"Do you remember seeing a young lady with a camera..."

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Guy on end: speak no evil (mouth clamped shut)
Cowboy: see no evil (eyes hidden away)
TM: hear no evil (hand over ear)
MN holding up papers: but I gots da evil right here!

Not to make light of that... but it does look like an odd set up. Poor TM... he looks very uncomfortable... I don't think I could deal with the stress he deals with. :(

That is so funny...and you are right on. And yes, TM looks like the odd man out here and it looks to me as though he is not enjoying the company.

More info on cowboy dude (Dennis, but not to be confused with the KFN Dennis):


subpoenas returned x2 in Nov. Wonder if he's relocated?

Cowboy dude-MIA:waitasec:
A blog from R. Grund (11-19-08)

He posted it as a bulletin on MySpace, which only goes to people on your friends list. Here is the whole thing, note at the bottom he asks to re-post:
P.S. Thanks for all your hard work, keeping us on the straight and narrow (well, mostly:))

Good morning all!

I was wondering if anyone here was at the celebration for Caylee last week at Blanchard Park? If you were - do you remember seeing a young lady with a camera asking people questions on camera. She claimed she was doing an independent documentary.
Did anyone get a name or business card from her? If so, can you pass that information on to me?

The reason I ask is this - if you answered anything on camera she cannot use your footage for public release without a release from you to do so. Assuming she really was doing an independent documentary and not working for someone to get that footage. The next paragraph will explain that some more.

Secondly, we now know that the large gentlemen in the cowboy hat was not a "protester". He was a paid member of the Anthony Family defense team. He is a private investigator hired by Mark NeJame. His name is Dennis Mand he was there to disrupt the event and get information. He can be seen in a news report sitting on a sofa with NeJame, Tim Miller (what is someone like Tim Miller doing with this crew?!) and another unknown gentlemen. If I were to look for that stolen camera I would look toward him and his female associate that was holding the sign stating Caylee Is Alive. Those same two people were at the Equusearch sites both Sat. and Sun. I am not saying they did it but it's a natural place to start looking.

This strange case has become even more bizarre with these new players, including the founder of Kid Finders and his history, and I think it's time questions were asked and answers sought.

If you a friend of Caylee's please repost this bulletin to get the information out.

What it boils down to, is some guy had his camera stolen...its not a nice thing to do, but its not like there was anything of value in the pics. And if there were, he certainly would not have placed in on the table so carelessly while taking a photo-op..(yes, i was addicted to murtcam at the time but am in recovery now lol)

I think the Rev G's words that day were lovely, my opinion of him has changed greatly since then though....

As much of an attack as I know this is bound to get, I'm just stating my opinion and uneasy feelings about this man.
He is a hypocrite. He stood there and told the world not to judge the A's, when he does just that.

He was holier-than-thou in saying he doesnt hold a grudge about the A's implicating his son. This message proves he does, and he is getting his own sweet revenge.(in a pathetically thin veiled attempt)

If he had any concerns they should have been brought up with LE. Not like this. He knew damn well that every minute of those days were captured by the media anyway.
he does not care about the stolen camera. His agenda is clear.

I do agree with the gist of his message. These people are highly suspicious, who are connected to the A's. And it does need to be investigated.

Whatever that means we will find out soon enough.

But I have little more respect for mr G than I do any of them.
(He does seem to have raised a very decent young man though.)

I wonder how many more donations the revs congregation got after the BP farce. And every blog and interview since.

It makes my skin crawl, the same way I suppose the A's make other posters skin crawl.

I wonder if he considers himself one of the 'players' in the case. Indeed it does just keep getting more bizarre, and shameful.

Just my opinion.

ps: I have no intentions of getting into a bickering match about this. I have posted my opinion and will not return to the thread, so dont bother getting the bait ready, cause I wont be here to take it. ;) :blowkiss:...I am learning to just let it go because life is too short.

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