Do you guys think AB and EB killed Zahra?

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Crime & Courts
Father Denies Role in Death and Dismemberment of North Carolina Girl

Published November 17, 2010
Associated Press
HICKORY, N.C. -- The father of the disabled girl North Carolina police say was killed and dismembered says he didn't have anything to do with her death.

"There's no way I would do that to my baby," Adam Baker told WBTV. "There's no way in the world I would hurt my daughter."

Adam Baker said he avoided a public vigil Tuesday night on what would have been Zahra Baker's 11th birthday because he didn't want to take the focus off his child. He watched over the Internet along with his mother and lawyer.

I'm torn on AB's involvement in Zahra's demise. I'd like to believe a father couldn't participate in something as horrific as this and I wonder if this is all EB and would she have had enough time to do this while AB was not around. EB's first letters seemed to be putting AB in her dastardly deeds so she won't go down alone. One doesn't need skills to be able to dismember someone if rage is in their hearts. One could think that cutting up a chicken would be the same with a human...sorry to type that but it doesn't take skills to do something so horrific. Just a black soul and heart ..

It was EB who wrote the phony ransom note, it was EB who took LE to find Zahra's scattered body parts, it was EB who seemed to be in control. LE would have to know if AB was involved by now or at least make an attempt to "interveiw" him in regards to this dastardly deed...JMHO

He claims he was away, which I'm sure can easily be investigated and quite possibly already has...he now seems to me to leave the child rearing to this so called woman, EB, I think she's a master manipulator...and could easily manipulate AB who fell head over heels for a woman he hardly knew...I can't shake the feeling this is all EB...JMHO

Justice for Zahra
I read the fox news article and I'm still not sure what to think. When I think about the whole sorted affair I am thinking with a sane mind. I know that insanity will never fly as a defense but I think they are both a bit insane. EB probably more than AB but I think nothing but the worst of both of them. Considering I think with sanity and they don't, I really can't decide what their crazy minds could think up.
I hope this info helps.

' . . . We understand Zahra's father, Adam Baker, was out of town working from Thursday
to the time she was reported missing Saturday at 2:30. . . .'

Whether his having been out of town to work seems to qualify as a 'trip' to anyone,
it is the word I chose to use.

I think I heard the word 'trip' used somewhere in one of the news videos but I am not certain
and it does not seem worth searching for the reference. Bottom line is that the claim
was made that he was 'out of town' from Thursday to Saturday.
If Adam was out of town from Thursday until Saturday that would have given Evil1 plenty of time to do it alone I would think? Aslo I think with EB there was more to it than just the killing and dismemberment of the child. Before all of this is over and more of the facts come out, I feel we will find that EB did this from her belief in the Gothic darkside of her life.. Look at the tatoos, the Gothicfairy666 as she called herself. This is more than I even want to think about, yet because of what was done to that sweet child how can you not?
I agree and believe Zahra was probably killed right after the visit to the furniture shop.

I only mentioned the 'trip' that had been reported because it appeared in news reports
and so needed that time to be accounted for in any theory of what happened or
did not happen.

The 'trip' time frame did not allow Elisa enough time to have committed the crime
and cover up. While I didn't believe that timeframe to be real I still had to look at it
as a possibility since it appeared in a news report. I suspect this Thursday-Saturday
time frame was sort of an attempt to establish an alibi and mislead investigators.
Does anyone remember what EB was looking for at the funiture store, was it a mattress? Also when was the new mattress bought? If they can find out when new mattress was bought then it would sure establish when Z died.
Now that I am curious I am looking into this a bit more.
ABC news says:
'. . . Adam Baker said that because of his work schedule he hadn't seen his daughter since Thursday night . . .'

'. . .Right, Nancy. And the other disturbing part of this story, too, is that we learned that the father hasn`t seen Zahra since Thursday night. . .'

I wonder if they all just got lazy on this one or if his story began to change. Now I am curious - lol

Still, as I said earlier, I don't mind a bit if he has less of an alibi. :)

ETA:Ok I found a video in which he does say that he did not actually see Zahra from thursday
until Saturday but he himself did not say if he had been out of town or not during that time.
The reporter inserted that she had been asleep when he returned home Friday and so He did not see
her all day Friday either. Then they moved on to Saturday's events.

So we could conclude from this that:
- AB left Thursday for a work trip,
- returned late Friday night Z was "asleep";
- AB was awoken early Saturday by the fire;
- AB goes to check on another job;
- AB comes home to clean up the mess from the fire
- Elisa runs outside screaming Zahra is missing..

I'm not absolving AB and this is strictly speculation on my part but this scenerio gives Elisa PLENTY of time to do something to Zahra and set up the cover up all by herself...
So we could conclude from this that:
- AB left Thursday for a work trip,
- returned late Friday night Z was "asleep";
- AB was awoken early Saturday by the fire;
- AB goes to check on another job;
- AB comes home to clean up the mess from the fire
- Elisa runs outside screaming Zahra is missing..

I'm not absolving AB and this is strictly speculation on my part but this scenerio gives Elisa PLENTY of time to do something to Zahra and set up the cover up all by herself...
I think you have got it down to a T. Looks plain and simple, EB set a blind man up:(
Questions here.

I know it had been said that EB hurt/broke her hand hitting ZB so hard when it hit her prosthetic leg. The person saying it also said EB said not to tell AB because he would be mad.

Now with DSS coming out for a child welfare check, could AB have been at work and never hear that they had came out for a check?

Could ZB have kept the abuse from AB too? Afraid to tell. Staying in her room knowing that if she did come out it would be worse the next day? Providing an excuse of I fell or whatever if asked about visual marks?

They are questions I have been running threw my head. Is it plausible that EB and ZB together kept the abuse from AB? I don't even hear neighbors, friends or family say they told AB. I heard BB say AB knew ZB was kept in the room. The thing is really did he think ZB wanted to be in the room?
Questions here.

I know it had been said that EB hurt/broke her hand hitting ZB so hard when it hit her prosthetic leg. The person saying it also said EB said not to tell AB because he would be mad.

Now with DSS coming out for a child welfare check, could AB have been at work and never hear that they had came out for a check?

Could ZB have kept the abuse from AB too? Afraid to tell. Staying in her room knowing that if she did come out it would be worse the next day? Providing an excuse of I fell or whatever if asked about visual marks?

They are questions I have been running threw my head. Is it plausible that EB and ZB together kept the abuse from AB? I don't even hear neighbors, friends or family say they told AB. I heard BB say AB knew ZB was kept in the room. The thing is really did he think ZB wanted to be in the room?

My thoughts are that Zahra was getting old enough to start standing up to EB and maybe started threatening to tell AB and DSS EVERYTHING EB was doing...i.e. abuse, drugs
My thoughts are that Zahra was getting old enough to start standing up to EB and maybe started threatening to tell AB and DSS EVERYTHING EB was doing...i.e. abuse, drugs

I thought that too. I also thought that maybe ZB thought she was protecting AB. I think she knew things that could get EB in very big trouble.
Snipped from NBM's time line in sticky............

thursday 7 October: dad says he last sees Zahra when he gets home from work

friday 8 october: Elesa calls family member and asks her to drop the charges. Family
member says this is the first that she has heard that the family had
even moved to a new house

friday 8 october: father states zahra was in bed when he left for work and in bed when
he got home from work

There was no trip. This is a sticking point with me because trying to put AB out of the house when he was not makes it appear that EB would have had time alone to do all of this when she didn't. That's just one link, I'm looking everywhere and that's what I keep seeing. No trip except on that one site which has more than one mistake on it.
IMO the trip shouldn't even be a question. He was there when the FD arrived, and said his dog woke him up and he seen the fire. So there's no question, he couldn't have possibly been on some work trip from Thursday till Saturday.
Snipped from NBM's time line in sticky............

thursday 7 October: dad says he last sees Zahra when he gets home from work

friday 8 october: Elesa calls family member and asks her to drop the charges. Family
member says this is the first that she has heard that the family had
even moved to a new house

friday 8 october: father states zahra was in bed when he left for work and in bed when
he got home from work

There was no trip. This is a sticking point with me because trying to put AB out of the house when he was not makes it appear that EB would have had time alone to do all of this when she didn't. That's just one link, I'm looking everywhere and that's what I keep seeing. No trip except on that one site which has more than one mistake on it.

I don't think there was a trip. I think some media rushed into things and called it a trip. I think he left for work early morning, and came home late night. One speculation here, being the job he had. Having to travel to a job site say leaves at a 4-5 am. Travel time let's say 3 hrs. (getting to the yard, picking up tools, getting directions, following etc.) It was before daylight savings time so let's say job ended about 4-5 ish. (Back to the yard, unload, chit chat, possibly stop to eat a burger.) Home around 7-9 pm. This is typical for construction type work. I know this wasn't that but I'm speculating all of this to begin with.
Sorry but I still don't see him doing an overnight trip for a job.

I'm not saying there was an overnight job.

Yet I am going to say that this company did go on site for work. It was not in their yard. If the site was far from the main location and a bigger job, the boss might ask a worker to stay the night. It isn't uncommon. Various fields that normally do not have an over night stay have been asked a time or two.
I think you have got it down to a T. Looks plain and simple, EB set a blind man up:(

I'm not saying there was an overnight job.

Yet I am going to say that this company did go on site for work. It was not in their yard. If the site was far from the main location and a bigger job, the boss might ask a worker to stay the night. It isn't uncommon. Various fields that normally do not have an over night stay have been asked a time or two.

I worked for a landscaping company in the office when I was younger. There were often times my "guys" were overnight or several nights somewhere if we had a large corporate job out of town. Especially if we were fighting bad weather ... the buys would work til dark to try and get it done with bad weather on the way, crash a hotel, work the next day til dark, etc.

I'm not saying that's the case HERE but it's NOT unheard of at all.
I don't think there was a trip. I think some media rushed into things and called it a trip. I think he left for work early morning, and came home late night. One speculation here, being the job he had. Having to travel to a job site say leaves at a 4-5 am. Travel time let's say 3 hrs. (getting to the yard, picking up tools, getting directions, following etc.) It was before daylight savings time so let's say job ended about 4-5 ish. (Back to the yard, unload, chit chat, possibly stop to eat a burger.) Home around 7-9 pm. This is typical for construction type work. I know this wasn't that but I'm speculating all of this to begin with.

And he never once sticks his head around his daughter's door before leaving or on getting home to just look at her or tiptoe in and kiss her sleeping forehead...and the yard's on fire and it never occurs to him to go and wake her, get her up in case the flames spread to the house, or just make sure she's not frightened in case she wakes up while it's all going on?

AB can claim to be Sergeant Schultz and the 3 Wise Monkeys all rolled into one, others can claim he is as ineffectual, docile and submissive as a newborn lamb and it would be absolutely fine if he didn't also happen to be a custodial parent. No custodial parent IMO has the right to be THAT oblivious or that uninvolved with their child especially a child with Zahra's medical background.
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