Discussion of Audio of Casey Anthony's jail visits released

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also was it me, did I dream it, or did kc really say, "I want her to come home looking just like she did when she left." (she didnt really say that did she?) I know I should go in and listen to these again but have to get emotiontally ready for this carp.
also was it me, did I dream it, or did kc really say, "I want her to come home looking just like she did when she left." (she didnt really say that did she?) I know I should go in and listen to these again but have to get emotiontally ready for this carp.

Yes, that is what she said.
Interesting to note that, after that "reward" announcement by CA and KC remark about that being half her bail in the visit of the 25th, the July 30 visit pretty much opens with KC bawling about how she wants to go home, etc. Funny that none of those genuine tears were shed for her daughter. Also funny how she's equally able to turn them off and on as she wants, noting the chuckles when she talks about JB.

Yeppers, it's all about the $$$. Duma$ (sp intended) KC seems to think that perhaps that money could be used for her bail if she repeats the lie that she can't help from in there and needs to get out and help find Caylee? She did nothing the first time.
Did you guys hear her BS about how JB is giving her the "cards" etc they sent?

Um yea. KC..thats considered contraband. He can bring single sheets of paper, a pad, etc...but not cards. I believe hes dumb enough to do it or try it...She must be reading books on how to keep your pathological lying skills up while incarcerated!!
Interesting to note that, after that "reward" announcement by CA and KC remark about that being half her bail in the visit of the 25th, the July 30 visit pretty much opens with KC bawling about how she wants to go home, etc. Funny that none of those genuine tears were shed for her daughter. Also funny how she's equally able to turn them off and on as she wants, noting the chuckles when she talks about JB.

Yeppers, it's all about the $$$. Duma$ (sp intended) KC seems to think that perhaps that money could be used for her bail if she repeats the lie that she can't help from in there and needs to get out and help find Caylee? She did nothing the first time.

I bet jb wishes that the "video visits" hadnt taken place, imo these are very damaging. (I can certainly see why there havent been any since the murder arrest)
I haven't been able to listen to all these yet only snips
But did I hear CA say to KC after KC was saying "to leave it alone for now" regarding whether someone was threatening them, did I hear CA say
"ok I trust you"
after all the lies
all the stealing
you just found out she has been lying about working for the last 2 years
your granddaugther goes missing and KC doesn't report it
and then lies about what happened
she has stolen from her parents,her daughter,her grandparents, her friends
you admit that she is a liar and a thief
but you trust her ?
no wonder why KC thinks she can just make stuff up as she goes along and everyone will just believe her
Cindy immediatly said, you don't have to work. WTH? Last time I checked u never worked in the first place. KC keeps using the words "insightful", like it's taking the death of her daughter to put on this show and how she understands the world in a new way now. She is truly a sick...sick individual.

I find it interesting the way the George stares at her with such skeptisism as she talks to her mom. I just wonder how this family feels now that they know through discovery that she has thrown even them under the bus with the incest allegations. This is one for the history books my dear friends. These people will be a case study is some psych class if they aren't already.
Respectfully snipped.
So much truth here, even 'insight.' I saw this too. The Ants are afraid to bring things to a head again. Look what happened the last time they did. They're guilty. They're also trying to play her, to convince her they're on her side and she's safe to talk to them. Unfortunately, it ain't that easy to play a player. The Creature from Adverb Lagoon 'absolutely,' 'truthfully,' completely, genuinely, totally DOES WANT OUT of jail...really badly. Me. Me. My. I. That's crystal clear. She doesn't like jail, but with the Ants as visitors, she slips back into her element. She takes control and starts the manipulation. Me. I. I am. I can. I can't. My coleslaw. I don't. I did. George confesses his sins. He should have been a better father, blah, blah. KC absolves. You are a wonderful father and were, oops, I mean are a wonderful grandfather. I absolve you of guilt. Me, me, me, me. Once I get home everthing will be better. I will be out. Cindy worries, probes for info. Casey flatters and cajoles. Oh mom, you're such a spitfire. You're doing such a great job. Don't give up hope. You have to eat. You mustn't give up. I NEED to be home. I can't do anything in here. I mustl be back home soon. So wonderful Ho-zay who fights for me can help ME better. We can be a family again, the five fingers will form a fist. It's us against the world. We can't trust anybody but each other. I can't wait to be with 'you guys!' Ho-zay is so great. He's trying to get me home too. I NEED to get home. (Just get me the freak out of here so I can get back to surfing the net, see if Ho-zay can resist my charms without nosey guards around, and....there's something else.... Oh, I know, once I get out, me, me, I can do something else too. Oh yeah, THAT LITTLE GIRL. I just feel. I just know. Me, me.)
I can see LE sitting there watching these tapes, shaking thier heads wondering what the heck they have gotten themselves into with all the BS floating around with the whole faimly......scary, head games , and its probably been going on since way before Poor Caylee was murdered.......Karate Dad needs to put his BS meter back up with the whole flippin faimly on it!!!!!!!!!!
Ya know I thought the same thing immediately as soon as I heard it. My thoughts were CA is more responsible for some of the ridiculous things that have been said re: drug deal gone bad, Caylee kidnapped for revenge etc etc.
KC didn't even have a theory made up when she was arrested since she nver expected to get caught.
Leads me to believe for sure the A's have planted all these theories, ideas etc. for her defense.
She couldn't think past the next time she would be with AL or at Fusion. That's the sole reason for her running LE all over the place, she was trying to come up with a story that might fly. Soooo she's not too bright at all, conniving, but stupid.
My DH said to me tonight, "Isn't it mostly wealthy people who have nannies?"
Uh duh, where and who did this little nobody think she was? :snooty:

I thought this also, especially after KC changed her story from dropping Caylee off at the Sawgrass Apts. TO the Blanchard park kidnapping!!

When one lie doesn't work ---- try another one

What a bunch of liars they all make!
"Do you think (alleged baby sitter Zenaida Gonzalez) is acting by herself or does she have help?" Cindy Anthony asked.

"I don't know, mom. I haven't been able to talk to anybody. I don't know," Casey Anthony said. "I'm hoping that if there's people involved, there's as many people that are dumb enough to open their mouths and say something. I want someone outside of the sheriff's department looking into these things. I want Lee to look into stuff, I want you guys to look into stuff, I want Jose (Baez, Casey Anthony's attorney) to look into stuff."


Respectfully bolded by me. This may not be anything other than a mini rant but HELLO CASEY...It's been 31 days since your child "disappeared" and you have the ba!!s to say you haven't been able to speak to anybody?? What happened to the detective work you supposedly did on your own in the beginning? When you drove around to the places Zanni might have gone w/ Caylee? You didn't have time to talk to anyone then? Yeah, cause you were too busy living it up.

UGGGGHHHHH. These people make me want to scream.
Respectfully bolded by me. This may not be anything other than a mini rant but HELLO CASEY...It's been 31 days since your child "disappeared" and you have the ba!!s to say you haven't been able to speak to anybody?? What happened to the detective work you supposedly did on your own in the beginning? When you drove around to the places Zanni might have gone w/ Caylee? You didn't have time to talk to anyone then? Yeah, cause you were too busy living it up.

UGGGGHHHHH. These people make me want to scream.

Yup....Too busy

Layin up in the bed with TonE
Going on Shopping sprees with stolen checks
Partying at Fusions
Gettin Tatoos
Playing Becky Home ecy at TonE
Playing on the computer
Stealing gas cans
Food from parents

and way to much to list!!!!!!:mad:
Obviously Casey was just completely eating up in all the parental attenion that CA and GA were heaping on her during this time she was in jail, because she was once again the "baby" and the "belle of the ball". She was absolutely giddy with all of it.

But now.....no jailhouse visits from mom and dad whatsoever. I know there's speculation that JB won't allow it, but Casey is the client and if she wants visits from her parents, I'm sure she would tell him to make it happen. So why is "Gorgeous" not interested in all of her parents' adoration and attention anymore??
O.K. Finished these and I feel sick. This family baffles me! Either I am totally insane or they NEVER react, think, or speak as normal people would. Some of their expressions and phrases will grate on my nerves forever. UGH!

As they carried on their conversations, I was running what my responses would be to what each one said. None of my responses matched with theirs! Not one! I finally understand what some posters mean when they speak of 'Anthonyland'. It is a whole other world!

Yuri and all the detectives working this case have my utmost sympathy and respect. How the H3ll do they stay sane?
can you imagine what a jury is going to think when they see this sh#t, I see plea bargain coming soon. If she had an attorney worth a carp he would be having what my husband calls the coming to jesus talk ( that was not to offend anyone) but this is the talk where you must tell the truth to save your clients life.
can you imagine what a jury is going to think when they see this sh#t, I see plea bargain coming soon. If she had an attorney worth a carp he would be having what my husband calls the coming to jesus talk ( that was not to offend anyone) but this is the talk where you must tell the truth to save your clients life.

I was wondering if the jury would ever get to see any of these tapes. They really do not give a whole lot of concrete info about the case. Will they be allowed in?

Those 'come to Jesus' talks were handed down where I came from too. LOL It is nice to see one of my childhood relections. Thanks! :blowkiss:
Respectfully snipped.
So much truth here, even 'insight.' I saw this too. The Ants are afraid to bring things to a head again. Look what happened the last time they did. They're guilty. They're also trying to play her, to convince her they're on her side and she's safe to talk to them. Unfortunately, it ain't that easy to play a player. The Creature from Adverb Lagoon 'absolutely,' 'truthfully,' completely, genuinely, totally DOES WANT OUT of jail...really badly. Me. Me. My. I. That's crystal clear. She doesn't like jail, but with the Ants as visitors, she slips back into her element. She takes control and starts the manipulation. Me. I. I am. I can. I can't. My coleslaw. I don't. I did. George confesses his sins. He should have been a better father, blah, blah. KC absolves. You are a wonderful father and were, oops, I mean are a wonderful grandfather. I absolve you of guilt. Me, me, me, me. Once I get home everthing will be better. I will be out. Cindy worries, probes for info. Casey flatters and cajoles. Oh mom, you're such a spitfire. You're doing such a great job. Don't give up hope. You have to eat. You mustn't give up. I NEED to be home. I can't do anything in here. I mustl be back home soon. So wonderful Ho-zay who fights for me can help ME better. We can be a family again, the five fingers will form a fist. It's us against the world. We can't trust anybody but each other. I can't wait to be with 'you guys!' Ho-zay is so great. He's trying to get me home too. I NEED to get home. (Just get me the freak out of here so I can get back to surfing the net, see if Ho-zay can resist my charms without nosey guards around, and....there's something else.... Oh, I know, once I get out, me, me, I can do something else too. Oh yeah, THAT LITTLE GIRL. I just feel. I just know. Me, me.)

You nailed it perfectly ! Only other thing is, she's been out twice now and hasn't done squat to help find her daughter. Just more BS !
Everyone: How do these tapes change your opinion of Casey (if at all)?

I hate to say it, but I do find her hypnotic to watch, and find it hard to believe she killed her, when I watch. But then, as soon as I remember she was partying, having sex with a few guys, planning helicopter rides, going to clubs, getting her nails done, going shopping, hanging out on myspace, etc., I realize how very much she is acting.

Is this the first time she talked to her family after she yelled and cursed at them on the phone and told them not to bother coming to her bond hearing?

She truly is an actress, and clearly realized she can't scream at her family since it's being taped.

Watching these videos is like watching 3 hours of the Mutual Flattery Society ("Oh, you are the best parents", "You are the best mom", "I love you guys so much and just want to be home with you" "we miss you so much", etc, ad nauseum), with 1 hour of filler and 1 hour of the A's asking questions and KC answering "I already went over all that with Lee" or "I really don't know, if I did, I would tell you" or speaking KC code which leads zero information and zero clues or leads.

I don't think I've ever seen 5 hours of video that was so boring.
Was IMO the most telling!

If someone came up there from her past, I would think she would have hoped he had some clue or info to help her find her daughter..if she thought for one second she was alive and she didn't murder her!
I was wondering if the jury would ever get to see any of these tapes. They really do not give a whole lot of concrete info about the case. Will they be allowed in?

Those 'come to Jesus' talks were handed down where I came from too. LOL It is nice to see one of my childhood relections. Thanks! :blowkiss:

were from the south and he had to have a couple these talks with our kids when they were growing up, theyve both grown into fine young men. my pleasure to walk down memory lane with ya.
ok guys lets talk about the "phone" I know I'm not the only one that heard references to an account that was set up by la, and talking on a phone, another reference to talking and calling when she was with ga and ca. did jose sneak in a phone to her ? cause thats sure what it sounded like, any ideas what all that was about ?
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