Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #2

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Who can prove she knew, or remembered Juan from 15 years ago? Believing it to be true, and having proof, are two completing different things.

You can't prove it and like I said nothing will come of this.

But it's all just a little to coincidental. Her seeming undisclosed connection to Juan. Oh, maybe she didn't remmeber him. Come on, how do you forget that voice? B.S. Her liking the Secret and The Law of Attraction on Facebook, things Jodi talked about many, many, many times in her trial as reasons she didn't write down or report her abuse. Oh lots of people like those things. Come on. Admitting to watching "bits and pieces" of the Lifetime movie and news of her seems as if she under reported her knowledge of the case. I'm gonna wager she did not just watch "bits and pieces" of it seeing how she spoke about it. Using the movie and news clips in deliberations, stating it made her look like a monster but Jodi isn't a monster, as if her being misrepresented matters. That doesn't sound like an epiphany she had upon entering the courtroom and seeing Jodi. That sounds like a predetermined opinion. The other jurors used actual evidence and trial notes to determine that Travis was not who the defense said he was. The holdout used a movie that was already sensationalistic and short on facts and had nothing to do with this trial. Saying the death penalty would be revenge. Again, just a coincidence I guess.

I know it doesn't matter. Nothing can be done about it now. But what a disappointment. This was the worry, that a stealth juror who supports Jodi would tell some fibs to get on and hang it all. It's amazing. They lost what, five jurors before delibs, had two alternates and still she made it all the way to the end. I guess that's just the way the cookie crumbles.

And like mind matters said, how disheartening it is that the whole thing was futile from the get go by someone with an agenda.
Some Tweets from Gold:

Jeffrey Evan Gold ‏@jeffgoldesq · 2m2 minutes ago

Whomp there it is.
Official investigation into #JodiArias Juror 17 has begun according to @troyhaydenfox10.
Will social media tell it all?

Jeffrey Evan Gold ‏@jeffgoldesq · 8m8 minutes ago

"@troyhaydenfox10: Developing:
MCSO looking into websites releasing personal information of #JodiArias jurors."
All of this negative information about #17 will validate their feelings about her being a stealth juror.

They will know they were right, imo.

They all knew something was wrong very early into deliberations. Its hard to fool 11 people.

I'm hoping this info will give the other jurors some peace - knowing that there was nothing more they could have said, no magic word to make her change her mind. That's what would be eating me up - the thought that "what if I had said this... what if I had put it a different way..." Seems clear that this one juror wasn't going to vote DP from the get-go and had her own agenda. I hope the other jurors know there's nothing else they could have done. I'm praying for them along with the Alexander's. The hold out juror can <censored by me> and the convicted murderess can really <censored by me>!

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She could have properly and truthfully answered "no" as she may not have known or ever met Martinez. Perhaps she didn't even know or remember his name from the ex-husband's case 15 years ago. That wouldn't be a lie (if she doesn't know anyone from the DA's office), but it also doesn't elicit all the info they need to determine prior impact from that office on a potential juror.

BBM ~ So, she was in a fog too? I doubt it. If so, she doesn't sound like the sharpest knife in the drawer.
If the DT did discover, during trial, that she 'knew' Juan, would they be duty bound as Officers of the Court to advise JSS of potential bias? So many questions!

That would be a great question for AZL or someone with legal expertise. Anyone out there?
I guess Maria must have stayed in a Holiday Inn last night because she was twitter-vising anyone harassing juror17 that they were guilty of "jury tampering".
"Jen's Trial Diaries &#8207;@TrialDiariesJ 26m26 minutes ago

Juror 17 may b n some hot water if she wasn't truthful during jury select. Let the Pro's investigate. Don't threaten her people #jodiarias"

They knew a few minutes after they knew her name. IMO

We all know how KN is when it comes to running down things on social media.

Heck the mitigation expert could have whispered she knew her and to make sure she gets on.


And make sure Jodi and Maria make eye contact and for JW to smile each and every time the jurors enter and leave the courtroom. Maybe have Jodi throw in a wink to #17 occasionally....
All of this negative information about #17 will validate their feelings about her being a stealth juror.

They will know they were right, imo.

They all knew something was wrong very early into deliberations. Its hard to fool 11 people.

Yes, if I were one of them, I would feel validated that I was right in reading this juror...but I would be SICK that Travis and family did not get a legitimate trial. (Heck, it could have been an alternate that would have been the 12th juror and not voted for DP, but it's the dishonesty that makes this sooooo wrong)
FYI---I don't know if it means anything significant or not but BK did note in her description of the Jurors that number 17 stated that she didn't bear any "ill feelings" toward police associated with her ex-husbands case

BBM: But it's quite obvious now that she did have "ill feelings" -- especially towards Juan !

It won't do any good. It won't change outcome, no one will get in trouble, nothing will happen to MDLR or the juror or the people who released the juror's names. Nothing ever happens.

I'm going to have faith. The citizens of Arizona and Maricopa County are already outraged at the cost of the trial...and many believe this retrial was a waste of time and money. If they can find out a juror knowingly lied and withheld information which would have disqualified her from the jury, you can bet they are going to find it. And with social media and the internet, finding evidence is a lot easier than we think. If they can show the citizens a rogue juror is the reason they failed in this phase, it will be a huge win in court of public opinion for the state. I would be extremely worried if I were this juror, if I had ANYTHING to hide.

Does she have kids with her ex? Are they in contact with their Dad? Did they/he know she was on this trial? Lots of interesting questions.
All of this negative information about #17 will validate their feelings about her being a stealth juror.

They will know they were right, imo.

They all knew something was wrong very early into deliberations. Its hard to fool 11 people.

BBM - but apparently not so hard to fool a judge...I wonder what she's feeling today as this is all being revealed and she knows she had an opportunity -actually a plea - from the other 11 to do something...and she did nothing!!!
On another note, my girls took over the DVR last night mid-NG Juror #4 transcription. I waited for them to fall asleep after watching Wreck-It Ralph - fitting, actually, because I felt like I had been hit over the head with a sledgehammer, pun intended, and Fix-It Felix could not help me at all....

I fell asleep trying to complete the transcription, as many of you know, J#4 was on for the entire show. I just checked, and the NG transcripts page hasn't been updated in a couple days.

With today's latest turn of events re: j#17, and the raw emotion of last night's show, it is really difficult putting his words onto the thread. It's gut-wrenching. No excuses here, just being honest.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to do more, but life got the best of me on this one. :( If I'm able to put more time in to it before NG releases her version, I will.

For now, I am truly relieved that an investigation into j#17 will come to fruition. I don't know what it will mean, but it is progress.


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BBM ~ So, she was in a fog too? I doubt it. If so, she doesn't sound like the sharpest knife in the drawer.

A woman that chooses to marry a man the day before he's sentenced would remember. That's one weird day of wedded bliss.
And make sure Jodi and Maria make eye contact and for JW to smile each and every time the jurors enter and leave the courtroom. Maybe have Jodi throw in a wink to #17 occasionally....

Good Lawd - I bet #17's stomach did a flip when Juan drew attention to Geffner playing to Juror #1. Wonder if there was a puddle left on her seat. ;)
No one would forget the man who incarcerated their husband. Especially JM. Come on people. That's like saying you don't remember where you were when 9/11 happened.

YES, you'd have to be brain dead not to remember. JMO.
So are you all saying that this juror may have known Juan from her ex being prosecuted by him 15 yrs ago. HMMM...Seems possible IMO..and I would doubt she would forget his name if he was the reason her ex got locked up etc.
Jeffrey Evan Gold &#8207;@jeffgoldesq 1m1 minute ago

Whomp there it is. Official investigation into #JodiArias Juror 17 has begun according to @troyhaydenfox10. Will social media tell it all?

See what happens when you offer to furnish free beer ..... ???
Can J17 be arrested if she lied during voir dire? TIA
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