"Do you remember seeing a young lady with a camera..."

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DNA Solves
TES- he handled the boarding of horses for the TES search. Link: https://www.pleasefindcaylee.com/Horse_Information.html
GA supposedly took & tore up the sign on Murt's van.
Drunken-ish cowboyd dude is in the pic on the sofa.

Picture of Cowboy dude, Nejame and TM:


OMG! I almost fell of my computer chair laughing, look at all the different faces they are making on the couch! I cant take it anymore, Im waiting for the Ring Master to come out and say its the last circus act.
- George is the one who took the sign off Murt's van. This is on video, and I've watched the video several times. Cindy was beside him. As they walked away from the van with George holding the sign, they were saying 'he' stole the sign from St. Kyle's. The way Murt got the sign is because Lois was with him at BP that day, and Lois claims that Cindy gave her the sign some time ago. (I believe Lois.)

- On Murt's chat, people were saying that Tim M said 'Drunken Cowboy' had nothing to do with TES. Drunken Cowboy claimed he was boarding horses for the TES search.

- Murt said that Drunken Cowboy, who questioned Murt, did not smell like alcohol, but acted very odd. That's how people started calling him Drunk Cowboy. I was watching on Murt's cam.

- The woman did "interview" Murt. I was watching on Murt's cam and remember went Murt went off with her, and when he came back and said she was making an independent documentary and had interviewed him.

- The 'tearing' reference to the poster is the way George roughly pulled Lois's sign from Murt's van and took it.

- Drunk Cowboy's last name is M*****, not M*****.

Just adding the info I have.

ETA: The picture is from the news video where Nejame was announcing that Cindy had fired Larry G for taking money from NBC for interviews. I've been asking ever since what in the world Tim M was doing at that interview.

That's supposedly Nejame's office they are all sitting in.

Who is the 4th guy in the picture?? During the interview, he keeps nodding wildly in agreement with Nejame.

So far as this info that Drunk Cowboy was hired to disrupt the search, and that he and the woman were hired to gather info, I hope charges of some kind can be brought if this is true. This is going way too far. Let's keep in mind that the reason the dive was 3 hours late getting started that morning is because Cindy had Nejame try to prevent the search.

Why did Cindy want to stop this search so badly that she went to such extremes to stop it??
This was found in the FL Division of Licensing.

Hopefully, this is him. Otherwise, he's not a FL Licensed PI. (Which he isn't anyway, if this is him, because it says Security Guard)

For those who don't know, he's the drunkencowboy seated above with Nejame. The obnoxious one at BP the day Murt was approached by him.

I can't remember - who is the fourth "gentleman" in this picture??

I believe the day of the activity at BP, the cowboy was wearing a TES shirt. Someone correct me if not.
Please tell me why these people haven't been hauled in for questioning, instead of letting them run TES and Leonard P. out of town??? That's been their goal from day one is to STOP the searches at any cost!!!

Aren't the police smart enough to figure all this out?? Why are they targeting LP?? He is the only one who is truely searching! Even Tim tucks tail and runs out of town every time he starts searching. I think I smell a big rat!!!!
- George is the one who took the sign off Murt's van. This is on video, and I've watched the video several times. Cindy was beside him. As they walked away from the van with George holding the sign, they were saying 'he' stole the sign from St. Kyle's. The way Murt got the sign is because Lois was with him at BP that day, and Lois claims that Cindy gave her the sign some time ago. (I believe Lois.)

- On Murt's chat, people were saying that Tim M said 'Drunken Cowboy' had nothing to do with TES. Drunken Cowboy claimed he was boarding horses for the TES search.

- Murt said that Drunken Cowboy, who questioned Murt, did not smell like alcohol, but acted very odd. That's how people started calling him Drunk Cowboy. I was watching on Murt's cam.

- The woman did "interview" Murt. I was watching on Murt's cam and remember went Murt went off with her, and when he came back and said she was making an independent documentary and had interviewed him.

- The 'tearing' reference to the poster is the way George roughly pulled Lois's sign from Murt's van and took it.

- Drunk Cowboy's last name is M*****, not M*****.

Just adding the info I have.

ETA: The picture is from the news video where Nejame was announcing that Cindy had fired Larry G for taking money from NBC for interviews. I've been asking ever since what in the world Tim M was doing at that interview.

That's supposedly Nejame's office they are all sitting in.

Who is the 4th guy in the picture?? During the interview, he keeps nodding wildly in agreement with Nejame.

So far as this info that Drunk Cowboy was hired to disrupt the search, and that he and the woman were hired to gather info, I hope charges of some kind can be brought if this is true. This is going way too far. Let's keep in mind that the reason the dive was 3 hours late getting started that morning is because Cindy had Nejame try to prevent the search.

Why did Cindy want to stop this search so badly that she went to such extremes to stop it??

So, I'll ask what we're all wondering. Why is cowboy-guy so important to be sitting up there with Nejame, & Tim? Certainly just boarding horses isn't reason enough.
The rumor may have been that "drunken cowboy" tore the poster off the truck, but maybe others mistook it for his tearing up the poster. "Tore off" as in viciously and maliciously removing someone else's property without actually destroying it.

You are right,on the video I saw George shove the sign into the back of his black vehicle (the one with all the "Help us find Caylee" stuff painted on it. It looked to be a heavy wooden poster.
Isn't the 4 th guy that kid finders dude ? Maybe I'm wrong but that's who he kinda looks like .

Yes BeanE I too have been wondering what Tim is doing with this bunch . It really discredits him to be huddled up next to these people
Isn't the 4 th guy that kid finders dude ? Maybe I'm wrong but that's who he kinda looks like .

Yes BeanE I too have been wondering what Tim is doing with this bunch . It really discredits him to be huddled up next to these people

Tim's body language in that photo is very interesting. He's totally turned away from the group and he looks disgusted.
Tim's body language in that photo is very interesting. He's totally turned away from the group and he looks disgusted.

I agree with you, Indigo. Tim does look disgusted, and whoever took that picture could have taken a better picture. Usually, a series of pics are taken and the best one used.
Question: the stolen camera in question had taken pictures of what the divers removed from BP correct?

Question: What in the WORLD would the A family want with that camera if they are certain Caylee is not in that river?
If you look at the picture and take body language into consideration it doesn't look like TM is too comfortable being there. Notice his legs crossed and leaning away from Nejame..Wasn't this meeting held at one of the few times GA & CA had made nice with TM. Didn't they use a resturant that NeJame owned or had stock in to hold one of the TES meetings last time they were in town to search. Could be this was a stunt to suck TM into the A's circus only to turn on TES once again. Seems like the A family has declared war on anyone who dare look for their missing grandaughter but refuse to give any evidence or information to aid in the search for a live Caylee and why are they so upset about the BP search. As far as I can tell the meet and greet and the open house was all about PR for the A's. I haven't heard any pleas from them unless I missed something to the kidnapper to please bring our Caylee home...:confused:
This is going way too far. Let's keep in mind that the reason the dive was 3 hours late getting started that morning is because Cindy had Nejame try to prevent the search.

Why did Cindy want to stop this search so badly that she went to such extremes to stop it??

I've been wondering this too. It's my understanding that she is upset that people are searching for a dead Caylee rather than a live Caylee... but why try to stop the searches for a dead Caylee? If her precious Caylee is in fact alive, then what harm are these searches doing? If she's alive, they won't be finding her dead, so who cares? If she really had nothing to worry about, she should be saying, "Let them waste their time!" To me, that pretty much tells me she knows Caylee is dead and she is scared as h3ll that she'll be found...
The rumor may have been that "drunken cowboy" tore the poster off the truck, but maybe others mistook it for his tearing up the poster. "Tore off" as in viciously and maliciously removing someone else's property without actually destroying it. Maybe? I dunno.

It's not just the cowboy in that photo who looks drunk.

I saw some raw footage somewhere of GA walking back to his vehicle with the sign that was NOT torn up, claiming that it was HIS property and put the sign in the back of his vehicle. I will have to look around but I think it is at one of the news sites that has the "tempers flair part one and two" from that first day of the dive at BP.
I watched the drunken-cowboy live on Murt's feed. He kept badgering Murt to go with him to take a lie detector test, saying he'd pay for it. Ironic that suddenly LP is the one taking the test. Later, drunken-cowboy stood at Murt's van asking lots of questions and talking (I think this was when he stated his address and phone number, etc) and he was holding up his cell phone. According to Murt, drunken-cowboy was transmitting their conversation to MN, but that's Murt's statement (not mine). Murt was going to file charges for that, saying it's illegal.

Also the woman that's mentioned (thin, blond, pony-tail) and her friend (shorter, heavier, dark hair). Very suspicious behaviour, imho, of the two women. They kept trying to come over to Murt to talk and spent a lot of time at another vehicle talking to someone.

Bizarre. And yes, the drunken-cowboy's name is wrong in the first post. The other posts to public records charges (gun, etc) have the cowboy's right name.
Tim's body language in that photo is very interesting. He's totally turned away from the group and he looks disgusted.

I noticed that as well. He has that look like "okay, you can make me sit on the sofa and take a picture with you, but you can't make me like it" look.
LOL please look at poor Tim, look at the body language. I think he wanted to be anywhere but there. Drunkin Cowboy is sure low under his hat. What a crew. I knew from the onset that was a diversion tactic. That lawyer is no fool. I suspect the missing camera is in his safe. BTW the DC was really overacting. What a ham.

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