Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #1

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Juan only gets 10 strikes. He probably used them all on other people and had none left for her. He may not have even thought she was deserving of a strike.

Exactly MeeBee. If it was obvious that she was a red-flag juror, she would have been disqualified from the beginning; for not being able to give the DP!!!
I said all along I didn't care what the sentence would be and I still feel that way.

HOWEVER, I'm furious that there wasn't a neutral jury to deliberate, that a juror who should have been excused was allowed on, and lo and behold, that juror refused to deliberate and (gasp, how surprising) a juror who had DV in their background saw domestic violence and mental instability in the defendant and would not even consider death as on option.

That is just plain wrong. Not that JA didn't get death, but that the jury wasn't 12 people deliberating but only really 11, with 1 who refused and that was that.
It's amazing. The first vote would have been 12-0 and they'd have little to deliberate.

No, they said the first vote was about 50 percent in favor of death, a few undecided. It wasn't until the next day that she was the only holdout.
re: hold-out juror:

I'd like to hear description of hold-out juror's facial expressions, reactions, demeanor just after hung jury non-decision announced and the subsequent pained expressions of grief from TA's loved one's began and continued.

How was hold-out juror affected? How did she react?
I have to say I have lurked followed faithfully for Casey Anthony and this trial since she was arrested. It is emotionally draining and I feel terrible for all involved. I am at a loss.
Stealth juror wasn't even stealth!

She talked about her history with DV during voir dire! It wasn't a secret to either state or defense. RED FLAG right there! Putting someone on a jury who shares the same primary mitigating factor attempted by a defendant is just asking for immediate bias. The state already knew the mitigating factors the defense would argue and they knew DV was one of the big ones. The defense knew to play their case up to this juror and they did. Can't blame them for that, it was a smart move.

I don't believe that for one second.

I have seen plenty of jurors who admitted they had been abused. It did not cloud their judgment. Saying because someone is a domestic abuse survivor is biased is a slap in the face to the millions who are not like this woman.:mad:

There was no way the officers of the court could know she would just believe the chit because JA said so.

If you notice even here where we have many DV victims I don't know one that believed JA abuse claims.

Troy and Samia are a nice pair. :) Troy on Fox10 right now.
Anyone read the transcripts of the May 26th texts between JA and Travis on Beth's page?
I think if it was the other way around things would not have turned out the same
No she doesn't, that's not fair. I am very critical of how she handled her courtroom, the trial, the schedule...but she has done NOTHING to show she isn't tough on crime. Check out her record. She will sentence Jodi to LWOP.

Thank you.
these jurors are lay people. They don't know the legal standards. To me, once this issue surfaced, the jurors should have been questioned about this juror. Just like they got questioned when Nurmi thinks they did something wrong. It's pretty normal for jurors to be questioned in chambers going by this trial.

Whatever notes came out should have been seen by counsel too. I would love to hear from Juan on this. To me, if the jury send out an indication of a serious problem, the judge is obligated to investigate whether or not the jury uses the proper legal description in the note. I really want to hear more about what went on and how it was dealt with. But this sounds funky to me. If a jury wants someone off right from the beginning then it should be fully investigated and followed up on later in the case of allegations that a juror is not deliberating in good faith or bringing in outside info etc.

One of the Jurors described their exasperation at being handed a pile of CDs with no idea what they showed, or how to
locate the recordings they wanted to see and wasted a lot of time with this. How difficult is it to provide an itemized list to assist them.....
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