Do The Jolie-Pitt Twins Have Downs Syndrome?

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White Rain

Active Member
Jan 3, 2007
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I see this over and over again, granted on tabloid magazine covers and such....
but to me it looks like Vivienne has downs...I don't see it so much in Knox....
I am not calling Star Magazine out here, have seen this on many but I saw this at Publix again today:
Impossible to tell just from a bad photo on a magazine cover. Angelina and Brad have never spoken to the public to say either way. Considering how involved Angelina is in children's causes, I'd imagine she would have let the world know if either of her children had down's syndrome.

I do wish these mags would leave children alone. There's no good reason to put them on the cover like this.

ETA: Not to say anyone should be ashamed of having a mental disability. But, really, magazines shouldn't print this kind of stuff unless they hear it directly from the parents and get an okay to do so.
I have seen those reports and the child does look like she could have it in some photos but that just may be how she looks. I tend to think not because they have enough money to have excellent prenatal care and downs syndrome is usually detected before birth. There is a blood test that is routinely done that can show if there is a possiblity and then an anmio is done to confirm it. It is not something that would go undiagnosed like the supposed nanny is suggesting. If there is something wrong with any of their children I am positive they would know it.
Amniocentesis would not be routine but may be elected if the mother is 40+ or at-risk.

Not sure when the test can be conducted in this day & age; but back when, an expectant mother had to wait until the 4th or 5th month. At that point, abortion by infusion would be an option, not the D&C type...

Anyway, even IF a mother gets test results which suggest a child may be born with Down's Syndrome or other conditions, she may well elect to go ahead with the pregnancy.

This story (and others out there too?) appear to be the same kind of carpolla we are served-up every day anymore.
Amniocentesis would not be routine but may be elected if the mother is 40+ or at-risk.

Not sure when the test can be conducted in this day & age; but back when, an expectant mother had to wait until the 4th or 5th month. At that point, abortion by infusion would be an option, not the D&C type...

Anyway, even IF a mother gets test results which suggest a child may be born with Down's Syndrome or other conditions, she may well elect to go ahead with the pregnancy.

This story (and others out there too?) appear to be the same kind of carpolla we are served-up every day anymore.

Shana, I agree with ya! Even tho Amnio is often done, it is still an elected procedure. At 32 I chose not to have it done. What was I gonna do if if came back positive - not a darn thing? I love my child no matter what. Anyway, he wasn't born with DS, and I don't believe the twins were either.

AJ is such an advocate, she would have been all over this if her children were born with DS. That's MO anyway.


There is just no way to tell if a child has DS, based on a couple of long-lens images like this mag is publishing. On top of that, how gutter of that mag to think they have the right to delve into the medical privacy of a child/children just because mom & dad are celebrities. The article serves one purpose and one purpose only: to create gossip for profit, at the expense of the Jolie-Pitt children.

*gets off of my soapbox*
if there is indeed a 'nanny' as the source, I hope she never gets hired again b/c someone who truly cared about the kids would not go blabbing to the tabloids regardless of how she felt she was treated by her employer

the twins are beautiful.
The twins don't look quite right to me.

Angelina hasn't looked healthy in years either, I hope she was eating nutritious food when she was pregnant. I have heard she is a functioning heroin user.

Hopefully they are all okay.
The twins don't look quite right to me.

Angelina hasn't looked healthy in years either, I hope she was eating nutritious food when she was pregnant. I have heard she is a functioning heroin user.

Hopefully they are all okay.

MOO that heroin user rumor came from where...wait for it....STAR magazine. It was on the cover a few weeks back.

How dare they. They had absolutely no proof, and only showed some very dark blurry photos from when AJ was in her teens, maybe early 20's.


they're beautiful babies, downs syndrome or not. shame on that "nanny." perhaps they're trying to pull back from the spotlight altogether, and that is why their twins haven't been seen much. they're babies for goodness sake, leave them be tabloids!
I read AJ's unauthorized bio by Andrew Morton. It showed some earlier pics of AJ and I've seen some younger pics of BP.....they have those kind of features that appear a little mongoloid when they are young. The eyes being almond, the face being round, the lips and mouth appearing protruded. Not all beautiful people started out that way! Sometimes the most ackward of features on a child turn into stunning features as an adult - thus the ugly duckling turning into a swan (come on, we've all gone to a high school reunion where the plain janes show up as knock-outs and the hot chicks are fat) The children were born sickly by admission, but I would expect the Jolie-Pitts to embrace their children if they were born with Downs or some other defect. They are the posterboard family for for now I'm with mgardner......Star Mag is sensationalizing for now and using little babies to get headlines for their publication. If it proves true that the babies have Downs, its still an ugly thing to do, to put it all over the news like that. Class up.....
I'm going to add that two of my grandchildren were born looking very similar....because I have almond eyes, a round face and big did my maybe I am seeing things through my almond eyes......:innocent:
I'm going to add that two of my grandchildren were born looking very similar....because I have almond eyes, a round face and big did my maybe I am seeing things through my almond eyes......:innocent:

Gma Kat - My DGBaby gets that same look when she is sleepy - my daughter even commented on it recently. The photos "TRASH" magazine chose to use on their cover are very poor quality - undoubtedly picked to further their assumption and sell magazines. Because all the good photos of these children makes them clearly "average" (ie not DS) looking. Even if these babies do have Downs or some other syndrome - it surely isn't the magazines job to make such an announcement! :maddening:

I wish people would stop buying the rags and certainly stop commenting on their trashy websites.
These kids clearly do NOT have Down's Syndrome, a syndrome which is immediately detectable at birth. With respect, IMO this is silly.

Vivienne on her second b-day.


Knox on his second b-day:



Several other pictures showing the children interact with mom on balcony can be seen here:


This looks to be a picture of Vivienne from the same day as the Star magazine picture:

My charming son Hunter, seen in my avatar has down syndrome. The twins do not. Once you have a baby w down syndrome, it's almost instantly noticeable to you. All the little features that these kids share. But no they don't have DS. And, to clarify for folks, not all tests of the baby inutero are accurate. I had three different tests and still never received a positive diagnosis prenatally. We didn't know till after he was born and even then we waited for blood tests to come back a week later for 100%confirmation.

If you have any other questions about DS, please ask! Not stupid questions and I am not embarrassed. Additionally I can tell you about all kinds of unique physical features that are found in kids with DS which are why I know neither of these babies have DS.

Ok ttyall later

With all due respect, what you stated is not always the case.

It took a nurse five hours after our son was born to surmise that maybe our baby had DS. Even then it took two weeks for them to grow his chromosomes to know for sure, and they had to send them to Texas.

It was really his lack of muscle tone that was the clincher. I am Scandinavian so I have the almond shaped eyes and my husband has them to some degree as well.

Some babies are born with Mosaic Down syndrome (a much more mild form) and do not show many of the phenotypical features associated with Down syndrome, like those with straight Trisomy 21 have or Translocation Trisomy 21 (translocation trisomy are usually much more severe).

I would be thrilled if the Jolie-Pitt twins had Down syndrome. It would be a wonderful thing for those of us in the DS community. Think of what Ronald Reagen did for Alzheimer's or Michael J Fox has done for Parkinson's.

Not that I would wish tragedy on anyone, but it would be good for people to see things in a different light.

This conversation has been fascinating to me, on so many levels~ Frigga
Vivienne does display some physical characteristics which some medical professionals might refer to as FLK (Funny Looking Kid syndrome). Not a dx in and of itself per se, but more an overall suspicion based on observation of behaviors and physical characteristics leaving the observer with a gut feeling that something could be off with a particular child.

Vivienne does NOT display two of the many features a clinician might look for when exploring a formal dx of DS - single palmar crease and clinodactyly.

With all due respect, what you stated is not always the case.

It took a nurse five hours after our son was born to surmise that maybe our baby had DS. Even then it took two weeks for them to grow his chromosomes to know for sure, and they had to send them to Texas.

It was really his lack of muscle tone that was the clincher. I am Scandinavian so I have the almond shaped eyes and my husband has them to some degree as well.

Some babies are born with Mosaic Down syndrome (a much more mild form) and do not show many of the phenotypical features associated with Down syndrome, like those with straight Trisomy 21 have or Translocation Trisomy 21 (translocation trisomy are usually much more severe).

I would be thrilled if the Jolie-Pitt twins had Down syndrome. It would be a wonderful thing for those of us in the DS community. Think of what Ronald Reagen did for Alzheimer's or Michael J Fox has done for Parkinson's.

Not that I would wish tragedy on anyone, but it would be good for people to see things in a different light.

This conversation has been fascinating to me, on so many levels~ Frigga

Thanks for the info. I don't want to contradict a mom of a DS kid since clearly you know much more than I ever could on the subject! But, from what I have read, kids with DS have certain features that are detectable immediately by a doctor, at birth, like hand creases, etc. Of course I understand doing a blood test. Especially if a doctor doesn't want to come out and say, "Look, you child appears to have characteristics of DS." It's easier to say, "hey, we need to runs some tests here." Then, the test is done and may simply prove what the doctor knows and gives the parents certainty. In any event, by the age these kids are now, surely their pediatrician would know if there was an issue and they appear to have none of the features of classic DS.
I was interested to learn about mosaic DS. I'd never heard about that before! However, what I just read indicates that it is not Down Syndrome, but a disorder in which the child has some of the chromosomal abnormalities of DS but not all. I checked out this website that has tons of pictures of kids with the disorder. Looking at those pics, many people could have the disorder and in some cases it would be hard to tell by physical appearance exactly what's going on. Some have slight DS features but not all.
But the question was whether the Jolie-Pitt kids have DS, by which I take to mean, classic Down's Syndrome and IMO, they most certainly do not. I also don't think there's a chance they have any form of it, like Mosaic DS. They both look very normal to me, although the girl has a slightly bulbous forehead which is fairly typical in some kids.
Vivienne does display some physical characteristics which some medical professionals might refer to as FLK (Funny Looking Kid syndrome). Not a dx in and of itself per se, but more an overall suspicion based on observation of behaviors and physical characteristics leaving the observer with a gut feeling that something could be off with a particular child.

Vivienne does NOT display two of the many features a clinician might look for when exploring a formal dx of DS - single palmar crease and clinodactyly.

Did you ever see the picture of what the Gallery of the Absurd did when Angelina was pregnant with Shiloh? At that time everyone was predicting what a perfect and beautiful child they would have so they took that idea and ran with it.

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