Discussion: Why are Terri's friends Acting this way.

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This is dated 6/8/10, so I assume ID is not currently required.


Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is co-sponsoring a bill to force anyone buying a prepaid cell phone to produce identification before making the purchase.

Randi Bregman, Executive Director of Syracuse's Vera House, which helps in domestic abuse cases, says anonymous phones can bring another layer of safety and she's worried we may 'lose a tool in the safety kit for people who are trying to get safe from abuse.'


"The Supreme Court has always upheld the principle that you have the right to speak anonymously – that the decision to identify yourself as a speaker is an aspect of speech itself," said Lee Tien, a senior staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation.


It's believed that some purchasers of disposable cellular phones could include political extremists, terrorist supporters, sympathizers or others simply shaken by the recent revelations of the National Security Agency's widespread monitoring of calls, including calls to and from the United States to foreign countries.


Sources say a number of Terri’s friends bought these “cold” cell phones, and at least one of those friends has told investigators that they did so because they felt their regular phones were being monitored and they wanted to ensure some privacy.

I think the key is they thought their phones were being monitored. So they knowingly tried to circumvent LE from listening to "their" conversations. If you associate with the person who is the focus of an investigation, and if indeed there was enough for a court order to be issued to listen in on your calls, and you then attempt to circumvent it, oh yes I have serious concerns as to why you felt the need.

You are assuming that they thought LE (as opposed to Kaine, the media, or someone else) was monitoring their phones. LE are not the only ones who can monitor cell phones.

^ BBM. I see someone already answered the first portion of your post, so I'm referring to second portion above bolded..

Of course there is no definite answer to this question and can only be speculation and/or opinion (which assume could vary drastically). Just as your opinion above states that you feel she would dispose of far from the school and the home..

My opinion is that of the opposite, based mainly on stats by LE/FBI that the "perp" is more likely to dispose of the body in areas they, themselves are familiar and comfortable with. I also take into consideration the fact that IMO with Terri being the "perp" that she had time restraints that may or may not be even more restrained than we know of(i.e. by Kaine's returning home from work early that day). What I am referring to about tighter restraints is possibly that she only had a small window of time withOUT baby K with her and that time was specifically used for disposing of the body...

So with all of those factors taken into consideration I think it is very very likely that Kyrons body will eventually be found to be fairly near the vicinity of the home and school..JMO

ETA~ And I think[IMO]that Terri is currently thinking that if Kyrons body is found in a nearby vicinity of the home and school that she will use the good ol' excuse of... "If I were to have done this wouldn't I have been smarter than to have disposed of the body so close to home and school."

Wish I could remember, I tried googling and found all kinds of macabre stuff so got out of that..."they say" most bodies are dumped within "X" miles of where they were taken from, and are usually something like 45 feet off the side of a road (made that number up) . Wish I could remember those statistics, I heard them when Caylee went missing.
angelmom said:
If it is just a form that goes back to the company so they can bombard you with junk mail, then why not lie? I do it frequently, especially when I have to register online to view a news page or print a coupon. I don't want more junk mail or junk email or phone calls, so I always put a fake phone number and have a "spam only" email address. In fact, not that long ago on WS there was a password people would share to log onto a certain news site so you didn't have to register there. I am certainly not committing a crime.
To compare this to people avoiding junk mail or people using passwords for news is just astonishing to me. I just don't know what to say to that.

:banghead: A child is missing. A child that TH supposedly "raised and loved" as many people like to point out. And these are the "friends" who supposedly knew her best, possibly better than her own husband knew her - so they are willing to hide her activities from the cops, not for the good of Kyron, but for the good of them all.

The only word that comes to mind is "selfish." These women are lucky so far that only a Grand Jury has asked them questions. In front of a judge it would be a different matter.

angelmom said:
If TH's friends truly believe in her innocence and that she is being stalked by the media, then I assume that's why they bought the phones. We look at this from the outside, but imagine someone you know and care about. Imagine this is someone you cannot even fathom being involved. Would you really turn your back on them and not support them at all, just because the media and the public had convicted them?

Here's the kicker, though - supporting can be done in other ways besides buying phones. Hiding information from the police is obstruction of justice. Hiding people from the police can make you an accomplice - hello, DeDe? How's that working out for you?
You are assuming that they thought LE (as opposed to Kaine, the media, or someone else) was monitoring their phones. LE are not the only ones who can monitor cell phones.

It would be illegal for Kaine or the press to monitor phones.

MSM media is reporting that they believed it was Law Enforcement. We work with MSM media links here.

The woman added she and her friends wanted some level of privacy with their conversations, which they felt were being monitored by law enforcement. They also wanted to use phones with numbers not known to the press.

To compare this to people avoiding junk mail or people using passwords for news is just astonishing to me. I just don't know what to say to that.


No need to bang your head. I posted about junk mail in response to the question about who does that? Why would you lie? Lots of people lie when it comes to filling in stupid forms that companies use to collect your info for their spam. I was providing a perfectly reasonable and not suspicious at all reason why someone might lie.

And who did they lie to? Did they lie on the little warranty slip that came with the phone? Which, IMHO, is similar to lying about junk mail. Or did they actually sign a document with false information? Which I don't believe is required - see my links above.

I do think the distinction matters. If you are looking for suspicious, you can always find it.
It would be illegal for Kaine or the press to monitor phones.

That doesn't mean it couldn't/wouldn't be done.

MSM media is reporting that they believed it was Law Enforcement. We work with MSM media links here.

Note the bold portion of text from the same MSM link:

The woman added she and her friends wanted some level of privacy with their conversations, which they felt were being monitored by law enforcement. They also wanted to use phones with numbers not known to the press.


Also from your link, but left out when you quoted:

The woman said she and her two friends - Spicher and Terri Horman - only decided to get the AT&T phones because their existing Verizon phones did not work well at the Hormans' home, which is in a remote area.

The part you quoted was "added" after this. One more reason to keep your mouth shut like the lawyer says. She may have just been babbling into the silence and threw in all the possibilities they discussed. But their primary reason, she said, was reception.

The only thing suspicious about that to me is assuming you are going to get better reception with AT&T. :angel:
I guess it partly depends on when the phones were actually purchased and what they actually lied about.

I have never bought one of those toss away phones, but I've heard that there are places where you can buy them from vending machines (very big in Europe, but supposedly here too???) so I don't know of any legal reason you have to give your real name and address.

If it is just a form that goes back to the company so they can bombard you with junk mail, then why not lie? I do it frequently, especially when I have to register online to view a news page or print a coupon. I don't want more junk mail or junk email or phone calls, so I always put a fake phone number and have a "spam only" email address. In fact, not that long ago on WS there was a password people would share to log onto a certain news site so you didn't have to register there. I am certainly not committing a crime.

If TH's friends truly believe in her innocence and that she is being stalked by the media, then I assume that's why they bought the phones. We look at this from the outside, but imagine someone you know and care about. Imagine this is someone you cannot even fathom being involved. Would you really turn your back on them and not support them at all, just because the media and the public had convicted them?

There are people on these boards who don't think she's guilty. Is it really so hard to imagine that she has friends who don't believe it either?

I never give personal info to a sales clerk, nor to anyone who may be even remotely connected with a marketing firm. I tell them I don't divulge that info. If they ask for my phone #, my zip code, my e-mail addy, etc., I tell them all the same thing - "I don't divulge that info". I've even learned to simply hang up on telemarketing calls without feeling any sense of pseudo-guilt whatsoever. Ah - the freedom!

I've never purchased disposable phones, so I don't know what kind of info is asked for. IDK if a name is required, or if cash just exchanges hands with no questions asked. Since aliases were supplied in this instance, I'm assuming a name was asked, but IDK if it was required to complete the transaction.

If a close friend of mine was being investigated by LE, and I truly believed that friend to be innocent, I would stand by that friend. But then, I choose my friends carefully, and I have no doubt whatsoever that each & every one of my friends would never harm another human being. It's entirely possible that TH's friends believe the same of her. It's also entirely possible that TH is the type of person who is worthy of that trust. We don't know one way or the other, as outsiders looking in, with any certainty.

Purchasing disposable phones for temporary use because where a person is staying for a few days is out of range of their usual phone carrier, or for privacy, or to avoid being stalked by the media - these are all totally acceptable reasons to get cheap temp phones, IMO.

But to say that one bought the phones because that person felt LE was monitoring them (as was reported in the media) is another reason altogether that, IMO, falls outside the realm of the usual reasons for choosing such a course of action, and as far as I am concerned is not conducive to convincing LE of one's lack of involvement in a crime, regardless of whether or not one is involved or believes that one's friend is not involved.

I have yet to see, hear, or read of any evidence that, IMO, points to TH's unequivocal involvement in Kyron's disappearance, which is why I continue to extend the benefit of the doubt.

But if these types of shenanigans keep up, there is only so much benefit of the doubt to be reasonably expected to be extended.
Are we allowed to post about another high profile incident one of the batphone trio ladies was witness to/part of in recent months? The incident was all over MSM and the person's name was also in MSM in both cases.
Are we allowed to post about another high profile incident one of the batphone trio ladies was witness to/part of in recent months? The incident was all over MSM and the person's name was also in MSM in both cases.

I say: YES

Well, I read back through the TOS and current issues and can't find a reason not to post this, so I'll risk it:

Andrea Leckey, one of Terri's friends who was called to the GJ (see her name mentioned below)


was also the most outspoken witness to an officer-involved fatal shooting at the Hoyt Arboretum in March of this year.


This seems like an amazing coincidence to me. You guys, there isn't much crime in Portland, generally, and REALLY not much crime on the West side. Plug in any address we've been privy to in this case on this crime stats map to see how rare this is:

How can one woman be on the scene of a fatal shooting in March, and then happens to be one of Terri's best friends and shares a batphone with her in June/July?? What are the odds of that?

I'm just not sure what to think about this, except that I don't think I want to hang around this crowd.
PDX Mom: That's a wild story! Now I wonder if Leckey knew Terri before Kyron disappeared or connected her after the story came out? Is she just an attention seeker?

No need to bang your head. I posted about junk mail in response to the question about who does that? Why would you lie? Lots of people lie when it comes to filling in stupid forms that companies use to collect your info for their spam. I was providing a perfectly reasonable and not suspicious at all reason why someone might lie.

And who did they lie to? Did they lie on the little warranty slip that came with the phone? Which, IMHO, is similar to lying about junk mail. Or did they actually sign a document with false information? Which I don't believe is required - see my links above.

I do think the distinction matters. If you are looking for suspicious, you can always find it.
It's the context of it. Okay, people lie when signing forms and it doesn't matter. That's not the point.

The lying and conniving in this case happened before the Batphone Brigade signed anything at all - as soon as they agreed to buy phones for someone in the middle of a missing child case.

In some contexts maybe it doesn't matter. In this context, it matters big time because a small child is missing - which is why these gals are being hauled in one by one to the Grand Jury.

Actions have consequences. What they did was more than a little white lie. It was suspsicious whether they filled out the form or not - they acted to aid Terri evade the police. JMO
They're acting in this crazy manner because they don't want to have to admit- to themselves most especially- that they have a friend, someone they may have even trusted their own children with- that could do this.
To admit that she is possibly responsible for this heinous act of depravity is to admit that they put their children/family at risk, or that they could potentially snap someday too....they have a lot in common, after all. That is frightening to me. I would be hard pressed to think one of my best friends could hurt a child. But if hinky started rearing it's head, I'd darn sure listen.
I just don't get it. Either they had such boring, cookie cutter lives that this seemed exciting and dangerous, or they really thought that whatever lies TH told them were true and they had to step up and protect her. I know I'd never go as far to as to buy phones using false aliases, but I'm probably watched way too many crime shows to be that silly. I wonder how mad their families were at them for being so dumb.

I mean, what in the heck is so important that you have to circumvent the law to talk about it? What were they doing, talking in code over the batphones? Sounds like someone watched way too many spy shows like Burn Notice. I don't know, it just seems insane to me to do something like this. I can't fathom what could be so important that you try and circumvent the law to help your friend.

I do sincerely hope that that is the only thing they did for her. I don't know what kind of con she got going, but if they are in deeper than the phones, they will be sharing a cell with her. I hope they are aware of that now and are really giving up any and all information they have.

Bolding and underline by me (AVB)

Aedrys, LOL -- so beautifully and pun-nilly said! :thumb:

(And, I think I just made up a new word.)

Thank you for the GREAT play on words! :bow:
Well, I read back through the TOS and current issues and can't find a reason not to post this, so I'll risk it:

Andrea Leckey, one of Terri's friends who was called to the GJ (see her name mentioned below)


was also the most outspoken witness to an officer-involved fatal shooting at the Hoyt Arboretum in March of this year.


This seems like an amazing coincidence to me. You guys, there isn't much crime in Portland, generally, and REALLY not much crime on the West side. Plug in any address we've been privy to in this case on this crime stats map to see how rare this is:

How can one woman be on the scene of a fatal shooting in March, and then happens to be one of Terri's best friends and shares a batphone with her in June/July?? What are the odds of that?

I'm just not sure what to think about this, except that I don't think I want to hang around this crowd.

I haven't seen anything that specifies AL was one of the friends who got a batphone.

Also I don't see anything weird about her being a witness to the shooting. All she said was that she was at the park, heard shots and saw people running. Nothing sinister about that.
I had a friend that I could listen to for hours, her stories mesmerized me. Her life seemed so exciting compared to mine LOL. She had men eating out of her hands (Iin her opinion). They would actually salt and cut up her food for her and hand feed it. I never actually witnessed this, but so she said. I thought we had a very close relationship, but in fact, if you ever wanted to talk about anything happening in your own life, she really didn't want to listen. Eventually I was drained by all of her drama and had to stop talking to her, all that excitement wore me out LOL. There are people in the world that can totally manipulate others. This buying phones for someone involved in the disappearance of a little boy guilty or not would certainly NOT be something I could ever be doing. What is the big secret? I think there is more to this group of women than meets the eye, but I can't put my finger on exactly what that is. Maybe I watch too many crime shows, but something is "weird" here. What did TH have to hide? If she was totally aboveboard she could openly talk on her cell phone.
One more thing, TH seems to be the leader of this group? Does anyone get that feeling? Maybe it was some type of little CSI group they all put together to try and create a perfect crime? I realize that's stretching it LOL.
I've bought dozens of throwaway phones for legitimate work-related purposes. At this time, you're generally not required to provide identifying information at time of purchase, although a lot of stores limit the number of phones that can be purchased simultaneously (2, 3, 4, etc). Most phones require some sort of personal info and an email account for activation, but that's easily skirted by using fakenamegenerator.com or something like that. There's at least one throwaway phone out there that lets you skip the personal info page at registration. We like that one. Saves us from having to make up info and document it.
I've bought dozens of throwaway phones for legitimate work-related purposes. At this time, you're generally not required to provide identifying information at time of purchase, although a lot of stores limit the number of phones that can be purchased simultaneously (2, 3, 4, etc). Most phones require some sort of personal info and an email account for activation, but that's easily skirted by using fakenamegenerator.com or something like that. There's at least one throwaway phone out there that lets you skip the personal info page at registration. We like that one. Saves us from having to make up info and document it.

The average person doesn't even have this information, at least I know I don't. I had no clue you could buy a phone and then use a fake e-mail address to register it.
The average person doesn't even have this information, at least I know I don't. I had no clue you could buy a phone and then use a fake e-mail address to register it.

The point is that you don't have to register it. You can buy them at WalMart with cash and show no ID. A friend of mine has done this for her teenager who keeps losing his phone. He is stuck with these til he buys his own!

That's why I want to know what these friends supposedly "lied" about. If you don't have to show ID, then whom did they lie to? If it is some form that comes with the phone, then this is just one more thing being twisted around, IMHO.

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