Digital Forensic Evidence from Ricardo M UPDATED 1-24-09

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Sep 21, 2008
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they took his computer...i do know that. cannot remember where i read it. too much info stored in my brain.
Demand for Discovery and Inspection Relating to Digital Forensic Evidence Obtained From Ricardo Morales..

Any ideas? DNA?

Could be. The 1st thing that popped into my mind was photo's of him & KC doing the nasty with Caylee in the background, asleep.
Demand for Discovery and Inspection Relating to Digital Forensic Evidence Obtained From Ricardo Morales..

Any ideas? DNA?

This (digital) means the inspection of his puter & cell phone records?..I'm pretty sure they were turned over to LE months ago.
Could be. The 1st thing that popped into my mind was photo's of him & KC doing the nasty with Caylee in the background, asleep.

Or Caylee in bed with them? Ricardo told LE she often was but I doubt there's a photo or video of it..And if they actually did the nasty with her in the bed (I think they may have) they're major SICKOS!
This (digital) means the inspection of his puter & cell phone records?..I'm pretty sure they were turned over to LE months ago.

Ahhh, yes, prolly so, with the word "digital".... Somehow I didn't recall him being a prime time player, but I guess he really wouldn't have to be...
Uh, didn't he turn over his computer but IIRC it had nothing on it from like a month before they inspected it, as if it was a new computer? Also, wasn't it his phone LE couldn't get the text messages and pictures off of with their equipment? Also and I'm SURE I remember correctly that it was he who had the chloroform icon on his myspace? "Win her over with Chloroform" Or something? And wasn't that deleted the day after or the day of Casey's arrest?

The Chloroform picture for one that he deleted but was recovered

When I read that I thought photos. like maybe photos of Caylee from the past, but after reading the above posts I wonder what sick crap is going to come out.
Ahhh, yes, prolly so, with the word "digital".... Somehow I didn't recall him being a prime time player, but I guess he really wouldn't have to be...

He kinda is a prime time player because when they were dating KC would bring Caylee over a lot & she even slept over (in their bed) a few times..He told LE one night he woke up to find Caylee gone..KC said she took her home to the A's in the middle of the night..Maybe she did or maybe she put her in the trunk. :eek:
i honestly think everything found on it and on his text's has come out already...i saw a report somewhere - and it was taken not that long maybe october?

baez is just trying to thow poop at the wall to see what sticks.
IIRC, in the beginning there were questions about the PR trip and why everyone left at diff times....RM was supposedly on a trip to Boston (?) before going down to PR.
CA was running with the whole "PR connection" theory.
can someone post a working link please?
He probably has turned everything over to LE...demand for discovery would lead me to think the defense is asking to see the same materials that LE has....which is interesting....I would think it either means that they think 1) there is something in Ric's computer (whether we've seen it or not) that is especially incriminating to KC and they want to try to find a way to mitigate it at trial, 2) there is something exculpatory, (unlikely since I think the prosecution would have been required to turn it over immediately in this case) or 3) KC in some twisted way wants to try and implicate Ricardo, or implicate someone else using evidence on Ricardo's computer...

Oh to be a fly on the wall....
This could be the chloroform link. Perhaps he is the one who taught KC to use choloroform or perhaps he was her source for a while.
The Chloroform picture for one that he deleted but was recovered


I think that Baez is going to say that Casey looked up Chloroform after seeing this. :waitasec:........However, why would Casey need to know how to make it?

LOL, going crazy here! :crazy:
Uh, didn't he turn over his computer but IIRC it had nothing on it from like a month before they inspected it, as if it was a new computer? Also, wasn't it his phone LE couldn't get the text messages and pictures off of with their equipment? Also and I'm SURE I remember correctly that it was he who had the chloroform icon on his myspace? "Win her over with Chloroform" Or something? And wasn't that deleted the day after or the day of Casey's arrest?


It was still up a month later. Evidently he was not too concerned about it, but there may be evidence on his "old" computer of some emails and IMs that Casey did. Maybe she was using his computer.

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