I was speaking of the we in the World According to Julia:waitasec::blushing:
I have been saying this from day one - that bank account theft was way too old to have been an issue, and what else could get CA that angry but something involving her granddaughter?

And let's remember - Cindy was probably highly curious as to where Caylee had been for the preceding week. A lot of folks think they had a fight on June 9th initially (probably because Cindy had taken off the week of her birthday, was expecting to spend time "bonding" with KC and Caylee and essentially ending up being ditched and forced to babysit most of the time). I think KC stormed out then and was spending the nights either at RM's (which he has verified for a night or two on June 10th) or other friends (perhaps AT or others). Not exactly an environment for a toddler.

A highly verbal toddler can be pumped for information using yes-no questions as well. Language skills for hearing generally precede those for speaking and Caylee probably understood far more complex sentences than she could even verbalize. I can certainly see CA asking all kinds of questions about where they were sleeping and what the arrangements were and what sorts of things Caylee might have seen people doing when she was away from home. Especially since KC had taken Caylee away from her home for the first time ever it sounds like. That probably worried CA no end, particularly since she may have been seeing the psychologist around then and was starting to think KC should be kicked out and she might need to take Caylee herself. Because she was worried about not only the legal costs but the costs of daycare I think - that whole situation would have been highly charged and full of emotion for her on that level, I'd bet.

KC was in no big hurry to come home that day either, finally pulling in around after 8:30 or so. If CA confronted her about things Caylee admitted to during her trip to Mt. Dora, that might have also infuriated KC, regardless of whether a fight ensued We have always speculated about the use of duct tape and the possibility of the meaning of a heart sticker. What better way than to show Caylee she is never going to talk again - stamped with the symbol KC gave all Caylee's photos - an icon perhaps to show ownership - Caylee belongs to KC and not CA and therefore KC is the one who decides her fate and whether she talks, not CA.

:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: Did you catch in the 911 hearing Cindy said something to the effect of I am not sure if I shook her, but I sure wanted to?
I think you are spot on!!
Once again, my niece will be 3 in December. Just two days ago when we had her, I was using the hair straightener on the lowest setting to see how long her hair really is because when it is wet, it's long and when it is dry there are curls at the bottom so it looks a lot shorter. Anyhow, she told me "it's nice and warm" and asked me to "be careful".
She had a big plastic lipstick in her little pocket book and she kept saying "one more time and that's it" and rubbing it across my lips lol

She also kept calling our cat "Jester" which is the name of my sisters friends cat. She and her brother both talk about the people in their lives. I've heard the names Ni-ni (Nina), Cody, Terry, Scooby (Nina's dog) etc...
If these people existed, their names would have come up. Cindy is a sneaky one, I am sure she realized it when Caylee never knew what she was talking about or brought them up.

She told my husband to "take it easy" when he kept repeating something to tease her. She'll tell you "that's enough" when she's had enough.

She has asked me "I going for a walk, you coming with us?" asked me to go outside and play... "let me open the door" insisting on opening the doors (including flipping the little door knob locks with ease to open them so now I use the dead bolts to make sure Ms. Smartypants is safe) when I take our dogs outside.

I will have to make a video and post it in one of these topics the next time I see her. She repeats much of what she hears, it is how she learns.

It's hard for me to understand why people can't grasp the concept that a two year old little girl, nearly three would be speaking and showing their personality. At this age, they are repeating what they hear/see, pushing for more independence and very outspoken.
It's not unusual for children to be jabbering away at two years old. Children begin speaking long before the age of one. In fact, babies start learning from the time they are born. We all learned to speak by learning from others, and our learning began at birth. "Cry, they give me drink. Cry, they change my clothes. Cry, they pick me up." They respond to us by listening as we speak to them. They coo, they ah, they smile. Just because we don't understand every word they utter doesn't mean they don't know what they are trying to tell us. By their second birthday, many children, especially girls, have already been verbally holding conversations for a long time. By the third birthday, they've advanced tremendously with clearer speech and longer sentences.

Now, it's true some children are harder to understand than others, but the parents usually know what the child is saying and talking about. They've become accustomed to the child's speech pattern, the voice, the childlike manner. People who aren't around young children have more trouble understanding them. That's to be expected. There's no reason to think Caylee's family had trouble understanding her speech, her pattern, her tiny voice.

Since Caylee's videos have been mentioned, one thing which bothers me still is the solemn, soulful way she looks at the camera. She looks without smiling in too many videos, and when she attempts to make contact with the videographer, there's nothing, so she gives that solemn look and goes on with what's she doing. Always quietly with those haunting expressionless but puzzled eyes. I get the feeling she was used to being "seen but not heard", ignored often. The clip in Eidetic's sig of Caylee's coloring on the floor is a perfect example of what I mean. There's another where she was sitting on the bed, and no one interacts with her. Classic of all is the one they ended Caylee's memorial with, where she's by a window, looking at the camera, with absolutely no expression on her face. You remember that, the Caylee Anthony Memorial starring It's All About Me Cindy. The haunting look in Caylee's eyes always reminds me of someone who's never been shown real love, an empty soul in a way, not allowed to grow because love is withheld.

I think the child was used to being ignored unless it was to someone else's benefit to show her off. She seems such a lonely child in those videos. Who can forget the eerie clip of her in the highchair?
I can see how the things she says could easily be dismissed by the Anthonys. Just the other day my husband asked our 4 year old twins where they got the ice cream they had on their faces and one of them answered that Nanny (my mom) had given it to them. They hadn't seen my mother in days and I had given them chocolate eclair pops that we had bought at the grocery store. Kids that age can make up wild tales sometimes and say it as if it's true. Sometimes I wonder if their dreams don't play a part in this, not knowing that a dream isn't real.
I think you hit the nail on the head. I also have always felt the fight on June 15th was not about money. It was IMO about what Casey was doing. We also have to remember that Cindy had said that Caylee had never stayed away from the home more than a couple of days if I am not mistaken. So why on earth did it take Cindy 31 days to call 911 as well? That is another question that has been bothering me since Cindy was Caylee's main care taker.

We all heard from Tracy what happened to GA when he went into KC's room when she got out on bond. He gave her a whole night home and she never said a word, just acted like it was some kind of college homecoming. He couldn't stand it anymore, walked into her room and asked her what the hell was going on and the first thing out of her mouth was "why can't you be more of a dad and less of a cop" or something to that effect.

The fact this girl had the gall to strike out at her father when she was clearly at fault shows me she was already a master manipulator. Everyone in that house walked on eggshells, imo, to not set off KC or make her defensive. Cuz she comes out swinging.

Look at the way she acted when her mom pressed her with too many questions in jail. She screws up her face in a furious expression, threatens to walk away and says she is so "frushtrated" (ie: furious) she can't swallow. She exhibits the classic signs of various personality disorders, like borderline or others. She can flip on a dime from giggling to furious - she avoids culpability by turning the tables and making others the guilty party - she acts like things are all or nothing, you are for her or against her.

I sense she was pulling that crap the whole time she was away. Maybe on one of those phone conversations Cindy asked her why was she staying away so long. I'm sure KC could launch at will into a tirade about how CA was always taking over, held the baby first, loved her more than she loved her daughter, was interfering with Caylee's ability to bond with her own mother, yadayadayadayada ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

We have never heard this but it seems that CA was trying to press more for details about where they were and why they hadn't seen Caylee in a couple of weeks (GA mentioned he questioned her on the 24th as well). After that little fiasco in which Lee is chasing after her on the 3rd, I'm sure CA got an earful from KC herself about letting her have some "space" and "trusting her for once" and to "stop hovering". You fill in the blanks. That and her propensity for fleshing out all her lies with excruciating detail and her parents might have been stupidly hoping that, for once, it was real.

That girl doesn't need a mitigation specialist, imo. She seems to have already done a bang-up job guilt-tripping her parents and blaming them for everything she did for a long, long time, or using them as a pre-emptive strike for anything she might do. True, that little nut didn't fall far from the tree; I just think she learned from two people who are dysfunctional and she surpassed them in technique is all.

Cindy's big mistake was not realizing that all the nonsense she was hearing from KC were all just big lies or she might very well have called 911 earlier. Too bad it took the car being found to prove to her that the Jacksonville story was a crock.

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