Discussion of Audio of Casey Anthony's jail visits released

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KC says: Caylee has been so lucky to have the both of you, then she changes it to she is lucky to have you

KC says: I wished none of this would have happened

CA says to KC: when they find her you will be released and then CA tone changes and says: dont you think? KC replies: Potentially I don't know....Yuri has it set in his mind that I did something.......I found the comment odd....if it was me...I would be begging them to find Caylee and if I hadnt done anything I would of said of course mom....I didnt do anything....we Caylee comes home that would prove I didnt do anything....but KC just says Potentially I dont know??? huh?

CA says: we need to bring her home for her third birthday
KC says: I know we have a couple of weeks......huh....a couple of weeks.....I would have been crying and said....I want her home now mom!!

Very strange - of course they would release her if Caylee came home. But KC knows Caylee won't be coming home so she trips over her answer - "er potentially, I don't know..." IMO
there have been times that I've thought about submitting an old pic of my kids at that age just to see what would happen...I have twins and they would have fit...kinda like a test..:angel:


I also thought about this, as my kids look nothing like Caylee, just to see if they talk about new sighting in TX.
KC says: Caylee has been so lucky to have the both of you, then she changes it to she is lucky to have you

KC says: I wished none of this would have happened

CA says to KC: when they find her you will be released and then CA tone changes and says: dont you think? KC replies: Potentially I don't know....Yuri has it set in his mind that I did something.......I found the comment odd....if it was me...I would be begging them to find Caylee and if I hadnt done anything I would of said of course mom....I didnt do anything....we Caylee comes home that would prove I didnt do anything....but KC just says Potentially I dont know??? huh?

I know we have a couple of weeks

Has Cindy ever referred to her in the past tense? Not defending Cindy at all, but sometime I think she is nutty enough to believe some of the things she says. Casey obviously knows Caylee is dead, George from his LE tapes knows she is dead, just curious if we have ever heard Cindy refer to her in past tense. I think she may very well be mentally ill, personality disorder yes, but in my kinder moments I think she may be breaking with reality. George playing along and the PI and KFN acting like she is alive can't be healthy for her either. Or maybe her and Casey are just alike as claimed in the video.
I just thought of something else. Could it be she is referring to why she stayed away from home for a month before they found her? She is saying it would've made her sad to be in the house without Caylee?

EXACTLY!!!!! But this would mean she told her mom Caylee was gone on the 16th, am I wrong? confused? Please help me clear my thoughts up!
That night when I told mom I couldnt be in the house with out her

what night? where was GA? hmmmm
That is old news. I think she was writing the L name with her name and using different spellings while she was contemplating using it as her alias when she went to California as I think she was planning to do, but Cindy got her caught instead. I don't believe it was "practicing" her married name as you do in jr. high school as others have mentioned here.

Hmmm...interesting. I guess I missed that part. Had to break away from pouring over all the docs and focus on school, so I missed a lot. Of course I'm supposed to be writing a paper now...
COuld this be after she was bonded out and re-arrested? CA said KC couldn't sleep in her own room for about a week cause Caylee used to share the room with her. KC slept on an air mattress in G & C's room during that first week.

I also believe the night Casey is referring to was after she was bonded out and re-arrested, but I took the second part of it ''I knew I couldn't be there and see she wasn't there'' as a reply from Casey to Cindy as to why Casey couldn't come home the day Zani took Caylee (aka the day Casey murdered Caylee).

Oh, and as for Casey being unable to sleep in her own room because of all the reminders of Caylee? pish tosh! LP said JB told Casey not to sleep in her room... something about JB not wanting Casey to be alone with the female bounty hunter. He wanted Cindy to keep an eye on her or something like that. Cindy spun it to mean that Casey is so broken up about being in Caylee's room. (yeah, right)
That night when I told mom I couldnt be in the house with out her

what night? where was GA? hmmmm

THANK YOU!!!!!! Those are my thoughts exactly!!!!

AND......... GA says something along the lines of I just wish you could have come to me sooner........ um...... KC didn't come to him at all, mommy dearest had to track her down!!!????!!!!
I also thought about this, as my kids look nothing like Caylee, just to see if they talk about new sighting in TX.

I shouldn't even post this in case they haven't thought of it yet, but I keep waiting for them to release a previously unseen photo of Caylee and claim it is from a tipster with a brand new sighting. Clearly everyone said the mall photo was clearly not Caylee, but a real photo of Caylee just might confuse some of the masses.
EXACTLY!!!!! But this would mean she told her mom Caylee was gone on the 16th, am I wrong? confused? Please help me clear my thoughts up!

Unless this was a specific question they asked her after her first release from jail, such as "Casey, why didn't you come home during all of this?
kc is worried about how she looks
And we have a mom and daughter love fest. "you're a lot like me", I know, they tell me you're a spit fire...did kc say that her mother is admired?

they reflect each other....and feed off it....good grief! It is hard to tell who is who, the enmeshment is so heavy. Yep, one whacko brain sharing two bodies.

Know what's creepy to me about this interchange? It plays off like Casey is telling Cindy that she's done what Casey has always thought Cindy has tried to do: kill her daughter. "I'm just like you, Mom. Everyone says so." translates to "You tried to kill me and who can be surprised that I did it to my own child."
kc is an emotional tornado by nature...it is clear that she is being medicated to keep her from being emotional....because if she gets mad, she will spill the beans.

To crack the case they need to rile her..unfortunately she is well protected in her bubble. All this could have been resolved, if not for Baez.

I have not seen a case like this before.
Do the right thing KC,do it for your parents,they made such fools outta themselves only to protect your @ss,they deserve closure,they need a break.

God,who am I kidding :mad:
There were little swirlies and hearts drawn on that page, as well as bubble lettering of her "Casey L" name. Seemed very jr high romance to me and not at all like a new identity signature page.

Definitely sounds like practicing the name change when married....I have to say I was guilty of that when dating my husband. Of course I was an adult in all other aspects of my life, but just wanted to see what it would look like. funny thing is almost 3 years later I still haven't legally changed it....
That night when I told mom I couldnt be in the house with out her

what night? where was GA? hmmmm

I still think it's the night that Cindy went and got Casey. She didn't want to go to the house, because she couldn't face the fact Caylee wasn't there, because she had been kidnapped. George went back to work, and came home after Casey was already there.
I'm seriously going crazy....

What is casey talking about in this convo with her dad?
What night is she reffering to?

"that night when I told mom I couldn't be in the house, I new that I couldn't be there and see that she wasn't there"

1:15mins into the "i want to take your pain away" george to casey video


What is she talking about? I'm SO confused!


I was thinking this was the night Cindy picked her up ar TL (July 15) and Casey wanted to go back to his place and used this excuse.
Thats what I was thinking, which is why I started to get a little postal, but wouldn't that mean she came home on the 16th w/o Caylee, telling her mom she had to leave b/c she could stand to be there w/o her. Wouldn't that throw up a red flag for mom? Am I making any sense, cause it sure doesn't seem like it?!?!

June 16, I think Casey left a message for her mom or talked to her on the phone and told her she and Caylee were staying with Zani.

When Casey is in jail she is telling Cindy and George the REAL reason she didn't go home that night was because she couldn't face going home without Caylee. And she also says she knows she should have told them about Caylee being kidnapped sooner. <sniff, sniff, sniff>

That Casey was far from tears when videoed at Blockbuster smooching with Tony is beside the point.

Casey is crying and trying to get sympathy while she is in jail. This is Casy's way of explaining why she lied to George and Cindy for over a month and was a thief.
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