Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #9

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Jodi is simply a reflection of the "family" she grew up with.

Why is anybody surprised that they are a bunch of misfits and screw-ups that say outrageous things ?
I have to chuckle at what I just read over at the JAII site. It's interesting that they think the judge was biased against Jodi. They throw everybody under the bus, Nurmi, Wilmott, everyone. Well I take that back, I did not read anything about MDLR. But the most hilarious thing is that they think if they find the gun it will prove that Jodi didn't kill Travis. Hahahaha.
If I may...I've spoken out about Jodi's family too. I can't and won't defend their actions towards the Alexanders - to me, there is a very big difference between supporting your loved one and deliberately hurting others. The latter is so obviously abuse by proxy and it's common by those who love someone severely personality disordered, who are also lacking in education that such conduct is a manipulative by-product. Boundaries when loving someone like Jodi become very blurry and people who would never dream of hurting others stop seeing it like that - instead, they see it as helping someone they love. They're manipulated to. My own nieces were recruited by my ex to friend me online under aliases and cyberstalk me. My own ex-MIL has printed pictures of my home in England from Google Earth to send them to my ex and attempted, behind my back, to encourage a relationship between my children and their very dangerous father. (He's court ordered not to have contact with them.)

My ex's family, despite having witnessed violence from him since he was in his teens refused to accept he was dangerous until he drugged and raped one of those same nieces he'd recruited to terrorize me. I was never told about his teenage arson arrest or his abusing animals until after our divorce. His actions literally split his family in two - because, just as we see with Jodi, some of his family prefer to blame the victim than accept he's a monster they helped create. Including his mom - who chose her son's account of events over her granddaughter's. I don't condone the Arias' behaviors - I'm just trying to explain how a person's 'sickness' spreads to almost corrupt friends and loved ones. At some point, especially when confronted with certain truths, I believe it becomes willful denial. People who love someone severely personality disordered (and untreated) really do need professional help to get a grasp on manipulative tactics and how to protect oneself, and others, from them.

I very firmly believe anyone stalking or abusing by proxy is dangerous in and of themselves.


I don't think Killer's family believes one single aspect of any of her stories. They know her well enough that they can't possibly believe anything she says. They want money donated to her "cause" and they know that most people are not going to donate funds to appeal a murder conviction unless they believe the person to be wrongfully convicted. So, her people try to convince as many as possible that Jodi is a victim.

Their being total insensitive jerks toward the Alexanders is unexplainable, though. How does one justify something so beyond reason? Mentally ill people do stuff like that; are we to assume the whole family is mentally ill? I don't mean crazy...I mean a real, actual mental illness. Could they all suffer from one? I doubt it, to be honest. I think they are not ill at all but just plain crazy, but mostly greedy. The monetary gain they have received might continue for some time before it diminishes and finally ends. When that happens, they will become noticeably less vocal.


I don't think they believe it either. I refuse to believe anyone can be that stupid. By pretending to believe JA they can protect themselves, and what all they really know about their murdering daughter. That way they can try to convince themselves that they didn't create a murderer for a daughter. Imo, they did help create a very self centered selfish psychopath who felt she was above everyone else, including her own family.

I have read articles about how difficult it is for close family members to live with a psychopath and often parents just give in to the constant demands so they can have a little bit of peace. So I think she was a spoiled rotten brat. That is the only way they could deal with her violent behaviors by giving in over and over again. I don't think it took much to set Arias off even back then. If they even slightly crossed her or displeased her... she would throw a hissy fit from hell even when she lived at home, imo.

I wonder if any of the jurors noticed that Sandi wore her Mom#1 necklace in court. If I had seen that I would think she was sending a subliminal message to not believe the BS her daughter says.

I think the Arias family knows she is a pathological liar and is a very dangerous person.

I really don't see Sandi coming often to see JA once she moves to Perryville.

I think deep down inside all of her family is relieved that she is out of their lives for good now. Of course they would never admit that publicly but she has been a thorn in their side ever since she was a young child hitting her 5 year old brother in the head with a baseball bat. We may never know one tenth of what she did when she lived with them. I think she made their lives a living hell.

I think Sandi told her she can lie all she wants about claiming she was abused as a child but she also told her she wasn't going to get on the stand and lie that the abuse is true when she and JAs knows its not.

As far as the fanatical Arias followers to go to this extreme of spewing such lies and hatred non-stop.... they have to be very mentally imbalanced to even think their horrid behavior is acceptable. I find them just as dangerous and scary as the cold blooded psychopath they worship. No way is this in any way normal behavior.

If I may...I've spoken out about Jodi's family too. I can't and won't defend their actions towards the Alexanders - to me, there is a very big difference between supporting your loved one and deliberately hurting others. The latter is so obviously abuse by proxy and it's common by those who love someone severely personality disordered, who are also lacking in education that such conduct is a manipulative by-product. Boundaries when loving someone like Jodi become very blurry and people who would never dream of hurting others stop seeing it like that - instead, they see it as helping someone they love. They're manipulated to. My own nieces were recruited by my ex to friend me online under aliases and cyberstalk me. My own ex-MIL has printed pictures of my home in England from Google Earth to send them to my ex and attempted, behind my back, to encourage a relationship between my children and their very dangerous father. (He's court ordered not to have contact with them.)

My ex's family, despite having witnessed violence from him since he was in his teens refused to accept he was dangerous until he drugged and raped one of those same nieces he'd recruited to terrorize me. I was never told about his teenage arson arrest or his abusing animals until after our divorce. His actions literally split his family in two - because, just as we see with Jodi, some of his family prefer to blame the victim than accept he's a monster they helped create. Including his mom - who chose her son's account of events over her granddaughter's. I don't condone the Arias' behaviors - I'm just trying to explain how a person's 'sickness' spreads to almost corrupt friends and loved ones. At some point, especially when confronted with certain truths, I believe it becomes willful denial. People who love someone severely personality disordered (and untreated) really do need professional help to get a grasp on manipulative tactics and how to protect oneself, and others, from them.

I very firmly believe anyone stalking or abusing by proxy is dangerous in and of themselves.



Bravo BritsKate excellent post.
I don't think they believe it either. I refuse to believe anyone can be that stupid. By pretending to believe JA they can protect themselves, and what all they really know about their murdering daughter. That way they can try to convince themselves that they didn't create a murderer for a daughter. Imo, they did help create a very self centered selfish psychopath who felt she was above everyone else, including her own family.

I have read articles about how difficult it is for close family members to live with a psychopath and often parents just give in to the constant demands so they can have a little bit of peace. So I think she was a spoiled rotten brat. That is the only way they could deal with her violent behaviors by giving in over and over again. I don't think it took much to set Arias off even back then. If they even slightly crossed her or displeased her... she would throw a hissy fit from hell even when she lived at home, imo.

I wonder if any of the jurors noticed that Sandi wore her Mom#1 necklace in court. If I had seen that I would think she was sending a subliminal message to not believe the BS her daughter says.

I think the Arias family knows she is a pathological liar and is a very dangerous person.

I really don't see Sandi coming often to see JA once she moves to Perryville.

I think deep down inside all of her family is relieved that she is out of their lives for good now. Of course they would never admit that publicly but she has been a thorn in their side ever since she was a young child hitting her 5 year old brother in the head with a baseball bat. We may never know one tenth of what she did when she lived with them. I think she made their lives a living hell.

I think Sandi told her she can lie all she wants about claiming she was abused as a child but she also told her she wasn't going to get on the stand and lie that the abuse is true when she and JAs knows its not.

As far as the fanatical Arias followers to go to this extreme of spewing such lies and hatred non-stop.... they have to be very mentally imbalanced to even think their horrid behavior is acceptable. I find them just as dangerous and scary as the cold blooded psychopath they worship. No way is this in any way normal behavior.


I disagree because IMO, because if they were just pretending to believe her, IMO, I don't think they would be tweeting that the Alexander family needs to apologize to Jodi. I think they prefer to believe the lies about Travis over the fact that THEY have a murderer in their family. That is hurtful to them, so in turn, they want to trash travis and try to make the Alexanders hurt like they do because they really do have a murderer in the family and that is too unbelievable to them.
Hi everyone! I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Its over 80 degrees in South Georgia today and the beautiful flowers are beginning to bloom everywhere. Spring is my favorite time of year.:)

I have a question please for anyone that knows and will answer.

In the released videos are there any where Juan wants to bring certain evidence in against Arias and JSS disallowed them stating they were too prejudicial? Or would those discussions happen in an in-chamber meeting between all parties or a closed courtroom hearing? If so do you think we will ever get to see those? AZl will there be released transcripts of what transpired in the Judge's chambers the gazillion times they were held in secret? tia

The reason I ask is because I have always believed that Juan found out many more detrimental things about the defendant than ever came to light in the courtroom.

I think this is one of the main reasons her family members refused to testify. As long as they didn't testify then they wouldn't be subjected to cross examination by Juan, the master of all cross examiners, imo. This way they can continue to keep their dark secrets a secret.

BBM - One good example is how we got to hear testimony (via defense witnesses) that Travis was always 'borrowing money from Jodi", yet we never saw any testimony about their respective bank records, at least that I can recall. I believe he did borrow money from her at one time; to pay for the TWO sets of tires that SHE slashed, which set him back a whopping $2,000.00! I also remember seeing a cheque Jodi gave to Travis for $699.00 (believed to be for airfare). I don't think I'm the only one curious about the state of Jodi's finances preceding the murder. :thinking:
AZL question...can sidebar conversations be used for appeals for errors? The reason I ask is that the crazies at the JAII site seem to think when all the sidebars are released they will have MORE fodder (their words) for appeals.

Yes, they are part of the record.
What's this?

3/5/2015 JUL - Jury List - Restricted if Filed after 1/1/2008 - Party (001) 3/19/2015


These are all the entries posted from yesterday, perhaps just a filing of the court's copy of the jury list, though I thought there was 6 in total and only 1 to each the PT and DT, all the rest for court business? Only other thing I can think of is it's part of the investigation as to who released all the juror's info to JA's website and possibly one/some of the reporters.

3/5/2015 JUL - Jury List - Restricted if Filed after 1/1/2008 - Party (001) 3/19/2015
3/5/2015 EXW - Exhibits Work Sheet - Party (001) 3/19/2015
3/5/2015 JQU - Jury Question - Party (001) 3/19/2015
3/5/2015 VER - Verdict - Party (001) 3/19/2015
3/5/2015 JQU - Jury Question - Party (001) 3/19/2015
3/5/2015 WSH - Worksheet - Party (001) 3/19/2015
Well I am not so sure that they don't believe Jodi. I think they kind of have to believe it to justify their thoughts. BUT Aunt Sue has 6 groups she is a part of on FB and one of them is Domestic Violence law and education, and another one is Injustice in Arizona and of course the Free Jodi site. Nope I have to believe that they actually believe the lies that she was in a domestic violent relationship, which is SO absurd considering the amount, or should I say lack of time, that she was actually in a relationship with Travis. That is also why she (the Aunt) thinks that the family should apologize to JA because she really believes all the lies about Travis, that he was an abuser and a pedo. Like I said, with some people you just can't fix stupid. Because the alternative to believing all the lies about Travis is the STARK reality that JODI is a killer and she killed him three different ways. No...for Aunt Sue and the family it's EASIER to believe the lies. JMHO

Here’s the thing. imo any sane person knows who the abuser was in the relationship between Travis and Jodi. But even if someone wants to believe Travis abused Jodi even just once -- when she finally got away from her abuser and moved away, there’s no explaining why she stole a gun, changed her hair color, bought gas cans, rented a car and drove back to his house for more abuse. Well, unless her plan was to use the gun she stole to murder him. No one owes her or her family an apology.
I HATE what Jodi's family has done and the way they have acted, but I am not surprised. I have seen this mentality up close and personal. I am sharing this story just to give you all an insight. My husband's brother was arrested a few years ago for inappropriate liberties with a student. My brother-in-law is a male version of Jodi. He had a long history of issues in all the schools he worked in and violence at home. He was finally caught. At the time of the arrest he had a 6 yo son and a 7 week old son at home. After his arrest my in-laws blamed everyone on the planet except my brother-in-law. It was the 16 year-old girls fault, it was his wife's fault, but it was not his fault. My husband and I refused to jump on that bandwagon and it caused a lot of tension. 3 months after his arrest he wanted to stay in our home for a few days. We have 2 daughter who were 13 and 17 at the time and we said no. My husbands parents disowned him over his refusal to have his brother in our home with our 2 daughters. They have not spoken to us in 4 years. They have destroyed their own lives in an effort to bail my brother-in-law out of trouble. They gave him every cent they had. Why? Because they are just as sick as he is! He was troubled all his life and they never got him any help, instead they enabled and protected him. It becomes all consuming. Once the lies and cover ups start, they become the "truth" and anyone who dares question must pay. It is a sick cycle. I expect it is very similar with the Arias family.

Mod's I hope it is ok to have posted this.
Well I am not so sure that they don't believe Jodi. I think they kind of have to believe it to justify their thoughts. BUT Aunt Sue has 6 groups she is a part of on FB and one of them is Domestic Violence law and education, and another one is Injustice in Arizona and of course the Free Jodi site. Nope I have to believe that they actually believe the lies that she was in a domestic violent relationship, which is SO absurd considering the amount, or should I say lack of time, that she was actually in a relationship with Travis. That is also why she (the Aunt) thinks that the family should apologize to JA because she really believes all the lies about Travis, that he was an abuser and a pedo. Like I said, with some people you just can't fix stupid. Because the alternative to believing all the lies about Travis is the STARK reality that JODI is a killer and she killed him three different ways. No...for Aunt Sue and the family it's EASIER to believe the lies. JMHO

You know, even IF Travis had been abusive to her (which there is no proof other than a few unkind words) which she deserved. I wonder why they feel that his family owes anyone an apology? That would be ridiculous. Do they not remember that SHE KILLED THEIR BROTHER. It appears that the entire family has mental issues. IMO, they all need a fist in the face, along with the manslayer, and I hate violence in any form.
Jodi is simply a reflection of the "family" she grew up with.

Why is anybody surprised that they are a bunch of misfits and screw-ups that say outrageous things ?

They remind me of Honey Boo Boo's family.
You know, even IF Travis had been abusive to her (which there is no proof other than a few unkind words) which she deserved. I wonder why they feel that his family owes anyone an apology? That would be ridiculous. Do they not remember that SHE KILLED THEIR BROTHER. It appears that the entire family has mental issues. IMO, they all need a fist in the face, along with the manslayer, and I hate violence in any form.

I totally agree, and would add that WHY would a family have to apologize for a grown man? THEY (the family) didn't have anything to do with their relationship (or lack of one) and all the Alexanders have done is be there to get justice for their brother AS WOULD ANY FAMILY. IMO a grown man is responsible for his actions, not the family. And JA never apologized for killing him. WHY? Because they think he deserved it? If that were truly their logic it should be easy for them to understand WHY the Alexanders want justice. They would want it too. I agree with BritsKate, her family has been manipulated into thinking that hurting the Alexanders somehow helps Jodi. Again, cray cray.
you're right! "whack a doodles" is a great phase. That webber on her blog has a long post, from recently of real blabbering about the same thing. No evidence against the killer, no DNA, everything was planted, even accusing Nurmi of forcing her to tell a self-def story! Honestly it's hard to read not only because she doesn't believe ja killed Travis, but also the long, run on sentences & words that run together bringing all kinds of fantasy in.

BBM - So, what defense would she have recommended - the ninjas or the killer was never there, lol!?
You know, even IF Travis had been abusive to her (which there is no proof other than a few unkind words) which she deserved. I wonder why they feel that his family owes anyone an apology? That would be ridiculous. Do they not remember that SHE KILLED THEIR BROTHER. It appears that the entire family has mental issues. IMO, they all need a fist in the face, along with the manslayer, and I hate violence in any form.

Her family was in court while Juan proved every instance of DV she claimed could not have happened as Jodi testified. The man tried a murder case a sex crime (pedophilia) case and four cases of domestic violence all at once. It was an amazing thing to behold. He truly is THE Prosecutor
BBM - So, what defense would she have recommended - the ninjas or the killer was never there, lol!?
actually, she does go on with 'other people killed him', it's really depraved & very creepy.
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