Do you sincerely believe Jose Baez' version of what happened!

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Do you sincerely believe JB's version of what happened, did Caylee accidently drown?

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  • Poll closed .'s cruel and totally made up by ICA to torture her family. Spiteful b****, remember??
I never did but this Vasco person (convicted kidnapper that was allegedly contacted by George prior to CA reporting Caylee missing) being on the defense witness list has certainly thrown a monkey wrench into my line of thinking. WTH? Hoping this will be cleared up, pronto.
The question is does Jose believe it? I vote no, he just hopes he can sell it. Can he sell it? nope.

Jose could not sell bikini's in Florida:laughcry:Good Luck selling this load of BS!:banghead:

I voted No!
I actually believe this is Jose's story and Casey thought it sounded better than hers so she is going along with it. Jose knew there was no way the jury would believe the nanny story, so they've thrown this one in because it may make the jury have reasonable doubt, Casey may walk away from this. I doubt it but just saying it's better than what Casey had.

I sincerely do not believe Jose Baez version of what happened.
First off, this is not Jose's story. This had to come from his client ICA. Jose's just the story teller.

I could have believed it if he had left off the icing: Ray Kronk and George dismissing his daughter from be responsilbe for a deceased body. That's a big joke.

And, who sits in jail three years holding back the truth about an accidential drowning? That idea alone makes this very, very difficult to believe. jmo

not to mention the absolutely unbelievable assertion that a former detective elected to attempt to hide the body of a child who died accidentally.

who could possibly believe they could simply erase a child's presence on this earth? a former detective or ICA?

not a difficult choice.
This story is the making of Casey, not Baez. It is my understanding that Baez cannot just go into court and make up a story, the story has to come from his client.

I personally don't think that Baez believes this story in the least. His and Casey's relationship has had a dramatic change over the last several months and I figure that it is because of this new story she has given him, that he now has to embarrass himself with in court. I also personally think that Baez could give a rats hairy azz what happens to Casey Anthony as long as he has the attention to "boost" his career as a defense attorney.

If Casey would have told Baez that Caylee drowned and that SHE hid the body because she was afraid for whatever reason, it may have been believable, but to lay the disposal solely at the feet of her father ruined it for her, even in her defense teams eyes.
This story is the making of Casey, not Baez. It is my understanding that Baez cannot just go into court and make up a story, the story has to come from his client.

I personally don't think that Baez believes this story in the least. His and Casey's relationship has had a dramatic change over the last several months and I figure that it is because of this new story she has given him, that he now has to embarrass himself with in court. I also personally think that Baez could give a rats hairy azz what happens to Casey Anthony as long as he has the attention to "boost" his career as a defense attorney.

If Casey would have told Baez that Caylee drowned and that SHE hid the body because she was afraid for whatever reason, it may have been believable, but to lay the disposal solely at the feet of her father ruined it for her, even in her defense teams eyes.

I don't believe for one second that Casey came up with this story. I think Jose advised her to go down another route. He planted a seed if you like. I appreciate this is a big no no in law but Baez thinks he is above all that! JMO
I don't believe for one second that Casey came up with this story. I think Jose advised her to go down another route. He planted a seed if you like. I appreciate this is a big no no in law but Baez thinks he is above all that! JMO

She made up the whole Zanny story and had people believing it for quiet sometime. If she could come up with a fake nanny, she certainly could come up with this story IMHO.
I don't believe Mason would sit beside Baez with as many years of experience as he has knowing that Baez came up with this story.
not one bit. but im still afraid a jury might. nothing will surprise me after the OJ verdict. i admit i even get stressed out thinking about Casey walking out of that courtroom. jurys can always surprise u and im worried.
I checked "Other" but only because I do think there is a remote possibility of sexual abuse (NOT of Caylee drowning in the pool or GA having anything to do with it). I have seen and heard too much about sexual abuse over the years to never be surprised if someone starts remembering. I think KC shows symptoms of Sociopathy but not PTSD. So, no I do not believe the Defense argument but I would need to hear more about the recollections of abuse to know whether that might be a mitigating factor in how KC became who she was.
i also think (remember back at the beginning JB was touting the Nanny abuction story) that the defense read many "blogs" and took all the possible theories from websurfing. every thought someone said aloud "eew george is creepy calling his daughter beautiful" - "ICA could lie and claim accident since there is no COD" - "how did RK stumble aross the body twice" ect. and there u have the big pot of spaghetti to throw against the wall. i think JB had a lot to do with the defense going this direction. ICA would have stuck to the nanny story til the end. im sure once he started reading to her ideas the 2 of them came up with a way to get pity for ICA and back at anyone who dared cross them
I have not followed this case as closely as many on this board. Until the state rested their case, I did believe it was some sort of accident and staged kidnapping. The chloroform evidence has convinced me otherwise. I now believe the murder was pre-meditated. Whether ICA intended to kill her or just put her to sleep, I believe the administration of the choloroform was intentional and Caylee paid with her life.

Ironically, JB talked about an "ah-ha" moment. My "ah-ha" moment was when the computer guy said 84 times.
Do you sincerely believe JB's version of what happened. Did he convince anyone that is the TRUTH ?

I actually find Cindy's reaction more interesting in the jailhouse tape. When the talking heads kept playing it over and over to show Casey saying "surprise, surprise," I realized Cindy's voice stopped cracking when she talked about Caylee drowning.

Before that part Cindy is crying and you can hear it in her voice. She is crying when she talks a bout Lee being sick and Dad blowing up at the media. But her voice never cracks when she talks about Caylee drowning. That just threw me. I would expect talking about Caylee being dead would be harder than Lee or "Dad."

I want someone to ask Cindy where she heard that Caylee drowned.
This story is the making of Casey, not Baez. It is my understanding that Baez cannot just go into court and make up a story, the story has to come from his client.

I personally don't think that Baez believes this story in the least. His and Casey's relationship has had a dramatic change over the last several months and I figure that it is because of this new story she has given him, that he now has to embarrass himself with in court. I also personally think that Baez could give a rats hairy azz what happens to Casey Anthony as long as he has the attention to "boost" his career as a defense attorney.

If Casey would have told Baez that Caylee drowned and that SHE hid the body because she was afraid for whatever reason, it may have been believable, but to lay the disposal solely at the feet of her father ruined it for her, even in her defense teams eyes.

BBM EEEEWWWW Are you talking about Jose's hairy azz ?Mental pic made me:sick:
I have always thought Caylee drowned and that Casey tried to hide that from her parents so they would not blame her.

I also think the pool issues was alot bigger in their house then they have made it sound.

I think Casey heard it everyday 'be careful the pool ,damn it Casey the pool, Casey the ladder. I dont think Casey ever really thought it could happen. Then it did. Casey wanted anything other then her mom to be correct and she still wanted it for a long time after her arrest. IMO

The rest of what he says ,if he can prove it well then I will be shocked.

I dont think Caylee was murdered in cold blood and the state didnt change my mind. I was hoping they would and they almost had me until the ME said she could not say for sure the duct tape was ever on Caylee's face and she based her cause of death on "normal " people and their responces to accidents.

Her 3 reasons for reaching her conclusion did not cut it for me.
No Way!

You might set up a murder to look like an accident - you DON'T set up an accident to look like a murder!

The whole story is totally ridiculous.

Just my humble opinion.
not good. if you extrapolate these results to the jury you discover that 5% believe JB or are undecided. the prosecution rested on a case we pretty much understood months ago. that's all they got people. and now it's time for FUD.

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