Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #2

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I just heard that! WOW, I'd hate to be her, but on the other hand, she made her bed early on and she needs to OWN it now!

True, but it would have been overturned on appeal, so she'd end up in the same situation. It would be nice if she would have had to sit on death row, but eventually she'd end up with life.

not so, They told JSS that the hold out was bias because of watching the Dirty little secret movie and watching the news. That is what the request for the alternate Juror was about, they only requested a replacement not for juror #2 just a replacement. the Judge could have done so as the judge in scott peterson trial did but no JSS made sure Jodi got Death off the table that was her goal from the beginning, event the jurors were angry that TA was put on trial.
Holy, you guys have been busy tonight. I walked away after the shock wore off and spent a fabulous afternoon/evening with the family. I took great comfort in knowing Jodi will never be able to do that.

I hope everyone here is ready to accept the verdict and move on soon. No matter what Bad info is found on 17, it's not going to change the outcome. I find it so sad and disgusting that 17 had to request Police Protection over her home tonight. No matter what has happened, that is just not right. Nobody should be showing up at her house.
It's behaviours like this that prove Nurmi is right about the public being TOO involved.

Travis wouldn't have wanted anyone acting this way. I'm going to light my candle. Say a prayer for the family and hope that tonight, he's flying free, finally.


Sorry, but what I feel and what I'm ready to accept is up to me to decide. I find it sad and disgusting that the names of the 11 jurors were listed by the fans of JA....and, yes, I can see why Nurmi doesn't want the public too involved. He and Sherry are both alike in that regard. Secrecy is so much easier....and, I think the family should be the ones claiming what Travis would or wouldn't like.
I believe MDLR is self-employed. At least that's what I remember from the first trial. Her "linkedin" is no longer available. This is an article from last year about the Sheriff's office investigating her home.
De La Rosa, an East Valley legal expert, was targeted by detectives at her home and then banned formally from the jail after she allegedly tried to smuggle out a colored-pencil drawing by Arias during a February 26 visit.
Well if juror #17 had thoughts about writing a book she blew her chances since the jurors spoke. If she was the lone vote because she examined the evidence and couldn't vote for DP its one thing. But bias vote wont cut it. No one would buy her book now. jmo
You know what is so damn frustrating and counterintuitive about the need for a "unanimous decision" is, at the end of the day 1 single juror decided JA should get life and effectively made it happen, yet 11 jurors chose death (and tried to tell the Judge that one juror engaged in misconduct and refused to deliberate) and were, according to available information, either ignored or disregarded.

Essentially ONE JUROR decided JA's punishment!

This has to change to the majority as is practiced in Florida.
This post is absolutely true! Instead of a jury of your peers, all you need is one crackpot to make the decision. Thank you for that post.
Please...does ANYONE know if there is any governing body or commission or agency where we could report the Mitigation Specialist. Her twitter and facebook accounts are verified, and I'm appalled a member of the DT is allowed to act this way on social media in regards to a client/case they are on.
I agree. She is acting very disrespectful and it's an insult to the victim's family. I'm appalled at her behaviour and that she is treating this like some childish game! A man was murdered by her client and she is acting like it's a game! She's still at it online right now. :gaah:
Juror #4 Interview by Phone Nancy Grace on HLN (5Mar15) - Transcription:

NG: Sir, thank you so much for being with us. I think I've got Juror #4 on the phone, Sir are you with us?

Juror #4 (J4): Yes, I'm here. I apologize.

NG: That's ok.

J4: I'm a little shaken up.

NG: I wanna thank you so much for being with us. And having lived through many many jury trials, I was always very shaken inside. I don't know if it showed on the outside, but with the emotion of the jury trial, the reading of the verdict. When I would have verdicts, I would have to read them as the prosecutor out loud and publish them in the courtroom, in public. I would, I understand that you're still shaky. What do you mean by that? That you're still shaky?

J4: The emotion is just overflowing. I, ah, it's hard to deal with... having tried your hardest for so long to persuade someone to agree with you. And it was painful in that courtroom, you know (voice breaking)? Just listening to the family wail and cry while we had to sit there as a group even though we were mostly in favor of capital punishment. To sit there and have it represented that as if we were hung, and Jodi was gonna.... get away with it.... (Inaudible) ...and not get capital punishment. It was.... It's tough.

NG. Well especially, everyone, with me is Juror #4. This verdict has just come down. This announcement. Let me rephrase. The announcement is, "The Jury hung." It was 11-1 for the death penalty, and with me, from inside that jury deliberation room is Juror #4. Sir, when you said that, "She'll walk, but no not really walk." Actually under the law in AZ, she, there's a possibility she can walk free in 25 years. And that must've been like salt in the wound to the jury!

J4: Yeah, yeah, it was tough. And, you know, when we were in deliberations, we brought that up. We're like, if we don't put forth the right judgment, if we're not all in agreement, there's a chance she can get out in her early 50's. I mean, that's like a whole life to live after that. So, what punishment is it really if she were only to get that? And...

NG: You know, Sir, one of the things...

J4: It just fuels the fire.

NG: ... that had me so upset, and I don't know if you on this jury got to hear this, but the forensic evidence shows that after Travis Alexander was attacked and he was in the throes of death, he stumbled out of the shower and he went to his mirror, his bathroom mirror. And there, all on the sink, all over the vanity, he stood there, bleeding to death, he looked at his own image in the mirror. He saw himself dying. I can't get that image out of my head, Sir.

J4: (sighs heavily) Yeah, it was tough (voice breaking). We had to go through all those images over and over again in the deliberation room, and we ah, it was a last ditch effort, we put all of the pictures down, of all the blood, and the shower, and Travis' body, and we tried...again to come out with a unanimous decision. And I don't understand, it's hard to process - excuse me - for me to understand....how those, that that aggravating circumstances that we were looking at, that we had spread out, all across the jury table (voice quivering), how that

NG: You know....

J4: ...could not weigh enough for capital punishment. It just boggles my mind.

NG: And for everyone on the jury, when you think about Travis Alexander. Not what Jodi Arias said about him, trying to drag him through the mid and smear his name, you know, after his death. But everyone has a son or a brother, a father a husband, but especially people with a son, to think that you pour all your love, all your dreams, all your effort, all your money, all your energy, to raise your child for someone like Jodi Arias to come along and cut his life short. It's just overwhelming to me. Because when I look at Travis Alexander, he is a mother's son. Just, cut down in the prime of his life like that. When you showed these pictures to the holdout, would she even deliberate? Is it true she had watched the Lifetime movie about Jodi Arias?

J4: (heavy sigh) She had said she had seen bits and pieces of the movie, yeah. Yes.

NG: well, you know that right there...

J4: Ummm... (Crosstalk)

NG: ....that alone would have been enough to get her thrown out of the jury deliberations. Actually you're seeing what Juror #4 is talking about right now (screen showing images from Lifetime Movie). That is the Lifetime movie about Jodi Arias, and if you've even see bits and schmidges of this movie, then I'm.... Aif you've lied about it in Voir Dire, and said you didn't see it, or said you didn't know anything about it, that's a reason to be thrown off the jury. Do you think the judge knew that, Juror #4?

J4: I think the judge knew that because we sent in questionnaire, or not a questionnaire, but a question form for the judge, letting her know that this lady who was holding out mentioned it to the whole group, you know. She wasn't even trying to conceal it. She mentioned it to the whole group, that she had seen bits and pieces of the movie. And so we thought, as a jury, as a whole, that that was essential material, essential information that the judge had to know. So we put it down on paper, and let the judge know.

NG: With me is a very special guest, it's Juror #4. Sir, I've got so many questions for you. Please stay with me.
(joined by Sky Highes)

----- end of 1st segment

I apologize in advance for any errors
It's slow going so thanks for your patience (I'm too impatient to wait for NG's transcript page to be updated


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I really appreciate your time and your hard work , kimi_SFC. I no longer can listen to any of this.

They laid out the photos of Travis and there was no response from this murderer's groupie. It has to be devastating.

Meanwhile, I wish NG would shut the heck up and let her interviewees talk. I find her largely useless. I feel for juror #4 in having to deal with her.
Just read that Juan prosecuted one of Juror 17's husbands in 2000.

Do we know what is asked on the juror questionnaire? Wouldn't they, as a rule ask about relatives and crimes/convictions? If so, and she lied...can she be prosecuted?
Just read that Juan prosecuted one of Juror 17's husbands in 2000.

If true, her bias might not have had anything to do with being DV victim ..it may be she had something personal against the prosecutor?
I know I'm in a state of shock, but there just has to be some sort of recourse for this. If Juror 17 truly was not DP qualified and if the things we're reading about her are true, are there consequences? Is there any way to "fix" this because this is WRONG.
Dave Erickson, TV producer/Journalist states on his Twitter page that he saw a male Juror dismissed during selection, because he told them he'd watched the Lifetime movie.... How does that work?

I would like an answer to that as well.
not so, They told JSS that the hold out was bias because of watching the Dirty little secret movie and watching the news. That is what the request for the alternate Juror was about, they only requested a replacement not for juror #2 just a replacement. the Judge could have done so as the judge in scott peterson trial did but no JSS made sure Jodi got Death off the table that was her goal from the beginning, event the jurors were angry that TA was put on trial.

And AZL answered that very question today and said its VERY difficult to do, and easily can get overturned on appeal. Refusing to change your mind is not "not deliberating" it says so in the instructions. Saying she saw the movie (if JSS was told), all JSS would have to do at the point is tell the other jurors to disregard whatever she said in deliberations, and instruct the juror not to consider it. If I could link her post, I would...but she explained why it wasn't as easy as we think to "replace" the juror. The fact that this juror would look at journals, etc can be indications she was deliberating, explaining her position.

Also, from what I read, we aren't certain the jurors told JSS about the movie issue, just that she wasn't deliberating.
Much as I find the verdict distasteful, I think it's actually the best possible outcome. On Death Row, Jodi would have had international attention. She won't get that in Max. Plus, the odds of her getting an appeal of either 2 verdicts is unlikely, because of JSS's conservatism and the input from the CofA. On top of that, who'd want to represent her as a defense attorney? It's been pretty obvious that Willmott and Nurmi were put through the mill by Jodi herself. Then there were the previous attorneys who didn't meet Jodi's muster. Obvious, too, that it's impossible to find a credible expert witness. Imagine, even if Jodi could find a willing defender how much it will cost her. Nurmi alone cost, what, a million, two? So Jodi can raise that on her own with a "lost cause" premium thrown in? And 11+8 jurors voting for the death penalty, with alternates who said they would too? Even if I were the very sleaziest of sleazy attorneys, I would run....

Jodi will be forgotten..... Time will pass, and there will be no one to fatten up her commissary account (after some years, she could have $80 per month on deposit). As it is, no one spoke in defense for her life: they're going to send her $$ in prison? (It's remarkable that none of her online associates spoke up for her, either.) No ultra-expensive Securepak care packages. No food visits. Since all these privileges take years to earn, and who's going to stick by her?

In a few years, no deodorant for Jodi. No shampoo and conditioner. No Little Debbies. No replacement fan. Orange jacket, orange shirts, orange cap, cheap sneakers, all of which she has to pay for herself, very expensively. Technology will have passed her by within a year. No arts and craft supplies until she earns a spot up a notch or two, and even then, it's pencils and paper (the number of pieces might even be restricted, I forget). $.10 per hour, when she's never kept a job in her life. And she'll have to get along with other inmates while she's working? Manipulation's not going to go over very well with workmates.

And I don't know how the Ariases would ever be able to write and market a book, when so many jurors voted for death. It's not like they ended this in a blaze of glory. It's not as though they got up and spoke for their daughter and managed to sway some jurors with their reality. Imagine having a daughter to whom so many were willing to give the death penalty. If Jodi had gone to death row, they could have been martyrs, or at least pawns during the appeals process. If Jodi had squarely landed in a "life" verdict (instead of almost death), and had a big WIN, they maybe could have suggested some redeeming value in a book. But neither of those options applies: there's only a very lousy infamy.

Again, I'd rather the verdict had been otherwise, but my feelings aside, I believe Jodi got the worst possible outcome.

Lionel Dahmer wrote a heart-wrenching book that was honest and filled with regret, self-blame and remorse. He didn't do it for profit, but more -- I think -- to cleanse his soul. I doubt the Arias clan has that kind of grace.
I would like an answer to that as well.

She didn't tell them? Until deliberations? It was on not too long ago, probably didn't watch it until then. Saying it once you're on the jury isn't enough to get you kicked off, but if you're honest and say so up front gets you excused? :facepalm:
"There will be some groupies, probably not many, but there will be some," she said. "There will be some that want to put her in her place. There will be staff that wants to put her in her place."

Allen said the only thing that got her through was knowing one day she'd be able to walk out. Arias most likely won't have that luxury.

"There's always that hope in front of you. But for her and women in for life, there isn't any. That's totally a different living death," she said.

Jodi will spend 23 hrs a day in her cell.
Alexanders need to get that civil suit going now so Jodi doesnt get to keep $80 a month for snacks. Im sure they would win.
Since they had already begun deliberating, i think all that she could have done at that point is declare a mistrial anyway because I dont think she could put an alternate in once they started deliberations.

I maybe mistaken though. Its a good question if an alternate could have been put in and make them start deliberating all over maybe?

Has this already been explained? If so, my apologies, but I have the same question re: alternates. What is there purpose ? Why didn't they let the rogue juror walk out as she wanted to do ? Would she not have been replaced with an alternate ? Or, would that cause a mistrial ? Which goes back to the question: what is the purpose of having alternate jurors ? AZL, someone ? TIA
O/T? The point remains

Guilty of MULTIPLE cold, calculated heinous MURDERS yet sentenced to LWOP in DP States:

Dennis Rader - 10 victims
Pled guilty and was sentenced
Gary Ridgway - Convicted of 49, confessed to at least 71, presumed to be 90+ (he can't recall all of them. So many the facts get mixed up)
Pled guilty and was sentenced
Randy Woodfield - 18 (probably more, but he ain't talking)
Pled guilty and was sentenced
Wayne Williams - 2 convictions suspected in @30 others.
Wasn't charged with "death"
^^ regarding Wayne Williams - can't edit correctly.

Bold by ME in answer.
​ Tia
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